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lic order, and the enforcing obedience to the laws, by which alone the fruits of national industry can be fecured; and when you reflect upon the flourishing refources, the increafing wealth, and unexampled profperity of the country, you will not fail to imprefs upon the minds of the people, that the maintenance of our free and happy conftitution will enfure the continuance of these invaluable bleffings.

Addrefs of the Lord Mayor, Alder-
men, and Commons, of the City of
London, to his Mafiy, on the late
Proclamation, June 1, 1792.

Moft gracious fovereign,
We, your majesty's moft dutiful
and loyal fubjects, the lord mayor,
aldermen, and commons of the city
of London, in common council

affembled, moft humbly befeech your Majefty to accept our grateful thanks for the wifdom and benevolence evinced by your royal proclamation for fuppretting thofe feditious publications and criminal correfpondencies, which may be productive of the moft alarming and dangerous confequences.

Your faithful citizens venerate the conftitution of this kingdom, as eftablished by the glorious Revolution, and improved on fubfequent occafions, becaufe it connects the honour of the fovereign with the liberty and happinefs of the fubject; and their attachment is increafed, from the confideration, that it contains the natural and regular means of advancing thofe objects with the change of times and improvement of circumftances. We trust that the rest of your majefty's fubjects, enjoying with us the most abundant national happinefs and profperity under your

majefty's mild and aufpicious go-
vernment, will alfo with us duly
eftimate the value of thofe bleffings,
and unite in the firmest support of
your majefty's endeavours to con-
tinue them, by preferving our ex-
cellent conftitution from the dan-
gers of fpeculative and impracti-
cable theory.

Signed by order of court,


I receive, with the greatest fatisfaction, this mark of your attachment to me, and to the government and conftitution of the kingdom, as by law established; and my loyal city of London may always be affured of receiving from me every mark of attention and regard.

Address of the Clergy of the Diocefe of Worcester, on the fame Occafion.

We, the bishop, dean and chapter, archdeacon, and clergy, of the church and diocefe of Worcester, humbly beg leave to return our warmeft thanks to your majefty for your majefty's late wife and provident proclamation. In our prefent circumftances, fire, nothing but experience could make it conceivable that any of your majefty's fubjects, in the full enjoyment of every bleffing which the beft government can beftow, fhould be fo weak or wicked as to endeavour to raise groundlefs jealoufies and difcontents in the minds of your people, and to diffeminate fuch principles and writings among them as tend to deftroy, under pretence of reforming, our excellent conftitution, in church and ftate. One reformation, indeed, can never be unfeasonable, which is, that of our hearts and lives, when

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ever they become diforderly and licentious; and this reformation, fir, we your faithful clergy fhall labour to effect; in ourselves first, and then in those committed to our charge. In performing, or even attempting, this fervice, we fhall do our duty to God, to your majefty, and to the public. For the reft, we implore the divine bleffing on the wife and falutary meatures your majefty has taken to preferve the unequalled form of government under which we live, from all bold and hazardous innovations, and to prevent the wantonnefs of profperity (the too common difeafe of happy ftates) from difturbing the public order and tranquility.

Addrefs of the Clergy of the Diocefe of Llandaff, on the fame occafion.

Moft gracious Sovereign, We, the bishop, archdeacon and chapter, and the clergy of the diocefe of Llandaff, humbly tender to your majefly our ftrongeft affurances of loyalty to your majefty's perfon, of attachment to your family, of zeal for the principles of the revolution, and of our utter abhorrence of every attempt to fubvert the conftitution in church and state, then established, and fince then improved. The improvements which the conftitution has received in the judges being rendered more independent, in the mode of determining contefted elections, in the repeal of certain penal statutes refpecting proteftant and catholic diffenters, in afcertaining the rights of juries, and in other ways, have been more numerous and important during your majefty's reign than during the reigns of all your predeceffors fince the Revolution. We are thankful for what has been done; and without. encouraging improper


modes of innovation in other mat ters, ftill, perhaps, requiring, an amendment, we truft, that what is wanting to render our conftitution perfect and permanent, will be accomplished by the deliberate wifdom of the legiflature, rather than by the rafh violence of democratic faction. When we compare our fituations, as citizens of a free state, with that of those who are either ftruggling for that liberty which we enjoy, or groaning under that flavery which we are in no danger of, we cannot but set the highest value on that form of civil government from which our happiness is derived; and we beg leave, in the moft fincere and folemn manner, to declare to your majefly, that in proportion to this our eftimation of its worth, will be our zeal for the prefervation of the conftitution."

Refolutions of the Society of the Friends of the People, at the Freemafons Tavern, June 2.

At a general meeting of the fociety of the friends of the people affociated for the purpofe of ob taining a parliamentary reform, held this day,

Sir John Throckmorton, bart.

chairman. John Wharton, efq. M. P. deputy chairman.

Refolved unanimously,

That the thanks of this fociety be given to Charles Grey, efq. for his able and manly defence of this inftitution, in the houfe of commons, on the 25th of May, and for the juft feverity with which he expofed the dereliction of the caufe of the people, by thofe who have heretofore profeffed themfelves advocates for parliamentary reform.

Refolved unanimoufly, That the thanks of this fociety (E)


be given to the right hon. Charles James Fox, for his steady adherence to the cause of the people, and for his able and eloquent fupport of the amendment moved by Charles Grey, efq. to the addrefs of the houfe of commons, on the 25th of May; an amendment which teaches magiftrates to afford an equal protection to the civil rights of men of all denominations, and combines the peace and order of fociety with the liberty and happinefs of the people.

Refolved unanimously,

That the thanks of this fociety be given to thofe members of the houfe of commons, who upon the fame occafion joined their efforts and fo ably and eloquently fupported Mr. Grey's amendment.

Refolved unanimously,

That the thanks of this fociety be given to the right hon. the earl of Lauderdale, for his able and manly defence of this institution in the houfe of lords, on the 31ft of May; and for the juft feverity with which he expofed the dereliction of the cause of the people, by those who heretofore profeffed themfelves advocates for parliamentary reform.

Refolved unanimoufly,

That the thanks of this fociety be given to the most noble the mar. quis of Lanfdown, for his confiftent conduct in the cause of parliamentary reform, and for the fupport which, with fo much ability and eloquence, he gave to the amendment propofed by the earl of Lauderdale.

Refolved unanimously,

That a copy of the fecond refolution be tranfmitted by the chair man of this metting, to the right hon. Charles James Fox; and that a copy of the fifth refolution be alfo fent by him to the marquis of Lanf down.

Réfolved unanimously,

That a proclamation of the crown cannot refrain or impeach that freedom in the difcuffion of political fubjects, which is effential to the prefervation of public liberty, congenial to the fpirit of the British conftitution, and the birthright of Britons established by their laws.

Refolved unanimously,

That the late proclamation appears to this fociety unneceffary; because those who, under pretence of exercising this right of political difcuffion, intentionally vilify the government, and create difaffection in the minds of people, are liable to profecution, and may be punished in the courts of law; but that all measures which have a tendency to prejudice the caufe even of thefe offenders, before trial, are highly improper.

Refolved unanimously,

That a proclamation, profeffing to be directed against the authors and publifhers of fuch writings, but fo indefinitely expreffed as to leave a doubt whether other perfons, whofe principles and proceedings even malice itfelf cannot find a ground to attack, were the real object, is of dangerous example in the government of a free people.

Refolved unanimously,

That this fociety, confcious of the integrity of their motives, are determined to persevere in propofing to parliament, and to the country, by the fame temperate and legal means which they have hitherto used, a reform in the reprefentation of the people, the neceffity of which, late events have only tended to confirm.

Refolved unanimoufly, That these refolutions be printed and publifhed in the morning and evening newspapers.


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We, the merchants, bankers, traders, and other inhabitants of London, whofe names are hereunto fubfcribed, perceiving, with the deepest concern, that attempts are made to circulate opinions contrary to the dearest interefts of Britons, and fubversive of thofe principles which have produced and preferved our most valuable privileges, feel it a duty we owe to our country, ourselves, and our pofterity, to invite all our fellow-fubjects to join with us in the expreffion of a fincere and firm attachment to the conftitutiton of thefe kingdoms, formed in remote, and improved

in fucceeding ages, and under which the glorious Revolution in 1688 was effected; a conftitution wifely framed for the diffufion of happiness and true liberty, and which poffeffes the diftinguished merit, that it has on former occafions been, and we truft in future will be found, competent to correct its errors, and reform its abufes: our experience of the improvements in agriculture and manufactures, of the flourishing state of navigation and commerce, and of increafed population, ftill further impels us to make this public our determined declaration of refolution to fupport, by every means in our power, the ancient and moft excellent conftitution of

Great Britain, and a government by King, Lords, and Commons; and to exert our best endeavours to imprefs on the minds of those connected with us a reverence for and a due fubmiffion to the laws of their country, which have hitherto preferved the liberty, protected the property, and increased the enjoyments of a free and profperous people.

And the fame having been read a fecond time,

Refolved unanimously,

That this declaration be approved, and be fubfcribed by all fuch merchants, bankers, traders, and other inhabitants of London, as may approve thereof, and that it do lie at this hall until Saturday next inclufive, for fignature.

Refolved unanimously, That Sam. Bofanquet, Theo. Pritzler, T. Boddington, Richard M. T. Ab. Bracebridge, John Brickwood, Jofeph Cotton, Edw. Forster, Geo. Griffin, Tho. Hankey,

Chifwell, John Mellifh, Rich. Neave, Edw. Payne, Benj.Winthorp, John Read,

(E 2)


John Harman, Tho. Parry,
Rob. Hunter, Dan. Giles,
James Langston, Tho. Raikes,

Wm. Manning,
Sam. Smith, J. Cotton, efqrs.
be a committee to attend the fign-
ing of this declaration; and they
are hereby requested to caufe the
fame to be published in the news-
papers, and in any other manner
they may think most advisable.

The Definitive Treaty with Tippoo Sultaun.

Definitive Treaty of perpetual friendfhip, for the adjustment of affairs between the honourable English Eaft India Company, the Nawaub Affoph Jah Behauder, and Row Pundit Purdhaun Behauder, and Tippoo Sul aun; in virtue of the authority of the right hon. Charles, earl Cornwallis, knight of the most noble order of the garter, governor general, &c. &c. invefted with full powers to direct and controul all the affairs of the faid company in the East Indies, dependent on the feveral Prefidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, and of the Nawaub Azien ul Omrah Behauder, poffeffing full powers on the part of the Nawaub Affoph Jah Behauder, and Hurry Ram Pundit Tantia Behauder; poffeffing equal powers on the part of Row Pundit Purdhaun Behauder, fettled the 17th day of March, 1792, of the Chriftian æra, anfwering to the 23d day of the month of Rejeb, 1206 of the Hejeree, by fir John Kenneway, baronet, on the part of the right honourable Charles, earl Cornwallis, knight of the most noble order of the garter, &c. and Meer Aalum Behauder, on the part of the Nawaub Aziem ul Omrah Behauder, and Buchajee Pundit on the part of Hurry Ram Pundit Tantia Behauder, cn ne part, and by Golam Ally

Khan Behauder, and Ally Reza Khan on the behalf of Tippoo Sultaun, according to the under-mentioned articles, which, by the bleffing of God, fhall be binding on their heirs and fucceffors as long as the fun and moon endure, and the conditions of them be invariably obferved by the contracting parties.

ART. I., The friendship fubfifting between the honourable company and the Sircar of Tippoo Sultaun, agreeably to former treaties, the firft with the late Nawaub Hyder Ally Khan, bearing date the 8th day of Auguft, 1770, and the other with Tippoo Sultaun of the 11th day of March, 1784, is hereby confirmed and increased, and the articles of the two former treaties are to remain in full force, excepting fuch of them as by the prefent engagement are otherwise adjusted, and the 8th article of the fecond abovementioned treaty, dated the 11th day of March, 1784, correfponding with the 18th of the month Rubbic ul Saany 1198 Hejeree, confirming all the privileges and immunities of trade which the Nawaub Hyder Ally Khan granted to the faid company, by the treaty entered into in the year 1770, is alfo, by virtue of the prefent treaty, renewed and confirmed.

ART. II. In the fourth article of the preliminary treaty, entered into between the allied powers and the faid Tippoo Sultaun, dated the 22d of February, 1792, correfponding with the 28th of the month Jemadic ul Saani 1206 Hejeree, it is written, "until the due performance of the three foregoing articles," (the first article ftipulating the ceffion of half the country, the fecond the immediate payment of half of the fum of money agreed to be paid, and the remainder in fpecie, only at three inftalments, not exceeding four months each inftalment, and the

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