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The fixe Articles.


Anno tricefimo primo HENRICI Octaui.

Ta Parliament holden at Westminster the eight and twentyeth day of April, and there continued vntill the eight and twentyeth day of June next following.

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An act for abolishing of diuerfitie of opinions in certaine
Articles concerning christian religion.


HERE the Kings moft excellent majestie is by Gods

law fupreame head immediatly vnder him of this whole Church and congregation of England, intending the conser< uation of the fame Church and congregation in a true, fincere and vniforme doctrine of Chrifts religion, calling alfo to his • bleffed and moft gracious remembrance, as well the great and quiet affurance, profperous increafe, and other innumerable commodities, which haue euer infued, come and followed of concord, agreement and vnitie in opinions, as alfo the manifold perils, dangers and inconueniences, which haue hereto*fore in many places and regions growne, fprung, and arifen, of the diuerfities of mindes and opinions, especially of matters of chriftian religion: and therefore defiring, that fuch an vnitie might and fhould be charitably eftablifhed in all things touching and concerning the fame, as the fame fo being established might chiefly be to the honour of Almighty God, the < very Author and fountaine of all true vnitie and fincere con* cord, and confequently redound to the comiron-wealth of • this his highneffe most noble realme, and of all his louing

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fubjects and other refiants and inhabitants of or in the fame : • hath therefore caufed and commanded this his most high • Court of Parliament, for fundry and many vrgent caufes and 'confiderations, to be at this time fummoned, and also a fynod and conuocation of all the Archbishops, Bishops, and other learned men of the Clergie of this his realme, to be in like manner affembled.


• II. And forafmuch as in the faid Parliament, fynod and conuocation, there were certaine Articles, matters and queftions proponed and fet forth touching chriftian religion, that • is to fay,

First, Whether in the most blessed Sacrament of the Altar remaineth after the confecration, the fubflance of Bread and Wine, or no. Secondly, Whether it be neceflary by Gods law, that all men fhould communicat with both kinds, or no.

Thirdly, Whether Priefs, that is to fay, men dedicat to God by Priesthood, may by the law of God marrie after, or no.

Fourthly, Whether vow of chaftitie or widowhead, made to God aduifedly by man or woman, bee by the law of God to be obferued,

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Fiftly, Whether priuat maffes ftand with the law of God, and be to be vfed and continued in the Church and congregation of England, as things whereby good chriftians may and doe receive both godly confolation, and wholefome benefits, or no.

Sixtly, Whether auricular confeffion is necessary to be retained, continued, vfed and frequented in the Church, or no.


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III. The Kings moft royall maieftie, most prudenly pon⚫dering and confidering, that by occafion of variable and fundry opinions and iudgements of the faid Articles, great dif• cord and variance hath arifen, as well amongst the Cleargie of this his Realme, as amongst a great number of the vulgar people, his louing fubiects of the fame: and being in a full hope and truft, that a full and perfect resolution of the said Articles, should make a perfect concord and vnitie generally amongst all his louing and obedient fubiects, of his most excellent goodneffe not onely commanded, that the faid Articles fhould deliberately, and aduifedly, by his faid Archbishops, Bishops, and other learned men of his Cleargie, be debated, C argued and reafoned, and their opinions therein to be underftood, declared and knowne, but also moft graciously vouchfafed in his own Princely perfon, to defcend and come vnto his faid high court of Parliament and counsel, & there like a Prince of most high prudence, and no leffe learning, opened • and declared many things of high learning and great knowledge, touching the faid articles, matters & queftio's for an vnity to be had in the fame: Whereupo' after a great & long deliberat & aduifed difputatio' & co'fultatio' had and made concerning the faid Articles, afwell by the consent of the Kings highneffe, as by the affent of the Lords spirituall and Temporall, and other learned men of his Clergie in their Conuocations, and by the confent of the Commons in this prefent parliament affembled, it was and is finally refolued, ac⚫corded and agreed in manner and forme following, that is to fay,

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First, That in the most blessed Sacrament of the Altar, by the ftrength Sacrament. and efficacie of Chrifts mighty word (it being spoken by the Priest) is present really under the forme of bread and wine, the naturall body and blood of our Saviour Iefu Christ, conceived of the Virgin My and that after the confecration there remaineth no fubftance of Bread or Wine, nor any other fubflance, but the substance of Chrifi, God and man.

Secondly, That the Communion in both kinds is not necellery Ad Communion. falutem by the law of God to all perfons: and that it is to be beleeued

and not doubted of, but that in the flesh under the forme of bread,

is the very blood, and with the blood under forme of wine, is the very flesh as well apart as though they were both together.

Thirdly, That Priests, after the order of Priesthood received, Marriage. as afore, may not marrie by the law of God.

Fourthly, That vowes of chaftitie, widowhead, by man or woman Vowes. made to God aduisedly, ought to be obferued by the law of God: and


Priuat maffes.






that it exempteth them from other liberties of Christian people, which without that they might enjoy.

Fiftly, That this is meete and necessary, that priuate Maffes be continued and admitted in it the Kings English Church and Congregation, as whereby good Chriftian people, ordering themfelues accordingly, do receive both godly and goodly confolations and benefits: and it is agreeable alfo to Gods law.

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Sixtly, That auricular confeffion is expedient and necessary to be reteined and continued, vfed and frequented in the Church of God.

IV. For the which moft godly ftudie, paine and trauell of his maieftie, and determination and refolution of the premiffes, his humble and obedient fubiects, the Lords fpirituall and temporall, and the commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, not onely render and give vnto his highnes their most high and hearty thanks, & thinke themfelues moft bound to pray for the long continuance of his Graces moft royal eftate, .but alfo being defirous that his moft godly enterprise may be well accomplished and brought to a full end and perfection, and fo eftablished, that the fame might be to the honor of • God, and after to the common quiet, vnitie, and concord to be had in the whole body of this realme for ever: most humbly beseechen his royal majesty, that the resolution and • determination aboue written of the faid Articles, may bee established and perpetually perfected by authority of this prefent Parliament:' It is therefore ordeined and enacted by the King our Souereigne Lord, the Lords fpirituall and temporall, & the Commons in this prefent parliament affembled, and by authority of the fame, That if any person or perfons within this Realme of England, or any other the kings dominions, after the xii. day of July next comming, by word, writing, ime printing, ciphering, or in any otherwife, doe publish, preach, teach, fay, affirme, declare, difpute, argue, or hold any opinion, that in the bleffed Sacrament of the Altar, vnder the forme of bread and wine (after the confecration thereof) there is not prefent really, the naturall body and blood of our Saviour Jefu Chrift, conceived of the Virgin Mary, or that after the faid confecration there remaineth any fubftance of bread or wine, or any other fubftance but the fubftance of Chrift, God and man or after the time aboue faid, publish, preach, teach, say, affirme, declare, difpute, argue or hold opinion, that in the flesh, vnder forme of bread is not the very blood of Christ: or that with the blood vnder the forme of Wine, is not the very flesh of Christ, afwel apart as though they were both together: or by any the meanes abouefaid, or otherwife, preach, teach, declare or affirme the faid Sacrament to be of other substance than is abouefayd, or by any meanes contemne, depraue or defpife the faid bleffed Sacrament: that then euery fuch perfon and perfons fo offending, their aiders, comforters, counfellers, confentors and abettors therein, being thereof convicted in forme vnderwritten by the authority abouefaid, fhall be deemed &


adjudged heretikes. And that euery fuch offence fhall be iudged Heretikes. manifeft herefie: and that euery fuch offender and offenders shall therefore haue and fuffer iudgement, execution, paine and paines of death, by way of burning without any abiuration, Burning. Clergie or Sanctuary, to be therefore permitted, had, allowed, admitted or fuffered and alfo fhall therefore forfeit and lofe to the Kings highnes, his heires & fucceffors, all his or their honors, manors, caftles, lands, tenements, rents, reuerfions, feruices, poffeffions, & all other his or their hereditaments, goods and chattels, farmes and freeholds, whatsoeuer they be, which any fuch offender or offenders fhall haue at the time of any fuch offence or offences committed or done, or at any time after, as in cafes of high treason.

V. And furthermore be it enacted by the authoritie of this Preach. present Parliament, that if any person or perfons, after the said xii. day of July, preach in any fermon or collation, openly made to the Kings people, or teach in any common schoole, or to other congregation of people, or being called before fuch judges, and according to fuch forme of the law, as hereafter fhal be declared, do obftinately affirme, vphold, maintaine or defend, that the communion of the faid bleffed Sacrament in both kinds, that is to say, in forme of bread and also of wine, is neceffary for the health of mans foule, to be giuen or miniftred, or ought or fhould be given or miniftred to any perfon in both kinds or that it is neceffary fo to be receiued or taken by any person (other than by Priests being at maffe, and confecrating the fame :) or that any man after the order of Priesthood received, as aforefaid, may marry and may contra& matrimony; or that any man or woman, which aduifedly hath vowed or profeffed, or fhould vow or profeffe chastitie or widowhead, may marry, or may contract matrimony: or that priuate maffes be not lawful or not laudable, or fhould not be celebrated, had, nor vsed in this realme, nor be not agreeable to the lawes of God or that auricular confeffion is not expedient and neceffary to be received and continued, vfed and frequented in the Church of God: or if any Prieft after the faid xii. day of July, or any Marriage. other man or woman which aduifedly hath vowed, or after the faid day aduisedly do vow chaftitie or widowhood, do actually marry or contract matrimony with any perfon, that then all and euery perfon and perfons, fo preaching, teaching, obftinately affirming, vpholding, maintaining or defending, or making marriage or contract of matrimony as is aboue fpecified, be and fhal be by authority aboue written, deemed and iudged a felon and felons. And that euery offender in the fame being there- Felonie. fore duly conuicted or attainted by the lawes vnder written, shall therefore fuffer paines of death as in cafes of felony, without any benefit of Clergie, or priuiledge of Church or Sanctuary Clergie. to him or her to be allowed in that behalfe, and fhall forfeit all Sanctuary. his or her lands & goods as in cafes of felony. And that it be lawful to the patron or patrons of any maner of benefice, which any such offender at the time of his faid conuiction or







Second offence.




attaindor had, to prefent one other Incumbent thereunto, as if the fame person so convicted or attainted, had been bodily deceased.

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VI. Alfo bee it enacted by the authoritie aforefaid, That if any person or perfons after the faid twelfth day of July, by word, writing, printing, ciphering, or otherwife then is aboue rehearfed, publish, declare, or hold opinion, that the faid communion of the bleffed Sacrament in both kinds aforefaid, is neceflary for the health of mans foule to bee given or miniftred in both kindes, and fo ought or fhould bee giuen and miniftred to any person, or ought or fhould bee fo in both kindes receiued or taken by any perfon, other than by Priefs being at Masse, and fo confecrating the fame as is aforefaid: or that any man after the order of Priesthood receiued as is aforefaid, may marrie or may make contract of matrimonie: or that any man or woman which aduisedly hath made or fhall make a vow to God of chastitie or widowhood, may marrie, or may make contract of matrimony: or that priuate Maffes be not lawful or not laudable, or fhould not be celebrated, had, or vfed, nor be agreeable to the lawes of God: or that auricular confeffion is not expedient and neceffary to be reteined and continued, vsed and frequented in the Church of God euery perfon being for any fuch offence duely conuicted or attainted by the lawes vnderwritten, shall forfeit and lofe to the King our Souereigne Lord all his goods and chattels for euer, and alfo the profits of all his lands, tenements, annuities, fees and offices during his life, and all his Benefices and Spirituall promotions fhall be vtterly voyd, and alfo thall fuffer imprisonment of his body at the will and pleasure of our faid Souereign Lord the King. And if any such person or persons being once conuict of any the offences mentioned in this Article as is abouesaid, doe afterward eftfoones offend in any of the fame, and be thereof accused, indicted or prefented, and conuict againe by authority of the lawes underwritten, that then euery such person and perfons fo being twice conuict and attainted of the faid offences, or of any of them, thall be adiudged a felon and felons, and fhall fuffer iudgement, execution and paines of death, loffe and forfeiture of lands and goods, as in cases of felonie, without any priuiledge of Clergie, or Sanctuary to be in any wife permitted, admitted or allowed in that behalfe.

VII. Be it further enacted by the authority abouefayd, That if any perfon, which is or hath been a Prieft before this prefent Parliament, or during the time of Seffion of the fame, hath married and hath made any contract of matrimony with any woman, or that any man or woman which before the making of this Act, aduisedly hath vowed chastity or widowhood before this prefent parliament, or during the Seffion of the fame hath married & contracted matrimony with any person, that then euery fuch marriage and contract of matrimony fhal be vtterly void and of none effect. And that the ordinaries, within whose Dioceffe or Jurifdictions the perfon or perfons fo married or


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