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Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond.

xxix Day of December or the feid fourth day of Marche had in the Premiffes or any Parcell therof the faid Duchie of Lancast'r and every Parcell and Membre therof Excepted other than they or any of theym have or the feid xxix Day or the feid fourth day of March had in the Premiffes or any Parcell therof To the use and behofe of the feid P'fones in Man're aforefeid attaynted or any of theym or to the Ufe of the Heires of any of them foo Attaynted. And alfo it is Ordeyned moreov'r by the feid Advis Affent and Auctorite that all Obligacions made of Statute M'rchaunt Statute of the Staple or otherwife Suertees & Reconyfaunces made to any of the feid P'fones in the forme aforefaid Attaynted to the use and behofe of any of the Kynges Lieges other than any of theym in the forme aforefaid Attaynted or to the Use or behofe of the Executors or Adminiftrators of any P'fone nowe dede not Attaynted by this Acte be availlable to theym to whose Use Profitte or behofe the fame Obligacions Suertees and Reconyfaunces were made and that no Right or Duetee growe to the Kyng by reason of any fuch Obligacions Suertees or Reconyfaunces but that they to whofe ufe profitte or behofe the fame Obligacions Suertees or Reconyfaunces were made have and p'fue in their own names to their owne Profitte and Availl in all and every the Kyngs Courts all Accions Execucions and Recov❜rees though they bee not named in the fame in such man're and forme as though the fame Obligacions Suertees and Reconyfaunces were made to theymfilf and yf any Obligacyons Suertees or Reconyfaunces were made to any of the feid P'fones foo Attaynted and to any other P'fone or P'fones by this Acte Attaynted To the Ufe or behofe of the fame other P'fones or any of the Kynges Lieges not named in this Acte that than all Accions Recoverees Suites and Execucions be hadde uppon fuch Obligacions Suertees and Reconyfauncez oonly by the faid other P'fone or P'fones named in the fame not Attaynted by this Acte or by their Executours or Admynyftratours withouten namyng in the feid Sutes Accions and Execucions any of the P'fones in the forme aforeseid Attaynted and that noo man'r Right nor Duete growe to the Kyng by reafon of the feid Obligacions. Suertees or Reconyfauncez Savyng to every of the Kynges Lieges bounden in any of the feid Obligacions Suertees and Reconyfaunces their Heires Executours & Admyniftratours and Terreten❜ntes and every of theym all manere Accions. Sutes Plees. and Discharges touchyng the fame Obligacions Suertees and Reconnyzancez as they or any of theym had the first day of this p'fent Parlement Savyng alfo to every of the Kynges Lieges and to their heires not Attaynted and to the heyres of ev'ry their Right Title Poffeffion and lawfull Entre or Entrees in and to all Caftells Honoures Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Advoufons and all other P'miffes in man're aforefeid forfeited and every of theym of which they or any of theym were lawfully feifed and poffeffed & by the feid P'fone or P'fones in man're aforefeid Attaynted or any of theym unlawfully diffeifed and put out Alfo it is Or


Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond.

deyned by the feid Advis Affent and Auctorite that the Kyng oure Sov'rayne Lord make under his L'res Patentes fufficient & fure Aflignments uppon the fame Londes and Lyvelood of the Lord Hungerford and Moleyns that John Say John Mervyn Gregory Weftby and other wherein they had State for the Payment and Contentac❜on of such Somes of Money as to eny Marchaunt or Marchauntz or other P'fone or P'fones of this Londe Stondyng under the Kynges Obeyfaunce or his fave Conduct been due by the feid Lord Hungerford for eny payments made afore this tyme for his Fynaunce and alfo CCClviij'. xvjs. iijd. Ob' yet owing of the Dette of the feid Robert Son of Waulter yf the feid fome can be proued due. Quaqudem Cedula Coibz' Regni Angl' in eodem parliamento exiften' Tranfportata fuit Cui ijdem Co'es Affenfum fuum p'buerunt Sub hijs Verbis A Ceft Acte les C'oez fount Affentuz quibus quidem Cedula et Affens'm in Parliamento p'dicto Lectis Auditis et Plenius Intellectis de Avifamento et Affenfu Dominor' Spualiu' et Temporalium in Dicto Parliamento exiften' Refpondebatur Sub hijs Verbis Le Roy Le Voet Provided alwey that this p'fent Acte of Attendre Extend not ne Stretch ne hurt ne be p'judiciall to John Newburgh in the Shire of Dorfet Gentilman nor to his Heires of to or for the Maner of Sutton Poyntz with the Appurtenn'cez in the faid Shire of Dorfet nor any part thereof ne of to or for the Hundred of Colyfordeftr' nor of to or for any part thereof nor of to or for any Landes and Tene'nts with in Sutton Poyntz aboveseid nor of to or for any part therof nor of to or for the Right Title Entre or Poffeffion of the feid John the which he hath or had to or yn the seid Ma'ner Hundred Landes & Ten'tes & every Parcel thereof The which Maʼnor Hundred Landes and Tenements James late Erle of Wilteshire had by Fyne refid in the Courte of Henry late y called Kyng Henry the Sixt of Englond in Dede in not of Right to the feid James and to the Heires of his Body begotten and for defaulte of fuch Iffue the Remayndre therof to the feyd John Newburgh and to his heires in fee for ev'more.

Ex Rotulo Parliament' de Anno R'ni Regis EDWARDI quarti primo.


TEM Quedam Cedula formam Actus in Se continens Exhibita fuit p'fato D'no Regi in Prefenti Parliamento Duche. fub eo qui Sequitur Tenore verbor' Forafmoche as HENRY late Kyng HENRY the Sixt ayenft the Honoure, &c.

T be Declared and adjuged by th'affent and advis of the Lordes fp'uely and Temporely and Comyns beyng in this prefent P❜lement and by auctorite of the fame that the faid Henry late called King Henry the Sixth for the Confideracions of



Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond.

the grete haynouse and deteftable matters and offences afore fpecifyed by hym commytted ayenft his feith and Liegeaunce to oure feid Liege Lord Kyng Edward the fourth his true right wife and naturall Liege Lord offended and hurte unjustely and unlawfully the Roiall Magefte of our faid Sov'ayne Lord and that yt be Ordayned and Stablished by the féid Advis affent and auctorite that the fame Henry forfeit unto the fame our Liege Lord Kyng Edward the fourth and to the faid Coroune of Englond all Castelys Man'rs Lordships Tounes Touneships Honours. Landes Tenements Rentes Services Feefermees Knyghtes Fees Advoutans Hereditaments and Poffeffions with their Appurten'ces which he or any other to his Ufe had the Third Day of Marche last past beyng of the Duchie of Lancaftr' or that were any parcell or Membre of the fame Duchie or thereunto unyed or an’exed in the first Yere of the Reigne of Henry late called Kyng Henry the fift or at any tyme Sith And that it be Ordeyned and Stablished by the feid Advys affent and auctorite that the fame Man'rs Caftelles Lordships Honoures Tounes Touneships Landes Ten'tes Rentes S'vices Fee Farmes Knyghts Fees Advoufons Heredytaments and poffeffions with their Appurtenances in England Wales and Caleis and the Marches therof make and from the faid fourth Day of Marche be the feid Duchie of Lancaftr' Corporat and be called the Duchie of Lancaftr' and that oure faid Sov'ayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth have fease take hold Enjoy and Enherit all the fame Manoirs. | Caftelles and other Premiffes with their Appurten'nces by the fame Name of Duchie fro' all other his Enheritauncez feperate fro' the said fourthe Day of Marche to hym and to his Heires Kings of Englond p'petuelly and that the counte of Lancaftr' be a Counte Palatyne and that oure Liege and Soverayne Lord King Edward the fourth and his Heires have as parcell of the feid Duchie the fame Countie of Lancaftr' a Counte Palatyne and a Seale Chaunceller Juges & Officers there for the fame and all man're Libertees Cuftumes Lawes Roial and franchises in the fame Countie Palatyne lawfully and rightwifely used and ov'r that ano' Seale called the Seale of the Duchie of Lancaftr' & a Chaunceller for the Kepyng therof Officers and Counceillours for the gidyng and Governaunce of the fame Duchie and of the p'ticuler Officers Miniftres Ten'ntes and Inh'itauntes therof in as grete ample and large forme as Henry callyng hymfelf Kyng Henry the fift at any tyme therein had ufed or Enjoyed lawfull and that by the fame Auctorite the feid Officers and Miniftres and also the Ten'ntes & Inh'itaunts of and in the fame Duchie have use exercise & Enjoy fuch and all lib'tees fraunchises Privileges & Cuftumes as the Officers Miniftres Tennantes and Inh'itauntes of the fame Duchie had ufed Exercifed or enjoyed lawfully in the tyme of the fame Henry callyng hymfelf Kyng Henry the fift and that also the fame Duchie be used had & Оc-. cupied all fuch fredomes lib'tees fraunchifes Cuftumes Privileges & Jurifdic'cons as wereufed therein lawfully afore the faid iiij Day


of Marche and that the Officers Miniftres Ten'ntes & Inh'itaunts of or in the feid Duchie be Entreated and Demeaned according to the same fredoms lib'tees fraunchifes cuftumes Privilege & Jurisdic'cons & not Distreyned arted or Compelled to the Contrary in anywife.

Prima Pars Rotul Parliament' de Anno Regni Regis
HENRICI Septimi Primo.

PARLIAMENT' tent' apud Weftm' Septimo Die
Novembris Anno Regni Regis HENRICI Septimi



From the Rolls.

nex' Ducat

TEM quedam alia Billa cum quadam Cedula eidem annexa Altus conexhibita fuit coram D'no Rege in Parliamento p'd'co Sub cernens An hijs Verbis Where in the Parliament begon and holden at Lanc CorWestm' the Sixt Day of Octobre the xijth yere of the Reigne of nub et al Edward late King of Englond the iiijth and by diverfe Prorogac'ons unto the xxiij Day of feverer the xiiijth yere of his Reigne contynued and than there holden for certayn confiderac'ons by thadvyfe and affent of the Lordes Sp'uelx and Temporelx and com❜ons in that Parliament affembled and by the Auctorite of the fame willed ordeyned and Enacted that Thomas Cardinall Archbishop of Canturbury William Bishop of Ely Richard Bishop of Sar' Rob't Bishop of Bath and Wells Thomas Bishop of Lincolne Henry Erle of Effex Anthony Erle Rivers William Lord Haftinges John Lord Dynh'm Maister John Ruffell Clerc Keper of the Kinges Prive Seale Maifter William Dudley Dean' of the Kings Chapell Thom's Burgh' Knyght William Parr Knyght Thomas Mountgomery Knyght Maifter John Gunthorp' Clerc Richard Fowler and William. Huse fro the same xxiij. day have holde enjoye and poffede the Honno' Caftell Lordship and Manno' of Tuttebury with the Membres and Appurten'nes and all Mannors Lordfhipps Landes Ten'ts Rentes and S'vices parcell of Duchie of Lancaftr' in the Countees of Stafford and Derby with the Appurtennes The Caftell Lordship' and Manno' of Kenelworth parcel of the Duchie of Lancastre in the Counte of Warrewyk with th'appurtenn'c's The Honno' Caftell and Manno' of Leiceftr' wt the membres and appurten'nces and all the Manno's landes and Ten'ts Rents and S'vices parcel of the Duchie of Lancaftr' in the Countees of Leyceftr' Warwyk and North'mpton with thappurtenn'c's The Honno' Caftell Lordship' and Manno' of Bolyngbroke wt the Membres and Appurtenn'c's and all other Manno's Lordfhipps Landes Ten'ts Rents and S'vices parcell of the Duchie of Lancaftr' in the Counte of Lincoln wt th'appurtenn'c's The Lordship' and Mano' of Longbenyngton parcel of the Duchie of Lancaftr' in the Counte of Lincoln w VOL. XXIII.



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From the Rolls.

thappurtenances The Honno'rs Caftells Lordfhipps and Man'ors of Pounfret Tykhull Knaresburgh' and Pykeryng wt their Membres and Appurtenn'cs and all Manno's Lordfhipp's Landes Ten'ts Rents and Services parcel of the Duchie of Lancaftr' in the Countees of York and Notyngham wt their Appurten'ncs The Caftel Lordship' and Manno' of Dunstanburgh wt the Membres and Appurten'ncs and all Manno's Lordfhipp's Landes Ten'ts Rents and Services parcell of the Duchie of Lancastr' in the Counte of Northumb'land wt their appurten'nc's to them and to their Heires for ev'r To the'ntent that the Revenues Profites and Comoditees com'yng and growyng therof may be employed to the p'fourming and Executyng of the last Wyll that his faid Highneffe fhall make and ordeyn to be doon w the fame Honours Caftells Manno's Landes and Ten'ts and othre P'myffes or wt the p'fittez Revenuez and Commoditees comyng and growyng of the fame and that it be ordeyned by the fame auctorite that aftir the fame Wyll p'fourmed and Executed or els if his feid Highnes declare and make no Wyll conc'nyng the P'miffes That then the feid Thomas Cardinall Archbishop' Bishopps Erles William Lord Haftinnes John Lord Dynhm. Maister John Ruffel Clerc Keper of the Kinges Prive Seale Maifter William Dudley Dean of the Kings Chapell Thom's Burgh Knyght William Parre Knyght Thomas Mountgomery Knyght Maister John Gunthorp Clerc Richard Fowler and William Hufe be and ftand feafed and feofes of and in the faid Honours Caftells Lordfhipps Mannours Landes Tents and other the P'miffes to th'ufe of his Highnes and his Heires and that it be Ordeyned and Eftablifhed by the faid advyfe affent and auctorite that all the fame Honno's Caftells Lord hipp's Mannours Landes Ten'ts and other the P'myffes wt their appurten'n'c's and stand be contynue and remayne in the Poffeffion of the faid Thomas Cardinall Bishopp's Erles William Lord Haftyngs John Dynham Maifter John Ruffel Clerc Keper of the Kings Prive Seale Mafter William Dudley Dean of the Kings Chapell Thomas Burgh KnyghtWilliam Parr Knyght Thomas Mountgomery Knyght Maifter John Gunthorp clerk Richard Fowler, and William Hufe parcell of the Duchie of Lancaftr and be called reputed and taken parcell thereof havyng and ufying all libertees freedom's franchefes Profitz Com'oditees and avayles as have been had and ufed in the fame and that all Officers and Gov'rnors of the faid Duchie ftand remayn and abyde Officers and Gov'nors therof havyng fuch Aftate and Int effe therein as they nowe have ufyng occupieng and execifyng their feid Offices wt all the fees wages p'fitz and availes p'teyning and belongyng to the fame and every of theym as they dyd and had and might have had and doon afore the makyng herof and that all Lefes and Demifes Grauntes and Offices fees Annuytees p'fentac'ons and Advoufons be made from hensforth duryng the Lyf of our faid Souv'ain Lord in his own name by warrant from his Highnes and under the Seal of his faid Duchie nowe being the Seale


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