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William of Nassau, Prince of Orange, was born at the Hague in 1650. His mother was Henrietta Maria, daughter of Charles I. of England. He married Mary, daughter of the Duke of York, afterwards James II. By the Revolution of 1688 he was placed on the English throne, in conjunction with his wife. He died in 1703. Thomas Babington Macaulay-Lord Macaulay-was born at Rothley Temple, Leicestershire, in 1800. Mr. Macaulay was raised to the peerage in 1857, after a brilliant career in literature and politics. He died on the 28th December, 1859. His father, Mr. Zachary Macaulay, the son of a Scottish clergyman, took a leading part, along with Wilberforce and others, in the abolition of slavery.

MEANWHILE reports about the state of the king's health were constantly becoming more and more alarming. His medical advisers, both English and Dutch, were at the end of their resources. He had consulted by letter all the most eminent physicians of Europe; and, as he was apprehensive that they might return flattering answers if they knew who he was, he had written under feigned names. To Fagon he had described himself as a parish priest. Fagon replied, somewhat bluntly, that such symptoms could have only one meaning, and that the only advice which he had to give to the sick man was, to prepare himself for death. Having obtained this plain answer, William consulted Fagon again,

This portion of the History was not revised by Lord Macaulay before his death.

without disguise, and obtained some prescriptions which were thought to have a little retarded the approach of the inevitable hour. But the great king's days were numbered. Headaches and shivering fits returned on him almost daily. He still rode, and even hunted; but he had no longer that firm seat or that perfect command of the bridle for which he had once been renowned.

On the twentieth of February William was ambling on a favourite horse, named Sorrel, through the park of Hampton Court. He urged his horse to strike into a gallop just at the spot where a mole had been at work. Sorrel stumbled on the mole-hill, and went down on his knees. The king fell off, and broke his collar bone. The bone was set, and he returned to Kensington in his coach. The jolting of the rough roads of that time made it necessary to reduce the fracture again. To a young and vigorous man such an accident would have been a trifle. But the frame of William was not in a condition to bear even the slightest shock. He felt that his time was short, and grieved, with a grief such as only noble spirits feel, to think that he must leave his work but half finished. It was possible that he might still live until one of his plans should be carried into execu tion. . . . .

The king meanwhile was sinking fast. Albemarle had arrived at Kensington from the Hague, exhausted by rapid travelling. His master kindly bade him go to rest for some hours, and then summoned him to make his report. That report was in all respects satisfactory. The States General were in the best temper; the troops, the provisions, and the magazines were in the best order. Everything was in readiness for an early campaign. William received the intelligence with the calmness of a man whose work was done. He was under no delusion as to his danger. "I am fast drawing," he said, "to my end." His end was worthy of his life. His intellect was not for a moment clouded. His fortitude was the more admirable because he was not willing to die. He had very lately said to one of those whom he most loved, "You know that I never feared death; there have been times when I should have wished it; but, now that this great new prospect is opening before me, I do

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