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sun, and the gifts of the sun are conveyed to us by the æther. It is to the sun that we owe, not merely night and day, springtime and harvest, but it is the energy of the sun, stored up in coal, in waterfalls, in food, that practically does all the work of the world.

How great is the supply the sun lavishes upon us becomes clear when we consider that the heat received by the earth under a high sun and a clear sky is equivalent, according to the measurements of Langley, to about 7000 horse-power per acre. Though our engineers have not yet discovered how to utilise this enormous supply of power, they will, I have not the slightest doubt, ultimately succeed in doing so; and when coal is exhausted and our waterpower inadequate, it may be that this is the source from which we shall derive the energy necessary for the world's work. When that comes about, our centres of industrial activity may perhaps be transferred to the burning deserts of the Sahara, and the value of land determined by its suitability for the reception of traps to catch sunbeams.

This energy, in the interval between its departure from the sun and its arrival at the earth, must be in the space between them. Thus this space must contain something which, like ordinary matter, can store up energy, which can carry at an enormous pace the energy associated with light and heat, and can, in addition, exert the enormous stresses necessary to keep the earth circling round the sun and the moon round the earth.

The study of this all-pervading substance is perhaps the most fascinating and important duty of the physicist.

On the electromagnetic theory of light, now universally accepted, the energy streaming to the earth travels through the æther in electric waves; thus practically the whole of the energy at our disposal has at one time or another been electrical energy. The æther must, then, be the seat of electrical and magnetic forces. We know, thanks to the genius of Clerk Maxwell, the founder and inspirer of modern electrical theory, the equations which express the relation between these forces, and although for some purposes these are all we require, yet they do not tell us very much about the nature of the æther.

The interest inspired by equations, too, in some minds is apt to be somewhat Platonic; and something more grossly mechanical-a model, for example, is felt by many to be more suggestive and manageable, and for them a powerful instrument of research, than a purely analytical theory.


Is the æther dense or rare? Has it a structure? Is it at rest or in motion? are some of the questions which force themselves upon us.

Let us consider some of the facts known about the æther. When light falls on a body and is absorbed by it, the body is pushed forward in the direction in which the light is travelling, and if the body is free to move it is set in motion by the light. Now it is a fundamental principle of dynamics that when a body is set moving in a certain direction, or, to use the language of dynamics, acquires momentum in that direction, some other mass must lose the same amount of momentum; in other words, the amount of momentum in the universe is constant. Thus when the body is pushed forward by the light some other system must have lost the momentum the body acquires, and the only other system available is the wave of light falling on the body; hence we conclude that there must have been momentum in the wave in the direction in which it is travelling. Momentum, however, implies mass in motion. We conclude, then, that in the æther through which the wave is moving there is mass moving with the velocity of light. The experiments made on the pressure due to light enable us to calculate this mass, and we find that in a cubic kilometre of æther carrying light as intense as sunlight is at the surface of the earth, the mass moving is only about one-fifty-millionth of a milligram. We must be careful not to confuse this with the mass of a cubic kilometre of æther; it is only the mass moved when the light passes through it; the vast majority of the æther is left undisturbed by the light. Now, on the electromagnetic theory of light, a wave of light may be regarded as made up of groups of lines of electric force moving with the velocity of light; and if we take this point of view we can prove that the mass of æther per cubic centimetre carried along is proportional to the

energy possessed by these lines of electric force per cubic centimetre, divided by the square of the velocity of light. But though lines of electric force carry some of the æther along with them as they move, the amount so carried, even in the strongest electric fields we can produce, is but a minute fraction of the æther in their neighbourhood. This is proved by an experiment made by Sir Oliver Lodge in which light was made to travel through an electric field in rapid motion. If the electric field had carried the whole of the æther with it, the velocity of the light would have been increased by the velocity of the electric field. As a matter of fact, no increase whatever could be detected, though it would have been registered if it had amounted to one-thousandth part of that of the field.

The æther carried along by a wave of light must be an exceedingly small part of the volume through which the wave is spread. Parts of this volume are in motion, but by far the greater part is at rest; thus in the wave front there cannot be uniformity, at some parts the æther is moving, at others it is at rest-in other words, the wave front must be more analogous to bright specks on a dark ground than to a uniformly illuminated surface.

The place where the density of the æther carried along by an electric field rises to its highest value is close to a corpuscle, for round the corpuscles are by far the strongest electric fields of which we have any knowledge. We know the mass of the corpuscle, we know from Kaufmann's experiments that this arises entirely from the electric charge, and is therefore due to the æther carried along with the corpuscle by the lines of force attached to it.

A simple calculation shows that one-half of this mass is contained in a volume seven times that of a corpuscle. Since we know the volume of the corpuscle as well as the mass, we can calculate the density of the æther attached to the corpuscle; doing so, we find it amounts to the prodigious value of about 5x101, or about 2000 million times that of lead. Sir Oliver Lodge, by somewhat different considerations, has arrived at a value of the same order of magnitude.

Thus around the corpuscle æther must have an extravagant density whether the density is as great as this in other places depends upon whether the æther is compressible or not. If it is compressible, then it may be condensed round the corpuscles, and there have an abnormally great density; if it is not compressible, then the density in free space cannot be less than the number I have just mentioned.

With respect to this point we must remember that the forces acting on the æther close to the corpuscle are prodigious. If the æther were, for example, an ideal gas the density of which increased in proportion to the pressure, however great the pressure might be, then if, when exposed to the pressures which exist in some directions close to the corpuscle, it had the density stated above, its density under atmospheric pressure would only be about 8x 10-16, or a cubic kilometre would have a mass less than a gram; so that instead of being almost incomparably denser than lead, it would be almost incomparably rarer than the lightest gas.

I do not know at present of any effect which would enable us to determine whether æther is compressible or not. And although at first sight the idea that we are immersed in a medium almost infinitely denser than lead might seem inconceivable, it is not so if we remember that in all probability matter is composed mainly of holes. We may, in fact, regard matter as possessing a bird-cage kind of structure in which the volume of the æther disturbed by the wires when the structure is moved is infinitesimal in comparison with the volume enclosed by them. If we do this, no difficulty arises from the great density of the æther; all we have to do is to increase the distance between the wires in proportion as we increase the density of the æther.

Let us now consider how much æther is carried along by ordinary matter, and what effects this might be expected to produce.

The simplest electrical system we know, an electrified sphere, has attached to it a mass of æther proportional to its potential energy, and such that if the mass were to move with the velocity of light its kinetic energy would

equal the electrostatic potential energy of the particle. This result can be extended to any electrified system, and it can be shown that such a system binds a mass of the æther proportional to its potential energy. Thus a part of the mass of any system is proportional to the potential energy of the system.

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The question now arises, Does this part of the mass add anything to the weight of the body? If the æther were not subject to gravitational attraction it certainly would not; and even if the æther were ponderable, we might expect that as the mass is swimming in a sea of æther it would not increase the weight of the body to which it is attached. But if it does not, then a body with a large amount of potential energy may have an appreciable amount of its mass in a form which does not increase its weight, and thus the weight of a given mass of it may be less than that of an equal mass of some substance with a smaller amount of potential energy. Thus the weights of equal masses of these substances would be different. Now, experiments with pendulums, as Newton pointed out, enable us to determine with great accuracy the weights of equal masses of different sub stances. Newton himself made experiments of this kind, and found that the weights of equal masses were the same for all the materials he tried. Bessel, in 1830, made some experiments on this subject which are still the most accurate we possess, and he showed that the weights of equal masses of lead, silver, iron, brass did not differ by as much as one part in 60,000.

The substances tried by Newton and Bessel did not, however, include any of those substances which possess the marvellous power of radio-activity; the discovery of these came much later, and is one of the most striking achievements of modern physics.

These radio-active substances are constantly giving out large quantities of heat, presumably at the expense of their potential energy; thus when these substances reach their final non-radio-active state their potential energy must be less than when they were radio-active. Prof. Rutherford's measurements show that the energy emitted by one gram of radium in the course of its degradation to non-radio-active forms is equal to the kinetic energy of a mass of 1/13th of a milligram moving with the velocity of light.

This energy, according to the rule I have stated, corresponds to a mass of 1/13th of a milligram of the æther, and thus a gram of radium in its radio-active state must have at least 1/13th of a milligram more of æther attached to it than when it has been degraded into the non-radioactive forms. Thus if this æther does not increase the weight of the radium, the ratio of mass to weight for radium would be greater by about one part in 13,000 than for its non-radio-active products.

I attempted several years ago to find the ratio of mass to weight for radium by swinging a little pendulum, the bob of which was made of radium. I had only a small quantity of radium, and was not, therefore, able to attain any great accuracy. I found that the difference, if any, in the ratio of the mass to weight between radium and other substances was not more than one part in 2000. Lately we have been using at the Cavendish Laboratory a pendulum the bob of which was filled with uranium oxide. We have got good reasons for supposing that uranium is a parent of radium, so that the great potential energy and large æthereal mass possessed by the radium will be also in the uranium; the experiments are not yet completed. It is, perhaps, expecting almost too much to hope that the radio-active substances may add to the great services they have already done to science by furnishing the first case in which there is some differentiation in the action of gravity.

The mass of æther bound by any system is such that if it were to move with the velocity of light its kinetic energy, would be equal to the potential energy of the system. This result suggests a new view of the nature of potential energy. Potential energy is usually regarded as essentially different from kinetic energy. Potential energy depends on the configuration of the system, and can be calculated from it when we have the requisite data; kinetic energy, on the other hand, depends upon the velocity of the system. According to the principle of the conserva

tion of energy the one form can be converted into the other at a fixed rate of exchange, so that when one unit of one kind disappears a unit of the other simultaneously appears. Now in many cases this rule is all that we require to calculate the behaviour of the system, and the conception of potential energy is of the utmost value in making the knowledge derived from experiment and observation available for mathematical calculation. It must, however, I think, be admitted that from the purely philosophical point of view it is open to serious objection. It violates, for example, the principle of continuity. When a thing changes from a state A to a different state B, the prin ciple of continuity requires that it must pass through a number of states intermediate between A and B, so that the transition is made gradually, and not abruptly. Now, when kinetic energy changes into potential, although there is no discontinuity in the quantity of the energy, there is in its quality, for we do not recognise any kind of energy intermediate between that due to the motion and that due to the position of the system, and some portions of energy are supposed to change per saltum from the kinetic to the potential form. In the case of the transition of kinetic energy into heat energy in a gas, the discontinuity has disappeared with a fuller knowledge of what the heat energy in a gas is due to. When we were ignorant of the nature of this energy, the transition from kinetic into thermal energy seemed discontinuous; but now we know that this energy is the kinetic energy of the molecules of which the gas is composed, so that there is no change in the type of energy when the kinetic energy of visible motion is transformed into the thermal energy of a gas-it is just the transference of kinetic energy from one body to another.

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If we regard potential energy as the kinetic energy of portions of the æther attached to the system, then all energy is kinetic energy, due to the motion of matter or of portions of æther attached to the matter. I showed, many years ago, in my Applications of Dynamics to Physics and Chemistry," that we could imitate the effects of the potential energy of a system by means of the kinetic energy of invisible systems connected in an appropriate manner with the main system, and that the potential energy of the visible universe may in reality be the kinetic energy of an invisible one connected up with it. We naturally suppose that this invisible universe is the luminiferous æther, that portions of the æther in rapid motion are connected with the visible systems, and that their kinetic energy is the potential energy of the systems.

We may thus regard the æther as a bank in which we may deposit energy and withdraw it at our convenience. The mass of the æther attached to the system will change as the potential energy changes, and thus the mass of a system the potential energy of which is changing cannot be constant; the fluctuations in mass under ordinary conditions are, however, so small that they cannot be detected by any means at present at our disposal. Inasmuch as the various forms of potential energy are continually being changed into heat energy, which is the kinetic energy of the molecules of matter, there is a constant tendency for the mass of a system such as the earth or the sun diminish, and thus as time goes on for the mass of æther gripped by the material universe to become smaller and smaller; the rate at which it would diminish would, however, get slower as time went on, and there is no reason to think that it would ever get below a very large value.


Radiation of light and heat from an incandescent body like the sun involves a constant loss of mass by the body. Each unit of energy radiated carries off its quota of mass, but as the mass ejected from the sun per year is only one part in 20 billionths (1 in 2×1013) of the mass of the sun, and as this diminution in mass is not necessarily accompanied by any decrease in its gravitational attraction, we cannot expect to be able to get any evidence of this effect.

As our knowledge of the properties of light has progressed, we have been driven to recognise that the æther, when transmitting light, possesses properties which, before the introduction of the electromagnetic theory, would have been thought to be peculiar to an emission theory of light and to be fatal to the theory that light consists of undulations.

Take, for example, the pressure exerted by light. This would follow as a matter of course if we supposed light to be small particles moving with great velocities, for these, if they struck against a body, would manifestly tend to push it forward, while on the undulatory theory there seemed no reason why any effect of this kind should take place.

Indeed, in 1792, this very point was regarded as a test between the theories, and Bennet made experiments to see whether or not he could find any traces of this pressure. We now know that the pressure is there, and if Bennet's instrument had been more sensitive he must have observed it. It is perhaps fortunate that Bennet had not at his command more delicate apparatus. Had he discovered the pressure of light, it would have shaken confidence in the undulatory theory and checked that magnificent work at the beginning of the last century which so greatly increased our knowledge of optics.

As another example, take the question of the distribution of energy in a wave of light. On the emission theory the energy in the light is the kinetic energy of the light particles. Thus the energy of light is made up of distinct units, the unit being the energy of one of the particles.

The idea that the energy has a structure of this kind has lately received a good deal of support. Planck, in a very remarkable series of investigations on the Thermodynamics of Radiation, pointed out that the expressions for the energy and entropy of radiant energy were of such a form as to suggest that the energy of radiation, like that of a gas on the molecular theory, was made up of distinct units, the magnitude of the unit depending on the colour of the light; and on this assumption he was able to calculate the value of the unit, and from this deduce incidentally the value of Avogadro's constantthe number of molecules in a cubic centimetre of gas at standard temperature and pressure.

This result is most interesting and important, because if it were a legitimate deduction from the Second Law of Thermodynamics, it would appear that only a particular type of mechanism for the vibrators which give out light and the absorbers which absorb it could be in accordance with that law.

If this were so, then, regarding the universe as a collection of machines all obeying the laws of dynamics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics would only be true for a particular kind of machine.

There seems, however, grave objection to this view, which I may illustrate by the case of the First Law of Thermodynamics, the principle of the Conservation of Energy. This must be true whatever be the nature of the machines which make up the universe, provided they obey the laws of dynamics, any application of the principle of the Conservation of Energy could not discriminate between one type of machine and another.

Now, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, though not a dynamical principle in as strict a sense as the law of the Conservation of Energy, is one that we should expect to hold for a collection of a large number of machines of any type, provided that we could not directly affect the individual machines, but could only observe the average effects produced by an enormous number of them. On this view, the Second Law, as well as the First, should be incapable of saying that the machines were of any particular type: 'so that investigations founded on thermodynamics, though the expressions they lead to may suggest cannot, I think, be regarded as proving-the unit structure of light energy.

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It would seem as if in the application of thermodynamics to radiation some additional assumption has been implicitly introduced, for these applications lead to definite relations between the energy of the light of any particular wavelength and the temperature of the luminous body.

Now a possible way of accounting for the light emitted by hot bodies is to suppose that it arises from the collisions of corpuscles with the molecules of the hot body, but it is only for one particular law of force between the corpuscles and the molecules that the distribution of energy would be the same as that deduced by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, so that in this case, as in the other, the results obtained by the application of thermodynamics to radiation would require ue to suppose that the Second

Law of Thermodynamics is only true for radiation when the radiation is produced by mechanism of a special type. Quite apart, however, from considerations of thermodynamics, we should expect that the light from a luminous source should in many cases consist of parcels, possessing, at any rate to begin with, a definite amount of energy. Consider, for example, the case of a gas like sodium vapour, emitting light of a definite wave-length; we may imagine that this light, consisting of electrical waves, is emitted by systems resembling Leyden jars. The energy originally possessed by such a system will be the electrostatic energy of the charged jar. When the vibrations are started, this energy will be radiated away into space, the radiation forming a complex system, containing, if the jar has no electrical resistance, the energy stored up in the jar.

The amount of this energy will depend on the size of the jar and the quantity of electricity with which it is charged. With regard to the charge, we must remember that we are dealing with systems formed out of single molecules, so that the charge will only consist of one or two natural units of electricity, or, at all events, some small multiple of that unit, while for geometrically similar Leyden jars the energy for a given charge will be proportional to the frequency of the vibration; thus, the energy in the bundle of radiation will be proportional to the frequency of the vibration.

We may picture to ourselves the radiation as consisting of the lines of electric force which, before the vibrations were started, were held bound by the charges on the jar, and which, when the vibrations begin, are thrown into rhythmic undulations, liberated from the jar and travel through space with the velocity of light.

Now let us suppose that this system strikes against an uncharged condenser and gives it a charge of electricity, the charge on the plates of the condenser must be at least one unit of electricity, because fractions of this charge do not exist, and each unit charge will anchor a unit tube of force, which must come from the parcel of radiation falling upon it. Thus a tube in the incident light will be anchored by the condenser, and the parcel formed by this tube will be anchored and withdrawn as a whole from the pencil of light incident on the condenser. If the energy required to charge up the condenser with a unit of electricity is greater than the energy in the incident parcel, the tube will not be anchored and the light will pass over the condenser and escape from it. These principles that radiation is made up of units, and that it requires a unit possessing a definite amount of energy to excite radiation in a body on which it falls, perhaps receive their best illustration in the 'remarkable laws governing Secondary Röntgen radiation, recently discovered by Prof. Barkla. Prof. Barkla has found that each of the different chemical elements, when exposed to Röntgen rays, emits a definite type of secondary radiation whatever may have been the type of primary; thus lead emits one type, copper another, and so on; but these radiations are not excited at all if the primary radiation is of a softer type than the specific radiation emitted by the substance; thus the secondary radiation from lead being harder than that from copper, if copper is exposed to the secondary radiation from lead the copper will radiate, but lead will not radiate when exposed to copper. Thus, if we suppose that the energy in a unit of hard Röntgen rays is greater than that in one of soft, Barkla's results are strikingly analogous to those which would follow on the unit theory of light.

Though we have, I think, strong reasons for thinking that the energy in the light waves of definite wave-length is done up into bundles, and that these bundles, when emitted, all possess the same amount of energy, I do not think there is any reason for supposing that in any casual specimen of light of this wave-length, which may subsequent to its emission have been many times refracted or reflected, the bundles possess any definite amount of energy. For consider what must happen when a bundle is incident on a surface such as glass, when part of it is reflected and part transmitted. The bundle is divided into two portions, in each of which the energy is less than the incident bundle, and since these portions diverge and may ultimately be many thousands of miles apart, it

would seem meaningless still to regard them as forming one unit. Thus the energy in the bundles of light, after they have suffered partial reflection, will not be the same as in the bundles when they were emitted. The study of the dimensions of these bundles, for example, the angle they subtend at the luminous source, is an interesting subject for investigation; experiments on interference between rays of light emerging in different directions from the luminous source would probably throw light on this point.

I now pass to a very brief consideration of one of the most important and interesting advances ever made in physics, and in which Canada, as the place of the labours of Profs. Rutherford and Soddy, has taken a conspicuous part. I mean the discovery and investigation of radioactivity. Radio-activity was brought to light by the Röntgen rays. One of the many remarkable properties of these rays is to excite phosphorescence in certain substances, including the salts of uranium, when they fall upon them. Since Röntgen rays produce phosphorescence, it occurred to Becquerel to try whether phosphorescence would produce Röntgen rays. He took some uranium salts which had been made to phosphoresce by exposure, not to Röntgen rays, but to sunlight, tested them, and found that they gave out rays possessing properties similar to Röntgen rays. Further investigation showed, however, that to get these rays it was not necessary to make the uranium phosphoresce, that the salts were just as active if they had been kept in the dark. It thus appeared that the property was due to the metal and not to the phosphorescence, and that uranium and its compounds possessed the power of giving out rays which, like Röntgen rays, affect a photographic plate, make certain minerals phosphoresce, and make gases through which they pass conductors of electricity.

Niepce de Saint-Victor had observed some years before this discovery that paper soaked in a solution of uranium nitrate affected a photographic plate, but the observation excited but little interest. The ground had not then been prepared, by the discovery of the Röntgen rays, for its reception, and it withered and was soon forgotten.

Shortly after Becquerel's discovery of uranium, Schmidt found that thorium possessed similar properties. Then M. and Mme. Curie, after a most difficult and laborious investigation, discovered two new substances, radium and polonium, possessing this property to an enormously greater extent than either thorium or uranium, and this was followed by the discovery of actinium by Debierne. Now the researches of Rutherford and others have led to the discovery of so many new radio-active substances that any attempts at christening seem to have been abandoned, and they are denoted, like policemen, by the letters of the alphabet.

Mr. Campbell has recently found that potassium, though far inferior in this respect to any of the substances I have named, emits an appreciable amount of radiation, the amount depending only on the quantity of potassium, and being the same whatever the source from which the potassium is obtained or whatever the elements with which it may be in combination.

The radiation emitted by these substances is of three types, known as a, B, and y rays. The a ravs have 'been shown by Rutherford to be positively electrified atoms of helium, moving with speeds which reach up to about one-tenth of the velocity of light. The B rays are negatively electrified corpuscles, moving in some cases with very nearly the velocity of light itself, while they rays are unelectrified, and are analogous to the Röntgen rays.

The radio-activity of uranium was shown by Crookes to arise from something mixed with the uranium, which differed sufficiently in properties from the uranium itself to enable it to be separated by chemical analysis. 'He took some uranium, and by chemical treatment separated it into two portions, one of which was radioactive and the other not.

Next Becquerel found that if these two portions were kept for several months, the part which was not radioactive to begin with regained radio-activity, while the part which was radio-active to begin with had lost its radio-activity. These effects and many others receive a complete explanation by the theory of radio-active change which we owe to Rutherford and Soddy.

According to this theory, the radio-active elements are not permanent, but are gradually breaking up into elements of lower atomic weight; uranium, for example, is slowly breaking up, one of the products being radium, while radium breaks up into a radio-active gas cailed radium emanation, the emanation into another radio-active substance, and so on, and that the radiations are a kind of swan's song emitted by the atoms when they pass from one form to another; that for example, it is when a radium atom breaks up and an atom of the emanation appears that the rays which constitute the radio-activity are produced.

Thus, on this view, the atoms of the radio-active elements are not immortal; they perish after a life the average value of which ranges from thousands of millions of years in the case of uranium to a second or so in the case of the gaseous emanation from actinium.

When the atoms pass from one state to another they give out large stores of energy; thus their descendants do not inherit the whole of their wealth of stored-up energy; the estate becomes less and less wealthy with each generation; we find, in fact, that the politician, when he imposes death duties, is but imitating a process which has been going on for ages in the case of these radio-active substances.

Many points of interest arise when we consider the rate at which the atoms of radio-active substance disappear. Rutherford has shown that whatever be the age of these atoms, the percentage of atoms which disappear in ore second is always the same; another way of putting it is that the expectation of life of an atom is independent of its age-that an atom of radium one thousand years old is just as likely to live for another thousand years as one just sprung into existence.

Now this would be the case if the death of the atom were due to something from outside which struck old and young indiscriminately; in a battle, for example, the chance of being shot is the same for old and young: so that we are inclined at first to look to something coming from outside as the cause why an atom of radium, for example, suddenly changes into an atom of the emanation. But here we are met with the difficulty that no changes in the external conditions that we have as yet been able to produce have had any effect on the life of the atom; so far as we know at present, the life of a radium atom is the same at the temperature of a furnace as at that of liquid air-it is not altered by surrounding the radium by thick screens of lead or other dense materials to ward off radiation from outside, and, what to my mind is especially significant, it is the same when the radium is in the most concentrated form, when its atoms are exposed to the vigorous bombardment from the rays given off by the neighbouring atoms, as when it is in the most dilute solution, when the rays are absorbed by the water which separates one atom from another. This last result seems to me to make it somewhat improbable that we shall be able to split up the atoms of the non-radio-active elements by exposing them to the radiation from radium; if this radiation is unable to affect the unstable radio-active atoms, it is somewhat unlikely that it will be able to affect the much more stable non-radioactive elements.

The evidence we have at present is against a disturbance coming from outside breaking up the radio-active atoms, and we must therefore look to some process of decay in the atom itself; but if this is the case, how are we to reconcile it with the fact that the expectation of life of an atom does not diminish as the atom gets older? We can do this if we suppose that the atoms when they are first produced have not all the same strength of constitution, that some are more robust than others, perhaps because they contain more intrinsic energy to begin with, and will therefore have a longer life. Now if when the atoms are first produced there are some which will live for one year, some for ten, some for a thousand, and so on; and if lives of all durations, from nothing to infinity, are present in such proportion that the number of atoms which will live longer than a certain number of years decreases in a constant proportion for each additional year of life, we can easily prove that the expectation of life of an atom will be the same whatever

its age may be. On this view the different atoms of a radio-active substance are not, in all respects, identical.

The energy developed by radio-active substances is exceedingly large, one gram of radium developing nearly as much energy as would be produced by burning a ton of coal. This energy is mainly in the a particles, the positively charged helium atoms which are emitted when the change in the atom takes place; if this energy were produced by electrical forces it would indicate that the helium atom had moved through a potential difference of about two million volts on its way out of the atom of radium. The source of this energy is a problem of the deepest interest; if it arises from the repulsion of similarly electrified systems exerting forces varying inversely as the square of the distance, then to get the requisite amount of energy the systems, if their charges were comparable with the charge on the a particle, could not when they start be further apart than the radius of a corpuscle, 10-13 cm. If we suppose that the particles do not acquire this energy at the explosion, but that before they are shot out of the radium atom they move in circles inside this atom with the speed with which they emerge, the forces required to prevent particles moving with this velocity from flying off at a tangent are so great that finite charges of electricity could only produce them at distances comparable with the radius of a corpuscle.

One method by which the requisite amount of energy could be obtained is suggested by the view to which I have already alluded-that in the atom we have electrified systems of very different types, one small, the other large; the radius of one type is comparable with 10-13 cm., that of the other is about 100,000 times greater. The electrostatic potential energy in the smaller bodies is enormously greater than that in the larger ones; if one of these small bodies were to explode and expand to the size of the larger ones, we should have a liberation of energy large enough to endow an a particle with the energy it possesses. Is it possible that the positive units of electricity were, to begin with, quite as small as the negative, but while in the course of ages most of these have passed from the smaller stage to the larger, there are some small ones still lingering in radio-active substances, and it is the explosion of these which liberates the energy set free during radio-active transformation?

The properties of radium have consequences of enormous importance to the geologist as well as to the physicist or chemist. In fact, the discovery of these properties has entirely altered the aspect of one of the most interesting geological problems, that of the age of the earth. Before the discovery of radium it was supposed that the supplies of heat furnished by chemical changes going on in the earth were quite insignificant, and that there was nothing to replace the heat which flows from the hot interior of the earth to the colder crust. Now when the earth first solidified it only possessed a certain amount of capital in the form of heat, and if it is continually spending this capital and not gaining any fresh heat it is evident that the process cannot have been going on for more than a certain number of years; otherwise the earth would be colder than it is. Lord Kelvin in this way estimated the age of the earth to be less than 100 million years. Though the quantity of radium in the earth is an exceedingly small fraction of the mass of the earth, only amounting, according to the determinations of Profs. Strutt and Joly, to about five grams in a cube the side of which is 100 miles, yet the amount of heat given out by this small quantity of radium is so great that it is more than enough to replace the heat which flows from the inside to the outside of the earth. This, as Rutherford has pointed out, entirely vitiates the previous method of determining the age of the earth. The fact is that the radium gives out so much heat that we do not quite know what to do with it, for if there was as much radium throughout the interior of the earth as there is in its crust, the temperature of the earth would increase much more rapidly than it does as we descend below the earth's surface. Prof. Strutt has shown that if radium behaves in the interior of the earth as it does at the surface, rocks similar to those in the earth's crust cannot extend to a depth of more than forty-five miles below the surface.

It is remarkable that Prof. Milne from the study of

earthquake phenomena had previously come to the conclusion that rocks similar to those at the earth's surface only descend a short distance below the surface; he estimates this distance at about thirty miles, and con-cludes that at a depth greater than this the earth is fairly homogeneous.

Though the discovery of radio-activity has taken away one method of calculating the age of the earth it has. supplied another.

The gas helium is given out by radio-active bodies, and since, except in beryls, it is not found in minerals which do not contain radio-active elements, it is probable that all the helium in these minerals has come from these elements. In the case of a mineral containing uranium, the parent of radium in radio-active equilibrium, with radium and its products, helium will be produced at a definite rate. Helium, however, unlike the radio-activeelements, is permanent, and accumulates in the mineral; hence if we measure the amount of helium in a sample of rock and the amount produced by the sample in one. year we can find the length of time the helium has been accumulating, and hence the age of the rock. This. method, which is due to Prof. Strutt, may lead to determinations, not merely of the average age of the crust of the earth, but of the ages of particular rocks and the date at which the various strata were deposited; he has, for example, shown in this way that a specimen of the mineral thorianite must be more than 240 million years. old.

The physiological and medical properties of the rays emitted by radium is a field of research in which enough has already been done to justify the hope that it may lead to considerable alleviation of human suffering. It seems quite definitely established that for some diseases, notably rodent ulcer, treatment with these rays has produced remarkable cures; it is imperative, lest we should be passing over a means of saving life and health, that the subject should be investigated in a much more systematic and extensive manner than there has yet been either time or material for. Radium is, however, so costly that few hospitals could afford to undertake pioneering work of this kind; fortunately, however, through the generosity of Sir Ernest Cassel and Lord Iveagh a Radium Institute, under the patronage of his Majesty the King, has been founded in London for the study of the medical properties. of radium, and for the treatment of patients suffering from diseases for which radium is beneficial.


The new discoveries made in physics in the last few. years, and the ideas and potentialities suggested by them,. have had an effect upon the workers in that subject akin that produced in literature by the Renaissance. Enthusiasm has been quickened, and there is a hopeful, youthful, perhaps exuberant, spirit abroad which leads men to make with confidence experiments which would have been thought fantastic twenty years ago. It has quite dispelled the pessimistic feeling, not uncommon at that time, that all the interesting things had been discovered, and all that was left was to alter a decimal or two in some physical constant. There never was any justification for this feeling, there never were any signs of an approach to finality in science. The sum of knowledge is at present, at any rate, a diverging, not a converging, series. As we conquer peak after peak we see· in front of us regions full of interest and beauty, but we do not see our goal, we do not see the horizon; in the distance tower still higher peaks, which will yield to those who ascend them still wider prospects, and deepen the feeling, the truth of which is emphasised by every advance in science, that "Great are the Works of the Lord."




IT is a great privilege and pleasure to address the members of this Section on the occasion of the visit of the British Association to a country with which I have had such a long and pleasant connection. I feel myself in the presence of old friends, for the greater part of what

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