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She promotes no ambition misdirected, but causes pride to be rightly directed, as a high-minded sentiment divested of variety.

She rightly cultivates the moral tone and mind of society, and produces the best fund for life-enjoyment.

She will teach peculiar faith to be so heinous as to inspire true men with the resolve, that it shall be the least if not last of mind's trammels, if practicable.

She directs to the improvement of the natural acquisition of religion, that her constituents can best appreciate.

With her, religion will not be forced as in a hot-house.

The analysis of mind cultivated by liberal education will rightly tell us, that the doctrine of non-resistance cannot apply to any part of mankind by education. Nonresistance can only invite aggression, insult, or injury; then the quickest way is to give the delinquent aggressors their penalty; as the hotter the war, the sooner peace with principles.

But by resistance is meant defence, not the wrong of aggression, that does not involve the lofty character of self-preservation, ever founded on principles.

There are many things deeply injurious to feelings, and they may crush the best characters, unless proper resentment be made; therefore appropriate penalty may be best for both parties.

may make the evil the least, and correct most evils at the right point. A wise precaution is the best in all things of life.

It is not non-resistance, but justice for evil and oppression. Mind seeks and obtains its best protection by principles, that are the only thing that show the mathematical precision of science, the correct action of morals.

Doubtlessly, the time is approaching when cognizance of principles will be so exact that the highest state of correction of the world will at once arise, from their inherent potency and reflection of light; hence an enlightened public opinion is now the highest sovereign arbiter of all earthly standards and tribunals. But it can never be so elevated as long as obsolete bibles of tradition are the tyrannizers of society, and force faith, whether destitute of principle and reason or not.

Now if there were any cause of difference of feeling, &c., between persons, two or more, they should face each other calmly and state their grievances; and if insult be the motive, then a more consistent and proper resentment can be shown, and only that justified by the highest soul-principles; or a better correction can be most promptly and properly had on the same basis, to lay aside erroneous impressions and unsound prejudices, and promote a better state of society.

Act, then, in this paramount matter, manly and candidly, openly and above board at once, and decide permanently, and in the best honor and peace.

The best action of society is that of knowledge, that results from science, which the key of rational education, the proper discipline of mind, reveals and inspires.

Then all rational minds must be satisfied that the world can only be in her happiness, greatness and prosperity by the flourishing state of rational education, through philosophical science.

The people, the rational minds of the world, must institute a new era for their best position.

By the blessings of science-education subsequent ages will put into the shade much of past improvements and discoveries.

Optics have advanced astronomy. When we reach something that will advance optics, and that displayed by subsequent improvements, then we may begin to appreciate who God is, his mighty funds, and the agency of mind that he created.

Science and philosophy, the more accurately known, cause us to approach more accurately to God, in the advance and progress of mind.

Without the characteristic traits of universe-education, the only safe one, the vortex. of speculation is one that destroys myriads that do not depend on their own manly action, best, matured, and honest judgment, but unfortunately depend on the verdant, unnatural, and often interested advice of incompetent men, who will most stupidly shrink from all gentlemanly responsibility, and sadly leave the advised to deplore the brazen ignorance and baseness of the advisers.

Judgment is the quintessence, the concentration of the senses after all said and done, and that can be only wisely matured on the basis of conservative principles.

How much of advice is tendered, and how little of it is disinterested or good! Then think and act judiciously for all and thyself.

There is hardly one original genius-one genius thinker or analyzer in millions; then mankind should distrust all equivocal pretensions.

Without education we are subject to the contingency of chance, not the uniform pro


tection of science and philosophy, in our daily transactions, and liable to be swindled by every unprincipled man that comes about us.

How, otherwise, is the ignorance of the world to be overcome?

You have an organized brain, a rational means to learn, and it must be so applied in all subjects, religion especially.

By this fund we obtain a definite system, a meaning and point in every thing we aim at, to counteract all perverted advice.

Carry on your schools to propagate good sense, and all that it commands, as the moment they go down liberty dies.

All minds are confirmed by habits of education, and rarely change; then have that most rational.

Liberty itself is to be directed by the lights of rational education, that it run not into communism nor licentiousness, that all belong to absolutism or sophistry.

All ought to protect the altar of their country, and elicit the worth of science, for the blessing of the human race, that should not feel the despotism of monarchy, nor of the majority.

A rational education enables us best to invoke justice, wisdom, honor, and virtue, to counteract the disgusting and low intrigues of cunning and vice, that may supplant the good by wretched policy and criminal design.

The world, in its honest ignorance and exemption from suspicion of all the horrors of tyranny, will suffer self-delusion and public imposition.

Parents are accountable to their children for the correct instruction imparted, as the conduct of the child reflects on the parents.

Children should, then, be firmly accountable to such parents.

Society and states should hold all parents reasonably accountable for correct instruction, and themselves responsible for all the facilities necessary, as they do for all the penalties inflicted.

It is better to build up systems and means of liberal, rational education, than those of punishment.

What a pity it is that parents do not resist, candidly and firmly, the downward tendency and progress, that may ruin their children.

They indulge their children unwisely, and see them first perish from abuse of


They undertake to govern their children, and fall below their esteem.
Children have all the faculties of copying the example of their parents.

Those parents are bound to give them a correct copy of principles, but, alas, that copy is a miserable failure.

Do not cow or pet children; they, as all, must beware of the first step, and should be invariably governed rationally.

Education, that teaches cultivation of independent thought, presents what religion requires. What do predestination, baptism, Romanism, protestantism, Greekism, or any other church division or peculiar faith, present to mind, but the errors of peculiar education?

Youth, sincerely installed in the light of science of mind's principles, learns that liberty of conscience that shows respect to mind, and proves true sincerity in religion. Such minds must best honor truth and honesty. All people have it, where mind exists, Jew or gentile, Christian or pagan, if they would cultitivate its right precepts.

Ignorance of mind, and its false government of passions, particularly the most common, as avarice and ambition, make bigots and fanatics.

Education of the world, with the whole of the reasoning faculties, elicits the mindfund for thought, enjoyment, independence, action, and progress, and goes for sound, pure, and loftiest religion.

No impressions can be made, then, by all the designs of superstition, however politic and visionary.

Proscription by names, under the mask of pure religion, will not avail, to commit outrages on mind thus fortified. Education must teach so as to satisfy the inquiring mind, explaining and solving all essential things.

Mind is truly to be consulted in the solution of all the questions of this life, for all States hold all their citizens accountable to time; not in one but in all centuries. them, then they are responsible for correct morals and their rational education, that mind throughout the world may be adequately supplied by all the means and facilities of its happiness. Rational education teaches mind to think for itself, and that correctly, whereas peculiar education causes it to obey the peculiar opinions of others. The first As of God, the last of man.

Let the millions annually expended, for the last, be devoted to the first, then mind

would be enlightened, and the world happier, because better. Peculiar education is promotive of peculiar prejudices. Educational purposes may embrace monumental, to celebrate the victories of the illustrious dead, in this utilitarian age.

But what will compare with one brilliant mind, superbly and rationally educated? Monuments, erected to worth and merit, may promote that very education. We must make due allowances for those schooled in their peculiar education, and wedded to all its institutions, that look at the customs of their fathers.

Education should be so rational as to quarry out a proper amount of action for life. The world is so cut up by sectarianism, secret societies, &c., and the difficulties of mere public opinion are so intricate, that rational education must preside, to obviate all such.

All must have no education of peculiar, but rational views. Rational instruction and education are the conservatives of the globe, while ignorance is the father of errors. Poor persons are too much excluded from mind improvement, by the dictation of the priestocracy they are in its leading strings, as its minions.

What are the curses of false education and faith? The cultivation of mind by rational education has brought the age far beyond what any bibles of Moses or his priestfathers could do. Only think of the inhibition, virtually, by all interdiction, of any change of such scriptures, on a proper appreciation of astronomical science so recklessly declared in those works.

The science of education is entitled a regular commission, embracing all practical subjects, as agriculture, customs, examples, laws, and opinions, that must be referred to the Almighty standard, by rational education.

The moderns have the best educational means, general protection of laws, all the means of mind concentrated to one great object. Educate, to eschew peculiar faith and narrow views. He who depends on mere professional school-knowledge will be humbugged, deceived badly--miserably. Such is not for advancing, but for failure. But the odious distinction of poor and rich can be well obviated, as far as practical, in the order of universal brotherhood; we can see the good effect of a liberal rational education. The superfluities of the rich, the ornaments of houses of extravagant order, had better be devoted for the benefit of the poor's education.

All that is essentially necessary for mind is universal, and commenced when mind was created. Rational education must do its duty by it. The support of public schools cannot be too extensively entertained.

The race of mankind is compelled, in self-defence, to seek the best legitimate rational education. If bibles of tradition stand in the way, expel them. Rational education corrects the dogmas of the schools, causing them to be permanently right, and never to be reversed! Who, in his innocence, does not believe that the world is nearer right and truth-telling, justice doing without peculiar education? Rational education is to enable us to see, and correct all fallacies, practicable.

It will put away all the trammels of the schools, and will finally produce the desirable and necessary social regeneration. The obligation conferred, renders mind capable of leaving society no worse than found. The great rational means of improvement are all educational; but letters are not the absolute means, however we deplore their absence in any one case, while common sense is to be elicited by things and subjects. Ignorance is preferable to error. It is hard to find out at this time any part so unenlightened, that proper sense may not be elicited. Peculiar education differs over the world, while rational is universally uniform in principles.

The first imparts faith in devils, angels, witches, ghosts, miracles, prophecies, and mysteries peculiarly revealed. What is more absurd, or untruthful?

Once the clergy had nearly the sole means of education; moulding public sentiment; forcing it by inquisition; perverting it by sophistry; silencing it by poisons and dungeons, by the blackest imposition, the most detestable superstition. Who can wonder at the world-wide perversions? There was but one edition of clerical imposition, in Rome, Greece, Egypt, India and Asia, the whole world. When and where will all this stop? When rational education of the world gets the mastery, and mind asserts its full rights!

Rational education can correct all the malign effects of peculiar education, if the world will do right.

Phrenology physical presents relative exception to responsibility, unless the organs be rightly cultivated; hence, a liberal and just education is expedient. The state owes this. Some people do not appreciate the good effects, the necessary obligations of a liberal education, that enables us to depend on our own judgment, and the best facts of the case. Those do not understand the subject they affect to decide on.

The world cannot possess too much of independence; and as to success in various

professions and employments, the novice has to ask some preliminary questions, as if the village or social circle is free or is rented out, belongs to a few dictators? Every essential that promotes rational education, must be sacredly protected. What is done with all the school funds? Are they properly used, well employed by the head men, for the benefit of the poor? Are they added to, instead of diminished? The world needs a proper system of rational education. All cultivated circles ought to have libraries of most select and valuable books, debating societies, if practicable; all the approved substantial means.

A respect to the best feeling on this subject bespeaks the effort for justice. This subject should be fully comprehended, by the inherent right of self-protection. The object should be to obtain a true republican education, that will prepare youth to do justice to mind in all the various relations of country, science, and religion.


DEITY underwrites his own character by creation, organization and conservation of the universe: if man contradicts this position, he perverts his own mind, libels God, and impeaches himself, as degraded, wilfully ignorant and blind.

Such views, involving treachery and high treason of the Divine Being, and his imbecility for the past and future protection of all creation, recoils in fearful retribution on the authors of such obliquity of mind, more disgraceful than heathen mythology, all of which has been swept away from enlightened minds.

In the name of God's attributes, purity that admits nothing impure in his character, of omniscience that recognises sin, the negative of good, and expels it as evil, and of omnipotence that faithfully interdicts all such, mind, enlightened, pure, and free from vassalage of malign influences, looking properly at the essential attributes, must protest forever, with suitable reverence of Deity, the eternal Creator.

There can be no peculiar nor original creation of an evil genius, when the sinful genius of mind perverted already, resulting necessarily on its free agency in circumstances of a world of earthly character, exists enough.

Such original, peculiar, particular creation, would be a contradiction and absurd analysis of Deity's essential attributes.

Deity has created the greatest good, whose negative is evil, as destruction is the negative of conservation, and his perfect character extracts the greatest good out of the supposed greatest evils, the most worthy example of mind to imitate.

The more perfect the mind, the more valid is its good. Such mind enlightens the world, and blesses it by the best fruits.

Any particular malign creation of an evil genius would imply the same perversion of mind of the Creator, and necessarily impeaches his character.

Ignorant and self-willed, avaricious and ambitious mind, wilfully and knowingly blind, self-important, degraded in affectation to render mind vassal, libeling the Creator at every step, a botch in conception, has to retract its horrible conception, and must retreat to its demoralized and corrupt insignificancy.

Mind's errors do not arise from pure thoughts, and liberal world-wide views of creation's nature and obligations.

God's inspirations rest on noble thoughts, and his best blessings fructify such candid exposition of truth and reason.

No the errors that assail the world in bitterness, degradation and wo, arise by corruption of mind, self-delusion, wilful blindness and imbecility.

The day that proclaims faith peculiar of any character especially to advance the pretended divine rights of kings and churchmen, is to be admitted without reason, witnesses. in its broad light an admission of reckless tyranny and guilty sophistry, the like of which cannot be conceived.

Enlightened reason informs and teaches us the value of conservative principles, for which past legends substituted the pretences of angels, a mere fiction in the brain of dreamers.

Angels were as necessary to uphold the solar systems of the universe, as to convey messages for Deity to its rational beings in the enjoyment and exercise of mind, the only medium of communication.

The universe was created on a system of conservative principles, and must be governed by them in the physical, moral and religious elements. Who but reason prostrated the fell purposes of idolatry and superstition, with their attendant sophistry, forever misleading the people and seducing their noblest exertions?

She can rear the best fabric that mind can institute.

Who but she befriends man in his best capacity, when he is duly aroused to give best heed to her counsel, and improve by cultivation to the best talents?

Can impudent peculiar faith stand in the presence of reason when she rebels against her tribunal?

Every trustworthy, truthful man is aided by his reason, whose justice and protection he feels conscientiously bound to invoke forever to sustain himself, posterity and world. Who asks for or can obtain better security?

This foundation is sure to eternity, resting on eternal principles as old as time, durable as creation, conservative as God's attributes.

Reason can never adopt traditions of any character or profession as truthful and worthy of honest faith, no matter of what part of the world, marred by feudalism and vassalage, imposed on ignorant credulity, scarred and disfigured by legends, fables, bigotry and fanaticism, wars for centuries to master the world by its absolutism, blurred by iniquitous inquisitions of fiendish character, proscriptions of the sovereign rights of the people revolting to man's dignity and purity, all to deceive and procure the absolute sway of government of man on earth, to procure wealth, aggrandisement, vainglory and power at man's expense, blood, deepest suffering and mind's ignominy. Already has mental reformation rescued mind from much of the thraldom of superstition. Then came correct constitutional government, that blazed high with a brilliant and increasing light, irradiating religious freedom by severance of church and state, and lastly comes benignant reason to crown the triumph of mind.

We all seek universal protection from imposition and its treachery; what standard can be universal for protection but that of reason?

The highest practicable authority of man, past or present, is only tradition, oral or written, and can be only rightly estimated by the only tribunal possible in the nature of creation to mind, and that tribunal is, or ought to be, must be, reason.

What else is it? All of mortals, all that they say and do, no matter how wise supposed, must be tested at this tribunal. It is not what men say or can say, but what mind, enlightened mind, whose best result is reason, says.

Man records all his tradition, his bibles or scriptures, but mind recognises them all, otherwise man would be worse off than brutes that have instinct, which he has not, but in whose place an Almighty has vouchsafed the glorious attributes of reason.

As it is, mind has the noblest faculty and function of appreciating its God, and that it performs through reason, not faith, unless in abeyance to reason.

Undoubted proof establishes facts to our satisfaction.

Pre-eminent caution and care are expedient, when the humbugging world has abounded so much in fabulous, imperfect and deceptive story, especially that miscalled sacred, that might be named desecrated.

Much of such pretended history, if not to be discarded, is doubtful, of no value, only as satisfactorily established.

Ordinary facts, in the regular course of nature, require this course. The world humbugs itself about faith-worse than others humbug it. It adopts bibles of tradition, when they are certainly proved the veriest fables. No wonder priestocracy clearly war on reason, that satisfies a wondering people, that the extraordinary phenomena exist only in their brain, like the phantasmagoria of psychology, as when analyzed are only ordinary phenomena, seen in the distorted rays of credulity, misnamed faith. This is the decision of incontrovertible principle.

When we come up to the capacity of enlightened minds we reach the sublime dignity of reason, that peculiar faith-sophists the world over, during all its ages, have hated with a deadly hate, as adverse to all their nefarious humbugs.

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So far from knowing the facts of reason, they have not begun to appreciate the essential elements of mind.

The majority of all rational men believe in no tradition independent of reason, as they most conscientiously consider all such as most corrupt decisions and impositions, especially all that fear the light, considering hierarchy in its numerous forms of power, yet they feel a necessity of a better state of things, to obtain which they are disposed to act with all reasonable men.

What is to be done? How can they be reconciled?

Tortures and ostracism, inquisitions and proscriptions, are not competent for enforce


You may preach all the doctrines that tradition can give, all the dogmas that men can invent, you cannot reach their case by all sophistry that proclaims "every knee shall bow.” All peculiar faith doctrines cannot reach them.

These people, the majority of this union and the world, must not be left out, when justified by reason, rational mind.

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