areas are described by the radius-vector from the centre in equal times. Hence the general proposition of § 63. S. H. motions in different directions. be the Cartesian specification of the first of the given motions; the proper suffix being attached to each letter to apply it to each x = Σla, cos (wt — €,) = cos wtΣl,a, cose, + sin wtźl ̧a, sin e1, or, as we may write for brevity, x = P cos wt + P' sin wt,) The resultant motion thus specified, in terms of six component the required motion will be the resultant of cos wt in the line (λ, μ, v), and ' sin wt in the line (A', u', v'). It is therefore motion in an ellipse, of which 28 and 25' in those directions are VOL. I. 4 S. H. motions in different directions. H. motions of different in different lines. conjugate diameters; with radius-vector from centre tracing equal areas in equal times; and of period 2π 67. We must next take the case of the composition of simple kinds and harmonic motions of different periods and in different lines. In general, whether these lines be in one plane or not, the line of motion returns into itself if the periods are commensurable; and if not, not. This is evident without proof. S. H. motions in two If a be the amplitude, e the epoch, and n the angular velocity in the relative circular motion, for a component in a line whose direction cosines are λ, μ, v—and if έ, ŋ, ¿ be the co-ordinates in the resultant motion, η, = Σ.λ,a, cos (n ̧te), n=Σ.μ,a,cos (n,t− e), (= Σ. v,a, cos (n ̧t — €). Now it is evident that at time t + T the values of έ, ŋ, ¿ will recur as soon as n ̧T, n,T, etc., are multiples of 27, that is, when T is the least common multiple of 2π 2π " etc. If there be such a common multiple, the trigonometrical functions may be eliminated, and the equations (or equation, if the motion is in one plane) to the path are algebraic. If not, they are transcendental. 68. From the above we see generally that the composition of any number of simple harmonic motions in any directions and of any periods, may be effected by compounding, according to previously explained methods, their resolved parts in each of any three rectangular directions, and then compounding the final resultants in these directions. 69. By far the most interesting case, and the simplest, is rectangular that of two simple harmonic motions of any periods, whose directions must of course be in one plane. directions. Mechanical methods of obtaining such combinations will be afterwards described, as well as cases of their occurrence in Optics and Acoustics. We may suppose, for simplicity, the two component motions to take place in perpendicular directions. Also, as we can only have a re-entering curve when their periods are commensurable, it will be advisable to commence with such a case. The following figures represent the paths produced by the S. H. mo tions in two rectangular directions. combination of simple harmonic motions of equal amplitude in two rectangular directions, the periods of the components being as 1:2, and the epochs differing successively by 0, 1, 2, etc., sixteenths of a circumference. In the case of epochs equal, or differing by a multiple of π, the curve is a portion of a parabola, and is gone over twice in opposite directions by the moving point in each complete period. which for any given value of € is the equation of the correspond S. H. mo tions in two rectangular directions. Composi tion of two uniform circular motions. the equation of the 5th and 13th of the above curves. In general x = a cos (nt + €), y = a cos (n,t + €,), from which t is to be eliminated to find the Cartesian equation of the curve. 70. Another very important case is that of two groups of two simple harmonic motions in one plane, such that the resultant of each group is uniform circular motion. If their periods are equal, we have a case belonging to those already treated (§ 63), and conclude that the resultant is, in general, motion in an ellipse, equal areas being described in equal times about the centre. As particular cases we may have simple harmonic, or uniform circular, motion. (Compare § 91.) If the circular motions are in the same direction, the resultant is evidently circular motion in the same direction. This is the case of the motion of S in § 58, and requires no further comment, as its amplitude, epoch, etc., are seen at once from the figure. 71. If the periods of the two are very nearly equal, the resultant motion will be at any moment very nearly the circular motion given by the preceding construction. Or we may regard it as rigorously a motion in a circle with a varying radius decreasing from a maximum value, the sum of the radii of the two component motions, to a minimum, their difference, and increasing again, alternately; the direction of the resultant radius oscillating on each side of that of the greater component (as in corresponding case, § 59, above). Hence the angular velocity of the resultant motion is periodically variable. In the case of equal radii, next considered, it is constant. 72. When the radii of the two component motions are equal, we have the very interesting and important case figured below. Here the resultant radius bisects the angle between the component radii. The resultant angular velocity is the arithmetical mean of its components. We will explain in a future section (§ 94) how this epitrochoid is traced by the rolling of one circle Composi tion of two uniform circular motions. on another. (The particular case above delineated is that of a non-reëntrant curve.) 73. Let the uniform circular motions be in opposite directions; then, if the periods are equal, we may easily see, as before, § 66, that the resultant is in general elliptic motion, including the particular cases of uniform circular, and simple harmonic, motion. If the periods are very nearly equal, the resultant will be easily found, as in the case of § 59. 74. If the radii of the component motions are equal, we have cases of very great importance in modern physics, one of which is figured below (like the preceding, a non-reëntrant curve). |