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And after having made an exact Review of the Officers and Soldiers prefent and effective, he fhall give a Čertificate of it to the Officer who commands the faid Company, and fhall take care to oblige the Confuls to furnish them their Allowance in Specie, conformably to what is exprefs'd in the Order of the Intendant of the Province, of which a Copy must be given him to ferve him for a Rule.


HE shall send by a fure Hand on the fame Day, or the Day after having made the Review to the Confuls of the four following Eftappes, Certificates of the Review he has made, in which fhall be exactly comprehended the number of Officers and Soldiers present and effective which have been mufter'd, that they may furnish them their Al lowance, as it is commonly appointed by the abovesaid Order of the faid Intendant; without augmenting or diminishing their Number.


IF it fhould happen that any parti cular Inhabitants of the Province which the faid Companies go out of, before they go into another, fhould follow them, to retrieve what may have been taken from them by the Soldiers in their March, he shall endeavour to make them reftore it, after being certified as far as may, whether their Complaints are true or not; and in cafe the Soldiers or their Officers fhould make a Difficulty of doing Juftice to the Plaintiffs, he fhall tell them to go forward and complain to the Governour of the Province, who fhall oblige them to do Juftice before the faid Companies go out of his Government.


AS it is almoft certain that the Companies which are to take the fame Rout, will not pass but at fome Distance of time from one another, the Guard that is at the Head of the Line must accompany them to the fourth Eftappe of the he faid Line, and from Day to Day



take care to make them be receiv'd and lodg'd conformably to the King's Order and to that of the Governour of the Province. He must fee that they be exactly supply'd with the Provisions and Forage enjoyn'd by the Order of the faid Intendant, and likewife oblige them to pay the Confuls of the faid City in proportion to the faid Billets which they have receiv'd from them, as they have been regulated by the faid Order.


AND if it fhould happen that the Officers or Commanders of the faid Companies make any Difficulty of paying what is determin'd by the abovefaid Order, or that they commit any Disorder whether in the Town-Houfe Market Places, or at their Landlords in those Parts where they are lodg'd, the faid Officer fhall draw up his Verbal Process of it, and fend it immedi ately to the Governour of the Province, that it may be taken care of as shall be found reasonable,


IF the faid Officer doth not find one of his Companions at the fourth Estappe, whither he has Orders to go to conduct the abovefaid Company out of the Province; he fhall fend to the ConJuls of the remaining Eftappe within the Bounds of that Province, the State of the Review of the faid Company, that they may be advertiz'd of it; after which he shall return to the Entrance of the Line, till the Companies contain'd in his Register are pafs'd or re pafs'd.

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THE faid Officer fhall fend every Week to the Secretary of the Governour of the Province an account of the Mufters which he has taken of the Companies, of the Strength and Condition of the Soldiers, if they are able Men, and he fhall inform him of what has pafs'd in the Paffage of the said Companies that the Governour may be inform'd of it by him. Given at


bat For the Confuls.


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HEY fhall hinder any Perfon convicted of a Crime from, fettling in the City, and in cafe there are any fuch, he fhall fee to the Execution of the Decrees of Juftice which have been given against them.

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They fhall take care to make the Sundays and Holy-days be obferv'd in their City, and to hinder the Shops from being open'd on thofe Days, and in cafe there are any Perfons who refufe to obey, they fhall make Information be given of their Treffafs, that they may be criminally profecuted at Law,

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