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formidable invasions, might have proved even this last estimate to be very extravagant. When these demands, amounting to nearly three millions, were laid before Meer Jaffier, his minister, Roydoolub, declared it utterly impossible for the Bengal treasury to defray them; but as the English refused to make any abatement, and conciliated Roydoolub by high expectations, he at last adopted the Indian plan of promising every thing, leaving the performance to be regulated by circumstances. It may be men tioned as a characteristic feature in this negotiation, that Omichund, a native who had been let into the secret, threatened to make a disclosure unless his silence were purchased at an immense price. To defeat this manœuvre Clive caused two treaties to be drawn up, one real, which contained no stipulation whatever in favour of Omichund, the other prepared solely for the purpose of being shown to that personage, and comprising an agreement to pay him two millions of rupees. The colonel having signed th latter, presented it to Admiral Watson, who honourably refused his signature; upon which his handwriting was counterfeited. The silence of Omichund was thus secured ; but the discovery of the deceit afterward drove him to a state of derangement. Infamous as his conduct was, the English commander certainly cannot be justified.

Clive, having mustered his troops at Chandernagore, began his march on the 13th June, 1757, with 3100 men, of whom only 900 were Europeans; and with this force undertook to effect the subversion of a mighty kingdom. As he approached the encampment of the nabob at Plassey, near Cossimbuzar, unpleasant notices were received as to the conduct of Meer Jaffier, who, having held frequent conferences with his master, had apparently accommodated all differences, and bound himself by the most solemn oaths to make common cause with him. He privately, indeed, transmitted assurances that these were only feints to lull the prince's suspicions; but, from his evidently keeping up the same appearances to both parties, there remained doubts which he really intended to betray. When Clive, therefore, arrived opposite the island of Cossimbuzar, where he saw encamped the Indian army of 50,000 foot, 18,000 horse, and a strong train of artillery, there was reason to pause. He called a council of war,-a measure which, it VOL. II.-C

has been observed, almost invariably issues in a determination not to give battle. He opened the debate by expressing his own opinion against attacking the enemy under present circumstances. The other speakers concurred, with the exception of Major Coote, who argued that the troops, now full of courage and confidence, would feel their spirits entirely damped by the proposed delay; that he enemy would soon obtain fresh reinforcements, more particularly a large detachment of French at present in the Interior; in short, that there was no alternative, but either o attack now, or, renouncing all their ambitious projects, march back and shut themselves up within the walls of Calcutta. The opposite opinion was carried by a large majority; but Clive, after dismissing the council, took a walk in an adjoining grove, and after an hour's meditation became convinced that Coote had formed the soundest view of the subject. He therefore determined immediately to cross the river and commence an action with the Indian army.

The battle of Plassey, which virtually transferred to Britain the sceptre of India, began at daybreak on the 23d June, 1757. It was by no means fought with a vigour corresponding to the great interests at stake. The English, covered by a grove and a high bank, remained almost the whole day on the defensive, keeping up a straggling cannonade. At one time, indeed, several brisk movements were made by the enemy's cavalry, which were repulsed by the steady fire of the field-pieces; but so languidly did the contest proceed, that Colonel Clive is reported to have fallen asleep in the midst of it, which Mr. Orme accounts for by the great fatigue he had undergone. The nabob, however, as cowardly as cruel, remained in his tent, and was much discouraged to learn that the English had not fled, and still more that Meer Murdeen, the best and most faithful of his generals, had fallen. The chief interest was felt respecting the course to be followed by Meer Jaffier, which remained for a long time mysterious; and his corps, even when it began to make a movement towards the left, not being recognised by the English, was treated as hostile. Soon, however, it was seen decidedly to separate from the rest of the army, and Clive then determined to make an immediate and brisk attack upon the



enemy's camp. His troops, in advancing to the lines, were surprised that not a single shot was fired. They entered, and still encountered no resistance; there was no army; not a vestige of that numerous host which the day before had been deemed irresistible. They met no obstruction, unless from the tents, baggage, and artillery with which the space was incumbered. The nabob had been seized with panic, and when he learned the defection of Jaffier, gave up all for lost, mounted his fleetest elephant, and fled, escorted by 2000 of his chosen cavalry.

Next day an interview was appointed at Daudpore between the English commander and Meer Jaffier. The latter approached with evident symptoms of trepidation, dreading resentment on account of his cold and doubtful co-operation. On his entrance the guard, in sign of respect, presented arms, when, viewing this as a menacing attitude, he started back in alarm. Clive, however, advanced, and saluted him Nabob of Bengal, Bahar, and Orissa; after which entire cordiality prevailed during the conference, and measures were concerted for the pursuit of Surajah Dowlah. That prince had arrived at Daudpore about midnight after the battle; and several of his principal officers being already there, he assembled them in council. He rejected the advice urged by some, that he should surrender to the English; and concurred with those who recommended that he should give donations to the troops, and place himself next day at their head. But when he returned to the seraglio, and learned the near approach of Meer Jaffier, his timid disposition gained the ascendency. He disguised himself in an humble garb, and, with his favourite eunuch and concubine, carrying a casket of his most precious jewels, embarked in a boat and endeavoured to push up the river to Patna, where, from the fidelity of the governor, he expected to be in safety. He arrived at Rajemahl, where the boatmen, overcome by fatigue, insisted on resting for the night, and the ex-nabob sought concealment in a deserted garden. In the morning, however, a man of low rank, whose ears in a fit of rage he had formerly caused to be cut off, discovered him, and made the report to a brother of Jaffier, who gave notice to the soldiers engaged in the pursuit. They hastened to seize their prey, and conveyed him down the river to Muxadavad, treating

him on the passage with every species of indignity. The unhappy prince was dragged like a felon into the palace which he had so lately occupied in all the pomp of eastern royalty. Jaffier showed himself somewhat affected at this spectacle, not indeed without reason, having owed every thing to Aliverdi Khan, grandfather to Surajah, of whom also he had no serious ground to complain. He desired the captive prince to retire, and assembled his counsellors to deliberate on his fate. Some recommended clemency; others, among whom was his son Meeran, aged about seventeen, urged the cruel but safe expedient of putting him to instant death. The new nabob still hesitated, when the youth entreated him to go to bed, and leave to him the care of the royal captive. He consented, not without an obvious presentiment of what would follow. Meeran lost no time in sending a band of assassins to the apartment of the prisoner, who met his death with weak and pusillanimous lamentations; and the view of his remains, placed on an elephant and carried through the streets, induced the servile crowd to yield implicit submission to the new sovereign. Surajah Dowlah deserved his fate; yet its circumstances, and the persons by whom it was inflicted, rendered it an act of the basest treachery.

Meanwhile the English made all due haste to commence the important investigation into the contents of the Bengal treasury. The result, indeed, as Meer Jaffier's minister had intimated, issued in the most bitter disappointment. Of 22,000,000 rupees (2,750,000l.), the stipulated amount, it was necessary to be content with the immediate payment of one-half; the nabob engaging to discharge the remainder by instalments, in proportion as he had time to collect his revenues. Even of this sum our countrymen were obliged to accept a third part in jewels and other effects; yet there was paid down in cash 800,000l.,-the largest sum of prizemoney which they, or, it may be presumed, any other European nation had ever received in India.

Soon after, the government of Bengal was involved in peculiar difficulties. The distracted state of the province excited the hopes of the native princes, who expected that it would fall an easy prey. The eldest son of the Mogul, called the shazada, obtained from his father the investiture as Subahdar of Bengal, Bahar, and Orissa, and proceeded



to establish his claim by arms. The force which he could command was exceedingly slender; but he was supported by two distinguished officers, now established nearly as independent rulers. One was the Nabob of Oude, a fine province north of the Ganges, once the seat of a powerful empire. The other was'the Subahdar of Allahabad, a fertile region along the same river, the capital of which, situated at the junction of the Ganges and the Jumna, is one of the largest and most venerated cities of the empire. Akbar made it a favourite residence, and erected at the angle of the currents the Chalees Satoon, a spacious fortress, which, having its gateways ornamented with domes and cupolas, exhibits one of the most striking specimens of Indian architecture. The British have since added new defences, and chosen it as their chief military depôt for the upper provinces. The interests of England, and the treaty with Meer Jaffier, alike impelled Clive to aid that prince in repelling this invasion. This conduct is branded by Mr. Mill as "undisguised rebellion;" but when we consider that the power of the Mogul over all distant provinces had for a long time been quite nominal, and that prince merely a tool in the hands of others, who regarded his authority almost as little as Jaffier did, we cannot but view the subject somewhat differently. The English, having united their forces at Moorshedabad to those of the nabob, marched upon Patna, which was with difficulty defended by Ramnarain, one of his adherents. A very serious contest would now have ensued, had not the Indian chiefs, instead of forwarding the views of their master, begun to quarrel among themselves. The Nabob of Oude seized Allahabad, and the subahdar, having marched to its defence, was inveigled into the power of the enemy. The shazada was left without support in any quarter, and, as Mr. Mill observes, "the descendant of so many illustrious sovereigns, and the undoubted heir of a throne once among the loftiest on the globe, was so bereft of friends and resources, that he was induced to write a letter to Clive, requesting a sum of money for his subsistence, and offering in requital to withdraw from the province." It was granted, on the condition of his presently evacuating the district; and the British commander was thus enabled, with remarkable ease,

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