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7642 Abrege des derniers Mouvemens d'Angleterre, avec un Raifonnement fuccinct des Droits tant du Roy que du Parlement Anvers 1651 7643 Reponse au Livre intitule Eikon Bafilike ou le Pourtrait de fa Sacre Majefte, durant fa Solitude & fes Souffrances, par Jean Milton Londres 1652 7644 Revolutions d'Angleterre, depuis la Mort du Protecteur Oliver jufques au Retabliffement du Roy

Paris 1670 ib. 1691

7645 Hiftoire d'Oliver Cromwel 7646 La Tyrannie Heureuse ou Cromwel Politique, avec fes Artifices & Intrigues dans tout le Cours de fa Conduite, par Galardi

Leyde 1671 4647 Lettre de Drelincourt A. M. ftoupe fur le Retablissement du Roy

de la Grand Bretagne


7648 Relations des veritables Caufes & des Conjonctures' favorables qui ont contribue au Reftabliffement du Roy de la Grand Bretagne, par Priordan de Muscry Paris 1661


de la Defcente des Anglois en l'Ile de Re du Siege mis par eux au fort ou Citadelle de St. Martin, & de tout ce qui s'eft paffe de jour en jour tant dedans que dehors, pour l'Attaque Defenfe, & Secours de la dite Place & jusques a la Defaite & Retraite des dits Anglois

ib. 1628 $650 Abrege de la Vie de Jacques II. Roy de la Grande Bretagne, &c. tire d'un Ecrit Anglois du Francois Sanders, par Francois Bretonneau ib. 1703

7651 Defense du Parlement d'Angleterre dans la Cause de Jacques II.

par Vrigny

Rotterdam 1692

7652 La Vie d'Anne Stuart Reine de la Grand Bretagne, t raduite de l'

Anglois ib. 1716 653 La Conduite de Son Alteffe le Prince & Duc de Marlborough dans la prefente Guerre, avec plufieurs Pieces Originales traduit des l'Anglois Amft. 1712




Aphael Holinfhed's Chronicles, comprising the Defcription and Hiftorie of England, Ireland, and Scotland, wherein alfo are contained manie Matters of fingular Difcourfe and rare Obfervation, fruitfull to fuch as be ftudious in Antiquities, or take Pleasure in the Grounds of antient Hiftories, with the original Caftrations, 3 Vol.


3 Vol.




Large Paper, gilt on the Leaves,


Large Paper, beautifully bound in

Rufia Leather, with a large Border of Gold on the Sides, 3

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7657 Grafton's Chronicle at large, and meere Hiftory of the Affayres of Englande, and Kinges of the fame, deduced from the Creation of the Worlde, unto the firft Habitation of thys Iflande, and fo by Contynuance unto the first Yere of Queene Elizabeth 1569 7658 Speed's Hiftory of Great Britaine under the Conquefts of the Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans, their Originals, Manners, Warres, Coines, and Seales, with the Succeffions, Lives, Acts, and Iffues of the English Monarchs, from Julius Cæfar, to King James






7660 Stow's Annals, or general Chronicle of England, continued and augmented with Matters Foreign and Domeftiques, Antient and Modern, unto the End of the Yeere 1631, by Edmund Howes

1631 661 Slatyer's Hiftory of Great Britaine, from the first Peopling of this Inland to the Raigne of King James I. 1625 7662 Brady's compleat Hiftory of England, from the firft Entrance of the Romans, under the Conduct of Julius Cæfar, unto the End of the Reign of Richard the Second, with an Introduction to the old English Hiftory, and an Hiftorical Treatife of Cities and Burghs, or Boroughs, fhewing their Original, and whence, and from whom they received their Liberties, Privileges, and Immunities, 4 Vol. large Paper




Hiftorical Treatife of Cities and Boroughs 7664 Baker's Chronicle of the Kings of England, from the Time of the Romans Government unto the Raigne of King Charles 1643 continued to the End of the Reign of King

7665 George the First 1730 7666 Churchill's Divi Britannici, being a Remark upon the Lives of all the Kings of this Ifle from the Year of the World 2855, unto the Year of Grace 166c, with Cuts 1675 7657 Norden's Guyde for English Travailers, fhewing in General, how far one Citie, and many Shire-Townes in England, are diftant from other, together with the Shires in particular, and the Cheife Townes in every of them

1625 7668 Tyrrell's General Hift. of Engl. both Ecclefiaft. and Civil from the earliest Accounts of Time to the Reign of King William III. with Memorials of the moft eminent Perfons in Church and State, as also the Foundations of the most noted Monafteries, and both Univerfities, 5 Vol..

1697 7669 Kennett's Complete Hiftory of England with the Lives of alt the Kings and Queens thereof, from the earliest Account of Time to the Death of King William III, illuftrated with large and ufeful Notes, and the Effigies of the Kings and Queens from the Originals, engraven by the best Masters, 3 Vol.



the fecond Edition

corrected, with Amendments, and Additions to the third Volume, 3 Vol.


7671 Echard's

7671 Echard's Hiftory of England from the firft Entrance of Julius Cæfar and the Romans, to the Conclufion of the Reign of King James the Se ond, and Establishment of King William and Queen Mary, 3 Vol. large Paper



7672 Hardyn's Chronicle, from

unto the Reigne of Kyng Edward the IVth, wher he made and End of his Chronicle, and from that Tyme is added a Continuation of the Storie in Profe to the Ende of the Reygne of Henry the Seventh printed by Grafton 1543

76;3 Cooper's Chronicle, contaninge the whole Difcourfe of the Hif tories as well of this Realme, as all other Countreis, with the Succeffion of their Kyngs, the Time of their Raigne, and what notable Actes were done by them, newly enlarged and augmented with divers profitable Hiftories; with the whole Summe of thofe Thinges that Paulus Jovius and Sleidane hath written of late Years, that is, from the Beginning of Kyng Henrie the Eighte's Raigne unto the Death of Queen Marie

7674 An Epitome of Cronicles, containing the whole Difcourfe of the 1560 Hiftories as well of this Realme of England, as all other Countries, with the Succeffion of their Kynges, the Tyme of their Reigne, and what notable Actes they did, much profitable to be redde, namely of Magiftrates and fuche as have Auctoritie in Common Weales, gathered out of most probable Auctors, fyrft by Thomas Lanquet, from the Beginnyng of the World to the Incarnation of Chrift, and now finished and continued to the Reigne of Kyng Edward the Sixth, by Thomas Cooper 7675 Stow's Annales of England, collected out of the most authentical 1569 Authors, Records, and other Monuments of Antiquitie 1560 from the firft Inhabitation untill the Yeere 1601, large Pacorrected, increased, and continued





1502 1605

continued to the Year 1605 The Hiftorie of Great Britannie, declaring the Succeffe of Times and Affairs in that Ifland, from the Romans first Entrance, untill the Raigne of Eghert, the WeltSaxon Prince, who reduced the feveral Principalities of the Saxons and English into a Monarchie, and changed the Name of Britannie into England


Affertio inclytiffimi Arturi Regis Britannia, Joa. Lelando Au


Lond. 1540 7679 Danyel's


-7678 Danyel's Hiftorie of England to the End of the Reign of King Stephen 7680 Albion's England, a continued Hiftorie of the fame Kingdome from the Originals of the firft Inhabitants thereof unto the Reigne of James the 1ft, by Wm. Warner



7681 The Glory of England, or a true Description of many excellent Prerogatives and remarkable Blefings whereby the triumpheth over all the Nations in the World'

1622 7682 Milton's Hiftory of Britain, that Part efpecially now called England, from the firft traditional Beginning, continued to the Norman Conqueft 1671 7683 Ogylby's Survey of all the principal Roads of England and Wales, defcribed by one hundred Maps from Copper Plates


7684 Britannia Depicta, or Ogylby improved, being a correct Copy of Ogilby's actual Survey of all the direct and principal cross Roads in England and Wales, by John Owen, neatly engraved on 273 neat Copper Plates


7685 The Manfion of Magnanimitie, wherein is fhewed the moff high and honourable Acts of fundrie English Kings



7636 A




Breviat Chronicle, containing all the Kynges from Brute to this Day, and many notable Acts, gathered out of divers Chronicles, from William Conqueroure unto the Yeare of Chrift, 1555, with the Mayors and Shiryffes of the Citie of London.

from William the Conqueroure unto the Year of Chrift, 1557, with the Mayors and Shiryffes of the Citie of London


whereunto is added a perpetual Kalendar for the readier Findinge of Dayes and Times herein mentioned

1561 7689 Lhuyd's Breviary of Britayne, as this moft noble and renowned Ifland was, of antient Time, devided into three Kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Wales, contayning a learned Difcourfe of the variable State, and Alterations thereof, under divers as well natural as foreign Princes and Conquerors, englished by Thomas Twyne


7690 Grafton's Chronicles of England abridged printed by Tortyll



ib. ib. 1564


ib. ib. 1570



7693 Grafton's

7693 Grafton's Chronicles of England abridged, and, in thende of this


Abridgement, is added, a propre and neceflary Treatife, conteyninge many good Rules, and fpecially one excellent Manner of Computacion of Yeres, whereby you maye readely find the Date and Yeres of any Evidence 7694 Stow's Summarie of Englithe Chronicles, conteyning the true Accompt of Yeres, wherein every Kyng of this Realme of England began theyre Reigne, how long they reigned, and what notable Thynges hath beene doone durynge theyr Reynes, wyth alfo the Names and Yeares of all the Baylyffes, Cuftos, Majors, and Sheriffes of the Citie of London fens the Conquefte



with the Heads of the Kyngs of England,

neatly engraved



Printed by Thomas Marfie






Printed by Richard Tottle 1575

Border of Gold on the Sides Printed by Ralph Newbery 1590 continued to the Yeare 1607, by Ed


bound in Ruffia Leather, with a large

mund Howes.






continued, with Matters foreigne and do

meftical, unto 1618.


Hopton's Concordancie of Years, enlarged by John Penketh

7704 Stow's Summarie of Chronicles abridged

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continued to the Year 1579, printed by Ri

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continued to the Year 1584, printed ly Refe





continued to the Year 1587, printed by Hen.

continued to the Year 1598.

continued to the Year, 1604, printed by John

Harifon. 7712 Taylor's Memorial of all the English Monarchs, being in Number 151, from Brute, to King Charles, in Heroical Verfe

1630 7713 Leigh's choice Obfervations of all the Kings of England, from the Saxons, to the Death of King Charles the First, collected out of the beft Latine and English Writers, who have treated of that Argument


7714 Blount's Animadverfions upon Baker's Chronicle, and its Conti uation, wherein many Ertors are difcovered, and fome Truths advanced

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