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long line of predictions of holy writ, under the guidance of that inspired declaration, "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy,' we gain such an enlarged view of the providence of God, of the purposes of his moral government, and of the means by which he effects his designs, as cannot but greatly tend to excite reverence and admiration. No drama worked up by the art of man, can possibly present so interesting and wonderful a succession of parts, and such apparently elaborate intricacies of design, all clearly tending in the end to the main result, as are witnessed in unfolding the web of scriptural fact and prophecy. Every successive portion adds new beauty and stability to all the rest, till the top stone is completed with shouting "Grace, grace unto it." All the converging rays of light centre in Him" of whom Moses and the Prophets did speak:" they exhibit, with constantly increasing lustre, the glories of his person, the wisdom of his providence, and the riches of his grace. To study prophecy aright is to be introduced, as it were, to the secret councils of Jehovah, and to watch their gradual accomplishment in the seemingly fortuitous events of successive ages; all disclosing with accumulating testimony the character of his providential arrangements; illustrating his attributes; exhibiting his relation to mankind; and confirming both the doctrinal and preceptive announcements of his infallible word. 3. Another use of prophecy may be to excite in believers in every age dispositions suitable to the character of those predictions which seem more particularly to concern their own times or circumstances, accompanied by a corresponding conduct. In former ages the prediction of personal or national calamities was to be followed by fast ing and humiliation : sackcloth was to be girded on the loins, and ashes sprinkled on the head, in token of the deepest grief and penitence. CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 258.

So again, when our Lord's disciples should behold the approach of the predicted ruin upon Jerusalem, they were to divest themselves of every incumbrance, and to flee to the mountains for protection. And, to mention but one example more, when Daniel understood by books that the seventy years' captivity prophesied of by Jeremiah was nearly accomplished, it is said that "he set his face to seek the Lord God by prayer and supplications ;" and Gabriel was, in consequence, commissioned to explain to him the import of the prophecy. In the present day it would be too much to suppose that the time, and other particulars of unfulfilled prophecy, especially of shortly impending events, are so accurately known as to form a scriptural rule of conduct in the ordinary affairs of life. It would be quite unwarranted and visionary for any individual or body of men to arrange matters of political or commercial intercourse by the assistance of some humanly-devised scheme for the interpretation of prophecy: indeed, those who have professed the most intimate acquaintance with forthcoming events have not been often seen so far to rely upon their opinions as materially to act against ordinary probabilities in matters of secular concernment. They have not expatriated themselves from a fair and flourishing land because their conjectural interpretation of prophecy foretold that a vial of wrath was in store for its inhabitants, or neglected to avail themselves of the tenures and securities of temporal acquisitions, though on the supposed verge of events which would render them unavailing. But, though such a minute application of prophecy would be absurd and presumptuous, there is a general point of view in which, even in the present age, and to the end of time, unfulfilled prophecy may scripturally influence. our dispositions and conduct. With regard, for example, to the final triumph of Messiah's kingdom, there

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exists no doubt of its certainty among those who credit the predictions of Scripture. The accomplishment of that event may therefore, and should, be a subject both of prayer and of confident anticipation: it should also gladden the heart of the Christian, and stimulate him to the most ardent efforts for the universal promulgation of the Gospel. But even here prophecy is not the immediate warrant or direct encouragement for missionary exertions. The duty rests upon such express grounds as the command of Christ to his disciples, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." Prophecy, however, renders every effort to promote the object more powerfully interesting it appears in the shape of a promise attached to a command. Thus, generally, it should connect itself with our prayers and actions; but beyond this the application would be dangerous. A Christian, looking at the great and undeniable end of the prophecies, will feel it his duty and his privilege to assist with all his power in effecting this glorious consummation; but he would act unwisely and without warrant if he suffered his more doubtful speculations respecting subordinate points, to influence his conduct; if, for example, conjecturing that Gentile missionaries are to be the appointed instruments for propagating the Gospel, he should be careless for the salvation of the Jews; or that Jews are destined to that office, should refuse his efforts for the conversion of the Gentiles.

With these necessary cautions, unfulfilled as well as fulfilled prophecy, in its clear and general scope, is a highly important and interesting subject for the inquiries of the Christian mind, even where there is not opportunity for deep learning and research. In the darkest hour of personal or national affliction, it will be consoling to look beyond local and temporary events, and to view, in its scriptural brightness, the whole scheme of unperturbed and imper

turbable prophecy. Infidelity may enjoy a partial and short-lived triumph, as was lately the case in a neighbouring land; vice and profligacy may abound, as is too much the case at all times and in all countries; the Christian church itself may appear in a state of carelessness and apathy; yet the word of prophecy remains sure, nor can all these opposing obstacles eventually frustrate its accomplishment. Even these very impediments were themselves foretold, and their exact occurrence adds new weight to the inspired predictions. And thus also, as respects the success of institutions for the extension of the kingdom of the Messiah; should clouds and darkness be suffered in any instances to hang around them; should their efforts be impeded, or even miscarry, the Christian, while he laments the partial failure, may still animate his mind with the certainty of the divinely-foretold results. "The heathen may rage, and the people imagine a vain thing;" but still, "I have set my King upon my holy hill of Sion :" "I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." Whoever may fall, the work does not cease; whatever individual instruments may fail, the vast machinery rolls on unbroken and unimpeded. The conversion of the Jews, the coming in of the Gentiles, the consummation of the Redeemer's mediatorial kingdom, and the eternal glories of the future world, are subjects of promise and prophecy which may well animate the most languishing efforts, and stimulate the coldest heart. Should even doubts or difficulties arise, we may look back at past prophecies, and see how they were often fulfilled amidst numerous obstacles, and by the most unforeseen ways; and thus encourage our hearts, and derive vigour to our faith, as respects the accomplishment of every future blessing.

The foregoing remarks will have

pointed out some of the important practical purposes to which the devout study of the prophecies may be advantageously devoted. Many others will occur to the considerate reader, which the limits of this paper will not admit of being dwelt upon in detail. It will be seen, for example, that prophecy is often an excellent test for trying the spirits of men; whether they will humbly submit to believe what God declares, however difficult or incomprehensible it may appear according to the ordinary probabilities of human reason. Again; prophecy is often useful, as pointing out the causes and object of the dealings of God with mankind; and particularly in the almost innumerable predictions which relate to the Divine displeasure against individuals and nations on account of sin. A prince, a statesman, a legislator, a magistrate, and even a private subject, cannot read a more useful and affecting memorial than the numerous predictions of Scripture on subjects of civil concernment, besides the instruction and edification of a still higher kind which result from the devout study of those prophecies which relate to objects of infinite and eternal moment. The prophecies are also further beneficial for the purpose of leading us to compare spiritual things with spiritual."No Scripture," and least of all the word of prophecy, "is of private" that is, of its own, as

Bishop Horsley translates it," interpretation." Every part needs to be collated with all the rest, and to be examined by the light of the general analogy of faith. Now this very employment, if conducted with humility and prayer, will be found its own reward. Even should the particular prophecy which called forth the effort be considered at last inscrutable, yet the incidental benefit will often be considerable; as the young men in the ancient fable who carefully dug their paternal inheritance over and over again in search of a hidden treasure, though they were disappointed in their immediate research, were yet amply rewarded by an abundant harvest on which they had not calculated. And to add but one use more of the devout study of prophecy, it will not be without important benefit if only it teach us to be humble and not to trust vainly to our own understandings; a result strictly appropriate from the striking exhibition which prophecy affords of the infinite wisdom and mysteriousness of the Divine purposes and the ignorance and feebleness of short-sighted man. But upon this and some kindred points, it will not be necessary to touch at present, as they will naturally present themselves in my concluding paper, in which I shall endeavour to suggest a few directions. and cautions for studying the prophecies with advantage.

M. P.



(Concluded from p. 288.J

We left Hartfield in Connecticut, on the 2d of March 1821, in the Albany stage or sleigh, to visit the Missionary School at Cornwall, and at the distance of

about six miles crossed what is called" the Mountain" from the summit of which we had a charming view of the Connecticut valley on the one side, and of another extensive and very beautiful valley on the other. The descent into it was very steep; and soon after we had crossed the high land

which forms its opposite boundary, we passed though some very_romantic glens, in one of which New Hartford is situated. Here we dined; and as the road to Cornwall now branched off from the Albany road, we were obliged to obtain a private sleigh. It was an open one; and although the day was extremely cold, we were not sorry to have nothing to interrupt our view. The country became dreary and uninteresting as we approached Goshen; but on drawing near to Cornwall about sunset, we had somebeautiful mountain scenery, very similar to some of the mountain scenery in Tennessee, near Brainerd. In one respect, indeed, there was a striking contrast. In both cases, the hills were clothed with wood; but the valleys,which in Tennessee were hidden under a sombre mantle of unbroken forest, were here enlivened with the appearance of cultivation, and animated with all the cheering indications of civilized life. To the eye of an Englishmanto whom the sight of woods usually suggests ideas of shade and shelter, of rural beauty or of such sylvan solitudes only as are sedulously preserved to afford protection to game, to add variety to park scenery, or to contrast with rich cultivation in their immediate vicinitythe trees which generally cover the American mountains, even to their summits, detract somewhat from the sublimity. In the imagination of an American, on the contrary, they invest them with whatever of dreary desolation, desert magnificence, and savage nature, he has learned from infancy to associate with his interminable forests and with the wild beasts and savage Indians which inhabit them. With him, woodland scenery, even of a milder character, partakes of the sublime; and if mere cultivation be not beauty, it is closely allied to it in his imagination: and from its intimate connexion with utility, which enters largely into his idea of beauty, it awakens many kindred associations. Every acre reclaimed

from the wilderness is a conquest of "civilized man over uncivilized nature;" an addition to those resources which are to enable his country to stretch her moral empire to her geographical limits, and to diffuse over a vast continent the physical enjoyments, the social advantages, the political privileges, and the religious institutions, the extension of which is identified with all his visions of her future greatness.

As we descended into the little valley in which the Mission School is situated, the distant mountains were fading from our view; but we had just day-light enough to see the steeple of the church, and the very few houses which seemed to compose this little village, or rather this little detached part of a little village. The snow contributed to prolong our twilight, and assisted us in discerning about a quarter of a mile before we reached the school, a retired burying ground, with many upright slabs of white marble, over which the evening star, the only one which had yet appeared,seemed to be shedding its mild light. Here, as we afterwards learned, lay the rentains of the lamented Henry Obookiah, a pupil of peculiar promise, from the Sandwich islands. His companions, Hopoo, Tennooe, and Honooree, returned some months since to their native island with the mission which was sent thither. Tamooree King of Atooi, in a letter to his son at Cornwall, had expressed himself very desirous that missionaries should be provided, and great expectations are excited of the success of the mission.

Being informed that a Mr.though not keeping a regular inn, sometimes received those who visited the school, I applied to him in preference to taking up my quarters at a very uninviting tavern. We soon obtained admittance into a neat little chamber, where I sat up till a late hour, indulging the very interesting reflections naturally excited by my situation, in a deep re

tired romantic valley, where so many heathen youths were collected from different parts of the world to be instructed in the principles of the Christian religion, and qualified, as far as human effort could qualify them, to diffuse the light of the Gospel over the benighted lands of their nativity. Ithought of the nights which I had passed at the missionary settlements of Elliot and Brainerd, in the southern forest, where I heard this school mentioned with deep interest. Indeed some of the Indian children at those distant settlements had brothers or sisters here, with whom they maintained a constant and affectionate correspondence. I saw some of their letters, written with great feeling and simplicity, in which they were encouraging each other in their Christian course, and dwelling on the importance of improving their present advantages, in order to be prepared to become blessings to their native tribes, by introducing civilization and Christianity among those sons of the fo


I rose early, and at six o'clock, when the bell rang, went to the school to prayers. A chapter in the New Testament was first read, each pupil, or rather several of them, taking a verse in succession; afterwards, David Brown, the brother of Catherine Brown, a Cherokee, whose name you often see in the Missionary Reports, led the devotions of the assembly by an appropriate prayer: they then all dispersed to their own rooms.

I have obtained a list of their native names for you, but in the mean time must tell you that there were, among others, one Malay, one Otaheitan, two Mowhees, two Owhyhees, one New Zealander, eight Cherokee Indians, two Choctaws, three Mich-he-con-nuks, one Oneida, one Tuscarora, and two Coughnewagas. Three of them, Awik (David Brown) a Cherokee, Kal-lega-nah (Elias Boudinot) a Cherokee, and Irepo-ah, an Owhyhee, afterwards paid me a visit in my room,

and sat with me half an hour. They could all speak English, and Irepoah told me he had seen my country, having lain a week off the Isle of Wight, in the vessel in which he was carried to China and Amsterdam on his way hither. The principal of the school told me that Kal-le-ga-nah had gone through a course of history, geography, and surveying, had read some books of Virgil, and was then engaged in studying Enfield's Philosophy; over which, indeed, I afterwards found him when I visited the school. I also saw his trigonometrical copybooks. I had a letter of introduction to the Rev. Mr. Dagget, the principal, who is devoting the remainder of his life to the school. He called on me at eight o'clock, and I afterwards found him at the school, where I heard some of the pupils examined. He shewed me a large sheet of paper, on which were written the names of twenty or thirty common objects in English, and opposite to them the corresponding names in the different languages of all the pupils who had ever been in the school. On coming away, he gave me a copy of the 19th Psalm in the language of the Muh-he-con-nuk, or Stockbridge tribe of Indians.

It would be difficult to conceive a more interesting sight than was presented by this school; and you will anticipate my reflections on bidding it a final adieu. It was opened in the spring of 1817, and the following is the object stated in the constitution:-"The education in America of heathen youths, in such manner as, with subsequent professional instructions, will qualify them to become useful missionaries, physicians, school-masters, or interpreters, and to communicate to the heathen nations such knowledge in agriculture and the arts, as may prove the means of promoting Christianity and civilization." Is not this a truly noble object?

My hostess was the granddaughter of the former pastor of the village.

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