GRAMS." In Decker's VNTRUSSING OF THE HUMOROUS POET, Horace, that is Jonson, exclaims in a passion, "Sirrah! I'll
A. B. C. of Aristotille. i. xx, xxi. Adrian, abbot of Saint Austin's Can-
Abbas, Benedictus, iii. 144. Abbot, archbishop. iv. 319. Abby of the Holy Ghost, by Alcock, bishop of Ely. iii. 82.
Abdella, king of Persia; account of a clock presented to Charlemagne by. i. cxxvi.
Abelard. i. clxxiv. iii. 4.
Abelard's Letters, translated. ii. 204. Abelard and Eloisa, Epistles of. ii. 419. Abotika, or Aristotle's Poetics, trans- lated into Arabic by Abou Muscha Metta. i. cxix.
Abyndon, Thomas. ii. 349. Acca, bishop of Hexham. i. cxxiv. Achademios, a comedy, by Skelton. ii. 162.
Achelly, or Acheley, Thomas. iii. 103. Achilleis, a tragedy, by Alberti Mus- sato. iii. 235.
Acrisious, Ballet of. iv. 243. Active Policy of a Prince, a poem, by George Ashby. iii. 364.
Acts of the Apostles, translated into Englyshe metre by Dr. C. Tye. iv. 14, 15, 16, 17, 297.
Acts of the Popes, by Bale, translated by Studley. iv. 207. Acuparius, Thomas. iii. 74. Adam de Orleton, bishop of Winches- ter. i. xciii.
Adam and Eve, their Sufferings and Repentance, Death and Burial. iii.
Adan de le Hale, author of Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion. ii. 80. and Le Jeu du Mariage. ii. 80. Adenez, a French poet, his Enfances d'Ogier-le-Danois. i. 139. His Ro- man de Pepin et de Berthe. i. 139. Not the author of Ogier-le-Danois. i. 139.
terbury. i. cxxii, cxxix.
Ægidius Romanus. ii. 178, 349, 350,
Ælian. i. ccxxxi. his Various History,
translated by Abr. Fleming. iv. 229. Æneas, Romance of. i. cxxxviii. Story of, on tapestry. ii. xliv.
Eneæ Gesta post Destructionem Troja. i. xcii.
Eneid of Virgil. i. xi, cxlvii. Aeneidos of Virgil translated. See Virgil. Ænigmata, by Aldhelm. i. cxxviii. Esop. iv. 170, 279.
Æsopicæ Anonymi Fabulæ. i. ccxlvi. Afer Constantinus. ii. 276, 277. Afer Dionysius. ii. 359. Afer Leo. i. lii.
Affaniæ, by Charles Fitzjeffrey. iv. 103. Affectionate Shepherd, by Barnefield, iv. 231.
Africanus, Julius. ii. 314.
Agamemnon, Seneca's tragedy of, trans- lated by Studley. iv. 115, 206, 243. Age and Youth, Comparison between, a poem. i. 35.
Aged Lover renounceth Love, a poem, by Lord Vaux. iii. 330. Agon Heroicus, by Edmund Bolton. iv. 101.
Agricola Rodolphus. iii. 273, 278. Agriculture, Spiritual. iv. 287. Agrippa, Cornelius. i. cxcvi. ii. 236, 238, 243. iii. 392.
Agynkourte, Battallye of, and Seyge of Harflett. ii. 346.
Ahasuerus and Esther, Romance of. i. ccxlvii.
Ahasuerus and Esther, a poem. iii. 14. Ajax of Sophocles, translated into Latin. iii. 211.
Ailward, Simeon. ii. 350. Aiton, or Haiton, not king of Arme- nia but lord of Curchi, i. 199.
Alexander, Roman de. i. 143. ii. 145.
Alanus, Anticlaudian of. i. clxix. ii. 227. Alexander, la Vengeaunce du Graunt.
Alanus de Insulis. i. clxix.
Alanus de Lynne. i. cclix.
Alardus Lampridius. ii. 214.
Alasco, Albertus de. iii. 210. Alba, a pastoral comedy. iii. 211. Alban, Saint, Latin Poem on the Life of, by Robert Dunstable. i. cl. Mar- tyrdom of, a poem. i. 101. Albert, abbot of Gemblours. i. cvii. Albertus Magnus. ii. 236, 423, 448. Albin, abbot of Saint Austin's. i. cxxvii. Albion's England, by Warner. i. 13. iv. 94, 95, 100.
Albion's Triumph, a masque. iii. 226. Albione, king of the Lombards, His- tory of. i. cxcix. Tragedy, by Dave-
Albumasar, an Arabian astrologer. ii. 276.
Alcabutius or Alchabitius, Abdilazi, Isa-
goge in Astrologiam, by. ii. 260, 261. Alcen, or Alhazen, an Arabic philoso- pher. ii. 240.
Alcestis, Romance of. ii. 251. Alcione and Ceyx. iv. 239.
Alcock, bishop of Ely. ii. 142. iii. 80, 82, 244.
Alcoran of the Prelates, by John Bale. iii. 363.
Alcuine. i. cxviii, cxxv, cxxix, cxxx, cli. iii. 4.
Aldhelm, bishop of Shirburn. i. cxxv, cxxvii, cxxviii, cxxxiv, cxxxvii. Aldred. i. cxxix.
Aldred, archbishop. ii. 139. Aldred, an English monk. ii. 418. Aldwin, abbot of Ramsey. i. cli. Alefleck, Saga of. i. lix.
Ales, various kinds, account of. iii. 413, 414.
Alexander the Great. i. xv. Alexander Magnus, Aristoteli præcep- tori suo salutem dicit. i. 104. Alexander, Romance of. i. ccviii, ccxiii, ccxv, ccxvii, ccxxxii, 126, 127, 132, 135, 137. By Adam Davie. ii. 53 to 64, 145, 146, 147, 180, 184, 185. iii. 397, 408, 410, 411, 412, 416. Alexander, Life and Actions of, trans- lated from the Persian, into Greek, by Simeon Seth. i. 133. Life of, by Callistines. ii. 312. By Adam Davie. iii. 140, 164, 165. Alexander de Villa Dei. iii. 5. Alexander de Paris. i. 143.
̓Αλεξάνδρους ὁ Μακέδων, translated by De-
metrius Zenus. i. 136. ii. 184. Alexander, bishop of Lincoln. i. clii. Alexander, a schoolmaster at Paris. iii. 179.
Alexander and Campaspe, play of. iv. 249.
Alexander, Campaspe, and Apelles. iv. 249.
Alexandreid, by Philip Gualtier de Chatillon. i. clxvii, clxviii, clxix, clxx. iii. 4.
Alexandri Gesta. i. cxlvi.
Alexis, or Allexius. i. clxxxvii, clxxxviii. iv. 295.
Alexius, Saint, Legend of, by Adam Davie. ii. 47, 51.
Alfayns and Archelaus, the famooste and notable History of. iv. 249. Alfred's Version of Bede's Ecclesiasti- cal History. i. 1.
Alfred's, King, Saxon Translation of the Mercian Law. i. xii. His Ac- count of the Northern Seas. i. xxviii- xlv, cxxv, cxxvi, cxxxix. Fables exe- cuted by order of. i. lxxxv. his say- ings not in prose. i. lxxxv. Alfred, King. ii. 342. iii. 44, 140. Alfred of Beverly. i. x. iii. 14. Allard, Monsieur. i. xxi. Allen, Thomas. ii. 126.
Allen, Edward, Founder of Dulwich College. iv. 263, 305.
All Fools, a comedy, by George Chap- man. iii. 220.
Alliteration used in Welsh poetry.ii.512. Allot, Robert. iv. 102, 103, 314. Al-Manum Caliph, Account of the. i. cxvii.
Almasor, or Albumasar, and Rhasis. ii. 276.
Almagest, by Ptolemy. ii. 326. Almenhusen, Conrade Von, Game of Chess translated into German by. ii. 350.
Alphabet of Birds, by Stephen Hawes. iii. 46.
Alphonsus King of Castile. ii. 229. Alphonsus, Peter. i. clxxxi, ccxv, ccxvi, ccxxxviii, ccxl, ccxli, ccxlvi, cclv, cclxvi. ii. 322.
Alveare. iv. 229, 240. Alyngton, Sir Giles. iii. 81.
Amadis de Gaul, Romance of. i. cxci, cclxviii, 152. iv. 252, 307, 319.
Amazonida, by Boccacio. ii. 179. Ambrose of Milan, Paraphrase of the Siege of Jerusalem by. ii. 50. Ambrose, Saint. ii. 229. Ambrosius. ii. 314.
Amergot Marcell, account of. iii. 159. Amille, a French morality. i. 92. Amon or Hamon, and Madocheus or Mordecai, Story of, a poem. iii. 14. Amoris Incendium, by Hampole. ii. 99. Amorous Prison, a poem, by Froissart, ii. 300.
Amorous Lays, a poem, by Froissart. ii. 300.
Amour Espris, le Livre de Cuer d'. ii. 251.
Anslay, or Annesley, Brian. iii. 363. Anstis. iv. 102.
Answers of the Sybills. ii. 204. Anthony de la Sale. ii. 170. Antiche Cento Novelle. i. cc, ccxxii, ccxxvii, ccxxxi, ccxxxviii, cclvi. Antichrist, the Banner of. ii. 121. Antichrist, Tournoyement de l', Ro- man de, par Huon de Meri. ii. 121.
Antichrist's Mas, or Mass, the Down- fal of. iii. 429.
Antichrist, or the Papal Dominion, a poem on, by Naogeorgius, or Kirch- maier. iv. 187.
Anticlaudian, by Alanus. i. clxix. ii. 227.
Amours, with Sonnets by J. or G. D. Antigone of Sophocles, translated. iv.
and W. S. iv. 227.
Amyot. i. cxcv.
Amys and Amelion. i. ccxxvii. Ro- mance of. i. 92. ii. 44.
Anatomy of Melancholy, by Burton. iv. 120, 262.
Anciseno Dominicho Falugi, an Italian poem on Alexander by. i. 143. Andalus the Blake. ii. 379. Anderson's History of Commerce. ii. 9. Andrew, a Jew. i. clxxii. Andria of Terence. iii. 217. Andria of Terence, Commentary on, by M. Grimoald. iii. 344. Andria of Terence, translated by Kyffin. iv. 278.
Androclus, Story of. i. ccxiv. Andronicus, Titus. i. cc. Aneurin, a Welch bard. i. lxii.
Angantyr, Scaldic Dialogue at the Tomb of. i. xli. Translated by Gray. i. xli.
Anglicus Gilbertus. ii. 278. Anglicus Bartholomew. ii. 422. Anglorum Prelia, a Latin poem, by Ocland. iv. 139.
Anglo-Saxon priests forbidden to play at tables. i. cviii.
Anglo-Saxon Kings, Chronicle of the, by Gaimar Geoffry. i. 66, 160. Anlaff, a Danish king. i. xlv. Ann Queen of Richard II. iii. 153. Anna Comnena. i. 54, 169. ii. 183. Anna de Graville. ii. 181. Anne Boleyn. iii. 313, 334, 342. Anno, archbishop of Cologn, Metrical Life of. i. 8.
Annunciada, Order of the. ii. 87. Anonymus Salernitanus. iii. 6. Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury. i. cxli, cliv, clxxv..
Antioch, John de. ii. 421.
Antiocheis, by Joseph of Exeter. i. clxii, clxv.
Antiochenus, Johannes. i. cxlvii. Antiochiæ Liber de Captione. i. 92. Antiochiæ Gesta et Regum aliorum, &c. i. 118.
Antiochus, Story of. i. clxxx. Tale of. ii. 319, 320.
Antiochus Epiphanes. ii. 324. Antiprognosticon of W. Fulk, translated by William Paynter. iv. 294. Antoine Marc, la Vie et Fais de, et de sa mie Cleopatra. i. cxcv. Antoine le Maçon. ii. 427.
Antonio de Beccaria. ii. 258, 259. Antonio de Lebrixa, iii. 242. Antonio de Arena. iii. 182. Antonio, Nicholas. iv. 306. Antonius, Nicholas. i. cxlvi. Anuar Soheli. i. 134. See Pilpay's Fa- bles.
Apelles and Pygmalyne. iv. 250. Apius, Terannye of Judge, a poem. iv.
Apollinaris, bishop of Laodicea. iii. 196,
Apollo shroving, a comedy, by John Hawkins. iii. 214.
Apology for Woman, by William Heale.
Apology of Pierce Penniless. iv. 225. Apono Pierre, Commentaries on the Problems of Aristotle by. ii. 274. Apollonius of Tyre, romance of. i. clxxx, ccxxxv, ccxxxvi. ii. 184, 185. Apollonius. ii. 333.
Apollonii Tyanæi Historia. ii. 185. Apostolic Creed, versified by William Whyttingham. iii. 451.
Apponus. ii. 229.
Apuleius. i. cxxxviii. ii. 229.
into Arabic by Abou Muscha Metta. i. cxix. His Works, translated. i. cxix. Aristotle's Politiques, or Discourse of Government, translated by Aretine. ii. 358. Economicks into French, by Laurence. ii. 372.
Aristotle's Secretum Secretorum. i. clxxxvi, cxciv.
Aristotelem de Regina quæ equitavit. i. cclxv.
Aquinas, Thomas. i. ccxlvi. ii. 236, 340, Armes et de Chevallerie, Livres de Fais
383. iii. 130.
Arator. i. cv.
Arbor of Amitie set foorth by Thomas Howell. iv. 244.
Arcaeus, F. Anatomy, by. iv. 3. Arcadia, by Sidney. iv. 246, 252, 327. Arcadian Rhetoricke by Fraunce. iv. 231.
Archipropheta sive Johannes Baptista Tragedia; that is, the Archprophet, or St. John the Baptist, a Latin tra- gedy, by Nicholas Grimoald. iii. 344. Architrenius, by John Hanvill. i. cliv.
Arcite and Palamon, play of. iv. 112, 114.
Arena. iii. 182.
Aretine, Leonard. ii. 358.
Aretine's War of Italy, translated. iv.
Argenteus Codex. i. 1.
Argonautica of Catullus. iv. 233. Argonauticon, by Valerius Flaccus. i. 129.
Argus and Mercury, Story of. i. ccxxv. Ariodanto and Janeura, daughter unto the Kynge of Scots, the tragicall and pleasaunte History of, by Peter Be- verley. iv. 310.
Ariosto. i. xxii. cxci. cclxviii. 136, 149. ii. 170, 245. iii. 237, 296, 310. iv. 175, 316, 319.
Arisbas, by J. D. iv. 243. Aristarchus, ii. 327. Aristophanes. iii. 206.
Latin by Reuchlin. iii. 241. Aristotle. i. cxvii, cxviii, cxix, cxxviii, clxxiii. ii. 128, 214, 267, 276, 279, 311, 312, 325, 349, 350, 377, 415, 425. iii. 31, 34, 62, 136, 164, 165, 236, 239, 242, 273, 278. iv. 155. Aristotle, Table of the Ten Categories of, translated by Googe. iv. 288. Aristotle's Ethics, Commentary on, by Figlinei Felice. iii. 309, Aristotle's Logic, translated into Latin
by S. Austin. i.cxix. Poetics, translated
d', by Christina of Pisa. ii. 422. Arnalt and Lucinda, a fyn Tuscan hy. storye. iv. 303.
Arnolds, Rt., Chronicle by. iii. 419. Arraignment of Paris, by Geo. Poole. iv. 243, 244.
Arresta Amorum, or the Decrees of Love, a poem. ii. 295.
Art de Dictier Ballades et Rondelles. ii. 300.
Art de Kalender, par Rauf. i. 78. Art of English Poesie. See Puttenham. iii. 296, 329, 381. iv. 37, 99, 118, 159, 224, 241, 253, 330. Of French Poetry. i. 173, 174.
Art of Logic, by Wilson. iv. 123, 156. Art of Rhetoric, by Wilson. ii. 376. iv. 156, 157, 161 to 167.
Art de Rhetorique, in French rhyme. iv. 171.
Art et Science de Rhetorique, métrifiée par N. Veillard. iv. 171. Art of Versification, a Latin poem, by Eberhardus Bethuniensis. iii. 4. Arthur, popularity of his story anterior to the first Crusade. i. 112. Arthur, King. i. viii, x, xii, xiii, xvi, xviii, xxiii, lix, lxxiii. iii. 61, 68,
Arthur, King, History of. iii. 408. iv. 164.
Arthur, King. Romance of. i. ccliii,
cclx, 112, 120, 125, 126, 127, 137, 144, 149. ii. 38, 39, 40, 44, 86, 185, 212, 251, 300, 302. Arthur, King, Rites of, restored by
Roger earl of Mortimer. i. 120. Arthur, an Armorican knight, History of, translated by Lord Berners. iii.
Arthur of Little Brittayne, Romance of. iv. 307.
Arthure, Prince, the Auncient Order
Societie, &c. of, in verse. ii. $22. Creacion of, by Skelton. iii. 162. Arthure, Prince, by R. R. i. e. Richard Robinson. iv. 214.
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