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to the beau ideal of excellency in all its departments? The very disbelief of the Jews is a living memento against christianity, only proves it another sectarianism, which the very rays of light, the sunbeams, prove.

Principles prove conclusively the utter futility of messiahships, as all things in the universe, whose physical principles alone rebuke the imbecile clergy. As to the Jews killing Christ, that only proves the want of toleration, the vices of the times. Christ fell far below the whole characteristics intended by his plagiarist dramatists, whose fault was their weakness, resulting from imbecile undeveloped mind, self-condemned, as a wise science mind would have had the innate modesty of silence in appreciating the luminary of universal luminaries. They all mind-factured a monster hybrid without light.

What a botch, instead of having all right at creation, and be done with it. If the physical principles had not been simultaneous, the whole universe had not been simultaneous, had never gone into operation. Are not the clergy as learned, rebuked for their utter stupidity. Yet they affect in their pulpit as if perfectly unapproachable there, like the old dictator master, mind-facturing his data to be unquestioned by his pupils, that this is the only religion, and that only of Christ!

Will the priestocracy ever say less, whilst the breed lasts? Will not the whole world of them be wedded to all their idols and the appurtenant perjury?

Make it the best, and it is only on the very best analysis a mixed paganism, an idolatry from which the most rational mind of the world is trying to escape, proved by non-attendance of the people at churches, showing empty pews and benches. Why is all this? Because the whole pagan faith, modernized by all the patchworks, is only a botch.

Give up all ungodly pagan faiths and go at once to religion, that enlighteneth rational mind, and civilizes the civilized. All pagan bibles and revelations are the most stupid, ineffably stupid botches. All the pagan messiahships and messiahs are only pagan, fix language as you choose, are from the idea of only one earth. The ancients never could have fixed up such, as the error would have been exposed at once and never taken hold. But various brute causes have conspired that revelation of a barbarian age of mind, on the world.

Developed mind revolts at the monsters of iniquity, in all the departments of undeveloped mind.

Some of the ancient despots assumed to be divine, assumed to make science even this, by power of paganism among them. It was a profession, whilst superstition flourished. It was the impunity, the irresponsibility to the tribunal of science of God its representative, made the odious hot-bed of such vulgar absurdities, of which modern brazen priestocracy ought to be ashamed, and would, but for the bribery and corruption of peculiarly educated mind.

The very idea of peculiarity kills all Christ's pretensions to a universal savior, and proves him self-dwarfed to the petty municipality of local sectarianism. Let him or his pen-holders make a tremendous agitation among the bible devils, the money-changers, the speculatists on patriarchs, prophets and martyrs, with all their accompaniments, but let this intelligent age of the world do itself justice.

What more presumptuous than the arrogant claims of peculiar faith on God and man? She is utterly incompetent to receive facts of the universe, except through reason; bible faith is deaf to reason.

A perfect God creator could not do justice to his creation, with all the ungodly creations of pagan or monk's all the same messiahs.

Claim no more that mind required such missions, as they blot and blur it, disfigure it under all its odious pagan shackles. Religion as government, all the acts of mind, require the most appropriate discussion and wisest decision thereon, independent of all the criminal, vicious, social, much less inquisitorial proscriptions of the world the beneficiary.

The very Christ is fixed up by his storiographers, however he may have been otherwise as a plain half-witted man, makes the whole a perfect Judas Iscariot business to the world. There is the treachery, and that by the priestocracy.

The poor dramatists bring Christ forward for their purpose, proclaiming his mission as the advent of peace and good will to all men, yet they violate their own position, and place him and themselves in constant trouble. They murder principles and religion to sustain their pagan idol, and the world has been tortured to help sustain their monster that they botch, mental-midwives imposed on the world, contrary to all the holy sacred divine organic functions of mind, whose highest glory is to attain the brightest rationality. The very conception of a murderous evil greater than existent, annihilates all messiahships as impracticable solecisms of obsolete language.

All the modern pagans desire to shake off the name, as if monotheism did not brand them ineffaceably. They give us all that mind would permit them, modernized and mixed as far as practicable. I would not corrupt my mind with its ignominious sophistry, nor desecrate my soul with its impracticable blasphemy. In your progress in soul organization, you may affect such pagan mixtures, then you may get the tallest fall, as principles can never know any such. The mercenary and reckless priestocracy may affect much cant about the fiction of a fanatic, a sectarian Christ, but will they care after entrapping your soul for it?

How come you to educate the human mind with aught less than the facts of God and religion, by your pagan faiths that cannot last? I am but a man, but can be improved best of all by monotheism, the very thing not only for the world but the whole universe. It is the mind that you have to treat aright to reach the soul, not adduce bibles obsolete before they were written, much less nonentities, messiahs, and the whole criminal clique. Now after all said and done in this world, every rational being is more or less a monotheist, as far as rationality permits. I write to carry out this whole position, as the only tenable and prepared one of deity.

If the world be not governed by principles equal to the physical department, it is that much short of the divine purpose. If any persons offer messiahships to the world for truth, they act either dishonestly or ignorantly. Go for principles, not faith, that is idle without the first. As monotheism has the work of the world to accomplish, why then does not it resort at once fully and unconditionally to it? Because the devices and sordid interest of the perverted part prevent.

Gentlemen of rational mind and conscience will positively see, that it will not begin to answer, to sustain this iniquitous corruption, peculiar faith, a world's nuisance, perjury and ruin, as that every brood adds such relative ratio, until it dies out. None can live, but produce enormous evils anterior to death. Monotheism alone in perfection, will exalt the world to its legitimate supremacy. You care for your body with all the improved comforts of civilization, yet you mistreat your mind most shamefully. Give up all the ungodly bibles, their odious creeds, and turn to the adoration of the everliving God. Rational minds and souls only can decide this question, by the developed religion of God. No bibles of peculiar faith can, for all such are and will be the reflection of paganism, not religion, minds undeveloped. All peculiar views to supersede universal ones, are necessarily undeveloped ideas, no matter the age of the world. All messiahs are pagans, and have pagan mortality. I impeach all preachers and clergy, for claiming any messiah for the God of the universe, as they are undeniably perjurers, for their only record claimed, is for the peculiar messiah of the Jew peculiar god. They are basely and blasphemously perjured, to offer the present world any other. They have no proof of any messiah, much less of the perfect creator of the universe. His one attribute, perfection, convicts the whole world priestocracy, as worthy of the pillory, for their degraded perjuries about him.

Mind has no business with any peculiarity in the universe about its creator, as it meddles with what has no religion, and can make none but false conceptions and abortions, monsters of iniquity that beget monsters, all fruitless but for evil to the world, world nuisances. Fanatics pretend to tell with false sympathy of the self-immolations or world punishments of messiah, when they overlook the horrible agony of a butchered world, bleeding at every point, for thousands of years, from all these false, bloody impositions upon its peace, and the life of its billions in the excruciated suffering of humanity. The greatest proof of want of religion, is the adoption of messiahships, that exclude most ungodlylike all principles most conservative of religion and the universe. There never was more infatuation, stultification, crimination, immolation of mind, than to receive all such frauds and perjuries.


WHAT does the universe want with such a being? Its organization proves conclusively its Creator and his conservation.

There is nothing else to prove with mind as mind.

Has any one ever affected to be a messiah? Priesteraftship pretends to this vulgar absurdity. What became of him? What became of him? He died, they say. He died, they say. No wonder that such character expiated ignominiously this atonement, for his own heinous blasphemy. Was the law of priests' Egypt necessary to help reveal this drama?

Prophets foretold his coming, but the prince of prophets swears himself into perjury, that time reveals.

And all the others, his creatures, fall, of course,

The miracles connected, are ruled out on the same triumphant principle, that perjury cannot be heard in the highest earthly court, that of enlightened conscience, totally discountenanced and disproved by the best proof, that of God's universe. The advocates seek to avail themselves of the present benefits, the faith of the world; then they are bound to give purest, undeniable proofs, as the world-marks that are wanting.

What star, the ruler of a solar system, could fix a messiahship next in greatness to creation?

The stars are balanced by gravitation, as all the universal host, and that balance had been lost in the universe, if the miracle had been performed; the balance of the miracle has been left out, most wonderful of all, that only could escape the intellect of the ignorant devotees telling it.

Now, this would furnish the chronology of a God, but the mark, that should have been ineffaceable in time's history, is unknown to astronomers.

What, the Creator not put this eternal mark in the universe, after such a gift! This infallible sign!

But how could he cast out devils, when there can be no such character?

But faith is essential to this redemption. Mind's stultification is, only. Sane minds must have faith in the Creator, from the mighty organization of the universe, and his unity absolutely essential, for if there were not faith in such a God, there would be in priests and devils. The two propositions are entirely inconsistent, as a perfect Almighty excludes, necessarily, any messiah, good or bad, and employs conservative principles, his superior. The extreme ignorance of the priests, prevented them from knowing all this. The present age should not suffer itself to be gulled by such speculations of ignorant priests.

The eternal jugglery supplies much too much of priests' bibles, which are adopted with impiety and blasphemy, that would usurp the very universe of Deity.

Why did not Christ expressly declare himself the enactor of all deeds, competent of proving himself the very messiah, before the whole world? The world's faith is deinanded, and the world's satisfaction should be previously established on all this point. Was he incapable of this proof?

Why did he confine himself to so small a country as Palestine, and but portions of even that little country, when his mission is assumed to be to the whole world, if not the prince of jugglers?

Why not submit to the most satisfactory tests of regular committees? The Jewish committee rejected him.

He ought to have satisfied the whole world, above all, the most intellectual, if any preference were to be given, that he was what he wished to be thought! It was not to one class, but all, that such doctrine, if true, came. It was his duty to have proved the matter conclusively, because he must have had the power if he had the mission.

If prophecies were to announce him, if miracles were to prove him, he should have settled that question forever before the world, master as he was, as is assumed, of ceremonies, and of the whole drama.

The game was for immortal souls, worthy of the highest proof, that has never been given.

But he never submitted to the world, to prove himself as an Almighty, for nothing less could have answered for such a universal deficiency as assumed by the priests. Why did he confine himself to any age or country, as the greatest of all miracles, he could not and did not perform, of satisfying the world's faith and conversion, for which his mission was pretended? This kills the whole.

If his mission was peculiar to Palestine, then he might, as he is assumed to do, have confined himself peculiarly to it; but the world was essentially and universally interested, and should have been secured by a universal mission. Now Christ's mission, if it ever took place, was peculiar. That will not answer for all mankind. The best of faith, secured by the best of reason, the only genuine currency of an honest mind, declares this nothing more or less. The whole position defines, among God's exhaustless attributes, that nothing less than the Creator is identified in the conservation of the creation. Otherwise another master was, and is needed, whose place could not be supplied. Like his preachers, Christ answered when no one called.

One-sixth of his companions were depraved characters, the chief a perjurer, the other a traitor, both corrupt, all deserters, and the Master an impostor, thus proved. He was unable to spare his own effusion of blood, in an ignominious death for his blasphemy, a horrid forerunner of the immense shedding of blood through the world, by the human race, enraged and degraded for the false positions of peculiar faith and their engendered fanaticisms.

But his resurrection-what of that?

Did he wish that proved, to the satisfaction of the world, the beneficiary? Why, then, did he not do it openly and above-board, in the face of all? Why was not the most candid exposition universally made? It was to be a substantial enactment, in good faith, to insure the best conviction, and could have been most satisfactory for the world, had it been universally proved. But alas! it was such that no one in the high court of conscience, can truly say was properly substantiated. There is no proof of Christ's body being identified in the described tomb, by those who "made the sepulchre sure,' after his historical death, in any of the four gospels. This miracle is not conscientiously proved. None affect to have seen his spirit but those in this peculiar faith; and the historians, not they, testify to all such stuff, and that God's word, cause and effect, disprove, as the spirit evidently leaves the body forthwith on death.

Do you ask me to believe in that creature, that had to expiate to God for his blasphemy, by his death?

Is the whole world to suffer for that blasphemy, after millions have been bled to death, for centuries, from wars resulting from such faith?

All Christs and messiahs can only be an usurpation of mind and God, misrepresenting both, inadequate for the ministry.

All such beings are assumed personifications of some mind capable of some reformation, but always misdirected, or not enabled to receive a right mental direction from their peculiar position.

No doubt, by the vices of the peculiar faith of the world, all such minds were perverted.

Owing to the obliquity of the peculiar faith of Judaism, any license for peculiar tradition could be taken, and we see several of the horrid results of such position.

The door had been left open for all this and subsequent creeds, portraying the sad history of a depraved superstition.

Would that we could say that some were before their time.

The people of those times were miserably ignorant, degradedly corrupt, and furiously vindictive, from fanatical policies.

Through all the vista of those ages, the age of mind is not permitted to palliate their asperity nor obliquity.

What if any, by bible statements, are represented abstractly pure and good, the blasphemy claims what no mortal, in his right, honest senses could affect, thereby forfeiting man's respect, or God's approbation, a horrid example to man, and a curse from the God of his existence.

His doctrines have been asserted as if he created new principles, and his the only code for man, thereby causing him to estimate the author of universal existence but a subordinate part in the salvation of the universe. All this is miserable morals for the world, that seeks to do right by the best rational light.

Those doctrines have been perverted by selfish collusions of aspirants for power and self-interest, men that stopped at nothing calculated to benefit themselves.

Men have actually forgotten the God of power, and his unity, overlocking conservative principles and their author, mistaking the creature for the Creator.

All this is below the dignity of reason, and the purity of mind.

The scorn of reviling and of ridicule is not the object, because omnipotent, enlightened mind, endowed with reason, and illustrious by the conscience, irradiating the highest civilization, the only true representative of God, commands the adoration of that God exclusively.

Many who have listened in vain for years to become believers in what was asserted the true faith, believing their souls immortal as other mortals, for weal or wo, stake, and dependent on the true issue of faith, but for their lives and souls had to act sincerely, yielding to the truth and sincerity of faith on maturest conviction of reason, that there is but one immortal being, and that all others are his creatures.

The whole world will forever, when reason is right in all sound and honest minds, assert this faith for Deity's attributes, not because it is faith, but because the highest truth is thereby declared, and all contradictions are thereby impeached.

The crime of blood-effusion is the object of his assumed mission by his God, to secure the fee-simple to his character! Instead of mending man it degrades God by man's libels, by the murder indispensable to this miserable drama.

No sane, enlightened mind, can acknowledge any necessity at all for such mission, without invalidating its claims to all decency and sound sense.

That position, of itself, decides the puniest finger of man in this matter, that does not show mind, but depravity.

The effusion of blood of animals, and of human victims, is analogous superstition, and condemns the whole faith that supports it, as most contemptible, before enlightened

mind and conscience, as an abominable curse before the God of mind. All such is unworthy of the sacred name of religion.

His miracles were too peculiar for an object so universal as his mission to all men, and too circumscribed by time, past and future, that were effectually closed to his personal mission. This betrays the ignorance of the impostor.

A God should certainly have certain knowledge of natural phenomena.

The first intimation of his advent is by a star, that stood over the spot! A star is a sphere of the universe, performing its revolutions; if a planet, around its central sun; or if a sun, having planets revolving around it; or if a comet, performing its elliptical circuit. An action of this kind would have brought its host of stars. Of course there can be no single star. But then the whole universe would have been in commotion, and none less than the earth, and all would have suffered from gravitation, beyond all manner of previous phenomena.

We hear of none of all this, though the earth-marks would have been indelible, and the sign might have been fixed in the bible-heavens, for all the universe to see, approve and admire.

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Above all, the potent Herod would not have dared to act the least of commission, but he would have met all omission; and for his life he would not have thought, much less said or done, aught to hurt the character, much less the person, whose mission of glory was thus heralded. The whole earth would have rushed over all impediments to the declared character.

Have any natural philosophers of those times left any history of such mighty deeds? Who knows of any, that is chastely authentic, and justly entitled to honorable credit? The story kills itself, and all those present or past have been the most affecting capital.

This speculation ruins the whole history at once.

It might do for a monk, dreaming of legends of the dark ages, to tell before very small children, but his conscience must be very Jesuitical to face science with it. O, preachers of the present day, before you tell the balance, please explain this.

Let astronomy speak her facts. If it were a meteor, the pretence is still more visionary.

Deal no more in fables, but speak the truth of the living God, with a mind that re sponds to the bible of conscience, which carry with you, instead of that of tradition. All history and tradition require certain proof for the mind, to embrace them with satisfaction in religion, else it rejects all such as unworthy of credence, and mere passports of imposition.

The power of reason, as the power of truth, breaks through all these thin veils, as furnishing nothing effectual on previous principles, universal and almighty, to satisfy by their proper application the demands of man's nature.

This epoch of the world would have been too remarkable, for the birth-day to have escaped the certain knowledge of the world, of which it is entirely ignorant. The chronology, so sublime and durable a miracle indeed, should have been fixed by an immortal sign in their heavens, unmistakable to man. It was only a vision of some visionary, that none but world visionaries will pretend to repeat.

God creates and leaves his creation for proof, that no pretender-messiah or priestocracy can circumvent; but messiahs come and die, and leave no proof worthy of mind. Surely the step from the sublime to the degraded, was intended by God as a mark upon all such impostors. Ambition may be tolerated till it reaches blasphemy.

It was necessary that Christ should be betrayed! That his priest-dramatists might make fools of devotees to faith.

Where will all this category of crime and perdition stop?

First it was expedient that a virgin should be seduced; then a god to disgrace himself, of course the god of peculiar faith, by her seduction; then the husband was deceived; then the effusion of blood to victimize the demi-god; then the people were to commit unpardonable sins in that commission, in which was the betrayer of Christ! What a clumsy, stupid machinery of crime! Instead of raising the people out of their sins, it has actually plunged their god deeper in, and has actually produced the worst of crimes, an interminable effusion of blood since, and the most degrading absolutism, above all the most stupid sophistry. The god of peculiar faith is made a seducer, adulterer, or husband-deceiver, an imbecile, a murderer, and a participator in interminable crimes, from that to the end of peculiar faith. Does the world know the minor part of the crimes of such a stupid, peculiar faith?

The poor Jews, who stuck to their peculiar faith, are to be harassed for that whole time, and as they did not adopt the faith, they helped to execute the mighty behests of murder, of which the god of peculiar faith was president.

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