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5260 Haven (Richard). The Genealogy 5272 Lawrence (John). Genealogy of of the Descendants of. By Joshua Adams. the Family of. 8vo. pp. 74, paper, n. p., 8vo. pp. 54, paper. Boston, 1843.

1 25


1.50 5273 Lawrence Pedigree. Compiled by H. G. Somerby. Folded.


5261 Hinman. A Family Record of the Descendants of Segt. Edward Hinman, who first appeared at Stratford, in Connecticut, 5274 Learned. The Learned Family. about 1650. By R. R. Hinman. Por- Learned, Larned; (Learnard, Larnard, and traits. 8vo. pp. 80, paper. [New York, Lerned), being Decendants of William 1856.] 1 50 Learned, who was of Charlestown, Mass., in 5262 Hodges. Genealogical Record of 1632. Compiled by Wm. L. Learned, in the Hodges Family in England. Contain- part from the papers of the late Joseph ing the names of over 1,500 Persons, from G. E. Larned. 8vo. pp. 346. Albany, 1633 to 1853, numbering Eight Genera- 1882. tions. By Almon D. Hodges. 8vo. pp. 71, paper. Boston, 1853.

125 5263 Holmes (John). A Letter of Directions to his Father's Birthplace, with Notes and a Genealogy by D. Williams, Patterson. 4to. pp. 76. New York, U. Q. Club, 1865.


3 00 5275 Leighton (Capt. William). An Account of the Descendants of Capt. William Leighton, of Kitting, Maine. eral Notes relating to other families of York County and its Vicinity. 8vo. pp. 127, paper. Albany, 1885. 3 00

With Collat

5276 Littell (John). Family Records; 5264 Houston Family. Brief Biogra-or, Genealogies of the First Settlers of Pasphical Accounts of Many Members of the saic Valley and Vicinity, and their DescendHouston Family, accompanied by a Gene- ants. (Includes the names of many settlers alogical Talk. Complied by Rev. Saml. R. of the Miami Country, Ohio.) 8vo. pp. 504. Houston. 12mo. 420. pp. Cincinnati Feltville, N. J., 1851. 1882.


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5266 Hunt. Genealogy of the name and
Family of Hunt. Exhibiting Pedigrees of
Ten Thousand Persons. Compiled by T.
B. Wyman, Jr. 4to. pp.
414. Boston,

3 25
5267 Hutchinson and Oliver. A Brief
Genealogy of the Descendants of William
Hutchinson and Thomas Oliver. Families
closely Allied by Intermarriage, and Prom-
inent at Every Period of the Colonial His-
tory of Massachusetts. By W. H. Whit-
4to. pp. 38, sewed, uncut. Boston,




5277 Locke (John G.) Book of the Lockes. A Genealogical and Historical Record of the Descendants of William Locke of Woburn. Containing a History of the Lockes in England; also, of the family of John Locke, of Hampton, N. H. Royal 8vo. pp. 408. Boston, 1853. 250

5278 Lyman Anniversary. Proceedings at the Reunion of the Lyman Family, held at Mt. Tom and Springfield, Mass., August 30 and 31, 1871. 8vo. pp, 59, paper, uncut. Albany, 1871. 1.00

5278A Macy. Genealogy of the Macy Family from 1635-1868. By Sylvanus J. Macy. Portraits, plates and fac-similes. 4to. pp. 457. Albany, 1868. 6 00

5278B Marshall Family; or, a Genealog5268 Hyde. The John Hyde Association. ical Chart of the Descendants of John MarReport of Hon. Thomas A. Logan. 8vo. shall and Elizabeth Markham, his wife. pp. 36, paper. Cincinnati, 1880. 50 Sketches of Individuals, and Notices of Families connected with them. By Wm. M. Paxton. Portrait and Large Folded Chart. 8vo. pp. 415. Cincinnati, 1885. 2 50

5269 Janes Family (The). A Genealogy
and Brief History of the Descendants of
William Janes, the Emigrant Ancestor of
1637. With an extended Notice of Bishop
Janes, and Biographical Sketches. By F.
Janes. 8vo. pp. 419. New York, 1868. 2 25
5270 Jennings Association. Report of.
8vo. pp. 24, paper. Rutland, 1863. 50
5271 Lawrence. Genealogy of the An-
cestry and Posterity of Isaac Lawrence, and
Centennial Meeting of his Descendants,
November 27, 1851.
Albany, 1853.

singer Family. Compiled by Hon. George 5279 Messinger. Genealogy of the MesW. Messinger. 8vo. pp. 14, paper. Albany, 1863.


5280 Mowry (Wm. A.) The Descendants of Nathaniel Mowry, of Rhode Island. 8vo. pp. 343. Providence, 1878. 2.50

5281 Mowry (Wm. A.) Richard Mowry, of Uxbridge, Mass., his Ancestors and his Providence, 8vo. pp. 76, paper. Descendants. 8vo. pp. 239. 1 75 1878.



5293 Prentice or Prentiss. The History
of the Prentice or Prentiss Family in New
England, from 1631 to 1852. Collected by
Boston, 1852.
C. J. F. Binney. Portraits. 8vo. pp. 280.

5294 Reed.

5282 Munsell. Genealogy of the Windsor Family of Munsell. 8vo. pp. 8, paper, uncut, half title. n. p., n. d. 40 5283 Naf, Neff. A Chronicle, together with a Little Romance regarding Rudolf and Jacob Näf, of Frankford, Pennsylva nia, and their Descendants, including an Account of the Neffs in Switzerland and America. By Elizabeth Clifford Neff. Coat | Boston, 1861. of Arms, etc. 8vo. pp. 352. Cincinnati, 5295 Ripley (H. W.) 400 part of the Ripley Family. 5284 Olcott. The Descendants of Thomas paper. Newark, 1867. Olcott, one of the First Settlers of Hartford, Conn. By Nathaniel Goodwin. Revised edition, with an Explatory Preface and Important Additions. By Henry S. Olcott. Plate of Coat of Arms. 8vo. pp. (31) 124, sewed, uncut. Albany, N. Y., 1874. 3.00 5285 Another edition. 8vo. pp. 64. Hart ford, 1845. 1 50 5286 Oliver (Thomas). Genealogy of the Descendants of. By H. K. Oliver. 8vo. pp. 7, paper. Salem, 1868.

History of the Reed Family

in Europe and America. By Jacob Whitte
Reed. Portraits. 8vo. pp. 588.


5287 Olmsted. An Abridged Genealogy of the Olmsted Family of New England. By Elijah L. Thomas. 12mo. pp. 30, half bound. Albany, 1869. 75

5288 Original Lists of Persons of Quality. Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels; Serving-men Sold for a Term of Years; Apprentices; Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed; and others who went

from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700. With their Ages, the Localities where they formerly lived in the Mother Country, Names of the Ships in which they embarked, and other Interesting particulars. From MSS. preserved in the State Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office, England. Edited by John Camden Hotten. 4to. pp. 580. London, 1874.

5 00 5289 Paine Family Records, No. 7. Edited by Dr. H. D. Paine. 8vo. pp. 177 to 202. New York, 1880.


5290 Park (John C.) Address at a Meeting of the Descendants of William Haven. 8vo. pp. 27, paper. Boston, 1844.

5305 Geneal of Stile







3 00



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32 00 12.00

5297A The same. Vols. 3 and 4.
5298 Sawin. Summary Notes concern-
ing John Sawin and his Posterity. By
Thos. E. Sawin. 8vo. pp. 48, paper. Athol
Depot, 1867.

1 00

5299 Sigourney Family. Genealogy of.
By H. H. W. Sigourney. 8vo. pp.
31, paper.
Boston, 1857.
I 00

5300 Spooner. Record of Wm. Spooner,
of Plymouth, Mass., and his Descendants.
By Thomas Spooner. Vol. 1. 8vo. pp. 694.
Cincinnati, 1883.
5 00

5301 Stafford. A Contribution to the
Genealogy of the Stafford Family in Amer
ica; containing an Account of Col. Joab
Stafford, and a complete Record of his De-
scendants in the Male Lines. By Henry
Marvin Benedict. Portrait and illustra
tions. 8vo. pp. 27, paper, uncut. Albany,
1 00

[blocks in formation]

50 5303 Stetson. A Genealogical and Bio5291 Perkins. A Record of Births, Bap-graphical Sketch of the Name and Family tisms, Publishments, Marriages and Deaths in the Perkins Family, of Ipswich. By Geo. A. Perkins. 8vo. pp. 16, paper, uncut. Salem, 1872. 50

5292 Plummer. Proceedings upon the Dedication of Plummer Hall, at Salem, October 6, 1857. Including Rev. Mr. Hopkins' Address and Judge White's Memoir of the Plummer Family. 8vo. pp. 97, paper. Salem, 1858. 1 52

of Stetson; from the year 1634 to the year
1847. By John Stetson Barry. 8vo. pp.
116, paper. (For the Author.) Boston.
1 25

5304 Stickney Family (The). A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of William and Elizabeth Stickney, from 1637 to 1869. By Matthew Adams Stickney. Portraits. 8vo. pp. 526. Printed for the Author. Salem, Mass., 1869. 4.00

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2 25

5305 Stiles. Contributions towards a By John Ward Dean. 8vo. pp. 213. AlGenealogy of the (Massachusetts) Family bany, 1868. of Stiles, descended from Robert, of Rowley, 5317 Watson (John), of Hartford, and Mass., 1659-1860. By Henry R. Stiles. his Descendants. A Genealogy. By Thos. Small 4to. pp. 48, paper, uncut. Albany, Watson. 8vo. pp. 47, paper. New York, 1 50 1865.


5306 Stoddard (John), of Wethersfield, Conn., and his Descendants, 1642–1772. A Genealogy, by D. Williams Patterson. With the Coat of Arms. 8vo. pp. 96, sewed. Printed for Private Circulation, 1873. 2 50 5307 Stoddard (Anthony), of Boston, Mass., and his Descendants; a Genealogy. Originally compiled by Charles Stoddard and Elijah W. Stoddard. Revised and enlarged by Elijah W. Stoddard. With Coat of Arms. 8vo. pp. 95, sewed. New York,


250 5308 Suffolk. Bowditch (N. J.) Suffolk Surnames. Second edition, enlarged. 8vo. pp. 383, half morocco, gilt top. Boston,



Memoir of With a Gen8vo. pp. 70, 1 25

5309 Sumner (Increase). By his Son, W. H. Sumner. ealogy of the Sumner Family. paper. Boston, 1854. 5310 Symmes Memorial. A Biographical Sketch of Rev. Zachariah Symmes, Minister of Charleston, 1634-1671, with a Genealogy and Brief Memoirs of some of his Descendants. Also embracing Notices of Many of the Names not connected with his Family. By John Adams Vinton. Portrait. 8vo. pp. 184. Boston, 1873. 2 00

5311 Tainter. The Genealogy and History of the Taintor Family, from the Period of their Emigration from Wales, to the present time. By Charles M. Taintor. 12mo. pp. 82, paper, uncut. Greenfield,


1 25

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5313 Titcomb (Sarah E.) Early New England People. Some Account of the Ellis, Pemberton, Willard, Prescott, Titcomb, Sewell and Longfellow, and Allied Families. 8vo. pp. 288. Boston, 1882. 4 00 5314 Van Brunt Family (The). Genealogy of, 1653-1867. By Teunis G. Bergen. 1 50 8vo. pp. 79. Albany, 1867. 2.00

5314A Another copy. Half calf. 5315 Vickers or Vickery Family, and the Lombard Family. 8vo. pp. 5, paper, half n. p., n. d.


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5316 Ward (Nathaniel). A Memoir of, Author of the Simple Cobbler of Agawam, in America." With Notices of his Family.

1 25

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5321 Whitmore (William H.) The Elements of Heraldry. Containing an Explanation of the Principles of the Science and a Glossary of the Technical Terms employed. With an Essay upon the Use of Coat-Armor in the United States. With numerous illustrations. Imp. 8vo. pp. 106. Boston, 1866.

3 00

5322 Whittlesey Family of the United Memorial. 8vo. pp. 124, n. p.



1 25 5323 Willard (Maj. Simon). Sketch of the Life of. With Notices of some of his Descendants to the Ninth Generation. 12mo. pp. 10, paper. Cin., 1879.


5324 Willoughby Family of New England. By I. J. Greenwood. 8vo. pp. 15. New York, 1876.


5325 Windham (Conn.) History of its Genealogy. By W. L. Mason. Part I. A-Bil. 8vo. pp. 112, paper. Willimantic, 1864. 1 00

5326 Wood. Descendants of the Brothers, Jeremiah and John Wood. Compiled by William S. Wood. Portrait. 8vo. pp. 292. Seymour, 1885.

3 00

TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS. 5327 Abdy (E. S.) Journal of a Residence and Tour in the United States, 18331834. 3 vols. 12mo., boards. London, 1835. 2 25

5328 Account (An) of the First Voyages and Discoveries made by the Spaniards in America. 12mo., old calf. London, 1699. 10 00 5329 Agassiz (Louis). Lake Superior; its Physical Character, Vegetation, and Animals, compared with those of other and Similar Regions. With a Narrative of

the Tour, by J. Elliot Cabot. Illustrated. and Chihuahua. Map and illustrations.
8vo. pp. 428. Boston, 1850.
10 00 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1854.
5345 Another copy. Half morocco, ex-

5330 Aldrich (R.) Life on a Ranch. Ranch Notes in Kansas, Colorado, the Indian Territory, and Northern Texas. 16mo. pp. 227, paper. New York, 1884. 50



5346 Bartram (Wm.) Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Choctaws. Plates. 8vo. pp. 534. London, 1792.

5331 Altowan; or, Incidents of Life and Adventure in the Rocky Mountains. By an Amateur Traveler. Edited by J. Watson Webb. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1846. 2 50 5332 [Anbury (Thos.)] Travels through the Interior Parts of America. By andon, 1794. Officer. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1789. 5 00

5333 Anson (George). Voyage Round the World, in the Years 1740-1-2-3-4. Compiled by Richard Walter. 42 plates and maps. 4to. pp. 420, calf. London, 450 8vo. pp.


5334 Another edition. 536. London, 1769.


5335 Another edition. Maps. 2 vols.

Edinburgh, 1776.

5336 Another edition. Maps. 18mo. don, 1761.

2.00 16mo.

1 25

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5 50




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5347 Another edition. 8vo. half calf. Lon

5348 Another edition. Dublin, 1793.
5349 Another edition, in French. 2 vols.
8vo. Half bound. Paris, an. vii. 3.00
5350 Baxley (H. Willis). What I Saw
on the West Coast of North and South
America and at the Hawaiian Islands.
632. New York, 1865.

by J




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2 25

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5351 Bayard (F. M.) Voyage dans l'Interieur des Etats-Unis, a Bath, Winchester, dans la Vallee de Shenandoa, etc., pendent l'Ete de 1791. 8vo. pp. 336, boards, uncut. Paris, [1797]. 5352 Another copy. Half morocco. 5337 Ashe (Thomas). Travels in Amer5353 Beadle (J. H.) The Undeveloped ica, performed in 1806, for the purpose of West; or, Five Years in the Territories. Exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monon- Being a complete History of that vast Regahela, Ohio, and Mississippi, and ascer-gion between the Mississippi and Pacific. taining the Produce and Condition of their Its Resources, Inhabitants, etc. Banks and Vicinity. 3 vols. 18mo., calf. trated. 8vo. pp. 823. Phila., 1873. London, 1808. 5 00 5354 Becher (A. B.) The Landfall of Columbus on his First Voyage to America. With a translation of the Baron Bonnefoux's History of his previous Life. Also a chart showing his track from the Landfall to Cuba, and an outline of his subse1 25 quent voyages. 8vo. pp. 376. London, 2.50

5338 Another edition. 12mo. sheep. Newburyport, 1808.

pp. 366. 2 25 5339 Atwater (Caleb). Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington City, in 1829. 16mo. pp. 296, sheep. Columbus, 1831.




5340 Babcock (L. M.) Our American | 1856. Resorts. The Summer and Winter Resorts 5355 Bell (Solomon). Tales of Travels of the United States and Canada. Illus- West of the Mississippi. 16mo. pp. 162, trated. Small 4to. pp. 168, paper. Wash- half bound. Boston, 1830. 1 00 ington, 1883. North America. 5356 Bell (William A.) New Tracks in A Journal of Travel and Adventure, whilst engaged in the Survey for a Southern Railroad to the Pacific Ocean during 1867-8. Map and fine tinted New plates. 8vo. pp. 565. London, 1870. 4 00

5341 Baillie-Grohman (W. A.) Camps in the Rockies; a Narrative of Life on the Frontier, and Sport in the Rocky Mountains, with an Account of Cattle Ranches in the West. Map. 12mo. pp. 438. York, 1882.

1 75 5342 Another edition. 12mo. New York, 1884. 1 25

5343 Barclay (Capt.) Agricultural Tour in the United States and Upper Canada. With Miscellaneous Notices. 181. Edinburgh, 1842.

12mo. pp.

5344 Bartlett (John R.) Personal Narrative of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora,

5357 Belle Brittan on a Tour, at Newport, and Here and There. 12mo. pp. 359. New York, 1858. 1.00

5358 Bird (Isabella L.) A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains. Illustrated. 12mo. pp. 296. New York, 1885. 175

5359 Bishop (Nathaniel H.) Four Months in a Sneak Box; a boat voyage of 2600 miles down the Ohio and Mississippi,

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and along the Gulf of Mexico. Illustrated. 8vo. pp. 322. 1879.

Maps. 5372 Burnaby (Andrew). Travels Boston, through the Middle Settlements in North 2 50 America, in the Years 1759 and 1760; with 5360 Bishop (Nathaniel H.) Voyage of Observations upon the State of the Colothe Paper Canoe. A Geographical Journey nies. 4to. pp. 106, half bound. London, of 2500 miles, from Quebec to the Gulf of 1775. Mexico, during the years 1874-5. Maps. Illustrated. 8vo. pp. 351. Boston, 2.00


5361 Boddam-Whetham (J. W.) West-
ern Wanderings; a Record of Travel in
the Evening Land. Illustrated. Svo. pp.
364. London, 1874.
2 50


5373 Another edition. 8vo. pp. 196, boards. London, 1775.

2. 25

5374 Burney (James). A Chronological History of the North-Eastern Voyages of Discovery, and of the Early Eastern Navigation of the Russians. Chart. 310, boards. London, 1819.

8vo. PP:


5375 Campion (J. S.) On the Frontier. Reminiscences of Wild Sports, Personal Adventures, and Strange Scenes. Photographic illustrations. 8vo. pp. 372. London, 1878.


5362 Another copy. Half calf, extra. 4 00 5363 Bossu (M.) Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana. Translated from the French by John R. Forster. To which is added a 5376 Carvalho (S. N.) Incidents of Catalogue of all known plants of English North America, together with an abstract Travel and Adventure in the Far West. of the Most Useful and Necessary Articles With Col. Fremont's Last Expedition contained in Peter Loefling's Travels across the Rocky Mountains. Including through Spain and Camana in South Three Months' Residence in Utah, and a America. 2 vols. 8vo., calf. Lon- Perilous Trip across the Great American don, 1771. 450 Desert to the Pacific. 12mo. pp. 380. New York, 1860.

5364 Bowles (Samuel). Across the Continent. A Stage Ride over the Plains to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific States, in the Summer of 1865, with Speaker Colfax. 16mo. pp. 452 Springfield, Mass., 1869.

1 50

1 25

5377 Carver (Jonathan). Travels through the Interior Parts of North America in 1766-8. 8vo. pp. 544, half bound, uncut. Maps and plates. London, 1778. 5378 Another edition. 8vo. pp. 380, sheep. Philadelphia, 1796.


5379 Another edition.
pp. 543, calf. London, 1781.




650 Ac

5380 Casas (Bartholomew de las). count of the First Voyages and Discoveries made by the Spaniards in America. Containing the most exact Relation hitherto published of the Unparalleled Cruelties on the Indians in the Destruction of above 2 plates. Forty Millions of People. etc. 12mo. pp. 288, old calf. London, 1699. 7 50

5365 Bowles (Samuel). Our New West Records of Travel between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean. Map and plates. 8vo. pp. 524. Hartford, 1869. 2 50 5366 Brackenridge (H. M.) Journal of a Voyage up the River Missouri, performed in 1811. 12mo. pp. 247, boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1815. 2 50 5367 Bradbury (John). Travels in the Interior of America in the years 1808-1011, including a description of Upper Louisiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, with the Illinois and Western Territories. 8vo. pp. 364. Liverpool, 1817. 300 5368 Brissot De Warville (J. P.) New Travels in the United States of America, performed in 1788, containing Observations on the Character, Genius, and Present State of the People, etc. 8vo. pp. 488. 5382 Chastellux (Marquis de) Examine London, 1792. 2.00 Critique des Voyages dans l'Amerique Sep3 00 tentrionale de M. le Marquis de Chastellux. 18mo. pp. 279. Par J. P. Brissot de Warville. 8vo. pp. 143, half morocco. London, 1786.

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5383 Chastellux (Marquis de). Travels the Apache Country. A Tour through in North America in the years 1780, 1781, Arizona and Sonora; with Notes on the and 1782. Plates and maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Silver Regions of Nevada. Illustrated. boards, uncut. London, 1787. 1 75 5384 Another copy. Half mor,, extra. 7 50

12mo. pp. 535. New York, 1860.


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