The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Volume 6H. Woodfall, 1767 |
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Page 292
... Mach . Stay , you imperfect speakers , tell me more ; By Sinel's death , I know , I'm Thane of Glamis ; But how , of Cawdor ? the Thane of Cawdor lives , A profp'rous gentleman ; and , to be King , Stands not within the prospect of ...
... Mach . Stay , you imperfect speakers , tell me more ; By Sinel's death , I know , I'm Thane of Glamis ; But how , of Cawdor ? the Thane of Cawdor lives , A profp'rous gentleman ; and , to be King , Stands not within the prospect of ...
Page 293
... Mach . Your children fhall be Kings . Ban . You fhall be King . Macb . And Thane of Cawdor too ; went it not fo ? Ban . To th ' felf fame tune , and words ; who's here ? Enter Roffe and Angus . Roffe . The King hath happily receiv'd ...
... Mach . Your children fhall be Kings . Ban . You fhall be King . Macb . And Thane of Cawdor too ; went it not fo ? Ban . To th ' felf fame tune , and words ; who's here ? Enter Roffe and Angus . Roffe . The King hath happily receiv'd ...
Page 294
... Mach . Two truths are told , [ Afide . As happy prologues to the fwelling act Of the imperial theme . I thank you , gentlemen- This fupernatural folliciting Cannot be ill ; cannot be good . - If ill , Why Why hath it giv'n me earneft of ...
... Mach . Two truths are told , [ Afide . As happy prologues to the fwelling act Of the imperial theme . I thank you , gentlemen- This fupernatural folliciting Cannot be ill ; cannot be good . - If ill , Why Why hath it giv'n me earneft of ...
Page 296
... Mach . Come what come may , Time and the hour runs thro ' the rougheft day . Ban . Worthy Macbeth , we ftay upon your leisure . Macb . Give me your favour : my dull brain was wrought With things forgot . Kind gentlemen , your pains Are ...
... Mach . Come what come may , Time and the hour runs thro ' the rougheft day . Ban . Worthy Macbeth , we ftay upon your leisure . Macb . Give me your favour : my dull brain was wrought With things forgot . Kind gentlemen , your pains Are ...
Page 300
... Mach . To - morrow , as he purposes . Lady . Oh , never 擦 Shall fun that morrow fee ! Your face , my Thane , is as a book , where men ( 12 ) May read ftrange matters . To beguile the time , Look like the time ; bear welcome in your eye ...
... Mach . To - morrow , as he purposes . Lady . Oh , never 擦 Shall fun that morrow fee ! Your face , my Thane , is as a book , where men ( 12 ) May read ftrange matters . To beguile the time , Look like the time ; bear welcome in your eye ...
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againſt Alcibiades Andronicus Apem Apemantus Aufidius Banquo becauſe beft blood caufe Cominius Coriolanus doft doth enemies Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fafe faid father fatire fear feek feems fenfe fervice feven fhall fhall be fo fhew fhould fifter firft flain flave Fleance fleep foldier fome Fool forrow fpeak friends ftand ftill ftrange fuch fure fweet fword give Glo'fter gods Goths hath hear heart heav'n himſelf honour Kent King Lady Lart Lavinia Lear lefs Lord Lucius Macb Macbeth Macd Macduff Mach mafter Marcius Menenius moft moſt muft muſt myſelf noble paffage pleaſe poet pray prefent reafon Roffe Rome ſay SCENE ſhall ſpeak Tamora tell Thane thee thefe There's theſe thine thofe thoſe thou art Timon Titus Titus Andronicus tribunes uſe Volfcians whofe Witch word