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Moreover he that defired his Advice in anything, could by no other means obtain it, but by catching him in Manacles, and holding him fast therewith; who nevertheless to be at liberty, would turn himfelf into all manner of Forms and Wonders of Nature; fometimes into Fire, fometimes into Water, sometimes into the fhape of Beasts, and the like; till at length he were reftored to his own Form again.

This Fable may seem to unfold the fecrets of Nature, and the properties of Matter. For under the Perfon of Proteus, the firft Matter (which next to God) is the ancienteft Thing may be represented: For Matter dwells in the concavity of Heaven, as in a Cave.

He is Neptune's Bondman, because the Operations and Dispensations of Matter are chiefly exercifed in liquid Bodies.

His Flock or Herd feems to be nothing but the ordinary Species of fenfible Creatures, Plants, and Metals, in which Matter feems to diffufe and as it were spend itself; fo that after the forming and perfecting of these Kinds, (having ended as it were her Task,) she seems to Sleep, and take her Rest, not attempting the Compofition of any more SpeAnd this may be the Moral of Proteus's counting of his Flock, and of his fleeping.


Now this is faid to be done, not in the Morning, nor in the Evening, but at Noon; to wit, at such time as is most fit and convenient for the perfecting and bringing forth of Species out of Matter, duly prepared and predisposed, and in the middle,

as it were between their Beginning and Declinations, which we know fufficiently (out of the Holy History) to be done about the time of the Creation: For then by the power of that Divine Word (Producat,) Matter at the Creator's Command did congregate itself (not by Ambages or Turnings, but inftantly) to the Production of its Work into an Act and Conftitution of Species. And thus far have we the Narration of Proteus (free and unrestrained, together with his Flock complete): For the univerfality of Things, with their ordinary Structures and Compofitions of Species, bears the Face of Matter, not limited and constrained, and of the Flock also of Material Beings. Neverthelefs if any expert Minister of Nature, fhall encounter Matter by main force, vexing and urging her with Intent and Purpose to reduce her to nothing; fhe contrariwise (seeing Annihilation and abfolute Destruction cannot be effected by the Omnipotency of God) being thus caught in the ftraits of Neceffity, doth change and turn herself into divers strange Forms and Shapes of Things, so that at length (by fetching a Circuit as it were) she comes to a Period, and (if the Force continue) betakes herself to her former Being. The reafon of which Constraint or Binding will be more facile and expedite, if Matter be laid hold on by Manacles, that is, Extremities.

Now whereas it is feigned that Proteus was a Prophet, well skilled in three differences of Times, it hath an excellent Agreement with the Nature of Matter: for it is neceffary that he that will know


the Properties and Proceedings of Matter, should comprehend in his Understanding the fum of all things, which have been, which are, or which shall be, although no Knowledge can extend fo far as to fingular, and individual Beings.

XIV. Memnon, or a Youth too forward.

HE Poets fay, that Memnon was the Son of Aurora, who (adorned with beautiful Armour, and animated with

popular Applaufe,) came to the Trojan War; where (in rafh Boldness) hafting unto, and thirsting after Glory, he enters into fingle Combat with Achilles, the valianteft of all the Grecians, by whose powerful Hand he was there flain. But Jupiter pitying his Destruction, fent Birds to mo

dulate certain lamentable and doleful Notes at the Solemnization of his Funeral Obfequies. Whofe Statue alfo (the Sun reflecting on it with his Morning Beams) did ufually, as is reported, fend forth a mournful Sound.

This Fable may be applied to the unfortunate Deftinies of hopeful young Men, who, like the Sons of Aurora, (puffed up with the glittering shew of Vanity, and Oftentation,) attempt Actions above their Strength, and provoke, and prefs the most valiant Heroes to combat with them; fo that (meeting with their overmatch) they are vanquished,


and destroyed: whofe untimely Death is oft accompanied with much Pity and Commiferation. For among all the Difafters that can happen to Mortals, there is none fo lamentable, and so powerful to move Compaffion, as the flower of Virtue cropped with too fudden a Mifchance. Neither hath it been often known that Men in their green Years become fo loathfome, and odious, as that at their Deaths either Sorrow is ftinted, or Commiferation moderated; but that Lamentation and Mourning do not only flutter about their Obfequies, like thofe Funeral Birds; but this pitiful Commiferation doth continue for a long space, and efpecially by Occafions, and new Motions, and beginning of great Matters, as it were by the Morning Rays of the Sun, their Paffions and Defires are renewed.

xv. Tithonus, or Satiety.

T is elegantly feigned, that Tithonus was the Paramour of Aurora, who (defirous to enjoy his Company) petitioned Jupiter that he might never die; but (through Womanish overfight) forgetting to infert this Claufe in her Petition, that he might not withal grow old, and feeble; it followed that he was only freed from the condition of Mortality; but for old Age, that came upon him in a marvellous, and miferable fashion, agreeable to the ftate


of those who cannot die, yet every Day grow weaker and weaker with Age: Infomuch that Jupiter (in commiferation of that his Mifery,) did at length metamorphofe him into a Grasshopper.

This Fable feems to be an ingenious Character, or Description of Pleasure, which in the Beginning, and as it were, in the Morning, seems to be pleasant and delightful, that Men defire they might enjoy, and monopolize it for ever unto themselves, unmindful of that Satiety, and Loathing, which (like old Age,) will come upon them before they be aware. And fo at laft, (when the use of Pleafure leaves Men, the Defire and Affection not yet yielding unto Death,) it comes to pass that Men please themselves only by talking, and commemorating those things which brought Pleafure unto them in the flower of their Age, which may be obferved in libidinous Perfons, and alfo in Men of Military Profeffions; the one delighting in beastly Talk, the other boafting of their valorous Deeds, like Grasshoppers, whofe Vigour confifts only in their Voice.

XVI. Juno's Suitor, or Bafeness.

HE Poets fay, that Jupiter, to enjoy his luftful Delights, took upon him the shape of fundry Creatures, as of a Bull, of an Eagle, of a Swan, and of

a Golden Shower; but being a Suitor to Juno, he

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