De bello gallico commentariorum I, II

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University Press, 1879 - 110 pages

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Page 4 - Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament, by the early opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ.
Page 3 - M. Minucii Felicis Octavius. The text newly revised from the original MS. with an English Commentary, Analysis, Introduction, and Copious Indices. Edited by HA HOLDEN, LL.D.. Head Master of Ipswich School, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Classical Examiner to the University of London. Crown Octavo. 7^. 6d. Theophili Episcopi Antiochensis Libri Tres ad Autolycum. Edidit, Prolegomenis Versione Notulis Indicibus instruxit GuLIELMUs GILsON HUMPHRY, STB Collegii Sanctiss.
Page 14 - Le Verre D'Eau. A Comedy, by SCRIBE. With a Biographical Memoir, and Grammatical, Literary and Historical Notes, by C. COLBECK, MA, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; Assistant Master at Harrow School.
Page 2 - The Missing Fragment of the Latin Translation of the Fourth Book of Ezra, discovered, and edited with an Introduction and Notes, and a facsimile of the MS., by ROBERT L.
Page 6 - The Poems of Beha ed din Zoheir of Egypt. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by EH PALMER, MA, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge. 3 vols. Crown Quarto. Vol. II. The ENGLISH TRANSLATION.
Page 4 - M. TULLII CICERONIS DE NATURA DEORUM Libri Tres, with Introduction and Commentary by JOSEPH B. MAYOR, MA...
Page 4 - MORGAN'S INVESTIGATION OF THE TRINITY OF PLATO, and of Philo Judaeus, and of the effects which an attachment to their writings had upon the principles and reasonings of the Fathers of the Christian Church.
Page 7 - The Electrical Researches of the Honourable Henry Cavendish, FRS Written between 1771 and 1781, Edited from the original manuscripts in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire, KG, by J. CLERK MAXWELL, FRS Demy 8vo. cloth, i8s. Hydrodynamics, a Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Fluid Motion, by HORACE LAMB, MA, formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; Professor of Mathematics in the University of Adelaide.
Page 3 - THEOLOGY— (ENGLISH). Works of Isaac Barrow, compared with the original MSS., enlarged with Materials hitherto unpublished. A new Edition, by A. NAPIER, MA of Trinity College, Vicar of Holkham, Norfolk.
Page 5 - Pindar. Olympian and Pythian Odes. With Notes Explanatory and Critical, Introductions and Introductory Essays. Edited by CAM FENNELL, MA, late Fellow of Jesus College. Crown 8vo. cloth, gs. The Isthmian and Nemean Odes by the same Editor. 9*.

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