Reg. What might import my sister's letter to him? Stew. I know not, lady. Reg. 'Faith, he is posted hence on serious matter. It was great ign'rance, Glo'ster's eyes being out, To let him live; where he arrives, he moves All hearts against us: Edmund, I think, is gone, In pity of his misery, to dispatch His nighted life: moreover, to descry The strength o'th' enemy. Stew. I must needs after him, Madam, with my letter. Reg. Our troops set forth to-morrow: stay with us : The ways are dangerous. Stew. I may not, Madam; My lady charg'd my duty in this business. Reg. Why should she write to Edmund? might not you Transport her purposes by word? Belike, Something I know not what I'll love thee much Let me unseal the letter. Stew. Madam, I had rather Reg. I know, your lady do's not love her husband: I'm fure of that; and, at her late being here, Reg. I speak in understanding: you are; I know't; Therefore, I do advise you, take this note. Stew. Would I could meet him, Madam, I should shew What party I do follow. SCENE VI. The Country, near Dover. Enter Glo'ster, and Edgar as a Peafant. [Exeunt. HEN shall I come to th' top of that fame hill ? Edg. You do climb up it now. Look, how we la Glo. Methinks, the ground is even. Edg. Horrible steep. Hark, do you hear the fea? Glo. No, truly. [bour. Edg. Why then your other senses grow imperfect By your eyes' anguish. Glo. So may it be, indeed. Methinks, thy voice is alter'd; and thou speak'st Edg. You're much deceiv'd: in nothing am I chang'd, But in my garments. Glo. Sure you're better spoken. Edg. Come on, Sir, here's the place-stand still. How fearful And dizzy 'tis, to cast one's eyes so low! Gle. Glo. Set me, where you stand, Edg. Give me your hand: you're now within a foot Of th' extreme verge: for all below the moon Glo. Let go my hand: Here, friend, 's another purse, in it a Jewel Glo. With all my heart. [Seems to go. Edg. Why do I trifle thus with his despair? 'Tis done to cure it. Glo. O you mighty Gods! This world I do renounce; and in your fights Edg. Good Sir, farewel. [He leaps, and falls along. And yet I know not how Conceit may rob The treasury of life, when life itself Yields to the theft. Had he been where he thought, What are you, Sir? Glo. Away, and let me die. Edg. Had'st, thou been aught but Goss'mer, fea ! thers, air, So many fathom down precipitating, Thou'd'it shiver'd like an egg: but thou dost breathe, Haft heavy substance, bleed'st not; speak, art found? Ten *Ten masts attacht make not the altitude, Edg. From the dread summit of this chalky bourn! Glo. Alack, I have no eyes. Is wretchedness depriv'd that benefit, To end itself by death? 'twas yet some comfort, Edg. Give me your arm. Up, fo-how is't? feel you your legs? you stand. Edg. This is above all strangeness. Glo. A poor unfortunate beggar. Edg. As I stood here, below, methought, his eyes honours Of men's impossibilities, have preserv'd thee. Glo. I do remember now: henceforth I'll bear Affliction, 'till it do cry out itself, Enough, enough, and die. That thing you speak of, *Ten mafts at each make not the altitude.] So Mr. Pope found it in the Mr. Pope. Enter Lear, dreft madly with flowers. But who comes here? The fober sense will ne'er accommodate His master thus. Lear. No, they cannot touch me for coining: I am the King himself. Edg. O thou fide-piercing fight! Lear. Nature's above art in that respect. There's your press-money. That fellow handles his bow like a crow-keeper: draw me a clothier's yard. Look, look, a mouse! Peace, peace; - this piece of toasted cheese will do't there's my gauntlet, I'll prove it on a giant. Bring up the brown bills. O, well flown, Barb! i'th' clout, i'th' clout; hewgh.-Give the word. Edg. Sweet marjoram. Glo. I know that voice. Lear. Ha! Gonerill! ha ! Regan! they flatter'd me like a dog, and told me, I had white hairs in my beard, ere the black ones were there. To say ay, and no, to every thing that I faid - Ay, and no, too was no good divinity. When the rain came to wet me once, and the wind to make me chatter; when the thunder would not peace at my bidding; there I found 'em, there I smelt 'em out. Go to, they are not men o' their words; they told me I was every thing: 'tis a lie, I am not ague-proof. Glo. The trick of that voice I do well remember: Is't not the King? Lear. Ay, every inch a King. When I do stare, fee, how the subject quakes. I pardon that man's life. What was the cause? Adultery? thou shalt not die; die for adultery? no, the wren goes to't, and the small gilded flie doesletcher in |