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General Contents:-Beef Essences-Beef-Tea--Nutritious Beef-Tea-

Beef-Tea with Oatmeal-Mutton Broths-Chicken-Tea-Calf's-

Foot Broth-Mutton Broth-Veal Broth-Egg and Brandy-

Egg and Sherry-Caudle-Another Caudle-Milk and Isinglass

-Arrowroot-Arrowroot Gruel-Oatmeal Gruel-Tamarind-

Water-Arrowroot and Black-Currant Drink-Cream of Tartar

(Potus Imperialis)-Rice-Water-Snow-Pudding-Lemonade-

Milk Lemonade-Rice and Milk-Oatmeal Porridge-Milk Por-

ridge-Whole-Meal Porridge-Irish Moss-Toast-Water-Barley-

Water-Milk, Eggs, and Brandy-Port-Wine Jelly-Bread-Jelly

-Wine-Jelly-Chicken Panadas-Game Panada-Nourishing

Soup-Tapioca Soup with Cream--Purée of Potatoes-Cream of

Barley Maccaroni with Milk-Maccaroni (Stewed in Stock)---

Lamb's Head-Cow-Heel Fried-Ox Palates-Sweetbread--

Sweetbread with White Sauce-Calf's Head-Tripe-Breast of

Lamb with Vegetables-Kidgeree-Fish Soup-Calf's-Foot Jelly

-Blanc-Mange-Arrowroot-Pudding-Light Pudding-Custards


Blanc-Mange Cream-A Ripe Fruit Cream-Chocolate Cream-

Summer Fruit Pudding-Apple Charlotte-Charlotte Russe—

Omelet-Soufflé-Omelet (Savoury)-Peptonised Milk-Pepton-

ised Gruel-Peptonised Milk-Gruel-Peptonised Soups, Jellies,

and Blanc-Manges-Peptonised Beef-Tea-Peptonised Enemata

-Whey-White-Wine Whey-"Tops and Bottoms in Milk "-

Savoury Jelly-Barley-Gruel-Maccaroni Cheese-Buttered

Eggs-Gum Water-Meat Lozenges-Raw-Meat Sandwiches-

Chicken Soufflée-Beef or Mutton Tea-Tapioca Jelly-Savoury

Custard-Nutritious Chicken-Broth-Lamb's Foot-Calf's Foot

-Milk and Oatmeal.





A KNOWLEDGE of the physiology of digestion lies at the root of sound practical dietetics, and although it does not come within the scope of the present work to enter into a lengthy examination of different foods and their properties, or into a detailed account of the mechanism of digestion, it may be well to advert very briefly to a few points regarding foods and normal digestion..

For the present purpose foods may be grouped as (1) nitrogenous elements (albuminoids, proteids); (2) carbohydrates (starches, sugars, &c.); (3) hydro-carbons (fats); (4) salts and water.

The proper apportioning of these different elements, with due regard to the age, circumstances, and surroundings of the individual, constitutes for healthy persons a well-balanced and economical diet. Probably, however, it very seldom happens, even in health, that an exact balance is struck between the wants of the system and the amount of food that is consumed. For example, when the dietary is full and the digestive organs are vigorous, the surplus food assimilated is stored up, and increase of body-weight takes place. Moreover, even in healthy persons some of the food taken is incompletely digested, and is thrown off in the excreta. Again, when the diet is scanty and insufficient for the needs


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