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all your fellow-men, of whatever party or creed, have deservedly secured for you a proud and enduring place in the grateful estimation of your fellowcitizens.

ON Thursday, Jan. 1st, a large and most influential meeting was held in the Commercial Buildings, Belfast, for the purpose of presenting the Rev. "The occasion in which this presenDr. Montgomery with his portrait, tation originated was one of deep painted by Knight, of London. It is public and private interest. The rea work of great merit: the likeness is ligious rights and congregational proinimitable, and the intellectual properties of a large number of Christian portions are brought out in the most faithful manner.

William Sharman Crawford, Esq. M. P. having taken the chair, read the address to the Rev. Dr. Montgomery, which had been handed to him by the committee who had arranged the proceedings of that day.


"TO THE REV. HENRY MONTGOMERY, LL.D. "Rev. and dear Sir,-We, a number of your friends, of different religious denominations and political parties, have been anxious to procure a good portrait of yourself, for the purpose of having an engraving made from it, and presenting the original to your family.

"With this view, we commissioned some gentlemen of our number to ascertain, among the most eminent artists, one whose style and talents they might think best fitted to produce at once a faithful likeness, and a work of high art. After minute examination, these gentlemen judiciously determined to make choice of Mr. Knight of London, whose picture of you we have now the pleasure of presenting.


Sir, in offering to you this mark of respect, it is scarcely necessary that we should dwell upon your character and services, both of which are well known to the public. Though we differ among ourselves, and some of us, of course, from you, in religious and political opinions, we are fully agreed in paying to your private worth, public merits, and commanding talents, the strongest tribute of our affection, gratitude, and admiration. Whilst in your intercourse with society, your example and demeanour are calculated alike to improve and delight those who enjoy the honour and advantage of your acquaintance, your efforts in the maintenance and promotion of the civil liberties, and religious and social rights, not alone of those whose opinions and objects are in harmony with your own, but of

Societies in this country and in England were threatened to be invaded, under the operation of antiquated penal enactments. You, Sir, as well befitted you, took a leading part in resisting that extraordinary attack; and we recognised in the triumph of justice and liberty the operation of your great personal influence and distinguished abilities. It pleased God to afflict you in the midst of your exertions with heavy and protracted sickness; but even when prostrated on a bed of suffering, your zeal never abated, and your energies never flagged; and we recollect, with mingled gratitude and amazement, that even then your unbending energies and cloudless genius manifested themselves in a splendid and unanswerable refutation and exposure of the opponents of the Dissenters' Chapels Bill, whereby you disconcerted their projects, and afforded resistless aid in the achievement of the glorious triumph of truth and justice which speedily ensued.

"At that time it occurred to a number of us, reflecting upon the uncertainty of human life, to obtain a faithful portrait of you, in order thereby, at the same time, to indicate our respect and gratitude towards yourself, and provide for perpetuating a representation of your features, when you and we shall have long passed away. The present painting is the result; and, whilst we request your acceptance of it, we fervently pray that the time may be far distant when the honoured original shall be no more, but that you may long live, happy in yourself and your family, receiving, as you must ever do, the respect and admiration of your fellowcountrymen.

"(Signed on the part of the subscribers),

"W. SHARMAN CRAWFORD, Chairman. "GEORGE K. SMITH, Secretary. "Belfast, 1st Jan. 1846."

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"Mr. Crawford, Ladies, and Gentlemen, my very kind and truly-valued Friends,-It is now almost eighteen years since my earliest exertions in the cause of Religious Liberty were spontaneously acknowledged by my fellow-countrymen in the presentation of a Service of Plate, more valuable, I believe, than any testimonial which had ever been conferred upon any private individual in this province. Six years ago, on my retiring from my Headmastership in the Belfast Institution, your kindness was repeated in a munificent pecuniary gift; two years ago you more than sustained all the expenses of my protracted illness in London and at home and, this day, in a regular and delightful climax of unwearied kindness, you have brought me hither to enjoy another testimony of your continued approbation. So long and so perseveringly favoured, I think you will believe me when I say, that it is not in the hackneyed expression of gratitude I call this the proudest and happiest day in my life.' Blessed be Almighty God, many, very many, have been my proud and happy days cheered by the generous affection of valued friends, and brightened by the approbation of the wise, the liberal, and the excellent amongst my beloved countrymen. I know that it is quite common to speak of mankind as cold, selfish, worthless, and insincere; and I cannot deny that there have been, and that there are, some such men in the world: but they are only, to the great mass of society, like the small spots which astronomers can perceive upon the face of the glorious luminary of day; and which in nowise impair its splendour, or diminish its benignant influences. The world, on the whole, I maintain, is a good world, and a kind world; nay must be so, for it is God's own world; and although, like others, I have had my private sorrows and public anxieties, I know that good has so largely preponderated over evil and suffering, as to make me rejoice in existence, and to feel that it is good for me to be here!' I will not, therefore, on account of occasional trials, complain of that gracious Providence that has

crowned my life with blessings, nor libel my brethren of mankind, who have so abundantly strewn my path with flowers.

"The very occasion which has brought us together, is a sufficient refutation of the calumny sometimes heaped upon human nature, by those who only view it through the jaundiced medium of their own unworthy spirits; for you state, in the first sentence of your Address, that the gratifying distinction now conferred upon me has emanated from 'friends of different religious denominations and political parties.' Any man of common attainments may easily become the idol of a sect or party, by flattering their prejudices and passions; but when men of various opinions upon the two great subjects which most excite the world, concur in heaping favours upon one who has never shrunk from the full and open avowal of his own religious and political convictions, it evinces a forbearance, a generosity, and a magnanimity, not so honourable to him upon whom they are bestowed, as to those by whom they are conferred. I tell you, 'from my heart of hearts,' that I prize this token of your approbation infinitely more than I should have done, had it come exclusively from those of my own creed and party; for I perceive in this manifestation of kindness towards myself the happy evidence of a Christian and tolerant spirit, nobly elevated above all contracted viewswhilst, at the same time, I cannot conceal the honest pride which I experience in looking upon it as a proof that I have been able, at least in some degree, to accomplish my own constant design of so advocating my own peculiar sentiments, as never to cast one unworthy reflection upon the conscientious convictions of my brethren.

"I do trust, therefore, that I am not altogether undeserving of the gratifying terms in which you have spoken of my efforts to promote the civil liberties and the religious and social rights of all my fellow-men, of whatever creed and party;' for I declare before you, from my inmost soul, that I never advocated a right or privilege for myself or my friends, either civil or religious, which I was not most anxious to see enjoyed by all my fellow-countrymen, of every creed and party. I do not deny that I am a strenuous sectarian, and a liberal po

litician; but I can say for myself, what would equally apply to all those with whom it is my privilege, generally, to co-operate, that I hold a principle infinitely exalted above the low sphere of sect and party-I mean the love of liberty, and truth, and charity; without which, in my estimation, all religious profession is but a sounding brass,' and all political pretences nothing more than the miserable exhibitions of personal vanity, selfishness, or ambition.

men of all parties, in both houses of Parliament-to the disinterested support of all our Catholic, and many of our Protestant countrymen — and, I firmly believe, in no small degree, to the uncompromising pertinacity with which our opponents declined meeting every overture for a settlement on the principles of substantial justice. I often think of the sad scenes through which I then passed, as upon a troubled dream-wondering how we were ever assailed, but wondering, still more, how we ever obtained protection. Those sad scenes cannot fade from my memory; but the irritation of conflict, thank God, has died within my heart; and, if I cannot yet entirely recall my esteem for those who would have left me without a temple or a home, for no crime but the honest worship of my Creator, I can, at least, obey our great Master, by 'forgiving them from my heart!'

in the passing of the Dissenters' Chapels Bill, as the occasion in which their presentation originated,' and to speak of my labours in the promotion of that measure in terms of eulogy, more suited to your own generous exaggeration of my exertions, than to the actual value of my services themselves. That I laboured zealously, perseveringly, and amid some discouragement, but with a spirit worthy of a good cause, is quite true: that I rendered some service also, I am happy to "You speak in terms which have believe; but, under God, we owe the setruly reached my heart, of my 'inter- curity of our properties to a Governcourse with society,' and of the suc- ment magnanimous enough to do an act cess of my efforts to contribute some- of justice to their political opponents thing to the rational and cheering en--to Christian and enlightened statesjoyments of private life. Whatsoever I may have done in this way, has been but a poor return for courtesies and hospitalities as kind, and disinterested, and gratifying, as ever man experienced, amidst enlightened and generous friends-manifestations of social kindness extending, uninterruptedly, over more than thirty years of a somewhat chequered life, whose anxieties have been always soothed by your sympathies, and whose sunny days have been rendered still brighter by your smiles. In my estimation, there is nothing in true religion inconsistent with the innocent hilarity and pleasing converse of social life. On the contrary, these things recreate the mind, expand the generous affections of the heart, ripen ordinary acquaintance into lasting friendships, and prepare men to return with renovated energies, to the anxious and important duties of the world. It is often incumbent upon a minister of the gospel-indeed, it is his blessed privilege to mingle in scenes of sorrow-to weep with those that weep.' -to bind up the broken hearts that are bursting around him: and blessed be God, he has seasons of abundant compensation, when he is not only permitted, but commanded, to 'rejoice with those that do rejoice.' When, therefore, I enter the happy home of social kindness, and contribute my share to the increase of its innocent enjoyments, I feel that I am no more violating any religious duty than I should be in visiting the house of mourning,' to pour the balm of Christian consolation into the wounded spirit of the distressed.

"You have been pleased to refer to the great act of justice consummated

"Your reference to the alarming indisposition by which I was visited in London, during the crisis of the Chapels Bill, and your too flattering estimate of my mental labours, whilst my wasted body seemed to be lying on the brink of the grave, afford me the opportunity which I have long desired, of assuring you and the world that I look back to that illness with feelings of unbounded gratitude towards God and man; and that I shall ever consider it, in all its attendant circumstances and results, as preeminently sanctified and blessed. Although suddenly struck down in the heart of a great city, I soon experienced among strangers the sympathy of friends in all around me; whilst the first in office and in station manifested a soothing interest in my

recovery; and not only you, Sir, whose general political views are my own, but several of my warm-hearted countrymen, equally opposed to me in religion and politics, pressed around my bed of suffering, as if you had all been brothers of my blood, with the look and the voice of unfeigned kindness, and with liberal offers of service, to any extent and in any way which I might require. And then, when my strength and my spirit failed, and there was no hope in life,' my evergenerous friends of this town and neighbourhood, with a promptitude and liberality worthy of their expanded hearts, sent my eminent and confidential Physician to London, and thereby, under God's gracious providence, as I sincerely believe, snatched me from the jaws of the grave. I dare not trust myself to speak of my return to my country and my home of the anxious crowding of tried and early friends of the public sympathy among all classes-of the kind and persevering inquiries of my warmest religious and political opponents-of the overwhelming affection of my own beloved flock! These things, believe me, are deeply enshrined in the memory of my heart; and I shall ever think better of all mankind than I did before; for, in despite of the competitions, and jealousies, and irritations of the world, there is a rich mine of sterling goodness and charity in human


"The presentation of your most appropriate and gratifying gift to my family will render this first day of the

year 1846 ever dear to their memories; and I trust that it will not only encourage them all (especially my sons), but many others in more important stations, to hold fast their integrity,' amidst all the changing scenes of the world.

"Permit me to say, in conclusion, that, whilst I ascribe the glowing language in which you have been pleased to speak of my talents, exertions, and character, to the pardonable exaggeration of generous friendship, I, at the same time, heartily rejoice in its expression by so numerous a body of the most enlightened, estimable, and influential members of society, as a delightful evidence that the great principles of civil and religious liberty, which I have humbly endeavoured to advocate, have taken deep and permanent root amongst the best men and women, of all sects and parties, in our native land.

"Again, I assure you of the affectionate regard of a heart as grateful as any that ever warmed a human breast a heart that can only forget the repeated testimonies of your generosity and esteem, when, at God's appointed time, it shall cease to beat. "(Signed),

"H. MONTGOMERY. "Dunmurry Glebe, Jan. 1, 1846."

After some complimentary remarks from Mr. Crawford, expressing his concurrence in the sentiments of the Address,

Mr. Thomson Tennent was called to the chair; and the meeting separated.


DIED - On Tuesday, December 30th, 1845, at his house, Grove, Hackney, near London, the Rev. Robert Aspland, Minister of the New Gravelpit Chapel, Hackney, and for many years one of the leading Unitarian divines in London.

Mr. Aspland was born in Cambridgeshire, of parents who were attached to the Calvinistic Baptist persuasion; and, having early chosen the ministry for his profession, he received his academical education partly at the seminary belonging to the Baptist body at Bristol, and partly at one of the Scottish universities. He soon, however, saw ground for renouncing the principles with which he had set out in life, and adopted those held by Unitarian Christians. He was for

some time minister of the Unitarian congregation at Newport, Isle of Wight; and on the removal of Mr. Belsham from the Gravel-pit Chapel, Hackney, to Essex-street, he was chosen to succeed him at the former station, where he continued his pastoral labours so long as strength remained.

He was an earnest, zealous, and powerful preacher of the gospel; his ardent and earnest nature rendered it impossible for him to trifle with his own time and that of his auditors by the introduction of topics of little value or interest; and what he deemed important for himself to state, and for his fellow-men to hear, he enforced with the authority of a vigorous intellect, a manly elocution, and a com

pation of the slaves-for the abolition of the sacramental test-for the removal of the disabilities affecting the Roman Catholics-and for the reform of the representation of the people in Parliament,-were arduous, incessant, and eminently useful. On committees and deputations, so long as he had strength to serve in such capacities, he had no equal. He had an honour

manding eloquence. It was impossible to hear him without being deeply impressed, for his "word was with power." Many of his occasional discourses, and an entire volume of his practical sermons have been given to the public; they have proved of eminent utility, and fully sustain the author's high reputation. He also gave to the world a catechism for children, a little volume of prayers, and a Col-able and useful share in the prelimilection of Psalms and Hymns for Unitarian Worship—all of which have met with much acceptance.

Mr. Aspland's principal engagement as a literary man was the editorship of the Monthly Repository, and of the Christian Reformer. The former work he set on foot in the year 1806, and continued to conduct till 1827, when his property in it was purchased by the British and Foreign Unitarian Association. But this respectable body having afterwards parted with their interest in the publication, and assigned it to other hands, under whose management it ceased altogether to be a religious periodical, Mr. Aspland enlarged his other magazine, entitled the Christian Reformer, to meet the want which was felt of an organ of communication between the Unitarians of England, and issued it thenceforth in that form in which it is now so well known to all the friends of that cause throughout the world. It is superfluous to add that these works have been the medium through which many most valuable papers have been given to the world; and that an acquaintance with their contents is of absolute necessity to the student of the religious history of England for the last thirty


But though distinguished in the religious literature of his church and of his country, Mr. Aspland was still more useful to his fellow-creatures by his rare talents for business, by his capacity for simplifying questions apparently most difficult and complicated, by the happy union of courage and wisdom which enabled him to conduct a good cause, through the most unpromising circumstances, to a successful termination, and by the hearty zeal with which he embarked in every well-considered plan for promoting the liberty and happiness of mankind. His efforts for the diffusion of education without distinction of sect-for putting down prosecutions on account of religious opinions-for the emanci

nary measures for bringing the case of Unitarian Christians, in reference to the attempts made to deprive them of their chapels and other trust property, under the notice of the Government; but, long before that application was brought to its triumphant close, he was rendered incapable of active exertion, by a severe complaint, which rendered his last years one continued scene of bodily suffering. He rejoiced, however, in the good that was done by the instrumentality of others; and closed his life with the blessed consciousness that he had fulfilled his part, and had not lived in vain.

Talents and acquirements such as Mr. Aspland possessed not only called forth the approbation of the body with which he was connected, but-united as they were with a warm, a sympathising, and a generous nature-the affectionate regard of many attached friends; among whom may be reckoned his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, the late Lord Holland, the late William Smith, William Sturch, Charles Butler the eminent jurist, and many other names eminent in science and literature, and belonging to various churches and communities. He was, indeed, a great and a good man, and his name will not speedily perish from the memory of those who knew him. In the brief compass of a notice like the present, it is impossible to do justice to a character like his; but the public feeling of the Unitarian body, and the friends of liberty in Ireland as well as in England, will supply the deficiencies of this necessarily imperfect memorial.

Died-On the 7th instant, at his residence, Greenogue, Mr. ANDREW M'CAN. For many years he was one of the elders of the First Presbyterian Congregation of Dromore; and, whether as a Christian, or in the social relations of life, few men have left behind them a better name, or taken with them a more ingenuous character.

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