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37. What Man, that delights in Virtue, can please the People?

38. Popular Favor is sought by the vilest Artifices you must level yourself with the Vulgar to please them: they will never approve what they do not own.

39. Not to return an Obligation, when in our Power, is base, and displeaseth all Men: for even the Ungrateful complain of Ingratitude.

40. Arts and Shifts, however they promise fair, and much please those who practise them, are yet commonly frustrated; and, which is worse, have a sad Ending.

41. Let every Man clothe himself in such sober Attire, as befits his Place and Calling.

42. If a proud Man be admonished, tho' ever so mildly and lovingly, he looks on it as a Disgrace; and therefore, instead of confessing or amending his Faults, generally reproaches his Reprover as an over-busy, or censorious Person.

43. The Crow preys only upon the dead, but the Flatterer lies in wait for the living.

44. Your Son is a Youth of that promising Turn, that I doubt not but you will train him up in those refined Arts, which you have always studied yourself; and, more particularly in the Imitation of your exalted Virtues.

Ex his, juvo, lado, &c.

BUT juvo, lædo, delecto, offendo, and other Verbs signifying to help, to hurt, to please, &c. are used with an Accusative Case.

1. Fortune helps the bold: many a Man loseth his Life by being too solicitous to save it.

2. The same Impulse profits not all Animals : Anger helps Lions; Fear the Stags; Violence helps the Hawk, Flight the Doves.

3. You will greatly oblige me, if you will assist my Friend in every Instance that is consistent with your Dignity.

4. No Good profits the Possessor, unless his Mind is prepared against the Loss of it.

5. I had rather other Men should hurt my GoodName, than I offend my Conscience.

6. Whatever hurts the Body, or Mind, makes a Man to be froward.

7. No Man can hurt us in the Grave, tho' he be ever so malicious.

8. He was in the right not to hurt his Reputation, by being obnoxious to the least Suspicion.

9. There are some Cases in which we cannot act ourselves, but have Recourse to the Trust of Friends; which whoever violates, he disturbs the Society of Mankind, and destroys the common Safeguard of all: for we cannot do all Things of ourselves.

10. Let them say what they will, no Speech can hurt me: if it be true, they cannot but speak well of me; if false, my Life and Conduct will disprove them.

11. The Discourse of a good Man, like a perpetual Spring of wholesome Water, always profits and delights those that receive it.

12. If a Tree, nursed up to bear Fruit, delights the Husbandman; if a Shepherd takes Pleasure in the Increase of his Flock; how must it delight those who have tutored a good Understanding, to see what they formed while tender, grown up to Maturity, and in itself perfect!

13. I am ever delighting myself with the Muses, and spend my Time in a literary Way, with a quiet, nay, a joyful and eager Mind.

14. We must take heed, that while we are serving some, we do not offend others: but too often we hurt those we ought not, or those whom we had better let alone: if this is done unwillingly, it betrays Negligence; if knowingly, Presumption.

15. There is such a Levity in most Men, that my Constancy in serving the State does not so much delight, as my Glory offends them.

16. I expected your Congratulations, and am persuaded you omitted them for fear of giving Offence to certain Persons.

17. If you hear your Afflictions in the Manner I am informed, I have more Reason to congratulate· your Fortitude, than to soothe your Grief.

18. As Medicine cures the Body, so does Philosophy cure the Mind.

II. Verba comparandi, &c..

VERBS of comparing (as comparo, compono, contendo, confero, æquo, æquiparo, &c.) govern an Accusative Case of the Person or


Thing compared, and a Dative of that to which it is compared.

1. Happy is the Man, who can justly compare his own old Age to that of a sprightly successful Courser.

2. Wisdom is more precious than Rubies; and all the Things thou canst desire, are not worthy to be compared to her.

3. Who is there that is not afraid to compare himself with you

4. Compare yourself with the Wise, if you desire truly to know your own Merit.

5. It is absurd to compare divine Things with human.

6. Can you compare yourself with my Glory? said the Fly to the Ant.

7. Never compare thy Condition with those thou countest more prosperous than thyself, but rather with those whom thou knowest to be unhappy, and then thou wilt find Cause to rejoice in thine own Lot.

8. He was so vain as to think himself equal to the bravest.

Interdum verò Ablativum, &c.

BUT sometimes Verbs of comparing, have an Ablative Case after them, with the Preposition cum : and sometimes an Accusative, with the Preposition ad, or inter.

1. With an Ablative Case.

1. If you must compare yourself with others, then compare yourself with all Men, and not with a few.

2. The ready Denial of a Kindness is better than a vexatious Delay; as a quick Death is Mercy, when compared with a lingering Torment.

3. It is impossible to form a right Judgment of Things, unless we compare Man with Man, Time with Time, and Circumstance with Circumstance.

4. If in Friendship what is seemingly profitable be compared with what is really virtuous, the Appearance of Utility must be rejected, and Virtue prevail.

5. If you compare our longest Life with Eternity, it will be found very short.

6. Sublimity and Greatness of Soul, also Politeness, Honesty, and Generosity, are much more. agreeable to Nature, than Pleasure, than Life, than Riches to despise these, and if we compare them with the public Good, to esteem them as nothing, is the Character of a great and elevated Mind.

7. If we compare his Words with his Actions, nothing can be more inconsistent.

2. With an Accusative Case.

1. You are mistaken: this Man, so old, so withered and decrepid, is by no means to be compared to that other, who has a fine Air, and looks like a Gentleman.

2. A Warrior indeed! Mars himself would not dare to compare his Valour to yours.

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