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nification of the words, and an Introduction the Minnesota River. 8vo. pp. 72. Washdevoted to the Stratigraphical Geology of ington, 1875. the Palaeozoic Rocks. 8vo. pp. 334. Cincinnati, 1877.

3 00

3 00 7088A Miller (S. A.) North American Mesozoic and Cenozoic Geology and Palæontology; or, an Abridged History of our Knowledge of the Triassic Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary Formations of this Continent. 8vo. pp. 338. Cin., 1881. Mineral Resources of the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains. Each 8vo. Washington, v. S.7089 Browne (J. Ross). and (J. W.) Report for 1866. pp. 360. 7090 The same. Report for 1867. 674+72.

7091 Raymond (R. W.)


7107 Mississippi. Wailes (B. L. C.) Report on the Agriculture and Geology of Mississippi, with a Sketch of the Social and Natural History of the State Map and 17 plates. 8vo pp. 371, 1854.


port on the
Jackson, 1857.


Harper (L.) Preliminary Re-
Geology and Agriculture of
Maps, etc. 8vo. pp. 351.

4. 00
7109 Hilgard (E. W.) Report on
the Geology and Agriculture of Missis-
Taylor sippi. Map, etc. 8vo. pp. 22.
i 50 1858.


7110 pp. Hilgard (E. W.) Report on 2 00 the Geological and Agricultural Survey for of Mississippi. 8vo. pp. 391. Jackson.


1869. Pp.

Report for 1871.



3 00




2 25

7111 Missouri. Schoolcraft (H. R.) A View of the Lead Mines of Missouri, with Observations on the Mineralogy, Geology, Antiquities, Soil, Climate, Productions, etc.. of Missouri and Arkansas. 3 plates. 8vo. pp. pp. 299. New York, 1819. 200 Swallow (G. C.) First and Report for 1872. pp. Second Report on the Geological Survey 2 00 of Missouri. Maps, sections and plates. 8vo. 207+239. PP. 1873. 3 00 1855. 7113 pp. 14.

[blocks in formation]

Report for 1870.


7094 The same.


7095 The same.


7096 The same.

Report for

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

City, 3 00

[blocks in formation]

Swallow (G. C.) Geological Report of the Country along the line of the South-western Rranch of the Pacific Rail8vo. road in Missouri. Map and 2 plates. pp. 93, paper. 1.00 St. Lous, 1859. Another copy. Cloth. 1 25 7117 Broadhead (G. C.) Meek (F. B.) and Shumard (B. F.) Report on the Geological Survey of Missouri. Maps and plates. 8vo. pp. 326. Jefferson City, 1873.


7118 Pumpelly (R.) Preliminary Report on the Iron Ores and Coal Fields, from the Field Work of 1872. 190 Illustra tions, and an atlas. 8vo. pp. 214+441. New York, 1873. 10 00

7119 Broadhead (G. C.) Report of the Geological Survey of Missouri, including Field Work of 1873-4. 91 Illustrations, and an atlas. 8vo. pp. 788. Jefferson City, 1874. 4.00

7120 Montana. Tufts (James). A Tract Descriptive of Montana Territory, its Mineral and Agricultural Resources. 8vo. pp. 15. New York, 1865.


7121 Montana. Mortson (O. C.) Geolog the Igneous Rocks of Washoe, with Notes ical Notes on Northern and Central Mon- on the Geology of the District. 8vo. pp. tana. 8vo. pp. 16. n. p. n. d. 30 44. Washington, 1885.

7122 Morgan (Lewis H.) The American 7135- Lord (Eliot). Comstock Mines Beaver and his Works. Illustrated. 8vo. and Mining. 3 plates. 4to. pp. 451. pp. 330. Philadelphia, 1868. 3 00 Washington, 1883.

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7136 Report of the Commissioners, and Evidence in regard to the Sutro Tunnel, with the Argument and Report of the Committee recommending a Loan. Svo. pp. 988. Washington, 1872.

7123 Morton (Samuel G.) Synopsis of the Organic Remains of the Cretaceous Group of the United States. 19 plates. 8vo. pp. 100. Phila., 1834. 2 50 7124 Muhlenberg (D. H.) Descriptis Uberior Graminum et Plantarum CalamaWalcott (Chas. D.) Palæonriarum America Septentrionalis, Indige- tology of the Eureka District. 24 plates narum et Cicurum. 8vo. pp. 295. Phila- of Fossils. 4to. pp. 298. Washington, delphia, 1817.


3 00 1884.


ogy of


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1 50





2 25




pp. 41

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7125 Mullaly (John). The Laying of 7138 Wheeler (Lieut. George M.) the Telegraph Cable, with all its Incidents Preliminary Report concerning Exploraand Anecdotes. Illustrated. 8vo. pp. 329, tions and Surveys, principally in Nevada paper. New York, 1858. 100 and Arizona. Map. 4to. pp. 96. Wash7126 National Institution for the Pro-ington, 1872. motion of Sciences. Second Bulletin. 7139 New Hampshire. March, 1841 to February, 1842.

[blocks in formation]

Jackson (C. plates. T.) First Report on the Geology of New Wash Hampshire. 8vo. pp. 164. Concord,

1 00 1841.

7127 Natural History Society of Hartford (Conn.) Transactions. No. 1, plate. Svo. pp. 91. Hartford, 1836.

1 25 7140 Hitchcock (C. H.) First Report on the Geology and Mineralogy of New Hampshire. 8vo. pp. 36. ManchesFi- ter, 1869.


7128 Nebraska. Hayden (F. V.) nal Report of the United States Geological Survey of Nebraska and portions of Adjoining Territories. Maps and plates of Fossils. 8vo. pp. 264. Washington, 1872. 2 00 7129 Meek (F. B.) and Hayden (F. V.) Descriptions of New Organic Remains collected in Nebraska. 8vo. pp. 41 to 59. 50 Philadelphia, 1858.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Meek (F. B.) and Hayden (F. V.) Description of New Species and Genera of Fossils collected in Nebrrska. 8vo. pp. 34+. Notes Explanatory of a Map and Section of the Country bordering on the Missouri River. 8vo. pp. 10. Philadelphia, 1857.


[blocks in formation]

The same.


Second Report.

Map. 8vo. pp. 37. Manchester, 1870. 60
The same. Fourth Report.
pp. 56. Nashua, 1872.
The same. Fifth Report. Map.
Nashua, 1873.

Map. 8vo.


8vo. pp. 15.


7144 Hitchcock (C. H.) and Huntington (J. H.) The Geology of New Hampshire. Comprising the Results of Explorations. Part I.-Physical Geogra phy. Numerous maps and illustrations. Royal 8vo. pp. 667, half morocco, Concord, 1874.


7145 New Jersey. Rogers (Henry D.) Report on the Geological Survey. 8vo. pp. 175, paper. Philadelphia, 1836.


Geology of.
and Sections.
delphia, 1840.


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The same.


Description of the Being a Final Report. Map 8vo. pp. 301,



3.00 First An

Kitchell (Wm.) nual Report of the Geological Survey for 1854. Plates. 8vo. pp. 100. New Bruns wi k, 1855.

[blocks in formation]

7133 Curtis (Joseph S.) Silver- port, for 1855. Lead Deposits of Eureka, Nevada. 16 ton, 1856. plates. 4to. pp. 200. Wash.,

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1 25

[blocks in formation]

The same. Geology of the Cape May. Map and plates. Trenton, 1857.


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7181 Hall (James). Descriptions of New Species of Paleozoic Fossils, from the Lower Hilderberg, Oriskany Sandstone, Upper Hilderberg, Hamilton, and Wood-cuts. 8vo. PP. Chemung Groups. 146. Albany, 1857. Map, etc. 7182 1 00

The same, for 1882.
6 plates. 8vo. pp. 191. Trenton,
The same, for 1883.
8vo. pp. 188. Trenton, 1883.
7167 New Mexico. Abert (J. W.)
port and Map of an Examination of New
Mexico. Map and plates. 8vo. pp. 132.
Washington, 1848.


7168 Simpson (J. H.) Report and Map of the Route from Fort Smith, Ark., to Santa Fe, N. Mex. 8vo. pp. 25. Wash ington, 1850.


7169 New York. Akerly (Samuel). An Essay on the Geology of the Hudson River and the Adjacent Regions. Folded Section. 12mo. pp. 69, boards. New York, 1820.


Sweet (S. H.) Report on Coal. Showing its Distribution, Classification, Cost, etc. 9 large, folded maps. 8vo. pp. 94. [Albany, 1865.] 1 50

7183 Nicollet (I. N.) Report to Illustrate a Map of the Hydrographical Basin of the Upper Mississippi River. Large 8vo. pp. 170. Wash., 1843. 2.00 map. 7184 North Carolina. Emmons (E.) Geological Report of the Midland Coun ties of North Carolina. Maps and plates. 8vo. pp. 351, half calf.


New York, 5 00

1 50 7185 Emmons (E.) Report of the 7170 - Clarke (J. M.) On the Higher Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Devonian Faunas of Ontario County, Eastern Counties, with Descriptions of the New York. 3 plates. 8vo. pp. 86. Wash- Fossils of the Marl Beds. Wood-cuts. 8vo. ington, 1885.

25 pp. 314. Raleigh, 1858.


7186 North Carolina. Genth (F. A.) and Kerr (W. C.) The Minerals and Mineral Localities of North Carolina. 8vo. pp. 122. Raleigh, 1881.



Reptiles and Amphibians, by W. H. Smith.
pp. 629-724. Fishes, by D. S. Jordan. pp.
735-1002, 8vo. Columbus, 1882. 3 00
Vol. 5. Economic


The same.

Geology. Maps and Sections. 8vo. pp.
1124, with package of maps. Columbus,
The same. Part II. Palæon-
1, with 48 plates of Fossils.
Columbus, 1873.


tology. Vol.
8vo. pp. 399.

of Fossils.


The same.





ers, wi








2 vols

Vol. 2. 59 plates





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8vo. pp. 435.

Kerr (W. C.) Report of the Geological Survey for 1875. Vol 1-Physical Geography, Resume, Economical Geology. Wood-cuts and 7 plates of Fossils. 8vo. pp. 325+120. Raleigh, 1875. 5 00 7188 Nuttall (Thomas). The Genera of North American Plants, and a Catalogue of Species, to the year 1817. 2 vols. in 1. 5 00 16mo., sheep. Philadelphia, 1818. 7189 Ohio. Hunt (T. Sterry). Mineral Resources of the Hocking Valley; its Coals, Iron-Ores, Blast-Furnaces, and Railroads. Map. 8vo. pp. 152. Boston, 1881. 1 50 7190 Hunt (T. Sterry). The Coal and Iron of Southern Ohio, considered with relation to the Hocking Valley Coal Field port of the and its Iron Ores, etc., with a View of the 8vo. pp. 75. Salem, 7207 Coal Trade of the West. 8vo. The same. Third Report for 1 00 1876. 8vo. pp. 196. 1876. The same. 7208 James (U. P.) Catalogue of Lower Silurian Fossils. Cincinnati Group. 8vo. pp. 14. Cincinnati, 1871.

[blocks in formation]

Report of the Mining ComReemelin, Andrew Roy and B. 8vo. pp. 199, paper. Colum

Roy (Andrew). Second ReState Mine Inspector for 1875. 1876.

1877. 8vo. pp. 186. 1877.




[blocks in formation]

Fourth Report for
The same. Fifth Report for

1878. 8vo. pp. 67. 1879.


The same. Sixth Report for 1880. 8vo. pp. 115. 1881. 7193 Mather (W. W.) First An- 7211- Warder (John A.) Woody nual Report on the Geological Survey of Plants of Ohio, under their Botanical order, Ohio, January 1, 1838. 8vo. pp. 134. +their Uses, Qualities and Sources. 8vo. pp. Second Annual Report, Dec. 18, 1838. 40, n. p. 1882. Plates and Sections. pp. 286. Columbus,

[blocks in formation]

7212- Whittlesey (Charles). Inside 4.00 View of Geological Appointments. 8vo. The same. Second Report. pp. 16. Cleveland. 1870. 7213 Whittlesey (Chas.) Contribu7195 Newberry (J. S.) Geological tions to the Geology of Ohio. 8vo. pp. 48, Survey of Ohio. Reports of Progress in Cleveland, 1869. 1869. Map and Sections. 8vo. 164. pp. Columbus, 1870. 7196 The same. Report of Progress in 1870. 8vo. pp. 568, with package of 1871. maps. Columbus, 2.00 7197

1 25

The same. Report of Progress

7214 Whittlesey (Chas.) Glances at the Geological Survey. 8vo. 60. pp. n. p. n. d. 25

7215 Owen (David Dale). Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, and incidentally of a portion of in 1871. 8vo. pp. 12. n. p., n. d. 50 Nebraska Territory. Large Folded Maps Final Report. Ge- and Sections. 27 plates of Fossils, and nuology, Vol. 1. Maps and Sections. 8vo. merous wood-cuts. 4to. pp. 638. Philapp. 680, with Atlas of maps. Columbus, delphia, 1852. 1873.



The same.



7216 Pacific Railroad. Report of ExThe same. Geology, Vol. 2. plorations and Surveys to ascertain the Maps and Sections. 8vo. pp. 701, with most Practical and Economical Route for package of maps. Columbus, 1874. 3 00 a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the 7200 The same. Geology, Vol. 3. Pacific Ocean, 1853-5. Profusely illustrated Maps and Sections. 8vo. pp. 958. Colum- with fine plates of Views, Natural History, bus, 1878. 3 00 etc. Many finely colored. Numerous Maps, etc. 13 vols, 4to. Washington, 1855-60. 20 00 Some odd volumes can be supplied.

The same. Vol. 4. Zoology.
Mammalia, by A. W. Brayton. pp. 1-185,
Birds, by J. M. Wheaton. pp. 187-628.

[blocks in formation]

Birds, with 38 colored plates. 6.00 Half bound. Fishes, with numerous plates. 6.00 2 vols. Half bound. 7225 Packard (A. S. Jr.) Insects InjuWoodrious to Forest and Shade Trees. cuts. 8vo. pp. 275, paper. Washington, 1851.


1 00



Fifth Report. 8vo. pp.

2500 Sixth Report. 8vo. pp. 1.00 Pottsville Scientific Association. Bulletin for January and February, 1858. 8vo. pp. 26. Pottsville, 1855.


7241 Stevenson (J. J.)__ Report of Progress in the Green and Washington Districts of the Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania. Maps and Sec1 25 tions. 8vo. pp. 419, 1876.

7226 Palmer (Gen. Wm. J.) Report of Surveys Across the Continent in 1867-68, 7242 Taylor (R. C.) Two Reports for a Route extending the Kansas Pacific on the Coal Lands, Mines, etc., of the DauRailroad to San Francisco. 8vo. pp. 250, 100 phin and Pennsylvania Coal Company, and paper. Philadelphia, 1869. Geological Examinations of the Stony Creek 7227 Peale (Rembrandt). An Historical Coal, Maps and Sections. 8vo. pp. 113+ Disquisition on the Mammouth or Great 74. Philadelphia, 1840. American Incognitum, an Extinct, Immense, Carniverous Animal, whose Fossil Remains have been found in North Amer-moting Agriculture, Memoirs, etc. 5 vols. 150 Svo. Philadelphia, 1808-1826. ica. 8vo. pp. 91. London, 1803. 7227A Another edition. 12mo. pp. 46. London, 1802. 1.00

7228 Pennsylvania. Bowen (Eli). The Coal Regions of Pennsylvania, A Review of the Anthracite Coal Districts. Maps and Tables. 8vo. pp. 27, paper. Pottsville,



7229 Carll (J. F.) Report of Progress in the Venango County District etc. 8vo. pp. 127, paper. Harrisburgh, 1875. 75 7230 Frazer (P. Jr.) Report of Progress in York and Adams Counties, with Maps and Cross-sections of the Iron Ore Belts, etc. 8vo. pp. 196, paper. 1876. 1 00 7231 Genth (F. A.) Preliminary Report on the Mineralogy of Pennsylvania. +Hydrocarbon Compounded by S. T. Sadtler. 8vo. pp. 206, paper. 1875. 100 Lesley (J. P.) Historical Sketch of Geological Explorations in Pennsylvania and other States. 8vo. pp. 226, paper. 1876. 100



7243 Philadelphia Society for Pro


7544 Porcher (F. P.) The Medicinal, Poisonous and Dietetic Properties of the Cryptogamic Plants of the United States. 8vo. pp. 126. New York, 1854.


7245 Porcher (Dr. F. P.) Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical and Agricultural, being also a Medical Botany of the Southern States, with practical information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants and Shrubs. 8vo. pp. 733. Charleston, 1869.


7246 Powell (J. W.) Exploration of the Colorado River of the West and its Tributaries, 1869 to 1872. 80 plates. 4to. pp. 291. Washington, 1875. 4.00

7247 Powell (J. W.) Report on the Geology of the Eastern Portion of the Unita Mountains and the Country Adjacent thereto. Wood-cuts. 4to. pp. 218. With Atlas. Washington, 1876.

3 00

7248 Powell (J. W.) Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States, with a more detailed account of

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