Washingtoniana (Continued.)—— Washingtoniana (Continued.) 5105 Another edition. 2 vols.. old sheep. 5114 Another edition. 18mo. pp. 36, half New York, 1796. 1 50 morocco. Albany, 1800. 5106 Epistles, Domestic, Confidential, and Official, from General Washington. Written about the Commencement of the American Contest, when he entered on the Command of the Army of the United States. 8vo. pp. 303, new half morocco, extra. New York, 1796. 5107 2.75 5115 An Authenticated copy of the 50 5116 Abbott (Jacob). Life of General George Washington. Illustrated. 12mo. pp. 288. New York, 1862. 1 00 Washin 5136 75 George Svo., sh 5137 4to At 5138 prising and th 12mo. Lacks 5139 5117 Abbott (John S. C.) Geo. Washington; or, Life in America One Hundred Years Ago. Illustrated. 12mo. pp. 360. New York, 1876. Crawford Letters (The). Being the Correspondence between George Washington and William Crawford, from 1767 to 1781, Concerning Western Lands. With an Appendix, containing later Letters of Washington on the same subject, and Letters from Valentine Crawford to Washington, written in 1774 and 1775. Chrono5119 Another edition. 12mo. pp. 489. logically arranged and carefully annotated. Philadelphia, n. d. By C. W. Butterfield. 8vo. pp. xi+107. Cincinnati, 1877. 5118 Bancroft (A.) Life of George Washington. 2 vols. 18mo., sheep. Boston, 1826. 1.00 5120 Custis (G. W. P.) Recollections 5108 Irvine Correspondence. The Official Letters which passed between Washington and Brig.-Gen. Wm. Irvine, and between Irvine and others, concerning Military Affairs in the West, from 1781 to 1783. Arranged and annotated with an Introduction containing an Outline of Events occurring previously in the Trans-Alleghany Country. By C. W. Butterfield. Map and 2 ports. 8vo. pp. 430. Madison, 1882. 3 50 5109 Letters from Washington to Joseph Reed during the American Revolution. Reprinted by W. B. Reed. 8vo. pp. 155, sewed, uncut. Phila., 1852. 5122 Everett (Edward). The 1 50 314 8vo. pp. 514 Geor 3.00 of th Life of York 51 shee 51 PP. 5 W Στα 5125 Guizot (M.) Life of George Washington. Translated by Henry Reeve. 12mo. PP. 230. London, 1840. 125 5126 Habberton (John). George Washington (1732-1799). 16mo. pp. 345. New 1 00 York, 1884. 5127 Headley (T. J.) Life of George Washington. Portrait. 8vo. pp. 477. New York, 1856. 2.00 New York, 25 00 5128 Henley (Leonard). Life of Wash5111 Monuments of Washinrton's ington. 16mo. pp. 207. N. Y., 1882. 50 Patriotism. Containing a Fac-simile of his Publick Accounts kept during the Revolu5129 Irving (Washington). Life of Geo. tionary War; and some of the most inter- Washington. Portraits and Views. 5 vols. esting Documents connected with his Mili- Royal 8vo., half calf, neat. tary Command and Civil Administration. Embracing, among others, the Farewell Address to the People of the United States, etc. Portrait. Illustrated. Folio. Washington, 1838. 4 00 5130 Another copy. Roan, scuffed. 1851. 12.50 5131 Another edition. 5 vols. 8vo. New York, 1855. 5132 Another copy. Half calf. 5113 Another edition. 18mo. pp. 47, boards. Hudson, 1812. 8.00 10.00 5 vols. 12mo. 8 00 5 vols. 18mo. 4 25 Condensed. 12mo. 1 25 York 18 Washingtoniana (Continued)— Washingtoniana (Continued) 195 5151 The same, in German. 18mo. pp. 2 vols. 240. Baltimore, 1817. 5137 Another edition. 5 vols. 8vo. and 4to. Atlas, sheep. Phila., 1805. 7 50 5152 Eulogies and Orations on the Life and Death of Washington. 8vo. pp. 304, half morocco. Boston, 1800. 5138 Memory of Washington. Comprising a Sketch of his Life and Character, and the National Testimonials of Respect. 12mo. pp. 226. Newport, R. I., 1800. Lacks portrait and pp. 227 to 246. 1 00 5139 Phelps (Mrs. E. B.) Memoir of George Washington. 12mo. pp. 213. Cincinnati, 1874. 75 5140 Pickell (John). George Washing: ton. A New Chapter in the Early Life of, in connection with the Narrative History of the Potomac Company. 8vo. pp. 178. New York, 1856. 600 4 50 Feb. 8. 1.00 5153 Another copy. Sheep. 5154 Ames (Fisher). Oration 1800. 8vo. pp. 51. Phila., 1800. 5155 Buckminster (Jos.) Discourse, Dec. 14, 1800. 8vo. pp. 21. Portsmouth, N. H. 225 25 5156 Davis (John). Eulogy, Feb. 19, 1800. 4to. pp. 24. Boston, 1800. 1.00 5157 Drake (Chas. D.) Address, Feb. 22, 1862. 8vo. pp. 8. St. Louis. 150 5158 Everett (Oliver). Eulogy, Feb. 22, 1800. 8vo. pp. 22. 2.00 Charlestown, Life of 5141 Another copy, half morocco. 5142 Ramsay (David). The George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the United States. traits. 8vo. pp. 376, half bound. York, 1807. 5143 Another edition. sheep. Boston, 1811. Portrait. Por New 1 25 1 00 1800. 1 25 5159 Eulogy. 12mo. pp. 19, paper. Charleston, S. C., 1800. 75 5160 Flint (Abel). Discourse, Feb. 22, 1 75 1800. 8vo. pp. 22. Hartford, 1800. 12mo. 5161 Flint (Jacob). Address, Feb. 22, 75 1832. 8vo. pp. 18. Boston, 1832. 5162 Fraser (Charles). Address, Feb. 22, 1845. 8vo. pp. 31, half calf. Charleston, S. C., 1845. 5144 Smucker (Samuel M.) The Life and Times of George Washington. 12mo. pp. 432. Philadelphia. 5145 Sparks (Jared). Washington. 1 00 Life of George 5163 Furnam (Richard). 1.00 Sermon, Feb. Portrait and illustrations. 22, 1800. 8vo. pp. 28. Charleston, S. C., 8vo. pp. 562. Boston, 1839. 2.00 1800. 5164 Holcombe (Henry). 5146 Washingtoniana (The). Containing a Sketch of the Life and Death of the PP. 18. late Gen. George Washington. With a 5165 Keith (Isaac S.) Sermon, Jan. 12, Collection of Elegant Eulogies, Orations, 1800. 8vo. pp. 101. Charleston, S. C. Poems, etc., sacred to his Memory. Por- Portrait. trait. 8vo. pp. 411, half morocco. Caster, 1802. 5148 Washingtoniana (The). Containing a Biographical Sketch of the late Gen. George Washington. With various Outlines of his Characters. To which are annexed his Will and Schedule of his Property. Baltimore, 1800. Portrait. Imp. 8vo. pp. 399, new half morocco, extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Privately reprinted. 5169 Mason (John M.) Funeral Oration, New York, 1865. (Only 100 copies Feb. 22, 1800. 8vo. pp. 23. 5149 Another copy. Large paper, half 5170 Maxwell (Hugh). 8vo. pp. 1 25 New York, 1.00 Oration, Feb. New York, 75 pp. 26. 5171 Minot (George R.) Euology. 8vo. pp. 24. Boston, 1800. 1 25 5172 Morris (Gouverneur) Oration. Dec. Washingtoniana (Continued)— Washingtoniana (Continued) 31, 1799. 8vo. pp. 24, half calf. New York, the Washington Family, derived from Odin, 5173 Morse (Jedidiah). Sermon and 4.00 5192 Whipple (E. P.) Washington and the Principles of the Revolution. 8vo. pp. 30, paper. Boston, 1850. 5176 Ramsey (David). Oration, Jan. 15. 5193 Watson (Henry C.) Heroic Women 1800. 8vo. pp. 30. Charleston, 1800. 1 75 of History. Comprising some of the Oration. 8vo. most Remarkable Examples of Female 35 Courage, Devotion and Self Sacrifice. Oration. Jan. Illustrated. 12mo. pp. 496. Philadelphia, Trenton, N. J., n. d. 2.00 5177 Schenck (Noah H.) Baltimore, 1861. pp. 32. 5178 Smith (Samuel S.) 14, 1800. 8vo. pp. 45. 1800. 1 00 5179 Spring (Samuel). Discourse. Dec. 29, 1799. 8vo. pp. 28. Newburyport. 2 50 5180 Strong (Nathan). Discourse. Dec. 27, 1799. 8vo. pp. 31. Hartford, 1800. 1 00 5181 West (Samuel). Sermon. 8vo. pp. 17. Boston, 1800. 5182 Cooper (Susan). Mount Vernon: A Letter to the Children of America. Portrait and Plate. 18mo. pp. 70. New York, 1859. 5183 Everett (Edward). The Mount Vernon Papers. 12mo. pp. 491. New York, 1860. 75 I 50 5184 Headley (J. T.) Washington and his Generals Comprising Popular Biographies of Washington, Putnam, Montgomery, Arnold, Stark, Schuyler, and many others. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo. New 2 50 York, 1847. 5185 Another edition. 2 vols. in 1. New 200 York, 1875. 5186 Lossing (Benson J.) The Home of Washington; or, Mount Vernon and its Associations, Historical, Biographical, and Pictorial. Illustrated. Small 4to. pp. 446. 2 00 New York, 1870. 5187 Washington and the Generals of the American Revolution. Steel Portraits. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. 5188 Another edition. 2 vols. in 1. Philadelphia, 1881. 5190 By D. A. boards, u copies pr 5206 W By F. H. ton, 1884 5207 V John A. Pirate. 35 5208 Romeo 1852 5209 Services pp 452 5210 ters of, Winthr 5211 Life of States. 50 2 vols. 5212 1853. 5213 the Li penen 1845. New York, 521 1.00 75 100 5194 Webster (Daniel). Discourse on the Lives and Services of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 8vo. pp. 62. Boston, 1826. 5195 The Public and Private Life trated. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. pp. 300. Phil- 5196 Lanman. 1852. 5197 Orations 1854. 5198 1.00 Life, Eulogy and Great of. 8vo. pp. 221. Rochester, Life, Speeches and Memorials, By S. M. Smucker. 5199 1.00 Funeral Oration on the Death of. By Asa McCoy. 8vo. pp. 59, paper. 35 Boston, 1856. 5200 Obituary Addresses Delivered in the Senate and House of Representa8vo. pp. 86. 50 tives, Dec. 1852. Portrait. Washington, 1853. 5201 Oration on his Life and Public Services. Delivered before the Bar of Cincinnati. By T. Walker. 8vo. pp. 45, paper. Cincinnati, 1852. 5202 2.00 8vo. 1 50 25 Reminiscences and Anecdotes of. By Peter Harvey. Portrait. 8vo. pp. 480. Boston, 1880. 3 00 5203 Wentworth (John). Congressional Reminiscences of Adams, Benton, Clay, Calhoun and Webster. 12mo. pp. 101, paper. Chicago, 1882. 75 5189 Arms of Washington. Family, with Pedigree of George Washington. Colored. Size 15x20. Philadelphia, 1880. 60 His Person as represented by 5204 Wetzel (Lewis). Life and Adven the Artists. The Houdon Statue; its Hi- tures. The Renowned Virginia Ranger and tory and Value. By Sherwin McRae. Svo. Scout. By R. C. V. Meyers. pp. 23, paper. 1873. 12mo. pp. 414. Philadelphia. 5191 Illustrated. 1.00 30 The Pedigree and History of 5205 Whitefield (Rev. George). Life of By D. A. Harsha. Portrait. 4to. pp. 65, 1 50 5207 Wellard (James). Companion of John A. Murrell, the Great Western Land Pirate. 8vo. pp. 95. Cincinnati, 1855. 75 5208 Williams (Roger). Life of. By Romeo Elton. 18mo. pp. 173. London, 1852. 5209 Wilson (Henry). Life and Services of. By Rev. Elias Nason. PF 452. Boston. 5221 Bowdoin Family. Winthrop (R. C.) An Address before the Maine Historical Society, at Bowdoin College. [Relating to the History of the Bowdoin Family, etc.] Svo. pp. 68, paper. Boston, 1849. 1 00 5222 Brainerd. The Genealogy of the Brainerd Family in the United States. With numerous Sketches of Individuals. Portraits. 8vo. pp. 303. New York, 1857. 250 5223 Brigham. A Genealogical Register 75 of the Descendants of several Ancient Public Puritans. By Rev. Abner Morse. Vol. 2. 12mo. [Containing the Genealogy of the Brigham Family.] Portraits. 8vo. pp. 97. Boston, 2.00 1.00 5210 Winthrop (John). Life and Letters of, from 1588 to 1630. By Robert C. Winthrop. 8vo. pp. 452. Bost., 1864. 3 00 5211 Wirt (William). Memoirs of the Life of, Attorney-General of the United States. By John P. Kennedy. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. 3 00 5212 Another edition. 2 vols. 1853. 12mo. 2.00 ton, 1858. 1 75 1850. 5224 Brown. Report to the Brown Association of the United States, made by Columbus Smith, 1868. [Contains Genealogies, and a folding Pedigree.] 8vo. pp. 126, paper. Burlington, 1868. 1 50 5225 Carpenter. Circular relating to the Carpenter Families in America. By Will. C. Clark. 8vo. pp. 7. Cincinnati. 25 5226 Caverly Family. Genealogy of the, from the year 1116 to the year 1880, with an Oration delivered to our Congregated Kindred, at Concord, N. H., May 30, 1877 By Robert Boodey Caverly. 8vo. pp. 196. Lowell, Mass., 1879. 2 25 5227 Champney. An Address at the Funeral of Mrs. Susanna [Park] Champney, with an Appendix, containing Genealogy of the Champney and Park Families. By Frederick Augustus Whitney. 8vo. pp. 35, paper. Boston, 1855. 75 5228 Chauncey. Folded Pedigree. In two parts. 50 5231 Clap (Captain Roger). Memoirs of. [With a Short Account of the Author and his Family.] 12mo. pp. 62. Boston, 1844. 1 25 5233 Cleaveland (Gen. Moses). An Account of the Lineage of, Founder of the City of Cleveland. Small 4to. pp. 14. Cleveland, 1885. 25 5219 Bowditch (N. J.) Suffolk Surnames. 5234 Corwin (The) Genealogy in the Second edition, enlarged. 8vo. pp. 383. Bos- United States. [Curwin, Curwen, Cor2 50 wine]. By Edward T. Corwin. 8vo. pp. 1 50 5220 Another copy. Half mor., neat. 3 50 284. New York, 1872. 2.00 5235 Cushman. Proceedings at the William S. Porter. 8vo. pp. 184, paper. 5248 Fiske Family (The). A History 5236 Cutter (Dr. Benjamin). A History of the Cutter Family of New England. 8vo. pp. 363, paper. Boston, 1871. 3 00 5237 Dalton and Batcheller Pedigree. 8vo. pp. 6, paper. Boston, 1873. 5238 Dane (John). A Declaration of Remarkable Providences in the Course of my Life. To which is added a Pedigree of the Dane Family. 8vo. pp. 16, paper. Boston, 1854. 5239 Davis and Eager Families. Genealogical Chart. Drawn by E. A. Davis, 75 50 300 5260 of the D 8vo. pp. 5261 Descend first ap about traits. 1856.1 5212 the Ho 50 ing the 1633 tions. paper. 5263 50 rection Notes 5250 Fowler (W. C.) Conditions of Suc- 5251 Gaillard or Gaylord. The History 1859. 5 00 Patter Club, 521 phica 4. 00 Hous logi Hou 1882 5242 Draper. An Account of the Silver Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Draper, at Westford, N. Y., June 16, 1871; an Historical Essay on the Draper and Preston Families, and the Poem, Addresses, and other exercises. 8vo. pp. 32, sewed. Albany, per. Boston, 18:3. 1871. 5254 Garfield (The) Family of England. 8vo. pp. 12, paBy W, P. W. Phillimore. 1 00 5255 Gorges (Sir Ferdinando). Pedi5243 Dumaresq. A Sketch of the Fam-gree of. By Rev. Fredk. Brown. 8vo. pp. ily of Dumaresq. To which are added Re-I1, miniscences of James Dumaresq, and an Appendix of Documents. Albany, 1863. 1 00 5256 Hadley, Mass Genealogies of 8vo. pp. 23, paper. Hadley Families, embracing the Early Settlers of the Towns of Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst and Granby. By L. M. Boltwood. 8vo. pp. 168, paper. Northampton, 1862. |