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farm, where he spent about a couple of years. He here prosecuted his studies in private for several months, though unaided, yet with undiminished zeal, to maintain his position with his more fortunate classmates who were able to remain at school; and it was not till reluctantly forced to abandon all hope of going, either to Princeton or to the University at Chapel Hill, that he discontinued them in despair.

Disappointed in these early and ambitious hopes, he became an enthusiastic hunter and fisherman, and passed many a night in scouring the swamps with his dogs, torch and axe, and many a day in his canoe on the Pamlico River. Being young, it was also his province to "drive" the hounds in the stag hunts, which were frequent in that neighborhood. These traits of the boy are thus referred to, because, sooth to say, the veteran statesman may still be said to lead much the same sort of life, in the intervals which the force of early formed tastes and habits still induce him occasionally to snatch from more ambitious pursuits.

At the age of fourteen he was placed in the store of a merchant in Carolina, with whom, about two years thereafter, he removed to New York, in 1802; to which circumstance is to be ascribed the transfer of his public career from the soil of his birth and family associations, to the great commercial metropolis of which he afterwards became, and continued through not less than nine Congressional terms, or eighteen years, a Representative in Congress.

After this, he passed through a life of chequered fortune and adventure in the great game of commerce. The failure of his employer threw him on his own unaided resources. In 1806, he was engaged as a clerk by an emi

nent merchant in Providence, Rhode Island, who was largely concerned in the Northwest Coast trade of the Pacific ocean. It may be cited as a signal evidence of the character for talents and integrity which he was early able to establish for himself, that, on the death of this gentleman, two years afterward, he was employed by the executors, at his recommendation, and entrusted with the important duty of adjusting the affairs of the estate, which were exceedingly complicated and extensive. This very responsible and difficult duty was discharged with entire success, and to the full satisfaction of the executor and heirs of the estate. While thus situated at Providence, as a clerk, with a salary of but $600, it is highly honorable to Mr. Cambreleng, that he brought on both of his brothers from North Carolina, and placed them at school, defraying out of his own slender income all their expenses, and well discharging toward them all the duties of the paternal relation. From Providence he returned to New York; after a few years proceeded, in 1812, to New Orleans, on a large commercial speculation, which was frustrated by the declaration of war in June; and he was compelled to return to New York, by an overland journey alone, through the Indian country. On this journey he met with a variety of adventure, hardship, and danger, which would be inexhaustible were we permitted by our limits to linger over their narration. About this time commenced his connection with Mr. John Jacob Astor, with whom his most important commercial transactions were had; and who, one of the most acute judges of men, always reposed an implicit confidence in Mr. Cambreleng, entrusting to his discretion many business commissions and enterprises of the highest importance.* In the prosecution of

Apropos of a man so remarkable as Mr. Astor, in more points of view than one, such a testimony as that of Mr. Cambreleng, who had peculiar opportunities of forming a correct judgment, to the character of a man so distinguished as Mr. Astor has long been in the commercial community, may be worth recording. From a letter we have seen, written by Mr. Cambreleng to a friend, we are permitted to make the following extract :-" Most very great fortunes are either inherited, or owing more to chance than to bold enterprise or deep calculation. The most enterprising are generally in the end the least successful. It was not so with Mr. Astor. No man ever surpassed him in the variety and originality of his projects, in boldness of speculating, or in foreseeing and comprehending every event which might possibly affect any of his plans. Independently of his various speculations on a large scale, his set

these, Mr. Cambreleng became an extensive traveller, through various parts of Europe and Asia Minor. He was afterwards also extensively engaged in business for himself-which, however, after some years, from the precarious fluctuations of commerce in this country, eventually terminated unsuccessfully. In the year 1825, he again made a tour throughout England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.

Mr. Cambreleng's life has thus been a very adventurous and roving one; it has been replete with striking incident and romantic adventures, for which, as well as for scenery and the novelty of travel, he has always had a strong passion. His observation has been keen and extensive, and he has been very laborious in study in the intervals of occupation, and especially while his days have been occupied and distracted with business, through the hours of night. He has been more a writer than a reader, and has depended more upon observation, experience, and reflection, than upon the borrowed treasures of other minds. Though his career has been commercial, Mr. Cambreleng has always been a zealous politician, and a uniform advocate of Democratic principles. He had not long been permanently settled in New York, before he took an active part in its politics. The doctrine of restrictions on trade for the protection of manufactures was then advocated or sanctioned by almost all our public men, and all who ventured to oppose an increase of duties, for the benefit of manufactures, were considered as wanting in patriotism. The Democratic party had been made an instrument, for the promotion of their own interests, by prominent capitalists engaged in that branch of business, and memorials were annually sent to Congress from Tammany Hall, praying for an increase of the tariff. Mr. Cambreleng was among the few more clear-sighted and fearless who then protested against these memorials, and ultimately succeeded in persuading his political friends to discontinue them. In the winter of 1820-21, before he had engaged in public life, he wrote his Examination of the New Tariff, proposed by the Hon. Henry Baldwin, a Representative in Congress. By One of the People.' This

was a remarkably clear and forcible exposition of the fallacy of the experiments by which the high-tariff school of that day ---not yet extinct, though now for the present abashed into silence---sought to fasten upon the young, free energies of this country the fictitious system of commercial policy, of prohibitions, premiums, and drawbacks, which, whatever division of opinion exists as to its effects on the true prosperity of England, is at least the most fatal and false to the true spirit of our institutions that we could adopt. It formed an octavo volume of near three hundred pages, and was composed during the evening hours, when the author was released from the business occupations of the day.

In the spring of 1821, Mr. Cambreleng was nominated for Congress by the Democratic party, and though a powerful effort was made to defeat his election, by his political opponents, and by the manufacturing interest, he succeeded, over a very popular candidate nominated in opposition to him, by a large majority. The seat thus obtained he has ever since preserved till the election in that city in the fall of 1838, when the convulsion of the then recent political crisis at last effected the object for the accomplishment of which all the former efforts of his opponents had failed. He thus continued a Member of Congress for eighteen years consecutively. When the Republican party sustained its overwhelming defeat in 1824, he was the only Member of Congress of that party re-elected from the State. Yet has Mr. Cambreleng always, from the outset, been opposed by the mercantile interest of that city; though in reality, however tardy that class may be in recognizing the fact, he has always been, from the soundness of that theory of public policy which has always given its entire shape and character to his public course, their best friend, and a most valuable representative of their true interest. In 1828, particularly, he was vigorously opposed by the merchants generally, for refusing to advocate a high federal duty on sales at auction. How violent and embittered the hostility has been made of late years by Mr. Cambreleng's uncompromising adherence to those great principles of the Democratic policy in relation to the public currency and banking, which the mercantile class

tlement at the mouth of the Columbia river would of itself have rendered him one of the most wealthy men in the world, but for our war with Great Britain, and the sale of Fort Astoria, contrary to his orders. I have enjoyed his confidence for five-andtwenty years, and I can say of him, that, however he may be in small matters, he is a man of extraordinary genius-of a comprehensive and profound mind--and capable of managing the affairs of a nation."

were so prodigiously mistaken in regarding as antagonist to their real interests, is too well known to require comment or notice at our hands. In proportion, how ever, to this hostility of political opponents have the attachment and confidence of the Democratic party of his city and State increased with the continued manifestation of his unwavering Republican principles-his pure and firm political integrity-the consistent soundness of his leading doctrines of commercial policyand the eminent ability which he has displayed in the advocacy of them.

Mr. Cambreleng's career in Congress during the eighteen years that he occupied a seat in the House of Representatives, was eminently useful and honorable. He always preferred that post of duty in the public service, resting on the free election of his constituency, to any other offices of honor or emolument, under the Executive appointment, which his distinguished services, character, and abilities must have made readily accessible to him. He always in the House played a prominent and influential part---having been generally chairman of some of the more important committees, Commerce, Foreign Affairs, and Ways and Means; the chairmanship of which latter is well known as being the nearest approach that our practice admits to the post of leadership of the dominant party in the body. In the exercise of these functions Mr. Cambreleng was the author of numerous reports, characterized by remarkable ability, research, and value. His celebrated report on commerce and navigation, in 1829, cannot be forgotten by many of our readers. Two editions of it were published by the merchants of New York, and a third in London. His report on the Surplus Revenue, in 1837-on the Independent Treasury and on the Public Expenditures-during his two last sessions in Congress-are not less entitled to special notice.

Mr. Cambreleng always well sustained the character of an able and lucid debater. Especially on questions connected with the great topics of currency and commerce, he was always at home, in an abundant knowledge of

facts and familiarity with the leading principles by which their apparent intricacies are to be resolved. We sincerely regret that he did not happen to be a Member of the Congress which has just passed through one of the most extensive and important Tariff debates that have yet taken place in this country. He would have been found equally able and willing to contribute to the Free Trade side of the discussion, an aid which, though not indeed made necessary by any want of force or fulness on the part of its numerous able supporters, would yet have been of an eminently high interest and value.

In the summer of 1839, Mr. Cambreleng gladly took advantage of the first interval of leisure afforded him, in retirement from public life, to revisit some of the scenes of his earlier travels and adventures in Europe. While abroad, after travelling over the continent, he received, in England, the appointment from the President of Minister to the Court of Russia. His official residence there was rendered short by the change of administration at home, which took place by the Whig victory of 1840; for he was prompt to send in his resignation, so that it should reach the new PresiHe reached New York, on his return dent immediately on his installation. from Russia, in September, 1841,* since which period there remains nothing for biography to chronicle, beyond the simple fact that he has recently retired to a country residence, at the town of Huntington, Suffolk county, Long Island, on the shore of the Sound, which he designs, we understand, to make his fixed abode-in a spot admirably adapted for the indulgence of his unforgotten tastes for the sports of field and flood, as well as among a people of political character most staunchly in harmony with that of his own entire past public career.

It is probably needless to advert to Mr. Cambreleng, as the author of the interesting paper in the last Number of this Review, under the title of " New Notes on Russia, by a Recent Visiter."

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I WILL be King of Diamonds,
With treasures all untold,
And I will win me men of worth,
For what upon this venal earth
May not be bought and sold?

I will be Ace of Clubs,

A warrior clad in arms,

I will o'ercome, not buy, my foes,
And conquer by my prowess, those
For whom gold hath no charms.

I will be Knave of Spades,
And softly undermine

What thou would'st overwhelm by force,
Deep but unerring in my course,

And the brave game is mine.

But I'll be Queen of Hearts,

For doughty warrior,

And jewelled king, and cunning knave,
The rich, the wily, and the brave,

All, all belong to her!


Oн, lovelier far

Than her fairest star,

Like Dian 'mid her nymphs beamed the night's sweet queen; And gazing on her smile,

Seemed the very earth the while,

Almost another heaven in that magic sheen.

O'er her radiant path

Swept a cloud's dark wrath,

And veiled the gentle glory from her brow that shone,
And as the shadow stole,

O'er the gazer's rapt soul,

All light from heaven, all beauty from the earth, were gone.

But the cloud swept by,

And earth again and sky,

And that lonely watcher's heart, from its dark sway were free, And then-ah, then it deemed

It ne'er before had dreamed

How bright that heaven, how beautiful that earth, could be!


(Bohann), Beinrich (Danish)



On my last journey through the north of Germany, I did not regret going a little out of the way, to see once more one who had been a favorite in the golden time of my life. It must be understood, however, that in the following story, the names of countries, places and persons, are concealed or disguised. Yet the history, as improbable as it may appear to some, is none the less

true on that account.

This favorite was the Baron Olivier of Flyeln, with whom I had pursued the sciences at the High-School of Gottingen. He was then an excellent youth, and at the same time one of the most intellectual. A love of Greek and Roman literature had brought and bound us together. I called him my Achilles, and he called me his Patroclus. In fact, he was a model that might have served any artist for an Achilles. In form and bearing like a young demigod, pride and goodness alike shone in the dark fire of his glance; supple and active as any one; the boldest swimmer, the swiftestfooted runner, the wildest rider, the most graceful dancer, he had withal, the most generous and fearless heart. His very nobleness involved him in many an unpleasant affair, as he always took the part of the oppressed. He had therefore many occasions to fight with others; did not avoid even the best swordsman; went into the contest as to a pastime; was never himself wounded, as if he bore a charmed life, yet never suffered any one to escape him unmarked.

Since our separation, we had several times written to each other, but as it happens, when one begins to be tossed by the waves of life, though we did not wholly forget one another, we at last dropped the correspondence. I knew nothing of him, finally, except that he had become a Captain in a regiment of infantry. He must have been already about five-and-thirty

years old, and in the first rank. In the course of my journey, I had learned, quite accidentally, the station of his regiment, and this reconciled me to the roundabout way.

The post-boy drove me into the streets of an old, straggling, rich commercial city, and stopped before one of the most respectable hotels. As soon as I had learned which was my chamber from the waiter, I asked him, whether the Baron of Flyeln was with the regiment now in possession of the place? "Do you mean the Major?" asked the waiter.

Major he may well be! Is his dwelling far from this? Can he be spoken with at this time? It is late, I know -but I wish some one to conduct me to him."

"Pardon me, but the Baron is not with his regiment-he has not been for a long time. He took leave, or he would have been obliged to take it.”

"Obliged? Wherefore?"

"He has played all sorts of pranks and wonderful capers-I know not what! He is at least not right in the head: he is cracked-crazed. They say, he has studied himself out of his wits."

The news frightened me so at first, that I completely lost possession of myself.

"And what then?" stammered I at last, in order to learn something of him more accurately.

"Pardon me," said the obsequious waiter, "but what I know, is only from hearsay, for he was sent away before I came to this house: still they tell many things about him. For instance, he had many affairs with the officers, and called each one thou, even the General

each one, let him be who he might. When he came into possession of a rich inheritance from his uncle, he imagined himself as poor as a beggar, could not pay his debts, and sold what he had on and about him. He even vented blasphemous speeches in his phrenzy. But the funniest part of it is, that he mar

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