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Model Screws," R. E. Froude, F.R.S., Proc. Naval Architects, 1908).

Among birds, those which fly continuously seldom have the ratio of weight to wing area more than 1 lb. per square foot, and in many cases, such as hawks and swallows, the ratio is something like lb. per square foot; but whatever the ratio may be, so long as the animal can only give out a limited amount of power proportional to its weight, a definite limit can be assigned to the size and weight of the body which can sustain itself in flight by muscular action. If the weight of the wing increased directly as its area such a limit would not exist. The weight of a flock of birds, for example, is limited simply by the numbers in the flock, and we only have to suppose the individuals to be connected by a light framework to convert the flock into a flying machine the wing weight of which is proportional to the wing area. To a certain extent, the biplane flying machine carries out the same idea, but in most of the existing types the weight of the connecting framework must to a great extent neutralise the reduction of weight which should accompany the reduced linear dimensions.

From what has been said it will be seen that so long as no engine was available which, with all adjuncts, such as fuel supply, framing, and wings, could raise the total weight much faster than could an animal of the weight of the engine only, there was no chance for the addition of flight to human accomplishments, and it is due to the advent of the internal-combustion engine that it is now possible to carry air-borne loads of more than 1000 lb. To carry heavy loads with a moderate wing area requires large horizontal velocities, and in such machines as have succeeded the load per square foot generally exceeds 2 lb.

The high velocity requisite is advantageous when the machine is launched and is pursuing a straight course, but it adds to the difficulties of starting and stopping, and is a restriction on manoeuvring power: that is, it increases the radius of the circle in which the machine can turn. When a flying machine of weight w travels in a circle of radius r with velocity the centrifugal force, F, is wv2/rg, and if the plane of the circle is horizontal the upward component of the normal force on the wings is w, and hence the normal force is (w+F2) (nearly), and the inclination (B) of the wings to the horizontal in the direction of r is F/w.

The normal force on a straight course differs little from w. In flying in a horizontal curve, therefore, the normal force must be increased in the ratio (w+F2)/w if the velocity is to remain constant. To effect this the engine revolutions must be quickened and the fore and aft trim of the wings altered. In other words, it requires more power to fly in a curve than in a straight course at the same speed, although the increase is not important so long as F/w is smali.

For example, if v=50 f.s. and r=200 feet, F/w=0'256, the increase of power required is about 3 per cent., and B=14°. For the same radius if V=100 f.s., F/w=1'56. The power required is 186 times that for the straight course, and 8=56° about.

I am not aware that any exact experiments have yet been made on the manoeuvring capacity of flying machines, but the subject will have to be carefully investigated.

The three most important lines along which the development of flying machines should be pursued are those relating to intrinsic stability, ease of starting and stopping, and manoeuvring capacity. It is improbable that any form is intrinsically stable at all speeds, but automatic devices may be introduced (as mentioned in my letters to NATURE of January 30 and

December 24 1908) which will relieve the aeronaut of responsibility in this respect. Ease in starting and stopping implies the power of flying (at any rate, for a short time) at low velocities; while manoeuvring capacity demands ready control of the angles at which the various supporting surfaces are presented to the air. A. MALLOCK.

THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION AT WINNIPEG. AS S we go to press the seventy-ninth annual meeting of the British Association is being opened at Winnipeg, under the presidency of Sir J. J. Thomson, F.R.S., whose inaugural address is reprinted below. Following our usual custom, the addresses of presidents of most of the sections will be published in future issues of NATURE, and also accounts of the scientific proceedings of the sections.

This is the fourth time the association has met outside the British Isles, the previous occasions being Montreal (1884), Toronto (1897), and South Africa (1905). The last meeting of the association in Canada was very successful, the number of members and associates present being 1362. During the twelve years that have since elapsed, great progress has been made in all branches of science, and, though the people of Western Canada do not expect to contribute a very large part to the scientific proceedings of the sections, they anticipate interest in many of the subjects to be dealt with or discussed. Much interest in the meeting has been manifested in Canada and the United States, as well as on this side of the Atlantic. It is estimated that between 400 and 500 members have gone to Winnipeg from Europe, and it is hoped that the total number of members and associates attending the meeting will be at least 1500.

Generous financial support towards the expenses of the meeting has been given by the Dominion Government, the Government of Manitoba, and the city of Winnipeg, while the western provinces and cities have agreed to defray the expenses of an excursion to the Pacific Coast of a party of about two hundred officebearers and distinguished guests of the association.

Excursions have been arranged for Saturday, August 28, to points of interest in the vicinity of Winnipeg, including Stony Mountain and the municipal stone quarries; Lake Winnipeg, St. Andrew's Rapids, and Selkirk; the wheat fields of Manitoba; the hydro-electric plant on the Winnipeg River. Members have also the opportunity of visiting various industrial works in the city of Winnipeg.

Evening receptions will be held by the LieutenantGovernor at Government House, and by the loca executive committee. Garden-parties have beer: arranged for several afternoons during the meeting including those to be given at the historic Lower Fort Garry by the Commissioner of the Hudson's Bay Company, at the Provincial Agricultural College, and by the Hon. Chief Justice Howell.

INAUGURAL ADDRESS BY PROF. SIR J. J. THOMSON, M.A., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION. TWENTY-FIVE years ago a great change was made in the practice of the British Association. From the foundation of our Society until 1884 its meetings had always been held in the British Isles; in that year, however, the Association met in Montreal, and a step was taken which changed us from an Insular into an Imperial Association. but approval, Canada is mainly responsible. For this change, which now I think meets with nothing Men of science welcome it for the increased opportunities it gives them of studying under the most pleasant and favourable conditions different parts of our Empire, of making new friends; such meetings as these not only promote the

progress of science, but also help to strengthen the bonds which bind together the different portions of the King's Dominions.

This year, for the third time in a quarter of a century, we are meeting in Canada. As if to give us an object lesson in the growth of Empire, you in Winnipeg took the opportunity at our first meeting in Canada in 1884 to invite our members to visit Manitoba and see for themselves the development of the Province at that time. Those who were fortunate enough to be your guests then as well as now are confronted with a change which must seem to them unexampled and almost incredible. Great cities have sprung up, immense areas have been converted from prairies to prosperous farms, flourishing industries have been started, and the population has quadrupled. As the President of a scientific association I hope I may be pardoned if I point out that even the enterprise and energy of your people and the richness of your country would have been powerless to effect this change without the resources placed at their disposal by the labours of men of science.

The eminence of my predecessors in the chair at the meetings of the British Association in Canada makes my task this evening a difficult one. The meeting at Montreal was presided over by Lord Rayleigh, who, like Lord Kelvin, his colleague in the chair of Section A at that meeting, has left the lion's mark on every department of physics, and has shown that, vast as is the empire of physics, there are still men who can extend its frontiers in all of the many regions under its sway. It has been my lot to succeed Lord Rayleigh in other offices as well as this, and I know how difficult a man he is to follow.

The President of the second meeting in Canada-that held in 1897 at Toronto-was Sir John Evans, one of those men who, like Boyle, Cavendish, Darwin, Joule, and Huggins, have, from their own resources and without the aid derived from official positions or from the universities, made memorable contributions to science: such men form one of the characteristic features of British science. May we not hope that, as the knowledge of science and the interest taken in it increase, more of the large number of men of independent means in our country may be found working for the advancement of science, and thereby rendering services to the community no less valuable than the political, philanthropic, and social work at which many of them labour with so much zeal and success?

I can, however, claim to have some experience of, at any rate, one branch of Canadian science, for it has been my privilege to receive at the Cavendish Laboratory many students from your universities. Some of these have been holders of what are known as the 1851 scholarships. These scholarships are provided from the surplus of the Great Exhibition of 1851, and are placed at the disposal of most of the younger universities in the British Empire, to enable students to devote themselves for two or three years to original research in various branches of science. I have had many opportunities of seeing the work of these scholars, and I should like to put on record my opinion that there is no educational endowment in the country which has done or is doing better work.

I have had, as I said, the privilege of having as pupils students from your universities as well as from those of New Zealand, Australia, and the United States, and have thus had opportunities of comparing the effect on the best men of the educational system in force at your universities with that which prevails in the older English universities. Well, as the result, I have come to the conclusion that there is a good deal in the latter system which you have been wise not to imitate. The chief evil from which we at Cambridge suffer and which you have avoided is, I am convinced, the excessive competition for scholarships which confronts our students at almost every stage of their education. You may form some estimate of the prevalence of these scholarships if I tell you that the colleges in the University of Cambridge alone give more than 35,000l. a year in scholarships to undergraduates, and I suppose the case is much the same at Oxford. The result of this is that preparation for these scholarships dominates the education of the great majority of the cleverer boys who come to these universities, and

indeed in some quarters it seems to be held that the chief duty of a schoolmaster, and the best test of his efficiency, is to make his boys get scholarships. The preparation for the scholarship too often means that about two years before the examination the boy begins to specialise, and from the age of sixteen does little else than the subject, be it mathematics, classics, or natural science, for which he wishes to get a scholarship; then, on entering the university, he spends three or four years studying the same subject before he takes his degree, when his real life-work ought to begin. How has this training fitted him for this work? I will take the case in which the system might perhaps be expected to show to greatest advantage, when his work is to be original research in the subject he has been studying. He has certainly acquired a very minute acquaintance with his subjectindeed, the knowledge possessed by some of the students trained under this system is quite remarkable, much greater than that of any other students I have ever met. But though he has acquired knowledge, the effect of studying one subject, and one subject only, for so long a time is too often to dull his enthusiasm for it, and he begins research with much of his early interest and keenness evaporated. Now there is hardly any quality more essential to success in research than enthusiasm. Research

is difficult, laborious, often disheartening. The carefully designed apparatus refuses to work, it develops defects which may take months of patient work to rectify, the results obtained may appear inconsistent with each other and with every known law of Nature, sleepless nights and laborious days may seem only to make the confusion more confounded, and there is nothing for the student to do but to take for his motto "It's dogged as does it," and plod on, comforting himself with the assurance that when success does come, the difficulties he has overcome will increase the pleasure-one of the most exquisite men can enjoy of getting some conception which will make all that was tangled, confused, and contradictory clear and consistent. Unless he has enthusiasm to carry him on when the prospect seems almost hopeless and the labour and strain incessant, the student may give up his task and take to easier, though less important, pursuits.

I am convinced that no greater evil can be done to a young man than to dull his enthusiasm. In a very considerable experience of students of physics beginning research, I have met with more-many more--failures from lack of enthusiasm and determination than from any lack of knowledge or of what is usually known as cleverness.

This continual harping from an early age on one subject, which is so efficient in quenching enthusiasm, is much encouraged by the practice of the colleges to give scholarships for proficiency in one subject alone. I went through a list of the scholarships awarded in the University of Cambridge last winter, and, though there were 202 of them, I could only find three cases in which it was specified that the award was made for proficiency in more than one subject.

The premature specialisation fostered by the preparation for these scholarships injures the student by depriving him of adequate literary culture, while when it extends, as it often does, to specialisation in one or two branches of science, it retards the progress of science by tending to isolate one science from another. The boundaries between the sciences are arbitrary, and tend to disappear as science progresses. The principles of one science often find most striking and suggestive illustrations in the phenomena of another. Thus, for example, the physicist finds in astronomy that effects he has observed in the laboratory are illustrated on the grand scale in the sun and stars. No better illustration of this could be given than Prof. Hale's recent discovery of the Zeeman effect in the light from sun-spots; in chemistry, too, the physicist finds in the behaviour of whole series of reactions illustrations of the great laws of thermodynamics, while if he turns to the biological sciences he is confronted by problems, mostly unsolved, of unsurpassed interest. Consider for a moment the problem presented by almost any plant-the characteristic and often exquisite detail of flower, leaf, and habit-and remember that the mechanism which controls this almost infinite complexity was once contained in a seed perhaps hardly large enough to be

visible. We have here one of the most entrancing problems in chemistry and physics it is possible to conceive.

Again, the specialisation prevalent in schools often prevents students of science from acquiring sufficient knowledge of mathematics; it is true that most of those who study physics do some mathematics, but I hold that, in general, they do not do enough, and that they are not as efficient physicists as they would be if they had a wider knowledge of that subject. There seems at present a tendency in some quarters to discourage the use of mathematics in physics; indeed, one might infer, from the statements of some writers in quasi-scientific journals, that ignorance of mathematics is almost a virtue. If this is so, then surely of all the virtues this is the easiest and most prevalent.

I do not for a moment urge that the physicist should confine himself to looking at his problems from the mathematical point of view; on the contrary, I think a famous French mathematician and physicist was guilty of only slight exaggeration when he said that no discovery was really important or properly understood by its author unless and until he could explain it to the first man he met in the street.

But two points of view are better than one, and the physicist who is also a mathematician possesses a most powerful instrument for scientific research with which many of the greatest discoveries have been made; for example, electric waves were discovered by mathematics long before they were detected in the laboratory. He has also at his command a language clear, concise, and universal, and there is no better way of detecting ambiguities and discrepancies in his ideas than by trying to express them in this language. Again, it often happens that we are not able to appreciate the full significance of some physical discovery until we have subjected it to mathematical treatment, when we find that the effect we have discovered involves other effects which have not been detected, and we are able by this means to duplicate the discovery. Thus James Thomson, starting from the fact that ice floats on water, showed that it follows by mathematics that ice can be melted and water prevented from freezing by pressure. This effect, which was at that time unknown, was afterwards verified by his brother, Lord Kelvin. Multitudes of similar duplication of physical discoveries by mathematics could be quoted.

I have been pleading in the interests of physics for a greater study of mathematics by physicists. I would also plead for a greater study of physics by mathematicians in the interest of pure mathematics.

The history of pure mathematics shows that many of the most important branches of the subject have arisen from the attempts made to get a mathematical solution of a problem suggested by physics. Thus the differential calculus arose from attempts to deal with the problem of moving bodies. Fourier's theorem resulted from attempts to deal with the vibrations of strings and the conduction of heat; indeed, it would seem that the most fruitful crop of scientific ideas is produced by cross-fertilisation between the mind and some definite fact, and that the mind by itself is comparatively unproductive.

I think, if we could trace the origin of some of our most comprehensive and important scientific ideas, it would be found that they arose in the attempt to find an explanation of some apparently trivial and very special phenomenon; when once started the ideas grew to such generality and importance that their modest origin could hardly be suspected. Water vapour we know will refuse to condense into rain unless there are particles of dust to form nuclei; so an idea before taking shape seems to require a nucleus of solid fact round which it can condense.

I have ventured to urge the closer union between mathematics and physics, because I think of late years there has been some tendency for these sciences to drift apart, and that the workers in applied mathematics are relatively fewer than they were some years ago. This is no doubt due to some extent to the remarkable developments made in the last few years in experimental physics on the one hand and in the most abstract and metaphysical parts of pure mathematics on the other. The fascination of these has drawn workers to the frontiers of these regions who would otherwise have worked nearer the junction of

the two. In part, too, it may be due to the fact that the problems with which the applied mathematician has to deal are exceedingly difficult, and many may have felt that the problems presented by the older physics have been worked over so often by men of the highest genius that there was but little chance of any problem which they could have any hope of solving being left.

But the newer developments of physics have opened virgin ground which has not yet been worked over, and which offers problems to the mathematician of great interest and novelty-problems which will suggest and require new methods of attack, the development of which will advance pure mathematics as well as physics.

I have alluded to the fact that pure mathematicians have been indebted to the study of concrete problems for the origination of some of their most valuable conceptions; but though no doubt pure mathematicians are in many ways very exceptional folk, yet in this respect they are very human. Most of us need to tackle some definite difficulty before our minds develop whatever powers they may possess. This is true for even the youngest of us, for our schoolboys and schoolgirls, and I think the moral to be drawn from it is that we should aim at making the education in our schools as little bookish and as practical and concrete as possible.

I once had an illustration of the power of the concrete in stimulating the mind which made a very lasting impression upon me. One of my first pupils came to me with the assurance from his previous teacher that he knew little and cared less about mathematics, and that he had no chance of obtaining a degree in that subject. For some time I thought this estimate was correct, but he happened to be enthusiastic about billiards, and when we were reading that part of mechanics which deals with the collision of elastic bodies I pointed out that many of the effects he was constantly observing were illustrations of the subject we were studying. From that time he was a changed man. He had never before regarded mathematics as anything but a means of annoying innocent undergraduates; now, when he saw what important results it could obtain, he became enthusiastic about it, developed very considerable mathematical ability, and, though he had already wasted two out of his three years at college, took a good place in the Mathematical Tripos.


It is possible to read books, to pass examinations without the higher qualities of the mind being called into play. Indeed, I doubt if there is any process in which the mind is more quiescent than in reading without interest. might appeal to the widespread habit of reading in bed as a prevention of insomnia as a proof of this. But it is not possible for a boy to make a boat or for a girl to cook a dinner without using their brains. With practical things the difficulties have to be surmounted, the boat must be made watertight, the dinner must be cooked, while in reading there is always the hope that the difficu!ties which have been slurred over will not be set in the examination.

I think it was Helmholtz who said that often in the course of a research more thought and energy were spent in reducing a refractory piece of brass to order than in devising the method or planning the scheme of campaign. This constant need for thought and action gives to original research in any branch of experimental science great educational value even for those who will not become professional men of science. I have had considerable experience with students beginning research in experimental physics, and I have always been struck by the quite remarkable improvement in judgment, independence of thought and maturity produced by a year's research. Research develops qualities which are apt to atrophy when the student is preparing for examinations, and, quite apart from the addition of new knowledge to our store, is of the greatest importance as a means of education.

It is the practice in many universities to make special provision for the reception of students from other universities who wish to do original research or to study the more advanced parts of their subject, and considerable numbers of such students migrate from one university to another. I think it would be a good thing if this practice were to extend to students at an earlier stage in their career: especially should I like to see a considerable interchange

of students between the universities in the Mother Country and those in the Colonies.

I am quite sure that many of our English students, especially those destined for public life, could have no more valuable experience than to spend a year in one or other of your universities, and I hope some of your students might profit by a visit to ours.

I can think of nothing more likely to lead to a better understanding of the feelings, the sympathies, and, what is not less important, the prejudices, of one country by another, than by the youths of those countries spending a part of their student life together. Undergraduates as a rule do not wear a mask either of politeness or any other material, and have probably a better knowledge of each other's opinions and points of view-in fact, know each other better than do people of riper age. To bring this communion of students about there must be cooperation between the universities throughout the Empire; there must be recognition of each other's examinations, residence, and degrees. Before this can be accomplished there must, as my friend Mr. E. B. Sargant pointed out in a lecture given at the McGill University, be cooperation and recognition between the universities in each part of the Empire. I do not mean for a moment that all universities in a country should be under one government. I am a strong believer in the individuality of universities, but I do not think this is in any way inconsistent with the policy of an open door from one university to every other in the Empire.

It has usually been the practice of the President of this Association to give some account of the progress made in the last few years in the branch of science which he has the honour to represent.

I propose this evening to follow that precedent and to attempt to give a very short account of some of the more recent developments of physics, and the new conceptions of physical processes to which they have led.

The period which has elapsed since the Association last met in Canada has been one of almost unparalleled activity in many branches of physics, and many new and unsuspected properties of matter and electricity have been discovered. The history of this period affords a remarkable illustration of the effect which may be produced by a single discovery; for it is, I think, to the discovery of the Röntgen rays that we owe the rapidity of the progress which has recently been made in physics. A striking discovery like that of the Röntgen rays acts much like the discovery of gold in a sparsely populated country; it attracts workers who come in the first place for the gold, but who may find that the country has other products, other charms, perhaps even more valuable than the gold itself. The country in which the gold was discovered in the case of the Röntgen rays was the department of physics dealing with the discharge of electricity through gases, a subject which, almost from the beginning of electrical science, had attracted a few enthusiastic workers, who felt convinced that the key to unlock the secret of electricity was to be found in a vacuum tube. Röntgen, in 1895, showed that when electricity passed through such a tube, the tube emitted rays which could pass through bodies opaque to ordinary light; which could, for example, pass through the flesh of the body and throw a shadow of the bones on a suitable screen. The fascination of this discovery attracted many workers to the subject of the discharge of electricity through gases, and led to great improvements in the instruments used in this type of research. It is not, however, to the power of probing dark places, important though this is, that the influence of Röntgen rays on the progress of science has mainly been due; it is rather because these rays make gases, and, indeed, solids and liquids, through which they pass conductors of electricity. It is true that before the discovery of these rays other methods of making gases conductors were known, but none of these was so convenient for the purposes of accurate measurement.

The study of gases exposed to Röntgen rays has revealed in such gases the presence of particles charged with electricity; some of these particles are charged with positive, others with negative electricity.

The properties of these particles have been investigated; we know the charge they carry, the speed with which

they move under an electric force, the rate at which the oppositely charged ones recombine, and these investigations have thrown a new light, not only on electricity, but also on the structure of matter.

We know from these investigations that electricity, like matter, is molecular in structure, that just as a quantity of hydrogen is a collection of an immense number of small particles called molecules, so a charge of electricity is made up of a great number of small charges, each of a perfectly definite and known amount.

Helmholtz said in 1880 that in his opinion the evidence in favour of the molecular constitution of electricity was even stronger than that in favour of the molecular constitution of matter. How much stronger is that evidence, now, when we have measured the charge on the unit and found it to be the same from whatever source the electricity is obtained. Nay, further, the molecular theory of matter, is indebted to the molecular theory of electricity for the most accurate determination of its fundamental quantity, the number of molecules in any given quantity of an elementary substance.

The great advantage of the electrical methods for the study of the properties of matter is due to the fact that whenever a particle is electrified it is very easily identified, whereas an uncharged molecule is most elusive; and it is only when these are present in immense numbers that we are able to detect them. A very simple calculation will illustrate the difference in our power of detecting electrified and unelectrified molecules. The smallest quantity of unelectrified matter ever detected is probably that of neon, one of the inert gases of the atmosphere. Prof. Strutt has shown that the amount of neon in 1/20th of a cubic centimetre of the air at ordinary pressures can be detected by the spectroscope; Sir William Ramsay estimates that the neon in the air only amounts to one part of neon in 100,000 parts of air, so that the neon in 1/20th of a cubic centimetre of air would only occupy at atmospheric pressure a volume of half a millionth of a cubic centimetre. When stated in this form the quantity seems exceedingly small, but in this small volume there are about ten million million molecules. Now the population of the earth is estimated at about fifteen hundred millions, so that the smallest number of molecules of neon we can identify is about 7,000 times the population of the earth. In other words, if we had no better test for the existence of a man than we have for that of an unelectrified molecule we should come to the conclusion that the earth is uninhabited. Contrast this with our power of detecting electrified molecules. We can by the electrical method, even better by the cloud method of C. T. R. Wilson, detect the presence of three or four charged particles in a cubic centimetre. Rutherford has shown that we can detect the presence of a single a particle. Now the a particle is a charged atom of helium; if this atom had been uncharged we should have. required more than a million million of them, instead of one, before we should have been able to detect them.

We may, I think, conclude, since electrified particles can be studied with so much greater ease than unelectrified ones, that we shall obtain a knowledge of the ultimate structure of electricity before we arrive at a corresponding degree of certainty with regard to the structure of matter.


We have already made considerable progress in the task of discovering what the structure of electricity is. have known for some time that of one kind of electricity -the negative-and a very interesting one it is. We know that negative electricity is made up of units all of which are of the same kind; that these units are exceedingly small compared with even the smallest atom, for the mass of the unit is only 1/1700th part of the mass of an atom of hydrogen; that its radius is only 10-13 centimetre, and that these units, corpuscles as they have been called, can be obtained from all substances. The size of these corpuscles is on an altogether different scale from that of atoms; the volume of a corpuscle bears to that of the atom about the same relation as that of a speck of dust to the volume of this room. Under suitable conditions they move at enormous speeds, which approach in some instances the velocity of light.

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The discovery of these corpuscles is an interesting example of the way Nature responds to the demands made upon her by mathematicians. Some years before the dis

covery of corpuscles it had been shown by a mathematical investigation that the mass of a body must be increased by a charge of electricity. This increase, however, is greater for small bodies than for large ones, and even bodies as small as atoms are hopelessly too large to show any appreciable effect; thus the result seemed entirely academic. After a time corpuscles were discovered, and these are so much smaller than the atom that the increase in mass due to the charge becomes not merely appreciable, but so great that, as the experiments of Kaufmann and Bucherer have shown, the whole of the mass of the corpuscle arises from its charge.

We know a great deal about negative electricity; what do we know about positive electricity? Is positive electricity molecular in structure? Is it made up into units, each unit carrying a charge equal in magnitude though opposite in sign to that carried by a corpuscle? Does, or does not, this unit differ, in size and physical properties, very widely from the corpuscle? We know that by suitable processes we can get corpuscles out of any kind of matter, and that the corpuscles will be the same from whatever source they may be derived. Is a similar thing true for positive electricity? Can we get, for example, a positive unit from oxygen of the same kind as that we get from hydrogen?

For my own part, I think the evidence is in favour of the view that we can, although the nature of the unit of positive electricity makes the proof much more difficult than for the negative unit.

In the first place we find that the positive particles"canalstrahlen" is their technical name discovered by our distinguished guest, Dr. Goldstein, which are found when an electric discharge passes through a highly rarefied gas, are, when the pressure is very low, the same, whatever may have been the gas in the vessel to begin with. If we pump out the gas until the pressure is too low to allow the discharge to pass, and then introduce a small quantity of gas and restart the discharge, the positive particles are the same whatever kind of gas may have been introduced.

I have, for example, put into the exhausted vessel oxygen, argon, helium, the vapour of carbon tetrachloride, none of which contain hydrogen, and found the positive particles to be the same as when hydrogen was introduced.

Some experiments made lately by Wellisch, in the Cavendish Laboratory, strongly support the view that there is a definite unit of positive electricity independent of the gas from which it is derived; these experiments were on the velocity with which positive particles move through mixed gases. If we have a mixture of methyl-iodide and hydrogen exposed to Röntgen rays, the effect of the rays on the methyl-iodide is so much greater than on the hydrogen that, even when the mixture contains only a small percentage of methyl-iodide, practically all the electricity comes from this gas, and not from the hydrogen.

Now if the positive particles were merely the residue left when a corpuscle had been abstracted from the methyliodide, these particles would have the dimensions of a molecule of methyl-iodide; this is very large and heavy, and would therefore move more slowly through the hydrogen molecules than the positive particles derived from hydrogen itself, which would, on this view, be of the size and weight of the light hydrogen molecules. Wellisch found that the velocities of both the positive and negative particles through the mixture were the same as the velocities through pure hydrogen, although in the one case the ions had originated from methyl-iodide and in the other from hydrogen; a similar result was obtained when carbon tetrachloride, or mercury methyl, was used instead of methyl-iodide. These and similar results lead to the conclusion that the atom of the different chemical elements contains definite units of positive as well as of negative electricity, and that the positive electricity, like the negative, is molecular in structure.

The investigations made on the unit of positive electricity show that it is of quite a different kind from the unit of negative, the mass of the negative unit is exceedingly small compared with any atom, the only positive units that up to the present have been detected are quite comparable in mass with the mass of an atom of hydrogen; in fact they seem equal to it. This makes it more difficult

to be certain that the unit of positive electricity has been isolated, for we have to be on our guard against its being a much smaller body attached to the hydrogen atoms which happen to be present in the vessel. If the positive units have a much greater mass than the negative ones, they ought not to be so easily deflected by magnetic forces when moving at equal speeds; and in general the insensibility of the positive particles to the influence of a magnet is very marked, though there are cases when the positive particles are much more readily deflected, and these have been interpreted as proving the existence of positive units comparable in mass with the negative ones. I have found, however, that in these cases the positive particles are moving very slowly, and that the ease with which they are deflected is due to the smallness of the velocity and not to that of the mass. It should, however, be noted that M. Jean Becquerel has observed in the absorption spectra of some minerals, and Prof. Wood in the rotation of the plane of polarisation by sodium vapour, effects which could be explained by the presence in the substances of positive units comparable in mass with corpuscles. This, however, is not the only explanation which can be given of these effects, and at present the smallest positive electrified particles of which we have direct experimental evidence have masses comparable with that of an atom of hydrogen.

A knowledge of the mass and size of the two units of electricity, the positive and the negative, would give us the material for constructing what may be called a molecular theory of electricity, and would be a starting-point for a theory of the structure of matter; for the most natural view to take, as a provisional hypothesis, is that matter is just a collection of positive and negative units of electricity, and that the forces which hold atoms and molecules together, the properties which differentiate one kind of matter from another, all have their origin in the electrical forces exerted by positive and negative units of electricity, grouped together in different ways in the atoms of the different elements.

As it would seem that the units of positive and negative electricity are of very different sizes, we must regard matter as a mixture containing systems of very different types, one type corresponding to the small corpuscle, the other to the large positive unit.

Since the energy associated with a given charge is greater the smaller the body on which the charge is concentrated, the energy stored up in the negative corpuscles will be far greater than that stored up by the positive. The amount of energy which is stored up in ordinary matter in the form of the electrostatic potential energy of its corpuscles is, I think, not generally realised. All substances give out corpuscles, so that we may assume that each atom of a substance contains at least one corpuscle. From the size and the charge on the corpuscle, both of which are known, we find that each corpuscle has 8x10 ergs of energy; this is on the supposition that the usual expressions for the energy of a charged body hold when, as in the case of a corpuscle, the charge is reduced to one unit. Now in one gram of hydrogen there are about 6x 1023 atoms, so if there is only one corpuscle in each atom the energy due to the corpuscles in a gram of hydrogen would be 48 × 101 ergs, or 11x 10' calories. This is more than seven times the heat developed by one gram of radium, or than that developed by the burning of five tons of coal. Thus we see that even ordinary matter contains enormous stores of energy; this energy is fortunately kept fast bound by the corpuscles; if at any time an appreciable fraction were to get free the earth would explode and become a gaseous nebula.

The matter of which I have been speaking so far is the material which builds up the earth, the sun, and the stars, the matter studied by the chemist, and which he can represent by a formula; this matter occupies, however, but an insignificant fraction of the universe, it forms but minute islands in the great ocean of the æther, the substance with which the whole universe is filled.

The æther is not a fantastic creation of the speculative philosopher; it is as essential to us as the air we breathe. For we must remember that we on this earth are not living on our own resources; we are dependent from minute to minute upon what we are getting from the

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