VOU Be thy mouth or black or white, Dogs leap the hatch, and all are fled. Do, de, de, de: Seffey, come, march to wakes and fairs, And market towns; poor Tom, thy horn is dry. Lear. Then let them anatomize Regan-fee what breeds about her heart-Is there any cause in nature that makes these hard hearts? You, Sir, I entertain for one of my hundred; only, I do not like the fashion of your garments. You will say, they are Persian; but let them be chang'd. Re-enter Glo'ster. Kent. Now, good my lord, lie here and rest a while. curtains; So, so, we'll go to supper i' th' morning. Glo. Come hither, friend; where is the King, my master? Kent. Here, Sir, but trouble him not; his wits are gone. Glo. Good friend, I pr'ythee, take him in thy arms: And drive tow'rd Dover, friend, where thou shalt meet *brache, or hym, &c.] Names of particular Sorts of Dogs. e Mr. Pope. And And follow me, that will to some provision Kent. Opprest Nature sleeps: This Rest might yet have blam'd thy broken Senses, Which, if Conveniency will not hallow, Stand in hard Cure. Come, help to bear thy Master; Thou must not stay behind. [To Fool. Glo. Come, come, away. [Exeunt, bearing off the King. 10 Manet Edgar.. Edg. When we our Betters see bearing our Woes, We scarcely think our Miseries our Foes. Who alone fuffers, fuffers most i'th' Mind; Leaving free things, and happy Shows behind : But then the Mind much Suffrance does o'erskip, When Grief hath Mates, and Bearing Fellowship. How light, and portable, my pain seems now, When That, which makes me bend, makes the King He childed, as I father'd! - Tom, away; [bow; Mark the high Noises, and thyself bewray, When false Opinion, whose wrong Thought defiles L thee, In thy just Proof repeals, and reconciles thee. SCENEX. Changes to Glo'fler's Cafile. [Exit Edgar. Enter Cornwall, Regan, Gonerill, Edmund, and Gorn. Servants. POST speedily to my lord your husband, fhew him this letter; the army of France is landed; seek out the traitor Gloster. Reg. Hang him instantly. Gon. Pluck out his eyes. Corn. Leave him to my displeasure. Edmund, keep you ol you our fister company; the revenges we are bound to take upon your traiterous father, are not fit for your beholding. Advise the Duke, where you are going, to a molt feftinate preparation; we are bound to the like. Our Posts shall be swift, and intelligent betwixt us. er of Glo'ster. 1 Farewel, dear fister; farewel, my lord Enter Steward. How now? where's the King? Stew. My lord of Glo'ster hath convey'd him hence. Some five or fix and thirty of his Knights, Hot Questrists after him, met him at gate; Who with fome other of the Lords dependants, Are gone with him tow'rd Dover; where they boast To have well-armed friends. Corn. Get horses for your mistress. Gon. Farewel, sweet lord, and fifter. [Exeunt Gon. and Edm. Corn. Edmund, farewel: - go feek the traitor Glo'ster; Pinion him like a thief, bring him before us: Enter Glo'ster, brought in by Servants. Who's there? the traitor? Reg. Ingrateful fox! 'tis he. Corn. Bind fast his corky arms. Glo. What mean your Graces? Good my Friends, confider. You are my Guests: Do me no foul play, friends. Corn. Bind him, I say. [They bind him. Reg. Hard, hard: O filthy traitor! Glo. Glo. Unmerciful lady as you are! I'm none. Corn. To this chair bind him. Villain, thou shalt find Glo. By the kind gods, 'tis most ignobly done To pluck me by the beard. Reg. So white, and such a traitor? Glo. Naughty lady, These hairs, which thou dost ravish from my chin, Corn. Come, Sir, what letters had you late from France? Reg. Be simple-answer'd, for we know the truth. Corn. And what confed'racy have you with the traitors, Late footed in the kingdom? Have you fent the lunatic King? fpeak. Glo. I have a letter guessingly fet down, Which came from one that's of a neutral heart, Corn. Cunning Reg. And falfe.. Corn. Where haft thou fent the King? Glo. To Dover. Reg. Wherefore to Dover? Wast thou not charg'd, at peril Corn. Wherefore to Dover? let him first answer that. Glo. I am ty'd to th' stake, and I must stand the course. Reg. Wherefore to Dover? Glo. Because I would not see thy cruel nails Pluck out his poor old eyes; nor thy fierce sister In his anointed flesh stick boarish phangs. The fea, with such a storm as his bare head In bell-black night indur'd, would have boil'd up, And quench'd the stelled fires; Yet Yet poor old heart, he help'd the heav'ns to rain. Corn. See't shaltthounever. Fellows, hold the chair. Upon these eyes of thine I'll set my foot. [Glo'ster is held down, while Cornwell treads out one of his eyes. Glo. He, that will think to live 'till he be old, Give me some help. - O cruel! O you gods! Reg. One fide will mock another; th' other too. Serv. Hold your hand, my lord: I've serv'd you, ever since I was a child ; Reg. How now, you dog? Serv. If you did wear a beard upon your chin, 'd shake it on this quarrel. What do you mean? Corn. My villain! Serv. Nay then come on, and take the chance of anger. [Fight; in the Scuffle Cornwall is wounded. Reg. Give me thy sword. A peasant stand up [Kills him. Serv. Oh, I am flain-my lord, you have one eye left thus? To fee some mischief on him. Oh- [Dies. Glo. All dark and comfortless-where's my fon Edmund? Edmund, enkindle all the sparks of nature Reg. Out, treacherous villain. Thou call'st on him, that hates thee: It was he, E Who |