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THIS tabular history has been drawn up to supply a want felt by many teachers of some means of making their pupils realize what events in the two neighbour countries were contemporary Probably this never was so well done as in Stork's "Stream of Time," a new edition of which I hope, with able assistance, in time to prepare and correct up to the present state of modern discovery. This, however, can consist of nothing but the briefest tabulated catalogue of names and dates; and the nations who have always been so closely intermingled, for mutual evil or good, require something more detailed. I have, therefore, tried to construct a skeleton narrative of the chief transactions in either country, placing a column between for what affected both alike, and trying to keep clear of what did not greatly concern either nation.

The desire of brevity has necessarily produced great dryness and some dogmatism, but I trust that this may be excused in what is necessarily more a book of reference than of study; and that at any rate young people may be assisted in grasping the mutual relation of events. Tables of succession have not been given, as these are everywhere easily to be met with, nowhere better than in the "Synoptical History of England" published by Messrs. Walton, which for England alone is excellent, and which has greatly assisted me in drawing up these Parallels.

January, 1871.


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