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Mamma. The wicked, artful Judas had told them that he would kiss Jesus, that they might know whom to seize upon.

D. Did he kiss him, Mamma? Mamma. Yes: he went up to him, saying, "Master, Master!" and kissed him. When the captain, and the men with swords in their hands, saw Judas kiss Jesus, they rushed forward and caught him, and bound him, and led him away. As they went along they treated him in the most unkind

manner, striking him with their hands, and laughing at him, and tying something round his eyes that he might not see who struck him. Ah! how little had he done to deserve such cruel treatment! After this they stripped off all his own clothes, and dressed him in a purple robe, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it round his head, and knelt down before him, calling him names, and saying all the unkind things they could think of.

Then they led him away to the judge, to ask him what they should do with him: and the judge told them to put some nails through his hands, and some nails through his feet, and to fasten him upon a wooden cross.

D. Oh, Mamma! how that must have hurt him! What very cruel, wicked people they must have been!

Mamma. They were indeed,
When you are older,

my dear.

you will know why Jesus Christ,


the only Son of God, went through all this dreadful suffering.



Mamma. As soon as the judge had given orders for Jesus Christ to be nailed upon the cross, the soldiers took off the purple robe, and dressed him in his own clothes again, and led him away to crucify him.

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