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and the interpretation were obvious to every intelligent fchool-boy, they have been laboriously obfcured by forced divifions, by idle conjectures, and impertinent allufions. All this, however, might be endured, as only one short Ode of Horace has been thus broken upon the wheel of criticism, did not the Critic threaten us with farther comments ejufdem nominis et coloris. Now may all the powers of fenfe and talte forbid it! Gods of ancient wit and elegant fimplicity, defend your Horace from the cicatrizing hand of this medical Critic!

The following stanza is taken from his Ode in imitation of the first Ode of Horace:

Some march in Mars's fanguine train,
While mothers curfe th' imbattled plane,
And trumpet's deadly tone:
Some join the hunter's early crew,
And thro' the cold their game perfue,
While wives fuch sports bemoan.

Plane, not plain for the univerfe; that would be contrary to all the rules
of etymology, for the word is derived from planus. But then why not
trane instead of train? did you not know that this word is derived
from trang? Ah! oculatiffime medice! Tu, bone, nutafti femel.
In the Knight's interpretation, or literal translation, are these verses:
My pleasure is the fhady grove,

Where nymphs and fatyrs freely rove:
Where, while the Mufes aid I find,
I turn my back upon mankind.

Indeed! could the elegant, the polite Roman pay mankind fuch a fourvy compliment? Ah! Sapientium octave! annon obfervafti fcabiem Lingua ?



Art. 14. The Principles and Conflituence of Antimony. By William Redmond, M. D. 8vo. I S. Curtis.

When a Doctor, or a doctoring Bookfeller, has a mind to get money fafter than the ordinary courfe of practice or trade will permit, he difcovers a Noftrum, he prints advertisements, he recites a number of cafes, he gets as many cures attefted, he procures a patent, and he publishes a pamphlet. This being the regular course, thofe who duly go through it, are, therefore, regular Phyficians. We have only to add, that Dr. Redmond has graduated himself through all or most of these requifites, that his all-powerful medicine is called the Antimonial Pill; and that it cures the gout, rheumatism, cancers, all manner of nervous diforders, fcurvy, low-fpirits, and palfy.


Art. 15. The Hiftory and Antiquities of the County of Effex. Compiled from the best and most ancient Hiftorians; from Domesday Book, Inquifitions poft mortem, and other the most valuable Records


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and MSS. &c. particularly from the Collections of the late Rev. Mr. Holman, and Mr. Samuel Dale; including thofe of Mr. Richard Symonds, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Nicholas Jekyl, the Rev. Mr. John Oufley, Mr. Humphry Wanley, who furnished Materials out of the Harleian Library, and the great Improvements of the late most accurate Mr. John Booth. gefted, improved, perfected, and brought down to the prefent Time. The whole diby Philip Morant, M. A. Rector of St. Mary's, Colchester, &c. and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Illuftrated with Copper-plates. Folio. 10s. 6d. fewed. Whifton, Davies, &c.

The preface to this work informs us, that materials for a history of the county of Effex have been collecting for above a century past, by the gentlemen whofe names are mentioned in the title; that thefe materials were put into the hands of the author; and that the prefent publication is but a part of the work: which is intended to be contained in one volume in folio.

This first part of the work comprizes the hundreds of Chelmsford and Witham; and feems to be accurately compiled, though not very elegantly printed.

Art. 16. A View of the Gold Coin and Coinage of England, from Henry III. to the prefent Time. With Copper-plates. Folio. 9s. in boards. Snelling.

As we cannot trace the gold coinage of this kingdom farther back than the reign of Henry III. it is probable that the golden penny of that prince was the first English money made of that precious metal. Here, therefore, as he could go no higher, our author's view commences; and is continued down to the guinea and quarter-guinea of George III. The feveral coins in the whole feries are accurately confidered and defcribed, with refpect to type, legend, forts, rarity, weight, fineness, value, and proportion. The engravings feem to be very exact: but this is a circumftance which will beft appear from an actual comparifon of the prints with the original pieces. of our filver coinage was mentioned in the Review for March 1762, This author's bistory P. 237.

*Value twenty pence.

Art. 17. A Plan for improving the Trade at Senegal.
the Lords Commiffioners for Trade and Plantations.

Addreffed to 8vo. 6d,

It is well known, fays the fenfible Author of this little pamphlet, to people who have travelled, and been attentive to the ways of men in different countries and ftations of life, that a free labouring man, in a free country, where the fruits of his labour are entirely at his own dif pofal, works harder than any flave in any part of the world. A Porter in London, for inftance, does more work in one day, than any four flaves in the Weft-Indies in the fame fpace of time. Nor is this owing

to the difference of climate; the conftitution of a Negroe being fuited to a hot country, and well agreeing with labour. Again, not a few people, he fays, imagine that the Blacks are naturally lazy and wicked, beyond the rest of mankind; which is not fact. But, continues he, they may with good reafon affirm, that flaves of all forts are very lazy, and extremely addicted to thofe kinds of wickednefs which offend and difturb fociety.

For these reasons, he thinks it certain, that if the Negroe flaves in the Weft-Indies were fet at liberty, and obliged to work for their fub. fiftence, they could be hired to plant and prepare fugars, &c. fo as to raise them cheaper than by the prefent method of purchafing and maintaining them for that purpose. In the prefent ftate of things, indeed, he admits, that it would be almoft impoffible to ftop the flave-trade, or alter the conflitution of the fugar-iflands; but imagines he could propofe a plan for fettling a new colony in Florida, the neutral islands, and in Senegal, on a much better footing. The latter place only is the object of the present fcheme; which, tho' only the outlines of it are here ketched, is evidently the defign of an able hand: but as it is much to be doubted, whether the Government will either adopt it, or enable private perfons to do it, we fhall pass it over.

We cannot difmifs this pamphlet, however, without taking particular notice of a paffage or two, which may poffibly be of service in the ettablifhment of future colonies, and which the Writer defires may be regarded with attention. In fettling a colony, or forming a good government, fays this Projector, great care ought to be had not to frame any laws against any thing merely irreligious, nor against immorality, except that fort which immediately affects fociety. I fay, immediately, for if we go to draw inferences from what may be the confequence of allowing, or winking, at a bad example, we shall be in the highway towards establishing the Inquifition: for, however, we may condemn the proceedings of that tribunal, yet, if we in the leaft endeavour to punish a man for any crime except violence or fraud, we are certainly impelled by the very fame principles with thofe of the Holy Office. That thofe laws against irreligion and immorality, are the bane of fociety, and tend towards the deftruction of a commercial country, or, indeed, any country, is plain, if we compare the countries where these laws fubfift and are put in force, with the places where they are not, Not to bring fuch glaring inftances, as to compare Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Barbary, the finest countries naturally in the world, with England and Holland, I fhall confine myfelf to North-America, and compare the province of New-England, our oldest fettlement there, with that of our lately fettled one, Pennfilvania; and let any one give me any other tolerably probable reafon, for the one excelling the other fo much in commerce, the improvement of lands, &c. but that Pennfilvania owns no laws merely religious, nor punishes any man for a crime that does not immediately affect fociety. Let it be confidered alfo, that, wherever religious laws fubfift, and are put in force, there we shall find more violence committed, with other crimes that dire@ly affect fociety, than in countries where fuch laws have no being."

Now, tho' we do not think this Writer's facts fufficiently fupport his arguments, he is undoubtedly. in a great meafure, politically right. Univerfal toleration, in fpeculative and indifferent matters, is at once


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the proof and the means of a flourishing government; but it is not fo ealy, perhaps, as this Writer imagines, to distinguish between offences that only mediately, and thofe which immediately, affect fociety.

Art. 18. The Adventures of Mark the Rambler.

HIMSELF. 12mo. 3s. Williams.

K-n-k Written by

Mark the Rambler was a poor, filly, drunken barber; who being confined for debt in the Fleet Frifon, and having no better employment, amused himfelf with writing the infignificant hiftory of his own infignificant life in which we are told, that, when a 'prentice, he ran away from his mafter; was charitably received into Winchester college; became afterwards a strolling player; returned to his trade; had a wife and children; grew idle and fottish, rambling about from ale-house to ale-house, till he reduced his family to beggary, and himself to a jail. Thefe are the great circumftances of this wretched life: the rest being only a continued detail of how many eggs and rafhers he eat, and how many quarts of ale he drank, at the feveral tippling houfes which he frequented. Never have we beheld authorism so debased before! never fubject was more unworthy of the prefs! never did the press produce a more contemptible work!

Art. 19. A Letter from the Hon. Thomas Hervey to the late King. To which is prefixed, one to the Duke of Newcastle, recommending the Contents of it to his Grace's furtherance and favour. 8vo. Is. Woodfall.

Altho' the fubject of this Letter be of a private nature, we do not think it altogether of fo little concern to the public, as the Writer intimates. The public, indeed, cannot interfere to redrefs the Author's grievances, or make up for his difappointments. They may feel, however, a juft refentment for his injuries; and be properly affected with the picture of a great mind, reduced by family infults, the negligence of a Phyfician, and the neglect of a Minifter of State, to the lowelt ftate of dereliction and defpondency. K-n-k

Art. 20. An Examination of the Oratorios which have been performed this Seafon at Covent-Garden Theatre. 8vo. 1s. Kearly.

Tafte, judgment, and fome humour, are to be found in the remarks and obfervations contained in this performance; it would yet have been prudent at leaft in the Author, if, after feverely cenfuring fome of the most admired Oratorios ever performed, he had not confined his encomiums folely to the Cure of Saul; which, whatever merit may be allowed it, both as a poetical and musical compofition, hath not received the public fanction fo fully, as to fcreen our Examiner from the fufpicion of partiality. K-n-k

Art. 21. A Charge delivered to the Grand Jury, at the General Quarter Seffions of the Peace, held at Guildhall, Westminster; on Wednesday April 6, 1763. By Sir John Fielding, Knt.


Chairman of the faid Seffion. Published at the unanimous
Request of the Magiftrates then prefent, and the Grand Jury.
4to. Is.

This charge having been published at the unanimous request of thofe who heard it, will doubtless be imagined to contain fomething cuius, either as to its matter or manner: and, indeed, we may fafely fay, it contains much of both. We need not wonder, therefore, that the folite opinion the auditors entertained of it, should occafion the worshipful Ora or to feel their confent co-operating with his own inclinations, to dedicate the first-fruits of Weftminster Guildhall to its great Patron, the Earl of Northumberland. This is accordingly done, and with a peculiar good grace, by his Lordship's refectful friend the Chairman.

With regard to the Charge itself, it begins with reprefenting to the Jury the immerfe confequence of the truft repofed in them; and then proceeds to a fpecification of the offences that may come under their confideration. And here it is that the worthipful Orator makes an equal difplay of his talents, as a Politician, a Phyfician, a Lawyer, and a Divine.

To hear him expatiate on his firft head, namely, against infidelity, prophanenefs, and fabbath-breaking, one is apt to regret, that fo fhining an Ornament on the bench of Juftices, fhould not be removed to a higher feat on the bench of Bishops. Again, when he speaks of the offences committed against the facred perfon of Majesty, his crown and dignity, who is there that might not have miftaken his fage and eloquent remonftrances, for thofe of a Lord Chief Juftice or High Chancellor. Turn your thoughts, for a moment, fays he, towards our excellent conftitution; obferve well its dignity, examine how nobly it is calculated for the fupport of Liberty; mark how, by its exquifite frame, our privileges are preserved, our properties fecured, and our happiness established; and who will not rejoice that he is an Englishman!"

As to offences against each other, our accomplished Magiftrate "verily believes, that the fevere blows that intoxicating liquor Gin, has, within thefe few years, received from the Legislature, has," in fhort, prevented people from giving each other fuch fevere blows, as heretofore; in other words, hath prevented murders: nay, he is apt to think, that houfebreakers, highwaymen, and other violaters of the public peace, are not fo cruel as they were formerly, for the fame reafon: for, as he very learnedly obferves, "Gin is a fpecies of liquid fire, that inflames the conflitution, enrages the mind, does not cheer the heart, but makes men ripe for mischief."

On Libellers he is alfo very fevere," as monfters in human shape, that beggar all defeription."

As to Bawdy-houses, he obferves, "they are the recepticles of thofe who have ftill fome fenfe of fhame left, but not enough to preferve their innocence. These houfes (continues our Orator) are all fufficiently injurious, and do great mifchief. But thofe i wou'd particularly point out to your attention, are the open, avowed, low and common bawdyhouses, where vice is rendered CHEAP."

But it is impoffible for us to cull all the choice flowers of rhetoric, or 3 take

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