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one of the most majestic erections of pagan power. When the destruction of Paganism took place in the Roman empire, this vast temple was doomed to destruction. In the centre of the temple was their god, with arms reaching from one side to the other. Priestly legends proclaimed that whoever should venture to injure that god would cause the earth and the heavens to return to their primeval chaos. An intrepid Roman soldier ascended a ladder, with an axe in one hand, while the multitude stood by in consternation. He raised his arm, and struck a vigorous blow, and part of the statue fell to the ground; but the thunder was silent, and nature was unmoved. He struck again, and again, until the mighty idol was broken in pieces, the limbs were dragged through the streets, and the fragments were buried in the dust; but the empire was not destroyed. So, with the weapons of the Gospel they had broken into the great temple of idolatry. empire had been shaken; its mystic rites, venerable for their antiquity, were losing their influence; but they must on, they must strike again and again, and ere long an angel would be seen crying in the midst of heaven, proclaiming to the inhabitants, "Babylon is fallen-is fallen." He felt unable, from indisposition, to proceed at much greater length, -an indisposition which had been induced by his exertions on behalf of the Society on Friday morning; but he could not withhold the expression of his fraternal attachment to that institution, amongst the supporters of which he numbered many of his best private and public friends; and he prayed that the blessing of the Lord God of heaven might be with the Society, and make them ten thousand times as many more as they were. He had great pleasure in seconding the Resolution.


LORD VISCOUNT SANDON, who supported this Resolution, was greeted with great applause. He said,-Mr. Chairman, ladies, and gentlemen, perhaps you will allow me, (I hope there is no impropriety in doing it,) a devoted son, however unworthy, of the national Church of England,-to come forward and congratulate a sister religious com. munity upon the success with which she has prosecuted the great work which we all have at heart. I hope there is no impropriety in thus following the dictates of my own feelings; and, having listened to the suggestions of my excellent and valued friend Dr. Bunting, who communicated to me the occasion on which you were to be assembled to-day -having long had a deep interest on the

subject of Missions in general,-having, of late years, turned my attention, with the deepest interest, to the exertions made by the Wesleyan community in that great cause, having elsewhere testified, in a public manner, the anxiety I entertain on this question,-I have felt that it would not be improper to come forward on this occasion, and express my deep sense of the inestimable services which have been rendered by the Wesleyan body to the cause of Missions. Who, indeed, can be indifferent to the recital of those dangers to which your Missionaries have been exposed? or who can be ignorant of the manner in which they go forth as the pioneers of the merchant and of the civilian? Have not they encountered dangers which the spirit of gain never tempted man to brave? They have not only prepared the way for common temporal civilization, but they have attained a still higher object, in having opened the minds of the Heathen to an anxiety for the eternal salvation of their souls. If I had doubted the propriety of coming here to-day, I should have had that doubt fully removed by a trifling circumstance which occurred to me on Saturday last. In the pursuit of necessary recreation, I passed into an exhibition of objects, collected by a spirited Society which has lately pursued discoveries in South Africa; and I observed, round the walls, a series of pictures of great and striking interest. At one moment, I found a representation of the savage tribes of South Africa, engaged in their heathen ceremonies and dances, more resembling brutes than human beings. By the side of that was another picture, representing men of the same tribe collected together, decently clothed, and in a well-constructed chapel, listening to the exhortations of the Wesleyan Missionaries. Was it possible to have a more affecting or striking appeal made to the feelings of any man? To see from what state the condition of human nature had been raised by the labours and exertions of Missionaries, was sufficient to induce any one to come forward in their support. Several points have been alluded to in the course of the Report, in which I, as having the honour of holding a seat in the Legislature of the country, must express a peculiar interest. I have no hesitation in stating, that I shall offer my earnest and zealous co-operation to a noble friend of mine who has given notice of his intention to press upon the Government of the country, and espe cially those who have authority in our East Indian possessions, the abolition

of all those practices which give encouragement and sanction to idolatry. I am not inclined to interfere, by force, with the exercise of those idolatrous practices which have taken a deep root in the minds and feelings of the natives; I do not think it consistent with policy, or the right principles of toleration, to do so; but I do think it inconsistent with the spirit of a Christian Government to lend, in any degree, its sanction to idolatry. Whether, therefore, by the abolition of the tax upon the pilgrims, or by abandoning the practice of compelling the British soldiery-even to the neglect of the observance of the Sabbath, on frequent occasions to interfere in regulating and countenancing some of their religious ceremonies, it will be my duty to press upon the Government to carry into effect, as early as possible, their own decisions. If any doubt can be entertained upon the safety or the Christian wisdom of such a proceeding, I think we have an answer in the success which followed upon that bold, manly, and Christian resolution of Lord William Bentinck, which he brought forIward in spite of the remonstrances and forebodings of those who pretended deep acquaintance with the state of India, to abolish at once the institution of the suttee. The perfect safety and acquiescence with which it was met, and the lesson which was read to the natives of India as to the abhorrence, by Christians, of such practices, guarantee our success on this subject, if we pursue a bold and unshrinking course. The other point is in regard to West Indian marriages. I regret that the intentions of the Government have not yet been carried into execution; by which not only will a legal validity be given to the past marriages of Negroes, which have been celebrated by Missionaries of various denominations, but a proper sanction will be provided for all such marriages in future. I have reason to hope, from the answer given in Parliament by the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, in answer to questions put by myself and by the honourable Member for Leeds, that the Government has the matter seriously at heart, and will be able to overcome all the obstacles which are presented. The other point, in which the Legislature is in some degree concerned, is the establishing a title for the Indians in North America in their reserved lands. If it should be necessary for the Legislature to interfere, though we are assured by the Government it will not, I humbly offer my poor services, for the attainment of this object. It is not

for me to intrude long upon your notice. You have before you gentlemen who will be able not only to deal in generalities,which alone are open to individuals circumstanced as I am, but who will be able to inform you what they have seen and done, and who will move your sympathies, and excite your feelings, in this noble and glorious work. But one circumstance in the Report has singularly struck me. In the enumeration of the contributions which is there given, I observed, with singular satisfaction, a particular branch of your resources. I am glad to see subjoined to the magnificent contributions which issue from our native country, the practical proof that some harvest is now gathering in from the seed you have scattered yourselves in foreign and colonial lands. I am glad to see contributions, not only from our own civilized colonies, but to behold them coming back from those among whom you have been the instruments, under Providence, of dispersing the light of truth; who, having received these blessings themselves, are anxious to communicate them to other and more uncultivated countries. I will not intrude further upon your time. I was only anxious to express to you, as a citizen, as a man, and as a Christian, the gratification I feel in coming before you, and declaring the pleasure afforded to me from hearing the accounts of your labours, the labours of those single-minded men, who, with a sole view to the spiritual interest of their fellowcreatures, brave dangers, and incur sacrifices, which by ordinary human nature, unsupported by that only stimulus which is equal to such exertions, it would be impossible to overcome.

The REV. JOHN HAWTREY, Minister of St. John's chapel, London-road, proposed the next Resolution :

"That the encouraging measure of success with which it has pleased Almighty God to bless the efforts of this and other kindred Societies demands our humble and devout acknowledgments to Him who alone worketh all in all; and that in this incipient success, as well as in the deplorable condition of many nations of the earth yet destitute of evangelical light and privileges, and in the loud calls which are constantly made for the enlargement of existing Missions, and for the commencement of new ones, this Meeting recognises the duty and necessity of more fervent prayer, and of augmented effort and liberality, for the conversion of the whole world to the faith of Christ."

He said, Mr. Chairman, and most

respected Christian friends, when I was introduced to my seat on the platform, my eye was attracted by a slip of paper appended to the rail, where I read the awful intimation, "Front seats for speakers only." But, Sir, did I feel a wish to retreat? If I did, it was not that I felt no zeal, no love, for this great cause, in which so many hundreds and even thousands now present are so deeply interested. No, Sir, if I did feel any desire to abdicate that seat, it was from considering the awfulness of addressing such an assembly as that now before me. But why should I not speak? If we were to be silent on this occasion, the very stones would speak out. Is not this the cause of the living God? Is not this a cause in which all who love the Redeemer have one common and united interest? The field before us is the world; and what a field !

"Where wilds, immeasurably spread,

Seem lengthening as we go." There can be no jealousy, no rivalry, in such a cause as this, among the friends of kindred institutions. The Church of England rejoices in the prosperity of Wesleyan Missions, as I am confidently bold in affirming, having recognised several of my excellent brother Clergymen on the platform, since I have occupied this place; and the Wesleyan Missionary Society rejoices also in the prosperity of the Church of England's Missions. Of this there can be no doubt; and why? Christ is sincerely, and faithfully, and not with any contention, preached by both. But though the combined forces of the great Captain of our salvation have been called into this field of labour and of contest against the powers of darkness, comparatively little, even with the united success which God has been pleased to grant to the exertions of all Missionary Societies, has, up to the present time, been done. We have yet but approached the confines of the enemy's territory. It is but little we know of the interior of Africa; it is little we know of the empire of China; it is little we know of even our own immense colonial possessions in the eastern world. Hence, therefore, so far from relaxing our efforts and our energies, we may apply that which was spoken to the Israelites by the Almighty God, when on either side were the rocks of Pihahiroth, when behind them were the armies of Pharaoh, and before them were the waters of the Red Sea; He said, "Speak unto the children of Israel that they go for

ward." We, as friends of the Redeemer, pledge ourselves, by appearing here from time to time, that we never will relax our efforts so long as it is pleasing to God to continue us in this state of probation. And surely, Sir, greater motives for our perseverance in this glorious cause we cannot have, than the success with which it has pleased God for the past to bless us. I have listened to the Report with unmixed and unfeigned delight; and one thing which struck me during its reading was its peculiar modesty; it contains so little in the way of exaggeration; so little of attempts to set the Society's operations in the most prominent and advantageous point of view. I say this, because I have recently read the interesting and luminous work of that excellent Missionary of the London Missionary Society, the Rev. Mr. Williams, who makes most honourable mention of this Society's labours and success in the Pacific. He particularly mentions some remarkable conversions effected through the agency of your Society; and one of the most extraordinary is that of a Chief, possessing great influence and great wisdom, and who is now, with the utmost zeal and energy, acting in the laborious character of a Wesleyan Local Preacher. Having recently paid a visit to the city of Bath, to assist at the Anniversary of the Church of England Missionary Society, I had an opportunity of meeting some of my dear friends in your Connexion, who are related to the wife of one of your Missionaries; from whom I heard the most cheering accounts, and had presented to my eyes indisputable proof that civilization is the handmaid of Christianity. There were in the possession of my friends specimens of work executed by the native females, since, in the providence of God, the excellent lady to whom I have alluded, Mrs. Tucker, has resided among them. One object exhibited to me was a specimen of strawplaiting. I do not pretend to be a judge of the plaiting of straw; but those who are judges have told me, that even in Dunstable the art of straw-plaiting could not be carried to greater perfection. Yes, Christianity produces civilization; and when I call to mind that Appeal which has lately appeared in the public prints on behalf of the inhabitants of the Fejee Islands, now one of your Missionary stations, and look to that picture and to this, I cannot trust myself to repeat in the ears of this auditory what many of us doubtless have read in that affecting but horrific statement. But from the dreadful, prostrate, debased,

and horrifying condition described in that Appeal, we expect to see them, by the labours of your Missionaries, entirely reclaimed, abandoning their inhuman feasts, their barbarous and cruel rites, "clothed and in their right mind, sitting at the feet of Jesus." In the Report, mention is made of New-Zealand, a portion of the world in which all of us must feel deeply interested. [The Rev. speaker then read an extract of a letter from the Rev. Mr. Marsden, the founder of the Church-of-England Missions in New-Zealand, who, having recently revisited the scene of his former labours, gave a distressing account of the immorality induced amongst the natives by the establishment of public-houses by European settlers, while he bore honourable testimony to the efforts of the Wesleyan Missionaries.] Yes, while your Missionaries and our Missionaries are actively employed in labouring to promote this great cause, Satan also has his Missionaries, who are endeavouring by every possible art to pull down what we are building up. I am accompanied this morning by a New-Zealander; I believe him to be the only New-Zealander at present in this country. I will take leave to mention to you how I became acquainted with him. Some months ago, I occupied a place in an omnibus in this metropolis, on my way to my own house. On our road the omnibus stopped, and this New-Zealander, attired as a common sailor, and followed by a young man, an Englishman, entered the vehicle. Attracted by his tattooed face, I addressed him: "Are you a New-Zealander ?" His knowledge of English being imperfect, he did not quite understand me, but the young man who accompanied him answered me in the affirmative. Why, Sir, I could, after the New-Zealand fashion of salutation, have "rubbed noses" with him. I felt every kindly affection of my heart drawn out by the sight of him. I found that he resided in the vicinity of my own dwelling. I soon made his acquaintance; and one of the first things I did was to open before him the Bible, the word of God. It was with considerable difficulty I made him understand what book it was, and what were the contents and subject of the volume. At length, however, he seized my meaning. O what a change was in his countenance! From the friendly, open aspect that beamed on me with kindness the minute before, his brow contracted into a frown, and he turned with apparent loathing from the volume, exclaiming, "Missionary book! no good book!"

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Where did that poor unenlightened man obtain that idea? From the Missionaries of the devil,-from those characters mentioned by Mr. Marsden, who, having come over from Botany-bay, and other places where they have been confined for their crimes, have introduced deleterious poison, and death the most awful, even where before it so awfully prevailed. am happy to introduce this poor man to you to-day, I cannot say as a converted Christian, in our sense of the word, but he no longer looks upon the Missionary volume as a bad book. [At the request of Mr. Hawtrey, the New-Zealander stood up, and was warmly applauded.] Mr. Hawtrey, addressing him, said, "Now, Niki, is Missionary book a bad book? "No," replied the man; very good." "Now, Niki," continued Mr. Hawtrey, addressing the man, "when you go back to your own country, tell them of these thousands you have seen to-day, who all love New-Zealand; tell them they are praying for the conversion of your father, a Chief in the southern part of the northern island, a man of great influence and power; tell them that they love you, and were met together for the purpose of introducing into your country that Christianity which has raised Great Britain to its present station." Now, what is the inference to which we come from all this? Why, most assuredly, that God designs, ere long, and by the instrumentality of Missionary exertions, to recompense his Son for those sufferings which he endured for our salvation on mount Calvary. And what is the conclusion to which we come ? I believe I speak the sentiments of every one here present when I say, our resolution is to "work while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work." look around me on this platform, and in vain I seek for the venerable Joseph Benson, the learned and laborious Adam Clarke, the affectionate, kind-hearted, and benevolent Butterworth, for Walter Griffith, Valentine Ward, M'Nicoll, Townley, James, Stanley, and the lamented Watson, with many more whose record is on high. They are gone to their habitation in the heavens; and these grey hairs, and the altered countenances of many whom I behold around me, and who were my companions in youthful days, remind me that we must soon follow. Then I would again affectionately impress it upon the minds of this large assembly, to "work while it is day;" and especially I would appeal to the young. Can we forget that affecting letter which has been read from him who


was expected to occupy the chair this morning? The young may be called away as well as the aged. "In due time ye shall reap, if ye faint not: " and this Society has little cause to faint or grow weary in their work; for they may with humble gratitude adopt the sentiment of their dying Founder, which is as applicable to them this day, as when uttered by him, "The best of all is, God is with us."

The REV. PETER JONES, (the Indian Chief Kahkewaquonaby, who appeared in his national costume,) after some introductory remarks, said, I feel very thankful to the Great Spirit, who is now looking down upon us, that I am enabled to tell you, as the friends of Missions, that the labours of your Missionaries in my country have been owned and blessed of God to the conversion of many of my poor countrymen. That Gospel which you sent into my country produces very good effects; it has already saved more than a thousand, as you have been told this day. It has saved them from their former idolatries and superstitions; and now, instead of worshipping the moon, and the stars, and other imaginary gods, they worship your God, and that Saviour who died for Englishmen, and Indians, and all the nations of the earth. They have become new creatures: their hearts are changed; their dispositions are changed; their practices are changed; and instead of offering sacrifices to those gods they worshipped before, they delight to bow the knee before the Great Spirit, and pray as you do. Since Missionaries have been labouring in my country, a great many Christian Indians have already died happy in the Lord. I went once to visit a poor Indian woman. She was very faithful; and I said to her, as she was on her dying bed, "Do you feel, my sister, that Jesus is now precious to your soul in this your dying hour? Do you feel you will go to heaven ?"

She replied, "O yes! I feel that Jesus is round about my bed all the time; I feel he is ready to take my soul to himself in glory: I am not afraid to die." In this happy frame of mind she left the world, and went home to glory. I believe the object of your Society is to get souls safely landed in heaven; and you make them comfortable in this world: if you give them the religion of the Gospel, it makes them happy. The converted people in my country are advancing in religious knowledge; their minds are growing and expanding more and more. They are doing a great deal

better in their worldly circumstances: the converted Indians are settled in villages, and cultivate the earth: they are now much better off than they were: before, they used to wander about in the woods, and had no fixed habitation. I am happy to tell you, now we have schools: the Missionary Society supports schools at the Indian settlements, and the Indian children are learning to read. We now have translations made into our language: before the Gospel came to us, we had not such a thing as a book, the language was not written. [Mr. Jones here exhibited the Gospel of St. Matthew, the Book of Genesis, the Gospel of St. John, and some Wesleyan hymns, printed in the Chippewa language.] Now, let me tell you, all these books of holy Scripture-these translations have been printed and kindly given to the Christian Indians at the expense of the Bible Society. I am glad you shake hands with that Bible Society. I see great many ladies here this day. Now, I wish to tell the ladies of this assembly, that the Gospel of God has done much for the Indian women. Before the Gospel was preached to us, the Indian women had to do all the hard work, and the Indian men considered the women as inferior beings. So when the Indian men used to go visiting in other wigwams, the man would go great way a-head, and the woman great way behind. They never walk arm in arm. I don't think the ladies here would agree to that. But now, since the Gospel has been introduced among us, the poor Indian woman has been much better treated. [The speaker produced some specimens of the needle-work of the Indian women,-a sampler, a reticule, &c.] But I want to tell you, your work in our country is not completed; it is but just begun. You must not think, when you see me and John Sunday come over to this country, that you have done your work. There are great many thousands of our native brethren in the west who have not heard one single word of the Gospel; and if we had great inany more Missionaries, they might all be employed. summer, a Chief, who came from LakeSuperior, told me his son visited a tribe on the north shore of that lake; and they told him they had heard what had been done for their brethren towards the east; and they said, "We wish some one would come and tell us these things; but we have sat, and sat, and they have not come : we do not know what evil we have done, that


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