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the epistle of the Editor, a table of citations, Tetius's Commentary on this work, with a table of the names of those authors who are cited in this book. Then follows the text, which ends at the 138th leaf with these words, multa desunt;' after which come the remarks of the Commentator, at the head of which is an Epistle addressed to Fulvius Ursinus; the volume concludes with a list of Errata and an Index, which is pretty ample. De Bure, No. 3558. Æginus Spoletinus fut le premier édi"teur de la Bibliothèque d'Apollodore, à Rome, en 1550. Il "la publia d'après les manuscrits du Vatican, mais corrigea le "texte quelquefois un peu arbitrairement. Il accompagna l'original d'une traduction latine et de notes qui annoncent "beaucoup d'érudition." Dict. Univ. Hist. Crit. et Bibl. t. i. p. 100. At Gouttard's sale a copy brought £1. 5s. The reader may consult Brunet, t. i. p. 61; Bibliograph. Dict. v. i. p. 79; and Dibdin's Introd. v. i. p. 156.

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ANTV. 8vo. 1565. Gr. et Lat. Sylvii.

Containing a more correct text than the Editio Princeps,' with an useful index; the editor comments on that edition with great asperity. See his preface.

HEIDELB. 8vo. 1599. Gr. et Lat. Commelini.

A rare and valuable edition; the editor, among other MSS. made use of some contained in the Bibl. Palat. from which he received considerable information, and by the assistance of which he corrected many errors in the Editio Princeps,' and inserted better readings. De Bure and Brunet do not mention this edition. Reprinted in 8vo. at Amsterdam, in 1669. See Dibdin's Introd. v. i. p. 156; and Bibliogr. Dict. v. i. p. 79. 8s. 6d.

SALMUR. 8vo. 1661. Gr. et Lat. Tan. Fabri.

This edition, which Harwood calls "an accurate one," was edited by Tanaquil Faber, who has in this volume given full scope to that bold style of criticism of which he has always been so great an advocate; and the greater portion of the notes which are inserted in it are new, and relate principally to the correction of the Greek text. "Cette dernière édition fut ré"imprimée, en 1675, dans un receuil de Mythologues intitulé "Historia poëticæ Scriptores. Le savant Thomas Gale y fit "des notes et un discours préliminaire. Il y eut quelques au"tres éditions qui sont peu estimées." Dict. Univ. Hist. Crit. et Bibl. t. i. p. 428. Heyne speaks well of Gale's notes, though he says, that the arrangement of them is bad. See Dibdin's Introd. v. i. p. 156-7; and Bibl. Dict. v. i. P. 80.

GOTT. 8vo. 1782. Gr. et Lat. Heynii.

A very excellent edition, which does infinite credit to the editorial talents of Heyne. In 1783 he published a fourth volume, containing a commentary, which the Dict. Univ. Hist. Crit. et Bibl. calls, "rempli d'érudition;” (t. i. p. 428.) from which I shall extract the following information : "Photius est "le premier auteur, dont l'époque soit connue, qui ait attribué "à Apollodore la Bibliothèque. Cet ouvrage, qui est parvenu "jusqu'à nous, étoit rempli de fautes qu'on ne peut attribuer à "un grammairien aussi savant qu'Apollodore. Ces fautes "nombreuses, que les différens éditeurs ont fait successivement disparoître, et dont on a accusé les copistes, ont fait penser " à Taneguy le Febvre que cet ouvrage n'étoit qu'un abrégé de "celui d'Apollodore. M. Clavier, qui l'a traduit récemment en français, croit cette conjecture très-fondée, et la fortifie par plusieurs raisons." See Dibdin's Introd. v. i. p. 157.— Brunet informs us that there were copies struck off on strong paper, which sell from 17s. 6d. to £1. 1s.




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Gr. et Lat. Heynii.

GOTT. 8vo. 1803. Mr. Kett, in his Elements,' recommends this edition for the use of students. Gibbon, in the fifth vol. of his Miscellaneous Works, styles Heyne's Illustrations of this author, " A mine of mythological erudition." "L'édition de M. Heyne est "la meilleure pour le texte; ce savant a fait conférer un manu"scrit de Paris, et employé les notes littéraires rassemblées par G. J. v. Swinden, qui anciennement s'étoit occupé du projet d'une édition de cet Auteur, et avoit consulté pour "cela six manuscrits. L'édition de M. Heyne est cependant plus estimable encore par les recherches mythologiques et le "fonds d'érudition qui se trouvent dans le commentaire, que "par la critique du texte." Schoell, Répertoire, t. i. p. 19-20. Brunet speaks highly of this edition (t. i. p. 61.) It contains. some additional notes, and a new arrangement; there are copies on fine paper. Fiorillo published some elegant designs for this edition. See Dibdin's Introd. v. i. p. 167-8. 2 vols. £1. 11s. 6d.


PARIS. 8vo. 1805. Gr. et Fr. Clavierii.

An elegant and excellent edition; the translation is a very good one. Schoell, t. i. p. 20. It is enriched with curious and learned notes, which are contained in the second volume. Dict. Univ. Hist. Crit. et Bibl. t. i. p. 428. 14s.

VIENNE. 8vo. 1812. Græce. Neophytas Doukas.

Brunet calls this edition a good one: it contains some short fragments of Palæphatus, Phurnutus, &c. with a copious index. See his Manuel, t. i. p. 61.

Commentaries, &c.

Mitscherlichii, Epist. Crit. in Apollodorum. GoTT. 12mo. 1782. 2s. 6d.

Heynii, ad Apollodori bibliothecam notæ. GOTT. 8vo.


For an account of the merits of these notes, see his edition detailed among the editions containing the Greek text.

Siebelis, Observat. in Apollodorum, in Beckii Comm. Soc. Philol. LIPS. vol. ii.

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This work was translated by Passeratius, but not published till after his death. It is frequently corrected by Tanaquil Faber, in his edition of the Greek text.

PARIS. 8vo. 1805. Trad. par Clavier, avec le texte Grec.


"La bibliothèque d'Apollodore est la plus ancienne compi"lation qui nous soit parvenue sur la mythologie et l'histoire "héroïque de la Grèce. M. Clavier, dans sa traduction, a "suivi la marche ordinaire; il a rendu les noms propres des "divinités de la Grèce par les noms propres des divinités ro"maines ou latines qui leur sont analogues. Quelques archéologues penseront que les noms propres ne doivent jamais "être changés dans une traduction." Dict. Univ. Hist. Crit. et Bibl. t. i. p. 420. For an account of this translation, see it among the editions containing the Greek text. "Que pensezvous de cet Auteur (Apollodore,) me demanda-t-elle d'abord "ainsi que de son traducteur ?""Je pense, lui répondis-je,' que M. Clavier a rendu service à son original, par les notes "savantes dont il l'a enrichi." Voyage autour de ma Bibliothèque, t. ii. p. 181-2. 2 vols.

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Von J. F. Beyer.

I have not been able to discover an Italian translation of this work; it has not yet been translated into English.

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APOLLONII RHODII (ARGONAUTICA.) A.C. 230. FLORENT. 4to. 1496. Græce. Francisci. LITERIS CAPITALIBUS impressa, cum scholiis Græcis in margine.

EDITIO PRINCEPS. An extremely rare and beautiful book; the whole of the text is printed in capitals; the commentary which accompanies it, in a small letter; the recto and reverse of the first leaf are occupied by two brief lives of this poet; and on the recto of the following leaf the poem commences thus:



This volume contains twenty-two sheets; and the recto of the third leaf of the last sheet ends with this inscription, in capitals:




The reverse is blank. Brunet, after giving a list of what co-
pies brought at various sales, Dr. Askew's, £12. 8s. 6d. ; la
Vallière's, £12. 1s.; Brienne-Laire's, £19. 3s. 6d. ; Salle Sil-
vestre, £10. 17s. 8d.; Rover's, £9. 3s. 6d.; F. Didot's,
£12. 10s. 10d.; and at Gaignat's, a copy ON VELLUM sold for
£13. 6s. 10d.; he concludes with saying, that copies ON VEL-
LUM at this time would bring from £50. Os. 8d. to £62. 10s. 8d.
See his Manuel, t. i. p. 62-63. Dr. Heath's copy brought £10.
The reader may, for further information, consult Maittaire,
p. 611; Laire, Index Libror. v. ii. p. 210; Audiffredi, Edit.
Ital. p. 352; Panzer, t. i. p. 424; Santander, v. i. p. 69, and
V. iii. p. 521; Seemiller, v. iv. p. 76; De Bure, Ño. 2520;
Dibdin's, Bibl. Spencer, v. i. p. 252-253; the Introd. to the
Classics, by the same, v. i. p. 158-159; and Bibliographical
Dict. v. i.
p. 81-2.

VENET. 8vo. 1513. Græce. Aldi.

Panzer calls this, "Editio incerta." Dr. Harwood affirms that De Bure purchased a copy of this edition at Dr. Askew's sale for 16s. But it is only in Harwood's View of the Classics and the Bibliographical Dict. that I can find any mention of it; for neither Maittaire, Clement, Harles, Beck, De Bure, Renouard, or Brunet, notice any edition of this date whatever; and though the Doctor is pretty correct in the generality of his

We are compelled from necessity to omit the circumflex over the omega.

statements, I think that he has here made a mistake in the perusal of the date of 1521, of which edition De Bure did purchase a copy, and for the sum specified above.

VENET. 8vo. 1521, Græce. Aldi.

A beautiful and rare edition; a copy of which sold at Soubise's sale for £1. 10s.; at the Crevenna, for £1. 18s. 4d.; and in 1807, in red morocco, for £1. 13s. 4d. Brunet, t. i. p. 63. “224 feuillets, deux blancs, et deux ayant la souscription et "l'ancre. Le fol. 104 est aussi blanc. Dans la préface Stu"diosis, Fr. Asulanus assure avoir conféré plusieurs anciens et "excellens manuscrits, ce qui est cependant un peu douteux, car son édition n'a rien de meilleur que la première de Florence, 1494, que probablement il a copiée. Les Scholies "sont à la fin, fol. 105 et suivans, avec un titre exprès, grec et "latin, Interpretatio antiqua, ac perutilis in Apollonii Rhodii Argonautica. Cette édition est belle et très-rare." Renouard, Annales, t. i. p. 156-7. See Fabr. Bibl. Gr. t. ii. p. 525.



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PARIS. 8vo. 1541. Græce.


This edition is very rare; it has not the Scholia. Dr. Harwood calls it, "rarissima." Brunck, in his preface, informs us, that it is more correct than the preceding editions. reader may consult Brunet, who informs us that it is, cum scholiis antiquis,' and sums up his opinion in the following words: "Edition assez rare. 7 fr. Pinelli." t. i. p. 63; and Dibdin's Introd. v. i. p. 159.

FRANCOF. 8vo. 1546. Græce. Brubachii. Cum Scholiis.

"This uncommon edition of the Argonautica was purchased at Dr. Askew's sale by Dr. Hunter for £1. 2s." Harwood.Mr. Dibdin says, that he examined Dr. Askew's catalogue, and found" no such price affixed to either of the copies of this date." This edition is both rare and valuable. See Fabr. Bibl. Gr. t. ii. p. 525; and Dibdin's Introduction, v. i. p. 160. BASIL. 8vo. 1572. Gr. et Lat. Rotmari.

"An uncommon book." Harwood. The metrical Latin version of Rotmarus bears the date of 1570; the Greek text, that of 1572. Consult Harles, Fabr. Bibl. Gr. t. iv. p. 268-9. GENEV. 4to. 1574. Græce. Cum Scholiis. H. Stephani. An edition which is in great request; copies, in good condition, sell from 10s. to 15s. Brunet, t. i. p. 63. "H. Stephanus emendatam, nitidam et diligenti interpunctione accuratam "editionem Apollonii dedit." Fabr. Bibl. Gr. t. ii. p. 525. £1. 11s. 6d.

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