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but that seems too large an allowance; but sure his provisions were very great, besides plenty of presents, and may be in some sort estimated by his proportion of wine, whereof he spent 26 tun in 5 days. He lodged and kept his table at St John's College...The King and Prince lay at Trinity College, where the Plays were represented; and the Hall so well ordered for room, that above 2000 persons were conveniently placed. The first night's entertainment was a Comedy [Aemilia, in Latin, by Tho. Cecill], made and acted by St John's men, the chief part consisting of a counterfeit Sir Edward Radcliffe, a foolish Doctor of Physic, which proved but a lean argument; and though it were larded with pretty shews at the beginning and end, and with somewhat too broad speech for such a presence, yet it was still dry.' The second night, 8 Mar., the famous play of Ignoramus, by Geo. Ruggle, who was originally of St John's, was acted. Phin. Fletcher's Sicelides was written for the same occasion. On the king's second visit, 13 May (ibid. 86 seq.), 'being within Trinity College, against the first rails, Dr. Gwynne, Deputy Vice-chancellor, made an Oration to him, giving him thanks for his love to them, that he was pleased again so suddenly to come to them again, and highly extolling his Majesty and his virtues.' Gwyn seems to have taken much pains in arranging the spectators at the play: see the prologue to Ignoramus (ibid. 89):

'Locum Episcopi Cicestriensis,
Procancellarii Cantabrigiensis,
Malo fato tunc absentis,
Alter forte tum supplebat,
Qui vices eius bene gerebat;
Fecit namque congregari,
Et in uno loco stare,
Scholasticorum totum gregem,
Ad videndum nostrum Regem.
Stabant primo loco gentes,

Quas vulg. pop. vocat Recentes;

Illos subsequuntur isti

Qui vocantur hic Sophistae;
Et post illos alter status,
Ordo Baccalaureatus;
Proximas tenebant partes
Hi qui sciunt omnes Artes;
Ubi illi desinebant,
Non-regentes apparebant,
Pone (gentium di maiorum!)
Turba gravis stat Doctorum.'

P. 202 1. I and n. 1. The king entertained by the college. MS. Baker xXII. 153 (in Nichols 64):



Paid for his Entertainment at his second coming
Paid of the fine-money for charges at his Majestie's coming,
per billam

'Paid Mr Vice-chancellor for entertainment of his Majestie at his first coming

£. s. d.

30 O O

19 16 0

[ocr errors]

499 7 2'

P. 202 1. 3.

degrees vilely prostituted to mean persons. Camden's Ann. 7 Mar. 161; Wood's Ann., ed. Gutch, II. 320; Bp. Ri. Corbet (Nichols



"The King being gone from Trinity,
They make a scramble for degree;

Masters of all sorts and all ages,

Keepers, subsizers, lackeys, pages,

Who all did throng to come abroad
With Pray make me now, good my Lord.
They prest his Lordship wond'rous hard,
His Lordship then did want the Guard;
So did they throng him for the nonce,
Until he blessed them all at once,
And said, Vos hodiissime

Omnes magistri estote.'

So the answer to the above, by Lakes (Cooper, 82):

"Then goes he to the Regent-house,

And there he sits and sees How lackeys and subsisers press

And scramble for degrees. But leave it, scholler, leave it,

'Twas much against our mind, But when the prison doors are ope, Noe thief will stay behind.

Sed novo in sacello

Pedissequos aspexit,
Quos nostra Academia
Honoribus erexit.

Sed parce, precor, parcito,
Nam ipse es expertus,
Effugiunt omnes protinus,
Cum carcer est apertus.'




P. 202 1. 6. degraded by a grace of the house. Printed from Baker in Nichols 61 n. 'Conceditur Mar. 4 [? 24] 1614 [-5]. Cum ex speciali gratia sereniss. Regis nuper per Literas suas Regias indultum fuerit, 20 ut ii tantum in ordinem Magistrorum cooptarentur, qui digni et idonei Procan. et Capiti Senatus viderentur, Placet vobis, ut ii omnes quorum nomina subscribuntur, et qui posthac ad notitiam Procancellarii pervenerint, qui absque notitia et approbatione dicti Procan. et Capitis Senatus ad gradum Magistrorum furtim obrepserint, contra tenorem 25 Regiae dispensationis, eorum admissio pro nulla et irrita habeatur, et ita publice his scriptis, valvis Scholarum affixis, publicetur et declaretur.

Draper de Braintree, pharmac.

Boswell, Johan.
Faiercloth, Reginal.
Heath, Trinit.


Medlop de Walden, pharmac.
Henr. Chapman, decimator.

Walterus Priest, tonsor.

Rayner, Joh'is.'

Similarly (MS. Baker XXXIII. 238) Ri. Bagnall was degraded 16 Dec. 1624, for getting his M.A. degree surreptitiously 12 Dec. Compare the decree 9 May 1584 De gratiis suppositiciis (Heywood and Wright, Cambr. Univ. Trans. I. 375).

35 P. 202 1. 19. Gwyn bursar four years successively. Appointed at the elections Jan. 160–161 both inclusive (First register, 54).

P. 202 1. 27. Cambridge petitions to be made a city. See Heywood and
Wright, Cambr. Univ. Trans. II. 267, 271, 272, 280-289; MSS. let-
ters in Eman. coll. (see MS. Baker xxx. 418); Cambr. MS. Gg. i. 29 40
art. 4; Cooper 105-114. Heywood and Wright 11. 615 from Baker:
'Hoc etiam anno [1616] vel succedente potius, consultum est inter
burgenses Cantabr. de suo ipsorum burgo jam pridem incorporato in
novam urbem fiendo, sed ipsi decidunt; unde iocus ille in comitiis
publicis non multo post,

O cives, cives, quaerenda pecunia primum est,
moenia post nummos.'

P. 203 1. 17. the king's letter to the university. Heywood and Wright,


288, 289: 'Vel sane literatorum dicatur civitas, vel quod in villae nomine vile est, incolarum tegatur celebritate...Nolumus sacrum illud Musarum asylum minaci praetoris ense temerari, nec strepere tetrica edicta ubi septemgeminus vestri chori auditur concentus.'

5 P. 203 1. 35;

P. 203 1. 36.

the see of

P. 204 l. 16.

P. 204 n. 4.

already, p. 200 l. 2.

John Buckeridge died 23 May 1631 and was succeeded in Ely by Fras. White.

His will. MS. Baker XXVI. 174, 175.

Honington. MS. Baker xxxII. 183.

10 P. 204 1. 30. archd. Rob. Johnson's foundation. See App. B. to 5th Educ. Rep. (1818) 470, 471.



P. 205 1. 28. the livings bestowed by Jo. Williams. Soldern, Freshwater, Aberdaron, St. Florence. Hacket II. 25, 26 (Oct. 1625): 'The Petitioner [Williams] besought, that his Majesty would please to ratifie a Grant made by his Father of four Advousons to St John's Colledge in Cambridge, whereof two he had bought with his Money, and two the King gave him for the good of that Society. The King said, He would ratifie the Grant, and give way to amend any errors in the form, or in the Passing...The forlorn Keeper felt the Heaviness of this Lightness, who thought he had obtain'd much: but (excepting the four Advousons confirm'd to St. John's College) he mist all that he sought for and expected.'

P. 205 1. 29. his fellowships and scholarships. See App. B. (as above) 473-475.

25 P. 205 1. 30. his fellowships maintained some time at the college charge. Only 5 fellows in all were admitted, two 6 Apr. 1625, one 31 Mar. 1626, one 19 Mar. 163, one 12 Mar. 1643. See Commun. to Cambr. Ant. Soc. II. 58.

P. 206 1. 9. Ri. Whittington, B.A. coll. Jo. 160, M.A. 1604. His will 30 in MS. Baker XII. 198; cf. XX. 123.

P. 206 1. 18. another person. Sir Wm. Gee who died 1612. See pp. 474 1. 22, 476 1. 26.

P. 207 1. 1. Tho. Wentworth, earl of Strafford, pp. 524, 525. Tho. Fairfax. There are letters of some of the family in the treasury.

35 P. 207 1. 2. lord Falkland. See his hearty letter, p. 532.



P. 207 1. 11. to his honour. his character as a blockhead? I suppose, even by this account, where some trouble is taken to undervalue them, that both Dr. Clayton and Dr. Gwyn were sufficient scholars for the posts they occupied: and tho' not of that eminence in learning as Dr. Whitaker, yet in as good a capacity for the real interests of the society, as one who took so little care about it, as to leave the government in the hands of a professed adversary of the establishment, Mr. Alvey, who seems to be regretted at Dr. Clayton's election. If Dr. Gwyn did wrong in taking a lease, he only followed a bad practice he found established.' WM. COLE.

'If so, why so much pains to depreciate

P. 208 1. 2. the old case. The original library comprised the front of the college southward from the gate, up one pair of stairs; the arched windows shew that this was intended for a public purpose. The great chamber near the hall of which Baker speaks is the set in the first court over the butteries (Prising book p. 58). 5

P. 208 1. 4. a letter. See p. 480 l. 31; Communic. to Cambr. Ant. Soc. I. 47, 48: 'May it please y Ladishipp Wee arre so deeply indebted allready to y Ladishipps bounty, as to press you further wth our p'sent necessityes wer a poynt of Incivillity not beseeming gratefull mynds. Especially att this tyme when wth greif we heare of y' Lady. 10 shipps great trobles and expenses in securing yr owne estate and fortunes. Notwithstanding being charged beyond or ability wth the building of a new Library adioyning to y' Ladyshipps Courte, and intended for an ornament thervnto, we cowld not be so farre wanting in dutye as not first to acquaynt yr Ladishipp therwth before we 15 resolve vppon the worke, the rather for that it carryes show of presumption for vs to alter any pte of y' Ladishipp's building wthout y liking and consent. To this end we arre become humble suitors to yr Ladishipp, to approve of this our purpose, & countenance it so farre, as shall stand wth yr good lyking; & so recomending y Ladyshipp 20 to the protectio of ye Almighty we take leave, and rest Y Ladyshipps most bounde the Mr & Seniors. St. John's in Camb. July 9th, 1617.' A few months later the countess unsuccessfully recommends a candidate for a fellowship, see this history, p. 480 l. 41.

P. 208 1. 12. a letter, see p. 488 1. 36. On this whole matter see Letters 25 of abp. Williams, 8vo. Cambr. 1866, extracted from the Commun. to Cambr. Ant. Soc. II. and I. Williams also aided in the foundation of a library at Leicester (Cal. St. Pap. 1633-4, pp. 210 seq., 393). The letters described above, pp. 527 1. 19 and 530 l. 24, and the following document, preserved in the treasury, give some account of the fortunes 30 of the archbishop's collection of books. The document is endorsed 'A release to Mr Williams Mr Oakley and Mr Owen of £1000. of the guist (sic. Qu. guift, i.e. gift?] of Bp. Williams.' 'To all Christian people to whom these presentes shall come, Wee the Master Fellowes and Schollars of the Colledge of St John the Evangelist in the Vniversity of 35 Cambridge send greeting, WHEREAS by Indenture beareing date on or about the second day of October in the Eight yeare of the late King Charles his Raigne over England, and made betweene John Williams then Lord Bishop of Lincolne and afterwards Lord Archbishop of Yorke lately deceased Richard Oakeley Esq. and Richard Owen gent. on 40 the one part and Walter Walker and Cadwallader Powell of the other part, there was the summe of one hundred pounds per Annum chardges to be paid to the said Master Fellowes and Schollars from Michaelmas then last past for the terme of tenn yeares then next following to be bestowed by the said Master Fellowes and Schollars in Bookes for the 45 better furnishing of the Library of the said Colledge or otherwise in such manner as by the said Indenture appeareth, AND whereas by Indenture bearing date on or about the 27th day of October in the said eight yeare of the raigne of the late King Charles, made betweene the











said Lord Archbishop then Lord Bishop of Lincolne of the one part, and the said Master Fellowes and Schollars of the other part, the said then Lord Bishop for the better secureing of the said Master Fellowes and Schollars for and concerning the said yearly summe of £100. for the said terme of ten yeares to be paid unto them to be bestowed in Bookes as aforesaid, did grant vnto the said Master Fellowes and Schollars all and singuler the Bookes mencōned and expressed in a Catalogue thereof made and taken and delivered with the said recited Indenture, To haue and to hold to them the said Master Fellowes and Schollars, and to be placed in the Library there if in case there should be default made in payment of the said yearly summe of £100., as by the said respective Indentures amongst other thing may more at large appeare, which said bookes were to be in liew of the said £100. per Ann. in case ye same should not be paid, WHICH premises were of the Free Guift of the said Bishop. AND whereas neither ye said £100. per Ann. nor any part thereof was paid vnto the said Master Fellowes and Schollars, wherevpon the property and Interest of the said Bookes became absolute vnto the said Colledge, and there happening seuerall greate troubles vnto the said Bishop, one Kilvert gained the possession of the Studdy where the said Bookes were, who Imbesiled part of them, and some of them otherwise miscarried, dureing or about the time the studdy was in his power, and the residue were removed and taken into the possession of the said Colledge, And afterwards in or about the yeare of our Lord 1640 at the request of the said Bishop the said Bookes soe formerly received by them (being by the Colledge lent vnto him for his private vse) they were removed to Westminster, and vpon his goeing to Yorke and afterwards into Wales they were ordered into the handes of certaine Gent. intrusted by the Parliamt vnder whose care they remayned about the space of Seaven yeares vntill about a yeare since vpon the Archbishops suite the Keyes of y Studdy at Westmr. where they then remayned, together wth the said Bookes, were delivered over into the hands of Richard Gowland Clerke who tooke care of them on the behalfe of the said Archbishop dureing his life, and some few of them by the directions of the said Archbishop were removed into Wales. Since whose death the same are come to ye hands of his Administrator, Now knowe yee that we the said Master Fellowes and Schollars of the said Colledge for and in consideracōn that Griffith Williams of Penrhin in the county of Carnarvan, Esq. Administrator of the goods and Chattells and Cousin and heire of the said late Archbishopp, and the said Richard Gouland, haue delivered vnto us all and singular the said Bookes comprized in the said Catalogue wch any way came vnto their hands or wherevnto the said Griffith Williams may any way make clayme, The receipt whereof we the said Master Fellowes and Schollars doe hereby acknowledge, and for divers other good causes and consideracōns vs therevnto specially moveing, haue remissed released and for ever quite claymed, And by these presentes for vs and or successors doe remisse release and for ever quite clayme vnto the said Griffith Williams Richard Oakeley Richard Owen and Richard Gouland and to every of them and to the heires exor" and Adm" of them and every of them all and singuler the said Bookes

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