The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Volume 6H. Woodfall, 1767 |
From inside the book
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Page 30
... feems the moft expreffive , and conveys an image exactly fuiting with the poet's thought . ' Tis true , untender fignifies , sharp , fevere , harsh , and all the oppofites to the idea of tender . But as a wound untented is apt to rankle ...
... feems the moft expreffive , and conveys an image exactly fuiting with the poet's thought . ' Tis true , untender fignifies , sharp , fevere , harsh , and all the oppofites to the idea of tender . But as a wound untented is apt to rankle ...
Page 48
... feems to fay nothing to the purpose : Nei . ther can it mean , as I conceive , how this becomes the order of fami- lies . Lear would certainly intend to reply , how does asking my daughter's forgiveness become me as a father , and agree ...
... feems to fay nothing to the purpose : Nei . ther can it mean , as I conceive , how this becomes the order of fami- lies . Lear would certainly intend to reply , how does asking my daughter's forgiveness become me as a father , and agree ...
Page 54
... feems to carry the vifible marks of imita- tion . -Magrum eft quodcunque paravi ; Quid fit , adbuc ; dubito . -Haud , quid fit , fcio Sed grande quiddam eft . Ovid . Metam . 1. 6 . Senec . in Thyefi . Corny Corn . ' Tis beft to give him ...
... feems to carry the vifible marks of imita- tion . -Magrum eft quodcunque paravi ; Quid fit , adbuc ; dubito . -Haud , quid fit , fcio Sed grande quiddam eft . Ovid . Metam . 1. 6 . Senec . in Thyefi . Corny Corn . ' Tis beft to give him ...
Page 63
... feems a fantastick wild- nefs , only extorted to disguife fense , and to blunt the fufpicion of his concealment . This makes it , that we are always moft ftrongly af- fected with the King's madness , as we know it to be a real diftrefs ...
... feems a fantastick wild- nefs , only extorted to disguife fense , and to blunt the fufpicion of his concealment . This makes it , that we are always moft ftrongly af- fected with the King's madness , as we know it to be a real diftrefs ...
Page 72
... feems now , When that , which makes me bend , makes the King bow ; He childed , as I father'd ! -Tom , away ; Mark the high noifes , and thyself bewray , When falfe opinion , whofe wrong thought defiles thee , In thy juft proof repeals ...
... feems now , When that , which makes me bend , makes the King bow ; He childed , as I father'd ! -Tom , away ; Mark the high noifes , and thyself bewray , When falfe opinion , whofe wrong thought defiles thee , In thy juft proof repeals ...
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againſt Alcibiades Andronicus Apem Apemantus Aufidius Banquo becauſe beft blood caufe Cominius Coriolanus doft doth enemies Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fafe faid father fatire fear feek feems fenfe fervice feven fhall fhall be fo fhew fhould fifter firft flain flave Fleance fleep foldier fome Fool forrow fpeak friends ftand ftill ftrange fuch fure fweet fword give Glo'fter gods Goths hath hear heart heav'n himſelf honour Kent King Lady Lart Lavinia Lear lefs Lord Lucius Macb Macbeth Macd Macduff Mach mafter Marcius Menenius moft moſt muft muſt myſelf noble paffage pleaſe poet pray prefent reafon Roffe Rome ſay SCENE ſhall ſpeak Tamora tell Thane thee thefe There's theſe thine thofe thoſe thou art Timon Titus Titus Andronicus tribunes uſe Volfcians whofe Witch word