which in this case is not a disk or cone, but is the surface of the Disk-, paper, or any other plane face, on which the map or other plane Cylinderdiagram to be evaluated in area is drawn. Professor J. Clerk Maxwell, having seen Sang's Planimeter in the Great Exhibition of 1851, and having become convinced that the combination of slipping and rolling was a drawback on the perfection of the instrument, began to search for some arrangement by which the motion should be that of perfect rolling in every action of the instrument, corresponding to that of combined slipping and rolling in previous instruments. He succeeded in devising a new form of planimeter or integrating machine with a quite new and very beautiful principle of kinematic action depending on the mutual rolling of two equal spheres, each on the other. He described this in a paper submitted to the Royal Scottish Society of Arts in January 1855, which is published in Vol. IV. of the Transactions of that Society. In that paper he also offered a suggestion, which appears to be both interesting and important, proposing the attainment of the desired conditions of action by the mutual rolling of a cone and cylinder with their axes at right angles. The idea of using pure rolling instead of combined rolling and slipping was communicated to me by Prof. Maxwell, when I had the pleasure of learning from himself some particulars as to the nature of his contrivance. Afterwards (some time between the years 1861 and 1864), while endeavouring to contrive means for the attainment in meteorological observatories of certain integrations in respect to the motions of the wind, and also in endeavouring to devise a planimeter more satisfactory in principle than either Sang's or Amsler's planimeter (even though, on grounds of practical simplicity and convenience, unlikely to turn out preferable to Amsler's in ordinary cases of taking areas from maps or other diagrams, but something that I hoped might possibly be attainable which, while having the merit of working by pure rolling contact, might be simpler than the instrument of Prof. Maxwell and preferable to it in mechanism), I succeeded in devising for the desired object a new kinematic method, which has ever since appeared to me likely sometime to prove valuable when occasion for its employment might be found. Now, within the last few days, this principle, on being suggested to my brother as perhaps capable of being usefully employed towards the development of tide-calculating machines Globe-, and Integrating Disk-, Globe-, and which he had been devising, has been found by him to be capable of being introduced and combined in several ways to produce important results. On his advice, therefore, I now offer to the Royal Society a brief description of the new principle as devised by me. The new principle consists primarily in the transmission of motion from a disk or cone to a cylinder by the intervention of a loose ball, which presses by its gravity on the disk and cylinder, or on the cone and cylinder, as the case may be, the pressure being sufficient to give the necessary frictional coherence at each point of rolling contact; and the axis of the disk or cone and that of the cylinder being both held fixed in position by bearings in stationary framework, and the arrangement of these axes being such that when the disk or the cone and the cylinder are kept steady, or, in other words, without rotation on their axes, the ball can roll along them in contact with both, so that the point of rolling contact between the ball and the cylinder shall traverse a straight line on the cylindric surface parallel necessarily to the axis of the cylinder—and so that, in the case of a disk being used, the point of rolling contact of the ball with the disk shall traverse a straight line passing through the centre of the disk-or that, in case of a cone being used, the line of rolling contact of the ball on the cone shall traverse a straight line on the conical surface, directed necessarily towards the vertex of the cone. It will thus readily be seen that, whether the cylinder and the disk or cone be at rest or revolving on their axes, the two lines of rolling contact of the ball, one on the cylindric surface and the other on the disk or cone, when both considered as lines traced out in space fixed relatively to the framing of the whole instrument, will be two parallel straight lines, and that the line of motion of the ball's centre will be straight and parallel to them. For facilitating explanations, the motion of the centre of the ball along its path parallel to the axis of the cylinder may be called the ball's longitudinal motion. Now for the integration of ydx: the distance of the point of contact of the ball with the disk or cone from the centre of the disk or vertex of the cone in the ball's longitudinal motion is to represent y, while the angular space turned by the disk or cone from any initial position represents x; and then the angular space turned by the cylinder will, when multiplied by a suitable constant numerical coefficient, express the integral in terms of Disk-, any required unit for its evaluation. The longitudinal motion may be imparted to the ball by having the framing of the whole instrument so placed that the lines of longitudinal motion of the two points of contact and of the ball's centre, which are three straight lines mutually parallel, shall be inclined to the horizontal sufficiently to make the ball tend decidedly to descend along the line of its longitudinal motion, and then regulating its motion by an abutting controller, which may have at its point of contact, where it presses on the ball, a plane face perpendicular to the line of the ball's motion. Otherwise the longitudinal motion may, for some cases, preferably be imparted to the ball by having the direction of that motion horizontal, and having two controlling flat faces acting in close contact without tightness at opposite extremities of the ball's diameter, which at any moment is in the line of the ball's motion or is parallel to the axis of the cylinder. It is worthy of notice that, in the case of the disk-, ball-, and cylinder-integrator, no theoretical nor important practical fault in the action of the instrument would be involved in any deficiency of perfect exactitude in the practical accomplishment of the desired condition that the line of motion of the ball's point of contact with the disk should pass through the centre of the disk. The reason of this will be obvious enough on a little consideration. The plane of the disk may suitably be placed inclined to the horizontal at some such angle as 45°; and the accompanying sketch, together with the model, which will be submitted to the Society by my brother, will aid towards the clear understanding of the explanations which have been given. My brother has pointed out to me that an additional operation, important for some purposes, may be effected by arranging that the machine shall give a continuous record of the growth of the integral by introducing additional mechanisms suitable for continually describing a curve such that for each point of it the abscissa shall represent the value of x, and the ordinate shall represent the integral attained from x=0 forward to that value of x. This, he has pointed out, may be effected in practice by having a cylinder axised on the axis of the disk, a roll of paper covering this cylinder's surface, and a straight bar situated parallel to this cylinder's axis and resting with enough of pres Globe-, and Disk-, Globe-, and sure on the surface of the primary registering or the indicating cylinder (the one, namely, which is actuated by its contact with the ball) to make it have sufficient frictional coherence with that surface, and by having this bar made to carry a pencil or other tracing point which will mark the desired curve on the secondary registering or the recording cylinder. As, from the nature of the apparatus, the axis of the disk and of the secondary registering or recording cylinder ought to be steeply inclined to the horizontal, and as, therefore, this bar, carrying the pencil, would have the line of its length and of its motion alike steeply inclined with that axis, it seems that, to carry out this idea, it may be advisable to have a thread attached to the bar and extending off in the line of the bar to a pulley, passing over the pulley, and having suspended at its other end a weight which will be just sufficient to counteract the tendency of the rod, in virtue of gravity, to glide down along the line of its own slope, so as to leave it perfectly free to be moved up or down by the frictional coherence between itself and the moving surface of the indicating cylinder worked directly by the ball. IV. AN INSTRUMENT FOR CALCULATING (√4(x) 4 (x) dx), THE INTEGRAL OF THE PRODUCT OF TWO GIVEN FUNCTIONS*. calculate Product of tions. In consequence of the recent meeting of the British Association Machine to at Bristol, I resumed an attempt to find an instrument which Integral of should supersede the heavy arithmetical labour of calculating two Functhe integrals required to analyze a function into its simple harmonic constituents according to the method of Fourier. During many years previously it had appeared to me that the object ought to be accomplished by some simple mechanical means; but it was not until recently that I succeeded in devising an instrument approaching sufficiently to simplicity to promise practically useful results. Having arrived at this stage, I described my proposed machine a few days ago to my brother Professor James Thomson, and he described to me in return a kind of mechanical integrator which had occurred to him many years ago, but of which he had never published any description. I instantly saw that it gave me a much simpler means of attaining my special object than anything I had been able to think of previously. An account of his integrator is communicated to the Royal Society along with the present paper. To calculate ($(x) 4 (x) dx, the rotating disk is to be displaced from a zero or initial position through an angle equal to while the rolling globe is moved so as always to be at a distance obviously turns through an angle equal to ("$(x) 4 (x)dx, and thus solves the problem. One way of giving the required motions to the rotating disk * Sir W. Thomson, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. XXIV., 1876, p. 266. |