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That the fubfcription (which was open but a few days when the intelligence of the unfortunate iffue of the ftruggle of Poland for liberty was received in England) amounts to 40161. 15.

That the expences for advertising in the town and country newspapers, for fubfcription books, ftationary, and incidents, amounted to 2241. 175. 5d. -And that the probable expence of advertising the proceedings of this general meeting would amount to about 751. making together the fum of 300l.

Refolved unanimously,

That a deduction of one fhilling and fix pence in the pound, or guinea (indifferently), be made from the fums now lying in the hands of the bankers, to be drawn for by five of the trustees, for the payment of the expences; and that the bankers be requested, after making fuch deduction, to pay back to the individual fubfcribers the remainder of their refpective fums.

Refolved unanimoufty, That any fubfcriptions not called for by the fubfcribers before the ift day of January next, fhall be paid by the bankers into the hands of the Right Honourable John Hopkins, lord mayor, and John William Anderfon and Harvey Chriftian Combe, efqrs. fheriffs of London, to be by them prefented, together with any furplus that may remain of the 751. fet apart for advertising, as a donation to fome public charity.


*To facilitate the return of the fubfcriptions, and at the fame time to verify the claimants, each fubfcriber is directed to apply to the banker, into whofe hands he paid the money. Those who fubfcribed at the London Tavern, on the 2d of Auguft, will find their fums at the houfe of Meffrs. Newnham and Co.


Refolved unanimously, That the thanks of this meeting given to the right honourable John Hopkins, lord mayor of London, for the very polite attention with which he accommodated the trustees with the ufe of his manfion-houfe for conducting the bufinefs of the fubfcription, and for the zeal and intereft which he has manifeited for the fuccefs of the meafure, in his able conduct as chairman of the committee.

Refolved unanimously,

That the thanks of this meeting be given to the committee of trustees and managers, for the unremitting attention, zeal, and ability, with which they have conducted the meafure of the fubfcription.

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That these refolutions be publifhed.

JOHN HOPKINS, mayor, chairman.

Proceedings relative to the Subfcrip tion for the King and People of Poland.

At a

refpectable numerous and meeting, convened by public advertisement, to confider of the propriety of a public fubfcription, towards the fuccour of the people of Poland, WILLIAM SMITH, efq. M. P. WILLIAM SMITH, efq. M. P.

in the Chair.

Refolved unanimously,

That this meeting do warmly fympathife with the king and people of Poland, in their prefent fituation, and admire the patriotifin, unanimity, and courage, with which they exert themselves for the maintenance of a conflitution, which," removed from their country at once anarchy and fervitude, by ftrengthening the throne for the protection of the


people, and by freeing ten millions of men, not merely from civil or political chains, but from perfonal bondage."

Refolved unanimously, That, as far as becomes the fubjects of a free government, they earnefty defire to exprefs their feelings on an attack fo abhorrent from the principles of humanity and justice, as that now made on the king and people of Poland. To awaken in the breaft of their fellow citizens the fame fentiment of participation in the cause of a gallant and oppreffed nation, which they cordially feel; and, as fuccour to be effectual, must be prompt to invite them to contribute towards a fund, to be applied to the fuccour of the people of Poland, in fuch manner as the fubfcribers may determine, at a meeting hereafter to be convened.

Refolved, therefore, unanimously, That a general fubfcription be opened for the above purpose.

Refolved unanimously,

That a committee of trustees and managers be appointed to conduct the faid fubfcription.

That the following gentlemen compose the said committee:

The right hon. John Hopkins, lord mayor of London. J.W. Anderfon, efq. Ald. and Sher. Harvey C. Combe, of London and elq. Middlesex. William Smith, efq. M. P. Clap

ham, Surry.

John Harcourt, efq. M. P. Hanover
ftreet, Hanover-fquare.
Philip Francis, efq. M. P. St.

William Manning, efq. one of the
directors of the bank of England,
John Henry Cazenove, efq. one of
the directors of the Royal Ex-
change affurance, Copthall-court.

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Refolved unanimously,

That the fums be subscribed at the feveral banking houfes, to be appointed by the committee of trustees and managers, and be held by the faid bankers, fubject to the order of the committee, or any five of them, (for current and unavoidable expences only), until at a public meeting of the fubfcribers, to be called within two months from this date, the mode of application fhall be fettled.

That the thanks of this meeting be given to William Smith, efq, M. P. for his conduct as chairman of the meeting this day.

That these refolutions, figned by the chairman, be published in the newspapers.

WM. SMITH, chairman.

Proceedings at a Meeting of the Ward of Queenhithe, London, Dec. 12.

December 12, 1792.

At a meeting of the alderman, deputy, common-council, and inhabitants of this ward, holden in the parish church of St. Nicholas Cole-Abbey, Old Fish-street, Londona


Mr. Alderman SKINNER in the chair.

It was unanimously refolved, That, entertaining the fame fenti ments refpecting the prefent ftate of public affairs, as thofe expreffed by the laft court of common-council, and being animated with a juff fenfe of the many invaluable bleffings we enjoy under our prefent happy conftitution and government, by King, Lords, and Commons; and feeing with concern the numerous attempts to contami nate the minds of his majefty's faithful fubjects, "We will, to the utmost of our power, endea vour to fupprefs all feditious write ings and publications, tending to alienate the affections of the people from his majesty's perfon; as alfo the circulating or ficking up papers or hand-bills, or writing any fuch words on doors or walls as have a tendency to disturb the in ternal peace and tranquillity of this city:"That the constables, beadle, patroles, and watchmen, be defired to feize and bring before a magiftrate all perfons who fhall be found fo offending. **]

Refolved unanimoufly, That this meeting will exert every effort in their power to prevent the affociating of any difaffected or feditious perfons within the ward, and at all times be ready to fupport the magif. trates in the execution of their duty, and zealoufly co-operate with them in enforcing a due obedience to the laws, under whicir we enjoy that ineftimable happinefs which no other nation can boast of.

Refolved unanimously, That the proceedings of this meeting be figned by the chairman, and publifhed in all the morning and eyenitig pa pers, and that copies of the fame be diftributed to all the inhabitants of

this ward.


Refolved unanimoufly, That thefe refolutions be fairly copied, and left in the vestry-room of this parifh, to be figned by the inhabi tants of this ward, from nine till twelve to-morrow, and the two fol.' lowing days.

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'Refolved unanimously, That the thanks of this meeting be given to the alderman, deputy, and com mon council of this ward, for convening this meeting, and for their impartial conduct during the fame, as alfo for their particular attention at all times to the intereft and wel

fare of this ward.

Proceedings at a Mecting of the Ward of Cripplegate Without, Dec. 12.,

At a meeting of the deputy common councilmen, minifters, churchwardens, and other inhabil tants of the faid ward, held in the parish church of St. Giles, with out Cripplegate, London, on Wednefday, the 12th day of December, 1792

to tuod Sh

Mr. deputy WIDEA MSTAINES IN the chairs

In confequence of the prefent ftate of public affairs, we conceive it the duty of every good citizen to ftand forth and endeavour to prevent, as much as pofiible, whatever machinations may be, defigned or contrived, by ill-difpofed or dif; affected perious, to the prejudice of our mild and equitable govern ment.

Refolved therefore, That the British conftitution, as eftablified at the glorions revolution of 1689, appears to us better calculated, than any other exifting form of government, to fecure the, liberty (F)


the property, and happinefs of the community.

Refolved, That we conceive there is fufficient energy in the conftitution of this country, to produce a reform of all abufes in government, in a legal and peaceable manner, whenever it fhall appear that the majority of the reprefentatives of the nation are clearly and decidedly agreed as to the existence of fuch abuses.

Refolved, That enjoying as we do the bleffings of peace, accompanied with an unexampled extenfion of commerce, and with the chearful profpect of the gradual alleviation of the public burthens, (from the difpofition fhewn by government in the last feffion of parliament) all attempts to disturb the tranquillity of the nation are unconftitutional and impolitic, and ought to be refifted by every virtuous citizen.

Refolved, That impreffed with thefe fentiments, and actuated by a fincere and loyal affection to our prefent moft gracious fovereign, and the illuftrious houfe of Hanover, the inhabitants of this ward will chearfully co-operate with the civil magiftrates, in the fuppreffion of all feditious or tumultuous proceedings, and in the fupport of our happy conftitution, and the defence of his majesty's perfon and


Refolved, That thefe refolutions be figned by the chairman, and publifhed in all the morning paand that they be also entered pers, by the ward clerk, in proper books, and left in the queft-houfe this afternoon till four o'clock, and again to-morrow, and every morning this week, from the hours of ten to twelve, that every inhabitant may have an opportunity of fignifying his approbation; and that the de

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That although, from 'accidental circumftances, we are late in affembling ourselves on this occafion, yet we defire to be understood as not yielding to any of our fellow citizens in a firm attachment to our excellent conftitution, and a just sense of the bleffings we enjoy under it.

That as we hold ourselves bound in duty and gratitude, at all times, to affift in endeavouring to fupport and maintain that conftitution, fo we now think ourselves more efpecially called upon by the peculiar and critical fituation of the times, to declare, that we will, all and each of us in our respective stations, collectively and individually, contribute every affiftance in our power to the due execution of the laws, the maintenance of civil order and government, and the immediate fuppreffion of all riots and tumults, under what pretence foever they may be excited; to discountenance all illegal meetings, and all feditious and inflammatory writings calculated to mislead and feduce the people from their allegiance, and render them blind to their true interest.

That these refolutions be entered in a book to be provided for that purpose, and to be left at the boardroom in Mount-street, to receive the fignature of fuch inhabitants as fhall approve thereof.

That a diftinct book be kept for the fubfcription of fuch fums of money as different perfons may choose to advance, toward the expences of carrying the purposes of this meeting into execution; it not being at all expected that those who fign the refolutions, fhould thereby pledge themselves to advance any money, but be left entirely to their option in that refpect. And it is requested that no perfon would fub

fcribe more than two guineas, nor lefs than two fhillings and fixpence.

That for the better carrying into execution the above purposes, a committee be formed, confifting of the rector, churchwardens, fidef men, and overfeers for the time being, together with any number of other perfons not exceeding fifty, who fhall meet from time to time, to take fuch measures as fhall be judged neceffary; that any nine of the faid committee be a quorum empowered to act.

That the following inhabitants be the committee, and that their first meeting be at the board-room in Mount-freet, next Monday, at twelve o'clock, viz. Wm. Mainwaring,

efq. Wm. Baker, efq. Benj. Caldwell, efq. J. Clerke Jervoife, Benj. Keene, efq. efq. Hon. C. Marfham J. Gladel Vernon,


efq. John White, efq. Alhet. Curzon, efq. Rt. Hon. William Windham Sir J. Woodhoufe, bart.

Tho. Bowdler, efq. Wm. Strode, efq. Hen. Legge, efq. Lord John Ruffel R. H. Ch. Ja. Fox G. Hemming, elq. Mr. Ottley

Mr. Jonath. Bettle
Mr. Henry Turner
Mr. J. Armstrong
Mr. Davis

Mr. J. Nicholas
Mr. R. Faulder
Mr. Walter



T. Powis, efq. Fr. Dickens, efq. Th. Birch, efq. Sir J. Stanley, bart, Sir Henry Gough Calthorp, bart. Wm. Morton Pitt, efq. Sir R. Sutton, bart. Edw. Baber, efq. Regin. Pole Carew, efq. R. Hallifax, M. D. Edw. Boodle, efq. Hon. J. Yorke Tho. W. Coke, efą. Lord R. Spencer Lord W. Ruffell Right Hon. Col. Fitzpatrick Mr. Johns Mr. W. Gray Mr. James Fisher Mr. Willerton Mr. Butt

Mr. Owen

Mr. Francis Jones
Rev. Mr.

Mr. Simpfou.


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