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P. 107 1. 12. The gross amount (as printed 1. c. p. 192) is £625. 18. 4 d., and the amount after deductions, £536. 178. 44d.

P. 107 1. 24. says Dr Parker. See Parker Correspondence (Parker Soc.) p. 36. The king (ibid. 35) thought he had not in his realm so many persons so honestly maintained in land and living, by so little land and 5


P. 110 l. 4. The men of great learning. E. 9. Cheke.

167 b. P. 110 1. 7.

They supplicate Cromwell. See p. 353 l. 42.

See Ath. Cant. I.

P. 110 n. 3. MS. Coll. Corp. Chr. Cant. ovI. art. 40 p. 115.
Printed in 10
Lamb's Documents 37; Wharton's [Ant. Harmer] Specimen 163, 164;
Wilkins' Concil. III. 771. Dated 2 May 1534. See Cooper's Ann. I.

P. 1 1. 10. Letter to Cromwell. See p. 354 1. 3. Latimer writes to
Cromwell, St Swithin's, (15 July) 1537, Remains, P. S. 377: 'Sir, 15
these two fellows of St John's college, Cambridge, do come to your
lordship in the name of the whole College, to the intent to shew to
your lordship the tenor of their statute as touching the election of a
new master; and I doubt not but with a word or two you may make
master Day, or any else eligible by their statute, as Mr Nevell, yet 20
fellow of the same college, can commune with your lordship further,
as shall please you; for they have great need of your lordship's chari-
table favour in many suits and traverses appertaining unto them not
yet perfectly established.' Again from Hartlebury, morrow of St
Laurence (6 Sept.) 1537 (ibid. 382): As for St John's College, I can 25
say no more but that all factions and affections be not yet exiled out
of Cambridge and yet, my good lord, extend your goodness there-
unto, forasmuch as you be their chancellor, that in your time they be
not trodden under foot.'


P. III l. 12. instrument of Day's admission. See p. 353 l. 45.

P. III. 15. a twit. I much doubt it: as it is the usual form in returns of elections: ut asseritur, and per majorem et saniorem partem, are as common as elections: I have met with numberless instances in the same form.' WM. COLE 16 July 1777. See p. 116 l. 20.

[blocks in formation]

P. III. 27. letter to Cromwell. See p. 354 1. 3.

P. 112 n. I. MS. D. C. Perhaps Dr Cannon, from whom Baker (MS. XXXVI. II seq.) obtained transcripts of papers in King's.



P. 1131. 30. Richard Croke. 'I have collected many materials for a life of Richard Croke, and are put together in my 13. vol. p. 139, 237. 40 being my 1st vol. of my history of King's college people. In his oration to the Cantabrigians, he calls Bp. Fisher, that great Bp. of Rochester : but that was printed in 1519. But Leland and Caius both agree in Mr. Baker's character of this great scholar and envious man.' WM. COLE.

P. 114 1. 26. new collegiate churches. 'Qu. if not some new bishoprics, when he was designed for that see?'

[blocks in formation]

P. 118 1. 37.

My MS. Collect. Vol.

a letter. See p. 343 L. 39.


Regr. Goodrich fo. 8 b., fo. 9 a. b., 26 p. 224, 225.' WM. COLE.

The statutes of 1545 are in great measure borrowed from Fisher's code of 1530. This is made evident by the mode of printing (Early Statutes, 1859), as the corresponding statutes face one another.

10 P. 119 1. 6. iniquiora, p. 31. 17.


P. 119 n. 3. Tit. de sociorum et discip. qualitat. c. 9 p. 48 and c. 14 p. 66 with the corresponding statutes of 1545.

P. 119 1. 36 seq. Diversion of the stipends of Fisher's fellows and of the allowances for his trentals, pp. 242 l. 35 seq., 254 1. 5 seq., cl. p. 169

1. 21 seq.

P. 120 l. 5. Examiners and readers, p. 250 l. 13 and 1. 22, cl. p. 171

1. 29.

P. 120 n. I. p. 256 1.

20 P. 121 1. 6.






[ocr errors]

Tit. de cultu Dei, c. 17, p. 95 l. II seq., cl. Stat. 1330 c. 57, 19 seq.

the bond. Stat. 1530 c. 15, p. 64 seq.

P. 121 1. 13. a lord at Christmas, c. 26, p. 139 1. 2. seq. See Poulson's Beverlac, 263 n.; Northumb. Household book, 344; Cooper's Annals II. 112 n.; Birch's Court of Charles I. 1. 311, 313 fin., 325, 329; Donaldson's Bury 57. In the college accounts 37 Hen. VIII. (Documents 1. 170): Stipendium unius socii qui agit dominum in tempore natalis Domini per annum xxs.' See an interesting paper by Heiland Dramatische Aufführungen in K. A. Schmid, Encyklopädie der gesammten Erziehungs- und Unterrichtswesens (Gotha 1859), II. 25--30. There are many college inventories of the players' dresses. See a letter from Trin. coll. (28 Jan. 1594) to ld. Burghley to borrow the robes in the Tower for a tragedy and some comedies to be acted there (Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. 1. III. 32-34). The Return from Parnassus was written for a Christmas play in St John's A.D. 1602 (Cooper's Ann. II. 617-619). Dr Legge's Richardus Tertius (ed. for Shakesp. Soc. 1844) was acted in St John's at the bachelors' commencement 15. See Mr Cooper's account of the actors in Commun. to Cambr. Ant. Soc. I. 347— 357. There is a curious letter (4 Dec. 1592 in Heywood and Wright, Cambr. Univ. Trans. II. 40—42) from the heads to Burghley, who had written both to Cambridge and Oxford, moving them by reason that her majestie's owne servauntes may not...disport her highnes with theire wonted and ordinarie pastimes. . . to prepare a comœdie in English, to be acted before her highnes by some of ouer studentes in this time of Christmas... How fitt wee shalbe for this that is moved, havinge no practize in this Englishe vaine, and beinge (as we thinke) nothinge bese minge ouer studentes, specially oute of the University, wee much

doubt, and do finde ouer principale actors (whome we have of purpose
called before us) very unwillinge to playe in Englishe... Englishe
comœdies, for that wee never used any, wee presentlye have none. To
make or translate one in such shortnes of time wee shall not be able;
and therefore yf wee must needes undertake the busines, . . these two 5
thinges wee would gladly desire, some further limitacion of time for
due preparacion, and liberty to play in Latyn.' Prynne and the other
puritan opponents of Christmas festivities, dwell at length on the dis-
orders under the 'lord's' reign.

P. 121 n. 2.

P. 122 1. 3.

MS. D. M. i. e. Dr Morton. See p. 557 1. 10.

The same form. See p. 353 1. 45.

P. 122 n. 8. 1548. 'Mr Browne Willis, my honoured patron, who probably sent Mr Baker his admission to his prebend of Bedford minor, has in his copy altered it to 1538. v. p. 145 of my survey of Lincoln. However at p. 78 of the same book, he has left the false admission to the deanery, 1548, standing: which is evidently a mistake, by this MS. note of Mr Baker in Mr Willis's copy of his own survey, and copied by me into mine, viz. Dr Edmonds, master of Peter house, who died 1544. by his will, leaves to Mr. Dr. Taylor, dene of Lynkolne, his little Sylver Pott, etc.' WM. COLE.




[blocks in formation]

P. 124 1. 23. vir discretus.

admissions.' P. 125 n. I.

Quære, if that is not a common form at
WM. COLE. Not in this register: see p. 282 1.
Also in Aschami Epist. ed. 1703, pp. 287-289.




P. 125 1. 20. from one of Mr Ascham's epistles. Pp. 334-336, where he speaks of Lever and Hutchinson as arguing in the college against the On Ascham's share in the controversy see ibid. 288, 335. He was as B.A. in trouble for speaking against the pope, Scholemaster (1863) 161, cf. Epist. 214, 215; his tract against the mass (printed after 30 his death A.D. 1577) contains his Cambridge disputation.

P. 125 1. 22. Ascham no zealot in religion.

'Mr Baretti in his Account

of Italy, 1768, Vol. 2 p. 137, very sufficiently shews that he was both zealot and slanderer.' WM. COLE.

P. 125 1. 32. Visitation of 1549. MS. C. C. C. C. cvI. n. 174 seq. See 35 Lamb's Cambridge Documents, 107-119; 'Order of the visitation ' from MS. C. C. C. C. in MS. Baker x. 233 seq.=C 212.

P. 126 n. 1. MS. C. C. C. C. CVI. art. 163 printed in Lamb p. 152: 'Wee having at this present within our Realme Martin Bucer a man of profounde lernyng and of godly life and conversation have thought good.. 40 to bestowe hym upon you, to reade the lecture of holly scripture which Dr Madewe lately redde, to the greate comfort and erudition of all such as be godly and quyetly bent to the pure understanding of holly scripture.'

P. 127 lines 7, 8. additions to the statutes and rasures. All indicated in Early Statutes.

P. 128 l. 8. first fruits. See p. 356 l. 37.

P. 128 1. 22.

Cheke's lease of Ridgwell. See p. 371 l. 12.

5 P. 128 1. 24.

P. 128 n. 2.

Bill's lease of Higham. See pp. 368 l. 19, 369 1. 42.

Blithe's lease of Horningsea. See p. 346 1. 3.

P. 129 1. 13. Bill's will. MS. Baker xx. 258. In Bill's time (Commission Documents 1. 76): 'Pat. 5 Edw. 6. p. 2.—Licence to St John's College to purchase lands.'

IO P. 132 n. 2. See p. 468 l. 37. Other passages relating to the attacks on Sedberg school, pp. 364 l. 26, 371 1. 20 seq., 372 l. 11; Aschami Epist. 72, 311, 331.








P. 132 1. 20. The whole passage is worth reading; f. E i ro.—f. E ii ro. 'Your Magestye hath had gyuen & receiued by Act of Parliament, Collegies, Chaûtries, & guyldes for many good cōsideracions, and especially as appereth in the same Act, for erecting of grammer scholes, to the educacion of youthe in vertue & godlines, to the further augmentynge of the vniuersities, and better prouision for the poore and nedy. But now, many Grammer scholes, and muche charitable prouysion for the poore, be taken, sold, and made awaye, to the great slaunder of you and youre lawes, to the vtter dysconfort of the pore, to the greuous offence of the people, to the mooste miserable drounynge of youthe in ygnoraunce, and soore decaye of the Uniuer


'There was in the North countrey, amongest the rude people in knowledge (whych be most readye to spende their liues & goodes, in seruynge the kyng at the burnyng of a Beacon) there was a Grammer schole founded, hauyng in the Uniuersitie of Cambrydge, of the same foūdacion.viii. scholerships, two feloweshyps, euer replenished wyth the scholers of that schole; whych schole is now sold, decayed, and loste. Mo there be of lyke sort handled: But I recyte thys onelye, because I knowe that the sale of it was once stayed of charitye, and yet afterwardes broughte to passe by brybrye, as I hearde saye, and beleue it, because that it is only brybrye that customably ouercommeth charitye.'

P. 132 1. 26. the life of this man of unpure hands has been lately wrote by one of his family and lodged in the public library. The life of Edw. ld. North by (his great-grandson) Dudley ld. North (Cambr. MS. Ee. v. 3). See Cooper's Athena 1. 232; MS. Baker XXXV. 208; Fuller's Worthies in Camb. 8vo. ed. I. 258: 'He was a prudent person and in managing matters of importance of great despatch; not unskilled in the law, and eminently employed in the Court of Augmentation; a court though short-lived (erected in the end of [Hen. VIII.] dissolved in the beginning of [Edw. VI.] reign), yet very beneficial to the officers therein.' A delicate piece of satire.

P. 132 1. 30. Burwell rectory. See MS. C. C. C. C. cvI. 113, 115, 118—

124; MSS. Baker XIII. 165-170, 222, 223; XIX. 114, 150; XXI. 100; Commission Documents I. 447-450. On the later history and the purchase of Burwell S. Andr. see Patrick papers XXIII. 28 f. 30 (and thence MS. Baker XXXIII. 211, 212); MS. Baker xxv. 173, 176, 254. A mass of papers on this subject is preserved in the registry. 5 P. 133 1. 16. by their neglect of hospitality. In the college leases of Horningsea it was provided that the tenant must reside and be hospitable, or give a quarter of wheat quarterly to the poor. See p. 399 1. 21 seq., P. 435 l. 16 etc.

P. 133 1. 24. Fellows ejected under qu. Mary. See p. 140 1. 8; the numerous IO admissions A.D. 1554 and 1555, p. 286 l. 14 seq.; Strype Eccl. Mem. bk. III. c. 16 ad fin.; Ascham says (Scholemaster, ed. 1863, p. 163 seq.): 'mo perfite scholers were dispersed from thence [St John's] in one moneth, than many yeares can reare up againe. For, whan Aper de Sylva had passed the seas and fastned his foote againe in England, not 15 onely the two faire groves of learning in England were eyther cut up by the roote, or troden down to the ground and wholie went to wracke, but the yong spring there and everie where else was pitifully nipt and overtroden by very beastes, and also the fairest standers of all were rooted up and cast into the fire ...... Som of the greatest... 20 of that side did labor to perswade, that ignorance was better than knowledge, which they ment not for the laitie onelie, but also for the greatest rable of their spiritualitie, what other pretense openlie so ever they made: and therefore did som of them at Cambridge..cause hedge priestes fette out of the contrie to be made fellowes in the universitie: 25 saying in their talke privilie, and declaring by their deedes openlie, that he was felow good enough for their tyme, if he could were a gowne and a tipet cumlie, and have his crowne shorne faire and roundlie, and could turne his Portesse and pie readilie ... Verely, judgement in doctrine was wholy altered: order in discipline very sore changed: the 30 love of good learning began sodenly to wax cold: the knowledge of the tonges (in spite of some that therein had florished) was manifestly contemned and so, the way of right studie purposely perverted: the choice of good authors of mallice confownded. Olde sophistrie (I say not well) not olde, but that new rotten sophistrie began to beard and 35 sholder logicke in her owne tong: yea, I know, that heades were cast together and counsell devised, that Duns, with all the rable of barbarous questionistes, should have dispossessed of their place and rowmes Aristotle, Plato, Tullie and Demosthenes, whom good M. Redman, and those two worthie starres of that universitie, M. Cheke and M. Smith, 40 with their scholers had brought to florishe as notable in Cambrige, as ever they did in Grece and in Italie'. Foxe's Martyrs an. 1554 Nov. (VI. 566, ed. Cattley): In this University of Cambridge, and also of Oxford, by reason of the bringing in of these things, and especially for the alteration of religion, many good wits and learned men departed 45 the Uniuersities: of whome, some of their owne accord gaue ouer, were thrust out of their fellowships, some were miserably handled: in so much that in Cambridge in the Colledge of Saint John, there were 24 places void together, in whose roomes were taken in 24


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