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And when that takes place, we shall send up a petition and deputation, representing close upon two hundred churches, and ask you whether it would not be wise for you to modify your name, and call yourselves the Union of British Congregational Churches, so that we may present a united front to our whole country. And this would not be for our advantage alone. the leaders of the semi-political action which characterises the proceedings of the Union, if they are men of Issachar, need not be told that the key to their position is Edinburgh, and not Wales. (Laughter.) Nothing would tend more healthfully to promote the objects you have in view than a demonstration, such as your autumnal meeting presents in England, to be held in Edinburgh. I asked the committee (I do not know whether they would like me to say it) if I might bring the cordial invitation to the Congregational Union to hold their next autumnal meeting in Edinburgh. (Applause.) The only barrier in the way is that the attractions of modern Athens might be such that we should be altogether overwhelmed; and seeing that our churches are comparatively poor, some of the wealthier members seem that we should find a difficulty in regard to funds. (Much laughter.) Now I may be pardoned, as one of the poorer brethren, for saying that we offer the attractions of modern Athens to you, if you will only pay part of your expenses. (Renewed laughter.) I believe that this is a step that should be taken at this juncture in our history. We feel we are bound together, the churches in the North and in the South, in the advocacy and maintenance of those principles which we hold; which we have not discovered, but which have discovered us— (hear, hear)—which are not new, and which will never grow old; which have achieved the most glorious conquests in the past, and are destined to achieve sublimer triumphs in the future; which we have received as a sacred trust from our fathers, and desire to transmit to our children. Let us be faithful to our trust that what we have received may not grow less, but more in our hands as we pass it on to those that follow. (Loud applause.)


GLASGOW.-Parkgrove Congregational Church Opening Services.—The inaugural services at Parkgrove Congregational Church, Paisley Road, of which the Rev. Palmer G. Grenville, LL.B., is minister, took place on October 8th. The Rev. Dr W. Lindsay Alexander, of Augustine Church, Edinburgh, preached to a large congregation in the morning. Principal Caird occupied the pulpit in the afternoon, and selected as his text Matthew xx. chapter, 26th, 27th, and 28th verses. At the close of his discourse the Rev. Principal said"I desire, before bringing the services of this afternoon to a close, to remind the congregation, and particularly those now present who are not members of this church, of the special circumstances in which we are met. Mr Grenville has been labouring for some time in this district, where the Christian efforts of all denominations are needed to keep pace with the growing wants of the population. After occupying for four or five years a temporary building, I believe the congregation were in some measure under legal obligation to erect a building of a more permanent character, and their prosperity as a congregation emboldened them to give to the new structure that added grace of architectural form and chastened beauty which is in harmony with, and in its own way conducive to, the great ends to which a Christian sanctuary is devoted. The cost of this fair and seemly edifice has, however, considerably exceeded the resources of the congregation, and has made it necessary that they should appeal to the liberality of their neighbours, whether connected with their own or other denominations."

The Rev. Dr Alexander preached to a large congregation in the evening. COATBRIDGE.—We have received the following communication from Mr D. Beaton-We have now arrived at a stage in the history of the cause

lately commenced here, when it has become necessary to inform the friends of the denomination, and all interested in active Christian work, of our prospects. The station was formed, and is conducted, under the sanction and control of the Congregational Union of Scotland; and friends of ours may accept this both as a guarantee of the regularity of our proceedings, and a proof of the importance of our sphere of labour. It will be necessary, however, for the purpose of securing an intelligent interest in our behalf, to indicate more particularly the nature and extent of the field we have been called to occupy. Coatbridge is the centre of the railway system of Scotland. It is also the principal seat of one of our most important industries-the iron trade. Its blast-furnaces, smelting-furnaces, rolling-mills, forges, and tubeworks are on a very extensive scale; besides the vast number of coal-pits in the immediate vicinity. The population of the "Iron Village" is about 25,000, of whom only about 5000 may be found attending church or chapel; the remaining 20,000 leave a vast and needy field for Christian enterprise in every form.

We commenced in a small back hall, at great disadvantage, but it is already too small for our Sabbath-school and evening service. We are now compelled to face the work of building a place of worship of our own, or else of abandoning a most hopeful field of labour. This course is thus early forced upon us, because there is no public hall of any kind which we can get to meet in; besides the one we use at present is only to be obtained for our Sabbath services. We have therefore taken steps to secure a site on which a church will ultimately be erected; but at present our wants will be met by the building of a hall to accommodate about 300. The site we are to get is one of the finest in the town; and in the course of a few years will stand in its centre. This site is large enough for the erection of the hall and vestry we need now, and also for the proposed church. Thus the hall we are about to erect will be a permanent building, to be used afterwards as the Church's vestry, school-room, lecture-hall, &c., and will prove a great boon to the district. In the exceptional_circumstances in which we are placed, however, we are unable to meet the necessary expense ourselves, which will amount to about £500. In short, this is a case where a little seasonable help from friends without will tide us over a difficulty otherwise insuperable, and secure a success otherwise lost to the denomination and the cause of Christ. We are confident that these facts have only to be placed before the minds of your readers to recommend the cause in Coatbridge to their sympathy and help. Before this is published we shall have commenced operations; and for the convenience of those not sending their subscriptions direct to Coatbridge, lists have been kindly permitted to lie with the following:-Mr Wm. Veitch, upholsterer, 13 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh; Messrs George Gallie & Son, booksellers, Buchanan Street, Glasgow; Mr James Murray, bookseller, St. Nicholas Street, Aberdeen; and Mr. J. P. Smith, clothier, Reform Street, Dundee. Those wishing to send subscriptions direct may do so to Mr Wm. Stark, Main Street, or Mr James Boothman, Gartsherrie Road, Coatbridge.

ST ANDREWS.-We have received the following communication from this church :—It will be known to many that very recently the Rev. John Currie, pastor of the church here, saw it to be his duty to accept of an appointment offered to him by the Directors of the London Missionary Society, to proceed to Georgetown, Demarara, as superintendent of the mission in that sphere of the Society's operations. Mr Currie preached his farewell sermon on the afternoon of Sabbath, the 12th October, to a large congregation, including many belonging to the other churches in town. On the Wednesday evening

following, a farewell meeting of the members of the church with their pastor, at which friends from the Free Church and other communions in town were present, was held in the school-room adjoining the chapel. After devotional exercises suited to the occasion, Mr Govan, one of the deacons,

in an appropriate address, in which he gave full expression to the feeling of regret with which the church contemplated Mr Currie's removal, presented to him, in name of the church and a few friends in connection, a pocket-book containing £40, as a testimonial of their love and esteem, and in token of their good wishes for his future prosperity. Immediately after, Mr D. Bayne Meldrum, of Kincaple, session-clerk of the Free Church congregation, addressed Mr Currie, conveying to him the gratitude of the Church which he represented for the many valuable services which he had rendered gratuitously to them during his ministry in St Andrews, and presented him with a purse containing upwards of £28, which he mentioned had been contributed not only by members of the Free Church, but by the community generally. Mr Currie made a feeling and appropriate reply, in which he expressed his sorrow at being called to part from so many Christian brethren with whom he had so long held loving fellowship, and stated that it was only a sense of the duty he owed to the great Head of the Church, which led him to decide to devote the work of his future life to Christian Mission abroad. Mr Currie and his family sailed from Southampton on the 17th October, and it will be gratifying to his many friends to know that he leaves the sphere of labour which he has occupied for nearly ten years, with the best wishes of the community, and followed by the prayers of the Church.

GARLIESTOWN.-Congregational Meeting. The annual Tea Meeting of the church was held on Tuesday, 2d October. The chair was occupied by the Rev. John Macauslane, minister of the congregation, who was accompanied to the platform by the Rev. J. M. M'Culloch, F.C., Newton-Stewart, and Mr Walter M'Ewen, Newton-Stewart. Thanks having been offered by the Chairman, tea was served. In his address, Mr Macauslane referred to the fact that this was his fifth anniversary here, and made allusion to the encouraging progress which had attended his labours during those years. In the absence of the Treasurer (Mr Hughan, Cults) through indisposition, the Chairman made reference to the financial condition of the congregation, remarking that the purely voluntary system of sustaining Gospel ordinances, which had been inaugurated three years ago, had proved successful beyond expectations. He also reported on the condition of the Sabbath School. There were on the roll 130 scholars, and 14 teachers; the average attendance of scholars during the year had been about 90. He stated further, that on the last anniversary occasion he had expressed a desire to have a library for the scholars, and it was a gratification to him to be able to intimate now, that by subscriptions and gifts of books, his desire has been realised. To the friends who had so kindly contributed, he now returned the cordial thanks of the teachers and himself. The Rev. J. M. M'Culloch, after a few congratulatory words, proceeded to deliver an address on the principle underlying all spiritual work. The next speaker was Mr M'Ewen, who chose for his theme Happiness how to be attained." Mr Robert M'Kenzie, Halifax, Yorkshire, who is at present on a visit to his native village, in responding to a call from the Chairman, stated how highly he was gratified in seeing such a large attendance on this interesting occasion, which had brought them together, and to learn of the cheering success which had attended the cause here in which he felt so deeply interested. During the evening the choir of the Church, being ably assisted by Mr James M'Knaught, Wigtown, and a few members of his choir, sang several solos and choruses, accompanied on the organ by Miss Martin, which were heartily applauded. It may be mentioned that the chapel was tastefully decorated with flowers and evergreens, which had a pleasing effect, and reflected no little credit on the ladies of the congregation. Thanks were, at the close, proposed to the speakers by Mr P. H. Hughan; to the choir, by Mr Ballantyne ; to the stewards and stewardesses by Mr Robertson; to the Wigtown friends by Mr Allan. The interesting proceedings were brought to a close by a distribution of fruit, and the benediction.


GREENOCK.—East Congregational Church.-The annual private social meeting of the members of this congregation was held in the church on Wednesday evening, October II. About 300 were present. The Rev. G. Moir occupied the chair. After tea, the Chairman addressed the meeting, and congratulated his hearers upon the peace and prosperity they as a congregation had enjoyed during the year. He was happy to say that every week they had anxious inquirers and generally some found peace in believing. He also referred to the efficient aid he had received from both officebearers and members in conducting evangelistic meetings, directing inquirers, and in carrying on the work of the church generally. Short addresses were then given by Messrs Parkhill, Docker, Beveridge, Johnston, and Moody. These all spoke with gratitude of the many souls that had been saved in their midst during the past year, and urged upon their brethren to continue praying and working, that many more might be rescued from the paths of sin. A fine selection of hymns were sung during the evening, led by Mr M'Lean. After the usual votes of thanks, a pleasant and profitable meeting was brought to a close.


AIRDRIE.-Ebenezer Church Young Men's Christian Association Opening Lecture. On Wednesday evening the Rev. T. R. Atkinson, recently returned from a missionary tour in India, delivered a lecture under the auspices of the above association in the Ebenezer Church, Broomknoll Street, taking as his subject, My personal observations of the manners and customs of the Hindoos." There was a large attendance. Rev. J. Buchan occupied the chair; and on the platform there were also Rev. Mr Fulton, and Messrs Jeffrey, Stark, and Orr. The Rev. D. R. Atkinson, who was received with applause, delivered a most excellent lecture, which was much appreciated.

WESTERN ASSOCIATION.—The quarterly meeting of this association was held in the vestry of Ewing Place Church, Glasgow, on Tuesday, the 12th September. Rev. George Moir presided. Messrs Renfrew and M'Lean led the devotions. Mr Brisbane read an essay on "The relation of Children to Christ and the Church." An interesting conversation followed. The meeting was closed with prayer.

GREENOCK.-The Rev. J. M. Jarvie delivered a discourse to an open meeting of the Templar lodge in Greenock, on the subject of Natural Theology. The discourse appeared in the Greenock Telegraph, from which it is transferred to our pages.

GLASGOW.-The Rev. Albert Goodrich of Bramtree, has accepted a unanimous and enthusiastic call to the pastorate of Elgin Place Church. GLASGOW.-Parkhead Church. The Rev. Mr Graham of Insch has received and accepted a call to this church.

ORKNEY-HARRAY.-Mr W. H. Philip, student, who has been preaching here for three months, has received a unanimous call to this church.

DALKEITH.-Testimonial to Dr Gowan.-On the 25th September there was presented to Dr Gowan a__portrait_of himself, which bore the following inscription :-"To the Rev. A. T. Gowan, D.D., Professor of Biblical Criticism in the Theological Hall of the Congregational Churches of Scotland: From some of his old Students, in token of grateful and affectionate remembrance."

STIRLING.-Mr Jonathan Roebuck, student of our Hall, has accepted a call to this church.

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We have received a contribution from an "Ex-Congregational Deacon on the subject of Union; but remind him that the Editor requires the names of all correspondents, though not necessarily for publication.





IN former papers I have thrown out some hints to divers classes of church members. In the present paper I am to include all, inasmuch as I am to speak of a duty equally incumbent on all-a duty which all Christian people owe to each other, but which is especially binding on members of the same church. For the sake of definiteness I shall imagine myself as speaking to some one church.

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Brethren, I wish to enforce on you new commandment" of our Lord, (John xiii. 34, 35.) I take it for granted that you are all true Christians, and have therefore been taught of God to love one another. You love each other in some degree; but this is not enough. The requirement is, "As I have loved you." This is the measure you are to endeavour to reach. And whatever your attainments in brotherly love, there is room for improvement here. "As I have loved you." How did He love His disciples? Oh! how intensely, how tenderly, how constantly! Looking at the imperfections of their character we might think there was not much in them to attract love. How slow they were to learn His lessons. How great was their ignorance even to the end of His ministry among them! What petty jealousies and ambitions and contentions existed amongst them! Yet He loved them. He knew them thoroughly. He saw more evil in them than we see in one another; but He did not turn away from them. His love to them covered their many sins. He knew that with all their defects they had received His word, and trusted in Him as their Lord and Master. With all their defects, He saw that their hearts were right with God, and therefore they were dear to Him. He did not indeed pass over their failings, but when did He address to them an unkind word? The way in which He sometimes corrected their faults brought out more fully the tenderness of His heart. Instead of denouncing and scolding them for their worldly ambition, He placed a little child in the midst of them,

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