Conservative System-Foundation of the Theory of Energy-
Physical axiom that "the Perpetual Motion is impossible"
introduced-Potential Energy of Conservative System 271-274
Inevitable loss of Energy of Visible Motions-Effect of Tidal
Friction-Ultimate tendency of the Solar System
Kinetic Energy of a System-Moment of Inertia-Moment of
Momentum of a Rotating Rigid Body-Radius of Gyration
-Fly-wheel-Moment of Inertia about any Axis
Impact-Time-integral-Ballistic Pendulum-Direct Impact
of Spheres-Effect of Elasticity-Newton's Experiments-
Distribution of Energy after Impact-Newton's experi-
mental Law consistent with perfect Elasticity
Moment of an Impact about an Axis-Ballistic Pendulum-
Work done by Impact-Equations of Impulsive Motion
Theorem of Euler, extended by Lagrange-Liquid set in Motion
impulsively-Impulsive Motion referred to Generalized
Co-ordinates-Generalized Expression for Kinetic Energy
-Generalized Components of Force-of Impulse-Im-
pulsive Generation of Motion referred to Generalized
Co-ordinates-Momentums in terms of Velocities-Kinetic
Energy in terms of Momentums and Velocities - Velo-
cities in terms of Momentums-Reciprocal relation be.
tween Momentums and Velocities in two Motions-Ap-
plication of Generalized Co-ordinates to Theorems of
§ 311-Problems whose data involve Impulses and Velo-
cities-General Problem (compare § 312)-Kinetic Energy
a minimum in this case-Examples
Lagrange's Equations of Motion in terms of Generalized Co-