The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Volume 6H. Woodfall, 1767 |
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Page 7
... thine and Albany's iffue Be this perpetual.Wha : fays our fecond daughter , Our dearest Regan , wife of Cornwall ? fpeak . Reg . I'm made of that felf - metal as my fifter , And prize me at her worth , in my true Heart . ( 1 ) I find ...
... thine and Albany's iffue Be this perpetual.Wha : fays our fecond daughter , Our dearest Regan , wife of Cornwall ? fpeak . Reg . I'm made of that felf - metal as my fifter , And prize me at her worth , in my true Heart . ( 1 ) I find ...
Page 9
... nor fear to lose it , Thy fafety being the motive . Lear . Out of my fight ! Kent . See better , Lear , and let me ftill remain The true blank of thine eye . Lear . Now by Apolio Kent . Now by Apollo A 5 King LEA R. 9.
... nor fear to lose it , Thy fafety being the motive . Lear . Out of my fight ! Kent . See better , Lear , and let me ftill remain The true blank of thine eye . Lear . Now by Apolio Kent . Now by Apollo A 5 King LEA R. 9.
Page 13
... thine , for we Have no fuch daughter ; nor fhall ever fee That face of hers again ; therefore be gone Without our grace , our love , our benizon : Come , noble Burgundy . [ Flourish . Exeunt Lear [ and Burgundy . France . Bid farewel to ...
... thine , for we Have no fuch daughter ; nor fhall ever fee That face of hers again ; therefore be gone Without our grace , our love , our benizon : Come , noble Burgundy . [ Flourish . Exeunt Lear [ and Burgundy . France . Bid farewel to ...
Page 26
... thine afs on thy back o'er the dirt ; thou had'ft little wit in thy bald crown , when thou gav't thy golden one away : if I fpeak like myself in this , let him be whip'd that first finds it fo . Fools ne'er had lefs grace in a year ...
... thine afs on thy back o'er the dirt ; thou had'ft little wit in thy bald crown , when thou gav't thy golden one away : if I fpeak like myself in this , let him be whip'd that first finds it fo . Fools ne'er had lefs grace in a year ...
Page 50
... thine Do comfort , and not burn . ' Tis not in thee To grudge my pleasures , to cut off my train , To bandy hafty words , to fcant my fizes , And , in conclufion , to oppofe the bolt Against my coming in . Thou better know't The offices ...
... thine Do comfort , and not burn . ' Tis not in thee To grudge my pleasures , to cut off my train , To bandy hafty words , to fcant my fizes , And , in conclufion , to oppofe the bolt Against my coming in . Thou better know't The offices ...
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againſt Alcibiades Andronicus Apem Apemantus Aufidius Banquo becauſe beft blood caufe Cominius Coriolanus doft doth enemies Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fafe faid father fatire fear feek feems fenfe fervice feven fhall fhall be fo fhew fhould fifter firft flain flave Fleance fleep foldier fome Fool forrow fpeak friends ftand ftill ftrange fuch fure fweet fword give Glo'fter gods Goths hath hear heart heav'n himſelf honour Kent King Lady Lart Lavinia Lear lefs Lord Lucius Macb Macbeth Macd Macduff Mach mafter Marcius Menenius moft moſt muft muſt myſelf noble paffage pleaſe poet pray prefent reafon Roffe Rome ſay SCENE ſhall ſpeak Tamora tell Thane thee thefe There's theſe thine thofe thoſe thou art Timon Titus Titus Andronicus tribunes uſe Volfcians whofe Witch word