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5640 Wise (Lieut.) Los Gringos; or, an Inside View of Mexico and California, with wanderings in Peru, Chili and Polynesia. 12mo. pp. 453. New York, 1850. 1 50

5641 Wislizenus (Dr. A.) Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico, connected with Col Doniphan's Expedition in 1846-47. With Scientific Appendix and 3 maps. 8vo pp. 141, paper. Wash., 1848. 200

5642 Wortley (Lady). Travels in the United States. 12mo. pp. 463. New York, 1.00



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5656 Brown (Rev. Isaac V.) A Historical Vindication of the Abrogation of the Plan of Union by the Presbyterian Church, in the United States. 8vo. pp. 325. Philadelphia, 1855

1 25

5657 Brown (Thomas). An Account of the People called Shakers; their Faith Doctrines, and Practice, exemplified in the Life, Conversations, and Experience of the Author. To which is affixed a History of their Rise and Progress to the Present Day. 12mo. pp. 372, sheep. Troy, 1812.


5658 Briggs (C. A.) American Presbyterianism, its Origin and Early History. Maps. 8vo. pp. 415. N. Y., 1885. 3 00

5643 American Bible Society. Thirteen Annual Reports of the American Bible Society. From 1817-29. In three 8vo. volumes, half bound. N. Y., 1817-29. 3 00 5644 Ancient Testimony (The) of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers. 16mo. pp. 84, paper. Philadelphia 1855. 25 5645 Anderson (Jas. S. M.) History of the Church of England in the Colonies and Foreign Dependencies of the British Empire. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1845-56. 5 00 5646 Bacon (Leonard). The Genesis of the New England Churches. 12mo. pp. 485. New York, 1874. 2 25 5647 Baird (Robert). Religion in America; or, an Account of the Origin, Progress, etc., of the Evangelical Churches in the United States. 8vo. pp. 343, half calf.don, 1788. New York, 1844. 175

5648 Barclay (Robert). An Apology for the True Christian Divinity, as the same is held forth and preached by the People called, in scorn, Quakers 12mo. pp. 574 new half sheep. Dublin, 1737. 1 75 5649 Barclay (Robert) A Treatise on Church Government, formerly called Anarchy of the Ranters, etc. 16mo. pp. 124, half bound. Philadelphia, 1822., 75

5650 Bates (Elisha). An Examination of Certain Proceedings and Principles of the Society of Friends, called Quakers. 8vo. pp. 311, sheep. St. Clairsville, 1837. 200 5651 Batterson (H. G.) A Sketchbook of the American Episcopate during One Hundred Years, 1783-1883. 12mo. pp. 368. Philadelphia, 1884. 1 00

5652 Belcher (Joseph). The Religious Denominations in the United States. Their History, Doctrine Government, and Statistics. Illustrated. 8vo. pp. 1,024, sheep. Philadelphia, 1864.


5653 Benedict (David). A General History of the Baptist Denomination in Amer

5659 Collection of Memorials (A), concerning divers deceased Ministers and others of the People called Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and parts adjacent, to the year 1787. 12mo. pp. 439, sheep. Philadelphia, 1787.

1 50

5660 Another edition. Svo. pp. 408. Lon


5661 Colton (Rev. Calvin). History and
Character of American Revivals of Religion.
12mo. pp. 294. London, 1832.
5662 Cooke (Parsons). A Century of
Puritanism, and a Century of its Opposites.
12mo. pp. 444. Boston, 1855.

1 25

5663 Cox (F. A.) and Hobby (J.) The Baptists in America; a Narrative of the Deputation from the Baptist Union in Eng land to the United States. 12mo. pp. 516 New York, 1836. 1.00

5664 Cranz (David). The Ancient and Modern History of the Brethren; or, A Succinct Narrative of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum, in the remoter Ages, and particularly in the present Century. Translated, with Notes, by Benjamin La Trobe. 8vo. pp. 621+83. London, 1780.


5665 Curtis (Thos. F.) Progress of Baptist Principles in the Last Hundred Years. 12mo. pp. 422. Boston, 1855. 1.00

5666 Davis (J.) History of the Welsh Baptists. 16mo. pp. 204. Pittsburgh, 1835. 100

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5667 Davis (Mrs. Tamar). A General Progress, Genius, and Character of AmeriHistory of the Sabbatarian Churches, with can Presbyterians. 8vo. pp. 224, boards. the Seventh-Day Baptists of the United Washington, 1839.

States. 1851.


1 50

12mo. pp. 255. Philadelphia, 5681 Henry (James). Sketches of Moravian Life and Character. 8vo. pp. 376. Philadelphia, 1859.

5668 Declaration and Testimony for the Doctrine and Order of the Church of Christ. To which is prefixed a Narrative concerning the Maintenance of the Reformation-Testimony. By the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania. 12mo. pp. 135, paper. Printed at Philadelphia, 1784. Edinburgh: Reprinted, 1786.


5669 Dexter (Henry M.) Glance at the Ecclesiastical Councils of New England. 8vo. pp. 68. Boston, 1867.



5682 Hinds (William A.) American Communities. Brief Sketches of Economy; Zoar, Bethel, Aurora, Amana, Icaria, the Shakers, Oneida, Wallingford, and the Brotherhood of the New Life. Illustrated. Svo. pp. 176. Oneida, 1878.


5583 Hodge (Charles.) The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo., half bound. Philadelphia, 1839-40.


5684 Holme (Benjamin, Quaker). Collection of his Epistles and Works. With his Life and Travels in Europe and America. 8vo. pp. 194. London, 1754.

1 25

5670 Dexter (Henry M.) The Church Polity of the Pilgrims the Polity of the New Testament. 8vo. pp. 82, boards. Boston, 1870. 1.00 5671 Evans (F. W.) The Origin, History, Principles, Rules and Regulations, 5685 Le Clercq (Father Christian). First Government and Doctrines of the Shakers. Establishment of the Faith in New France. 18mo. pp. 192, paper. New Lebanon. Now first translated, with notes, by John 60 Gilmany Shea. 2 vols. 8vo., paper. New York, 1881.




5672 Gorrie (Rev. P. D.) The Churches and Sects of the United States. Containing a Brief Account of their Origin, History; 12mo. pp. 240. N. Y., 1856. 5673 Gorrie (Rev. P. D.) Episcopal Methodism, as it Was and Is. 12mo. pp. 354. Auburn, 1852. 1 00 5674 Gorrie (Rev. P. D.) History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. 12mo. pp. 359. Philadelphia, 1 00 5675 Gorrie (Rev. P. D.) Lives of Eminent Methodist Ministers. Incidents, Anecdotes, Records of Travel, etc. 12mo. pp. 408. Auburn, 1853. 75 5676 Gouch (John). History of the People called Quakers from their First Rise to the Present Time. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1789. 4 00 5677 Griffith (John). Journal of the Life, Travels and Labours in the Work of the Ministry. Formerly of Darby, Penn. pp. 426.+Griffith's Brief Remarks Addressed to the People called Quakers. 12mo. pp. 112. Phila., 1781.


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10 00

5686 Mather (Increase). A Disquisition concerning Ecclesiastical Councils. Small 4to. pp. 36, paper. Boston, 1870.

5679 Henry (G. W.) Trials and Triumphs of (of the Oneida Community). pp. 349+and the Golden Harp. Hymns and Music. 18mo. pp. 16. Oneida, 1861. 1 25 5680 Hill (Wm.) A History of the Rise,


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tions, Declarations and Arguments. 8vo. pp. 5709 Rupp (I. Daniel). An Original
169. Chicago, 1874.
100 History of the Religious Denominations at
5695 Penn (William). A Brief Account present Existing in the United States.
of the Rise and Progress of the People Containing an Authentic Account of their
called Quakers. 12mo. pp. 95, boards. Rise, Progress, Statistics, and Doctrines.
Philadelphia, 1816.
8vo. pp. 734, sheep. Philadelphia,


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5702 Pulpit and the Pew. Being the History of a Struggle for Justice between the Two, and Embracing the Trials and Triumphs of a Year in the Old Parsonage. [Rev. Geo. B. Cheever.] 12mo. pp. 361. N. Y., 1858. 75

5703 Punchard (George). A View of Congregationalism, its Principles and Doctrines. 16mo. pp. 331. Andover, 1844. 75 5704 Quakers. An Abstract of the Suf ferings of the People call'd Quakers, for the Testimony of a Good Conscience, 16501666. 3 vols. 12mo., old calf. 1733.

London, 3 50 5705 Ritter (Abraham). History of the Moravian Church in Philadelphia, from its Foundation in 1742 to the Present Time. 8vo. pp. 281. Phila., 1857. 1 50

5706 Roll and Book. A Holy, Sacred and Divine Roll and Book, from the Lord God of Heaven to the Inhabitants of the Earth. 8vo. pp. 402, sheep. Canterburg, N. H., 1843. 4.50

5707 Royce (M. S.) A Series of Brief Historical Sketches of the Church of England, and of the Protestant Episcopal

Church in the United States.

198, half bound. N. Y. 1860.

16mo. pp.



5710 Shakers. Investigator; or, A De fense of the Order, Government and Economy of the United Society called Shakers. Also some Account of the Proceedings of the Legislature of New Hampshire in rela tion to the People called Shakers, in 1828. 12mo. pp. 103, paper. Lexington, 1828. New York, 1846.

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Sprague (W. B.) Annals of the Amer ican Pulpit; or, Commemorative Notices of Distinguished American Clergymen, from the Earliest Settlement of the Country to 1855.

5715 Vols. 1 and 2. Trinitarian Congre gational. 8vo. New York, 1866. 5 00 5716 Vols. 3 and 4. Presbyterian. 8vo. New York, 1859. 5 00 5717 Vol. 8. Unitarian. 8vo. New York. 2.50 5718 Stearns (Jonathan F.) Historical Discourses relating to the First Presbyterian Church in Newark. 8vo. pp. 320. Newark,

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and Pretensions of Joseph C. Dylks in East- Biographical Sketches, Facts, Anecdotes, ern Ohio, in 1828. 12mo. pp. 59, paper. etc. Portraits. 8vo. pp. 504. Manchester, Cincinnati, 1880.


5722 Thompson (Jos. P.) Church and State in the United States, with an Appendix on the German Population. 16mo. pp. 166. Boston, 1873. 50

5723 Thornton (J. W.) The Pulpit of the American Revolution; or, The Political Sermons of the Period of 1776. With an Historical Introduction, Notes, and Illustrations. 8vo. pp. 537. Boston, 1860. 125 5724 Tuke (Henry). The Principles of Religion, as Professed by the Society of Christians called Quakers. 12mo. pp. 142, half bound. New York, 1819. 50

5725 Webster (Richard). History of the Presbyterian Church in America. 8vo. Pp. 720. Philadelphia, 1857.

1950 Memoirs of the

5726 White (Wm.) Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. 8vo. pp. 474, sheep. Philadelphia, 1820. 2.00

5727 Wise (John). A Vindication of the Government of New England Churches. pp. 80. The Churches' Quarrel Exposed. pp. 96. + A Platform of Church Discipline. pp. 68. 12mo. All. Boston, 1772.




1 75 5734 Benezet (Anthony). A Caution to Great Britain and her Colonies, in a Short Representation of the Calamitous State of the Enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions. 8vo. pp. 46. London, 1767. 1 00

5735 Benton (Thomas H.) Historical and Legal Examination of that part of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scott Case, which declares

the Unconstitutionality of the Missouri
Compromise Act, and the Self-extension of
the Constitution to Territories, carrying
Slavery along with it. With an Appendix.
8vo. pp. 193. New York, 1858.
1 00

Its Character, Career, and Probable Designs.
5736 Cairnes (J. E.) The Slave Power.
Being an Attempt to Explain the Real Is-
sues involved in the American Contest.
8vo. pp. 171. New York, 1862.

1 00

5737 Carey (M.) Letters on the Colonization Society, with a View of its Probable Results. 8vo. pp. 32. Philadelphia, 1838.


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5739 Cheever (Geo. B.) The Guilt of Slavery, and the Crime of Slaveholding, Demonstrated from the Hebrew and Greek 12mo. pp. 472. Scriptures. Boston,




5741 Child (L. Maria). The Freedman's Book. 12mo. pp. 277. Boston, 1865.

SLAVERY AND THE NEGRO. 5728 Abolition Societies, Established in Different Parts of the United States. Proceedings of the Third Convention. Philadelphia, 1796. pp. 32. + Fourth Con- 5740 Child (Mrs.) An Appeal in Favor vention, 1797. pp. 59. + Fifth Convention, of that Class of Americans called Africans. 1798. 20. Seventh Convention, 1801. 12mo. pp. 232. Boston, 1833. pp. pp. 55. Each, 5729 Adams (Nehemiah). A Southside View of Slavery; or, Three Months at the 5742 Christy (David). Cotton is King; South in 1854. 12mo. pp. 224. Boston, or, The Culture of Cotton, and its Relation 1855. 75 to Agriculture, Manufacture, and Com5730 Allen (Rev. H. H.) The General merce. 12mo. pp. 298. N. Y., 1856. 60 Assembly and its Accusors. The Deliverances of the Church on Civil Affairs and Slavery. 8vo. pp. 87, paper. Louisville, 50



5743 Clarke (Jas. Freeman). AntiSlavery Days: a Sketch of the Struggle which ended in the Abolition of Slavery in the United States. 12mo. pp. 324. New York, 1884. 1 25

5731 Alveraz (Alonzo). Progress and Intelligence of Americans. Founded upon 5744 Clarkson (Thos.) The History of the Normal and Absolute Servitude of the Rise, Progress, and Accomplishment of Inferior Animals to Mankind, etc., etc. the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade, 8vo. pp. 613. n. p., 1865. 150 by the British Parliament. 12mo. pp. 348, 5732 Andrews (E. A.) Slavery and Do- sheep. Wilmington, 1816. 75 mestic Servitude in the United States. 5745 Cobb (Thos. R. R.) An Historical 12mo. pp. 201. Boston, 1836. Sketch of Slavery from the Earliest Periods. 8vo. pp. 302. Philadelphia, 1858. 5746 Cochin (Augustin). The of Emancipation. 12mo. pp. 412. 1863.


5733 Armistead (Wilson).
A Tribute
for the Negro; being a Vindication of the
Moral, Intellectual, and Religious Capabili-
ties of the Coloured Portion of Mankind,

1 50


1 00

5747 Cochin (Augustin). The Results Platform; or, Manual of Southern Sentiof Slavery. 12mo. pp. 413. Boston, ment on the Subject of Slavery. 8vo. pp. 80. Boston, 1858.


1 00 5748 Controversy between Caius Gracchus and Optimus in reference to the Colonizing the Free People of Colour. 8vo. pp. 218, paper. Georgetown, 1827. 50 5749 Conway (Moncure D.) The Golden Hour. 12mo. pp. 160. Boston, 1862. 75 5750 Conway (Moncure D.) The Rejected Stone; or, Insurrection v. Resurrection in America. 12mo. pp. 131. Boston, 1862 1.00

5751 Drayton (Daniel). Personal Memoir. For Four Years and Four Months a Prisoner (for Charity's Sake) in Washington Jail, with the Voyage and Capture of the Schooner "Pearl." Portrait. 12mo. pp. Boston, 1855. 75 5752 Eldridge (Elleanor). Memoirs of. 48mo. pp. 128. Providence, 1842. 75


5753 Elliott (E. N.) Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments; comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartwright, on this Important Subject, with an Essay on Slavery in the light of International Law. 8vo. pp. 908, roan. Augusta, Ga., 1860.






5762 Goodwin (D. R.) Southern Slavery in its Present Aspects, containing a Reply to the late Work of the Bishop of Vermont on Slavery. 12mo. pp. 343. Phila1.00 delphia, 1864.

5763 Gregoire (H.) An Enquiry concerning the Intellectual and Moral Faculties, and Literature of Negroes; followed with an Account of the Life and Works of Fifteen Negroes and Mulattoes distinguished in Science, Literature, and Arts. Translated by D. B. Warden. 8vo. pp. 253, boards. Brooklyn, 1810.

5764 Griffiths (Julia, Editor). graphs for Freedom. 12mo. pp. 309. Auburn, 1854.






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5765 Grimke (Sarah and Angelina) The
First American Women Advocates of Abo-
lition and Woman's Rights. By Catherine
H. Birney. 16mo. pp.
319. Boston,

5765A Grosvenor (C. P.) A Review of
the Correspondence of Messrs. Fuller and
Wayland, on the Subject of American
Slavery. Also a Discourse by Roger Wil-
2 50 liams,
18mo. pp. 187.

5754 Elmwood (Elnathan). A Yankee among the Nullifiers. An Autobiography. 18mo. pp. 142, half calf. New York, 1833. 100 5755 Fitzhugh (George). Cannibals, All; or, Slaves without Masters. 12mo. pp. 379. Richmond, 1857.

1 25


5756 Fletcher (John). Studies Slavery, in Easy Lessons. Compiled into Eight Studies, and subdivided into Short Lessons for the convenence of Readers. 8vo. pp 637, sheep. Natchez, 1852. 2 50

5757 Garrison (W. Lloyd) and his Times; or, Sketches of the Anti-Slavery Movement in America. By Oliver Johnson, with an introduction by John G. Whittier. 8vo. pp. 490. Boston, 1881. 2.00

5758 Garrison (W. Lloyd). Lectures of George Thompson, and History of his Connection with the Anti-Slavery Cause in England. 12mo. pp. 190. Boston, 1836. 50


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5759 Garrison (W. Lloyd). Thoughts on African Colonization. 8vo. pp. 160+76, in the Southern States. By a Creole of 5771 Letter to Napoleon III. on Slavery boards. Boston, 1832.



Louisiana. Svo. pp. 128, paper. Lond., 5760 Godwin (B.) The Substance of a 1862. course of Lectures on British Colonial

5772 Livermore (George). An Histor Slavery. 8vo. pp. 171, boards. London, torical Research respecting the Opinions of 50 the Founders of the Republic, on Negroes, 5761 Goodloe (D. R.) The Southern as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers.


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