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provinciam] this Gaul (Gallia independently of the provincia) belongs to us (suam) just as that Gaul (the province) belongs to you Romans' (nostram=Romanam).

se] se is here equivalent to nosmet ipsos: 'so the Romans (we) are acting unfairly in intruding themselves (ourselves).'

hoste] notice the omission of pro before hoste.

quod si eum] 'if I were to kill you I should do a deed grateful to' etc.

id se] this I have ascertained from the chiefs themselves by means of their envoys, and I could purchase the gratitude and friendship of all of them at the price of your death'.

p. 28. I sine ullo] without putting you (Caesar) to any difficulty or danger'.

CHAR. 45.

2 in eam sententiam...quare] tr. freely: "to show why'.



Arvernos et Rutenos] the Ruteni occupied a district corresponding more or less closely with the department of Aveyron. Their chief town was Segodunum, now Rhodez, on the river Aveyron. The campaign here alluded to occurred in 121 B..C..; cf. Liv. Epit. 61 Q. Fabius Maximus consul, Pauli nepos, adversus Allobrogas et Bituitum Arvernorum regem feliciter pugnavit. ex Bituiti exercitu occisa milia CXX; ipse cum ad satisfaciendum senatui Romam profectus esset, Albam custodiendus datus est, quia contra pacem videbatur ut in Galliam remitteretur. decretum quoque est, ut Congonnetiacus filius eius conprehensus Romam mitteretur. Allobroges in deditionem recepti. After slaughtering 120000 men and carrying away their king and his son the Roman people forgave the survivors and abstained from imposing a tribute on them! This battle appears to have been fought at Vindalium near Avignon. Fabius gained the cognomen Allobrogicus in consequence of this victory. Cf. Mommsen III. Bk. IV. c. 5..

8 neque in provinciam redegisset] yet a part of the Ruteni dwelt within the limits of the Roman province, for in VII. 7 Caesar speaks of Ruteni provinciales. Cf. in particular Desjardins II. 281. neque redegisset et quos non redegisset, quos having to be supplied from the previous quibus.

suis legibus uti] this is the usual phrase to express the condition of those communities whose internal administration was independent of Roman control, the liberae et immunes civitates: cf. VII. 76 quibus ille pro meritis civitatem eius immunem esse iusserat, iura legesque reddiderat. The corresponding Greek expression is avтovoula. These communities had not complete freedom of legislation; they could only preserve such laws, customs and institutions as were not opposed to the general lex, or constitution given them by the conquerors at the time of their organization as a conquered district: this was sometimes expressly stated in their constitution: cf. lex de Termessibus suis legibus ita utunto...quod adversus hanc legem non fiat.



CHAP. 46.

propius...conicere] it should be noticed that the sentence consists of two clauses with no connecting copula (i) propius... adequitare, (ii) lapidis...conicere; of these the first is subdivided into two parts accedere et adequitare.

facit...recepit] the change of tense is noticeable; it is not infrequent in animated narration.

20 per fidem] per is here used to express the ground or occasion of deception. Caesar had given them a pledge and he did not wish them to be taken in through their confidence therein. The meaning of fides fluctuates between 'an assurance given' and 'an assurance felt', hence it is sometimes 'pledge', 'word of honour', sometimes 'faith', 'trust'





elatum est] 'it got abroad'.

interdixisset] interdicere usually, as here, takes a dative of the person forbidden and an ablative of the forbidden place (omni Gallia) or


[blocks in formation]



CHAP. 47.

coeptae] For this passive use of coepi cf. II. 6; IV. 18 (twice). Dräg. H. S. 1 § 92, Madvig Kleine Philologische Schriften 363. neque]=neque tamen.

minus vellet] a little less precise than nollet.

legatis] see appendix.

p. 29. 2 Procillum] cf. 19.






qua multa] these words refer to linguae: 'which Ariovistus employed to a great extent'.


in eo] in his case': tr. 'because in his case the Germans had no motive for wrong-doing'.

conclamavit] 'cried aloud', more emphatic than clamavit: con in composition sometimes merely adds a notion of completeness to the simple verb.

CHAP. 48.

consedit] possibly near the village of Hartmannsweiler, about a mile south of Sulz: this would be on the lower slopes of the Vosges (sub monte).

castra fecit] The position now taken by Ariovistus was, according to Kampen, just above the small town of Schweighausen, on the north bank of the little Doller about two miles south of Cernay (Sennheim): Napoleon makes him encamp a little more to the eastward. Kampen objects to the circuitous route which Napoleon represents Ariovistus to have taken from his position near Sulz to that now described. He considers it more probable that the Germans marched in a tolerably






straight line, along a road of which there appear to be some traces still left.

supportaretur] the subjunctive is used because this is a subordinate relative clause. supportabatur would have been equally correct, but then the clause qui...supportabatur would have been an independent remark of the writer, not influenced by the rest of the sentence. It should be noticed how often the preposition sub adds the notion of 'assistance' to the simple verb, e.g. subvenire 'to come to one's assistance', supportare 'to carry to one's assistance', succurrere, suppetere, submittere, subministrare etc.: cf. subsidium.

genus hoc erat pugnae] a similar practice obtained among the Gauls: cf. VII. 18.

cum his versabantur] 'with these they were associated'.

si quid erat durius] cf. v. 29 si nihil esset durius, tr. 'in case of any difficulty'.

si quo] quo is the adverb of direction.

CHAP. 49.

p. 30. 2 idoneum locum] this locality is probably to be sought between the little Doller and the great Doller, on some rising ground about half way between the villages of Nieder Aspach and Michelbach, about two miles south of Caesar's original camp (cf. 43) called castra maiora to distinguish it from this the castra minora.






acie triplici instructa] cf. n. on 24.

primam et secundam...iussit] a similar distribution of forces is mentioned in B. C. 1. 41 prima et secunda acies in armis permanebat, post hos opus in occulto a tertia acie fiebat.

passus sexcentos] this is an accusative of extent with abesse (cf. n. on 41) and is not governed by circiter which is used independently as in the similar expression above circiter passus DC ab eis locum delegit, and in the next sentence circiter hominum numero XVI milia where milia is nominative. In the next chapter circiter governs the accusative meridiem.

secius] for the derivation of this word cf. n. on IV. 17.

CHAP. 50.

ad vesperum] vesperum is more common than vesperam in such phrases as this, though vespera is more frequent than vesper.

matresfamiliae] cf. Tac. Hist. IV. 61 vetere apud Germanos more quo plerasque feminarum fatidicas et augescente superstitione arbitrantur deas; Germ. 10 vidimus sub divo Vespasiano Veledam diu apud plerosque numinis loco habitam, sed et olim Albrunam et complures alias venerati sunt non adulatione nec tanquam facerent deas. Schweizer-Sidler qu. Thierry 'dans un état exalté de l'âme il arrivait souvent aux femmes Germaines de prendre la parole en vers improvisés ou dans un langage plus poétique et plus modulé que le simple discours. On en trouve une



foule d'exemples dans les sagas, qui sont le monument le plus complet des anciennes mœurs Germaines'.

sortibus] for their method of proceeding cf. Tac. Germ. 10: the marks cut upon the twigs were no doubt runes, as Kraner suggests.

ex usu] 'advantageous': cf. R. § 1941 where a number of similar phrases are collected.

CHAP. 51.

alarios] 'auxiliaries': the sociï were usually distributed on the wings of two combined legions, and so consisted of an ala dextra and an ala sinistra: the men composing an ala are called alarii. Caesar put forward his auxiliaries en masse to mask his weakness in regular troops.

33 generatim] 'according to their tribes': so in VII. 19 the Gauls were generatim distributi in civitates.

p. 31. Harudes] cf. n. on 31.

Marcomanos] the name Marcomani does not appear to denote a distinct people: the word is said to mean 'border-warriors'. 'When Caesar mentions Marcomanni among the peoples fighting in the army of Ariovistus, he may in this instance have misunderstood a merely appellative designation, just as he has decidedly done in the case of the Suebi'. Mommsen IV. 232 n.

Triboces] the Triboces, 'hillmen', appear to have dwelt between the Vosges and the Rhine. Breucomagus (Brumat) was one of their strongholds.

Vangiones] this tribe dwelt in the neighbourhood of Worms, the old name of which was Vangiones, and still earlier, Borbetomagus.

2 Nemetes] this people is said to have inhabited the left bank of the Rhine about Spires.





Sedusios] little or nothing is known as to the locality of this tribe.
Suebos] cf. IV. r, and Mommsen quoted above.

redis et carris] reda is a fourwheeled, carrus a twowheeled, vehicle. Both words are Keltic.

eo] 'thereon', cf. 42.

passis manibus] 'with outstretched hands'; some late editions have crinibus. Cf. II. 13, VII. 48.

CHAP. 52.

singulis] Caesar means that, of his six legions, one was commanded by a quaestor and each of the remaining five by a legatus. It was only under the Empire that the legion was regularly commanded by a legatus. The quaestor was properly a financial functionary; Caesar had only one at a time with him in Gaul: cf. v. 25: supra 21.

eam partem] i.e. the part of the enemies' lines opposite his own right wing, in other words, their left wing.




ita] ita is not used to connect this sentence with the preceding ('and so '), but is to be taken closely with acriter and is the antecedent to ut: our men charged so vigorously... that' etc.

[ocr errors]

procurrerunt] the form procurri is more frequent than procucurri.

reperti sunt] this incident reminds one somewhat of the patriotism of the Swiss hero Arnold von Winckelried.

16 desuper vulnerarent] I imagine the meaning to be that the Roman literally leapt upon his antagonist, tore aside his shield with one hand, and with the other inflicted a downward blow with his short sword (gladius). See appendix.




P. Crassus] son of M. Licinius Crassus the triumvir.

CHAP. 53.

quinque] this is the reading of the MSS. Napoleon (followed by Kampen) relying on the testimony of Orosius and Plutarch reads quinquaginta, supposing that the Germans did not take the direct route to the Rhine which is nearly 20 miles from Cernay but followed the valley of the Ill, in which direction they had come, and crossed the Rhine somewhere near Rhinau. Göler on the contrary retains quinque, and imagines Caesar to mean the Ill which is a tributary of the Rhine. Ariovistus] we learn from v. 29 that Ariovistus died soon after


30 duae uxores] polygamy was rare among the Germans. Tac. Germ. 18 says prope soli barbarorum singulis uxoribus contenti sunt, exceptis admodum paucis qui non libidine sed ob nobilitatem plurimis nuptiis



duae filiae] the plural is subdivided by altera...altera, and the verb capta est is constructed with the second altera; thus duae filiae is almost a nominativus pendens. Caesar might equally well have written ex duabus harum filiis altera occisa altera capta est. See appendix.

p. 32. 2 trinis] 'triple'.





neque...quicquam]=et quod nihil, and because fortune had not diminished aught of the great pleasure and congratulation consequent on the victory by any injury to him'.

CHAP. 54

quos Ubii] on the text of this passage cf. appendix.

maturius] Napoleon's calculations make it probable that the defeat of Ariovistus took place in September.

citeriorem Galliam] Gallia cisalpina.

ad conventus agendos] this is usually Caesar's professed object in visiting Italy during the intervals of his Gallic campaigns; his real object was of course to watch political events at Rome. Cf. my n. on V. I and VII. I. Plutarch Caesar 20 says 'having effected these things he left his forces to winter among the Sequani, while he himself,

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