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AND in quality of Perfons appointed to watch over all that refpects my particular Obligations, I defire them to take care;


TO inform me of thofe things which they cannot do of themselves, and which they think may be done by me, whether to avert any Evil or to procure any Good.


To inform me if the Rectors and Curates are faithful in discharging the Obligations of their Ministry.


`IF thofe who manage my Affairs are given to drinking, if they have any Part or Interests in my Farms, and if they do any Wrong either to me, or fo those under my Jurifdiction.



IF there are any Quarrels or Enmities, that cannot be pacified but by my Authority.

General Rules which I will have obferv'd in my Houfe.


LL my Domefticks are to know that I will not fuffer any Swearing, Blafphemy, Impiety, Jefting on Sacred Things, or any Impurity in my House.

I forbid them, upon Pain of being turn'd away, all Ill Houses, Drunkenhefs, going to Plays, gaming at Cards or Dice, reading Romances and ill Books, Quarrels either within or without the Houfe, Duels and protecting or fecuring in my Houfe any Malefactor.

I will have all my Domefticks prefent at Divine Service every Sunday, and Holy-day, without fail under any Pretence whatfoever; that every one L 2 confefs

confefs and communicate at Eafter in the Parish, and that they ftrictly obferve the Lent and other Fafts of the Church

I exhort them all to employ Sundays and the Holy Feftivals in being prefent at the Divine Offices in the Parish, at Sermons, Catechizing, and other Pious Works, and to frequent the Holy Sacrament.

All fhall be at Prayers at the Chapel in the Morning, and at the Brief Inftruction which will be made there, as alfo at Prayers in the Evening, and on Saturdays at Catechizing; and in order to this,all fhall return home before Six a Clock at Night in Winter, and Eight in Summer, and fhall not go out in the Morning till after Prayers are over, except those who are oblig'd to go to the Markets.

The Porters fhall fhut the Gates at Six a Clock in Winter, and fhall give the Keys to the Keeper of the Palace at Ten, which they fhall take again when it is Day, and one of them fhall always be at the Gate. In the Summer they fhall shut it at Eight at Night, and give up the Keys at Eleven. If any one lies abroad, except those who are


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married, he fhall be turn'd off without Pardon.

THE Servants who belong to any of my Gentlemen or other Domesticks fhall obferve thefe Regulations, otherwife they shall not be kept.

Be it known to all my Domesticks that if they commit any Infolencies or Injuries abroad they fhall find no Protection, and Juftice fhall be done to those who come to complain.

The Pages, the Footmen, the Coachmen, and the Grooms, for whom particular Rules are drawn up, fhall pun&tually observe them.

And that all may be certain that I will have thofe Orders obferv'd, the Rules fhall be read in Publick on the first day of every Month after Evening Prayer.




Rules for the Pages.

HEY fhall rise from Eafter to AL Saints-day at Six a Clock, and from all Saints to Eafter at half an hour after Six.

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They fhall dress themselves with Modefty, Diligence and Recollection, that they may be early in the Chapel to hear the Beginning of the Inftruction, which will be made there before Prayers, to which they fhall hearken with great Reverence, Silence and Attention, as well on Working-days as Holy-days, and no one fhall fail of being prefent, unless by fome lawful Impediment or exprefs Leave.

Divine Service being ended they fhall go to Breakfaft, after which they fhall exercife themselves in Fencing, and three by three alternately they fhall go to the Academy.

As for the remaining time till Dinner, they fhall employ it in Reading, or in Studying the Mathematicks.

After Dinner they fhall have two hours for Recreation, they fhall abftain from Playing at Cards, from Dice, from reading Romances, from Injurious and Indecent Words, from Quarrelling and Swearing.

They fhall not go abroad without leave, they fhall not go to Plays, Balls, Taverns, or to the Tennis Court, and muft not go to Play out of the House. The Afternoons Recreation being ended


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