The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Volume 6H. Woodfall, 1767 |
From inside the book
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Page 7
... fure , my love's More pond'rous than my tongue . [ Alide . Lear . To thee , and thine , hereditary ever , Remain this ample third of our fair Kingdom ; No lefs in fpace , validity , and pleasure , Than that conferr'd on Gonerill . - Now ...
... fure , my love's More pond'rous than my tongue . [ Alide . Lear . To thee , and thine , hereditary ever , Remain this ample third of our fair Kingdom ; No lefs in fpace , validity , and pleasure , Than that conferr'd on Gonerill . - Now ...
Page 11
... fure , her offence Must be of fuch unnatural degree , That monsters it ; ( 3 ) or your fore - voucht affection Farn ( 3 ) As monftrous is , ] This bald reading is a modern fophifticati- on the eldeft and beft copies read ; That Fal'n ...
... fure , her offence Must be of fuch unnatural degree , That monsters it ; ( 3 ) or your fore - voucht affection Farn ( 3 ) As monftrous is , ] This bald reading is a modern fophifticati- on the eldeft and beft copies read ; That Fal'n ...
Page 18
... fure . Glo . To his Father , that fo tenderly and entirely loves him - Heav'n and Earth ! Edmund , feek him out ; wind me into him , I pray you ; frame the business af- ter your own wifdom . I would unftate myself , to be in a due ...
... fure . Glo . To his Father , that fo tenderly and entirely loves him - Heav'n and Earth ! Edmund , feek him out ; wind me into him , I pray you ; frame the business af- ter your own wifdom . I would unftate myself , to be in a due ...
Page 19
... fure ; which at this inftant fo rageth in him , that with the mifchief of your perfon it would fcarcely allay . Edg . Some villain hath done me wrong . Edm . That's my fear ; I pray you , have a continent forbearance ' till the speed of ...
... fure ; which at this inftant fo rageth in him , that with the mifchief of your perfon it would fcarcely allay . Edg . Some villain hath done me wrong . Edm . That's my fear ; I pray you , have a continent forbearance ' till the speed of ...
Page 30
... fure , is kind and comfortable ; When the fhall hear this of thee , with her nails She'll flea thy wolfifh vifage . Thou shalt find , That I'll refume the fhape , I have caft off for ever . which thou doft think [ Ex . Lear and ...
... fure , is kind and comfortable ; When the fhall hear this of thee , with her nails She'll flea thy wolfifh vifage . Thou shalt find , That I'll refume the fhape , I have caft off for ever . which thou doft think [ Ex . Lear and ...
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againſt Alcibiades Andronicus Apem Apemantus Aufidius Banquo becauſe beft blood caufe Cominius Coriolanus doft doth enemies Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fafe faid father fatire fear feek feems fenfe fervice feven fhall fhall be fo fhew fhould fifter firft flain flave Fleance fleep foldier fome Fool forrow fpeak friends ftand ftill ftrange fuch fure fweet fword give Glo'fter gods Goths hath hear heart heav'n himſelf honour Kent King Lady Lart Lavinia Lear lefs Lord Lucius Macb Macbeth Macd Macduff Mach mafter Marcius Menenius moft moſt muft muſt myſelf noble paffage pleaſe poet pray prefent reafon Roffe Rome ſay SCENE ſhall ſpeak Tamora tell Thane thee thefe There's theſe thine thofe thoſe thou art Timon Titus Titus Andronicus tribunes uſe Volfcians whofe Witch word