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London, v. y.

British Museum. The Egyptian Antiquities -a complete Account of Ancient Egypt. By Professor Long. 2 vols.

12mo, plates and woodcuts, 2s. 6d. per vol.
Chinese (The). A General Description of
China. By J. F. Davis, Esq. 2 vols.
Egypt. An Account of the Manners and
Customs of the Modern Egyptians. By E.
W. Lane, Esq. 2 vols.
The New Zealanders.

An Account of the
People and Island. 1 vol.
Canada. The Backwoods of Canada, a De-
scription of the Country. 1 vol.
India. The Hindoos, a Description of India,
and an Account of their Religion, &c. 2

Pompeii. Containing an Account of the De-
struction of Pompeii, and its subsequent re-
covery. 2 vols.

Paris, and its Historical Scenes-describes the
more remarkable Edifices and Situations in
the French Capital. 2 vols.

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Secret Societies of the Middle Ages. Con-
tains an Account of the Eastern Associa-
tion, known as the Assassins, the
Knights Templars, &c. 1 vol.
History. Historical Parallels, detailing the
most celebrated Events in Grecian and Ro-,
man History, and comparing them with
Ancient or Modern Times. 2 vols.
The Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties
which would appear to present insurmount-
able Impediments. 2 vols.
Criminal Trials. The most Remarkable and
Interesting Trials connected with British
History, with an Account of the Gunpowder
Plot. By David Jardine, Esq. 2 vols.

British Museum. The Townley Marbles. 2

British Museum. The Elgin and Phigaleian
Marbles. 2 vols.

British Costume: a complete History of the
Dress of the British Islands. 1 vol.
Distinguished Men of Modern Times. Au-
thentic Biographies, referring to fuller sour-
ces of information, of One Hundred and
Sixty-eight Persons, of all Countries, illus-
trious as great Originators or Inventors in
Arts, Sciences, and Literature, and of
Statesmen and Warriors who have had the
greatest influence on the destinies of Man-
kind. With woodcuts. 4 vols.

Natural History. Menageries-contains the
Varieties of the Dog, Wolf, Hyena, Lion,
Tiger, Camel, Llama, Giraffe, Monkey
Tribe, &c. 4 vols.

Natural History. Vegetable Substances,
Timber, Trees, and Fruits, Substances
used for the Food of Man, and Substan-
ces used in Manufactures. 3 vols.
Entomology. Insect Architecture - Insect
Miscellanies-Insect Transformations. 3

vols. Ornithology. The Architecture of Birdsthe Habits of Birds-the Faculties of Birds. 3 vols.



Algebraical Geometry, by Wand. 8vo, 5s. 6d.
Algebraical Equations, by Murphy. 8vo, 48.
America and the West Indies, Geography of,
by Prof. Long. 8vo, 10s. 6d.
Annuities, (Value of), by Jones. 2 vols. 8vo,


British Cattle. 8vo, 10s. 6d.

British Husbandry. 3 vols. 8vo, 30s. 6d.
Botany. 8vo, 48.

Biography of Eminent Persons. 8vo, 10s.
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8vo, 14s. 6d.

Church, (History of) by Waddington. 8vo,
138. 6d.

Commerce, by McCulloch 8vo, 2s. 6d.
Dog (The), by Youatt. 8vo, 68.

Electricity, Magnetism, &c., by Dr. Roget.
8vo, 68. 6d.

England under the Stuarts. 8vo, 16s.
Flemish Husbandry. 8vo, 28.
France, History of, by Smedley
Friendly Societies, by Ansell. 8vo, 58.
Gravitation, by Prof. Airy. 8vo, 78.

London, v. y.

Geometry, (Plane, Solid, and Spherical).
8vo, 58.

Geometry, (Practical and Perspective), by
Bradley. 8vo, 78.
Greece, (Literature of), by Muller. Vol. 1.
8vo, 7s. 6d.

Greece, (History of), by Malken. 8vo, 5s.
Horse (The), by Youatt. 8vo, 10s.
Logarithms, (Tables of). 12mo, 38.
Mathematics. 2 vols. 8vo, 17s. 6d.
Natural Philosophy. 3 vols. 8vo, 38s.
Physiology, (Animal), by Dr. Roget. 8vo,
2s. 6d.

Sheep, (Treatise on). 8vo, 10s. 6d.
Stars, (Maps of). Large 4to plain, 15s., color.

Compendium to do., by De Morgan. 8vo, 3s. 6d.

Switzerland, (History of), by Vieusseux.
8vo, 138. 6d.

Spain and Portugal, (History of), by Mrs.
Busk. 8vo, 78.

Trees, (Treatise on Planting). 8vo, 3s.




SCHLEGEL, (F.) Lectures on the History of Literature, Ancient and
Modern. Translated. 12mo.

London, 1846

Berlin, 1833

MUNDT, (T.) Geschichte der Literatur der Gegenwart. 12mo, 78.


BOYD, (SIR W.) The History of Literature; or, the Rise and Progress of Language, Writing, and Letters, from the Earliest Ages of Antiquity to the Present Time. 4 vols. Vols. 1-2, 98. each. 8vo. London, 1843-4 HALLAM, (H.) Introduction to the Literature of Europe, in the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries. 2d edition. 3 vols. 8vo, 368.


(Reprinted New-York, H. Bro's.)

London, 1842

SISMONDI, (S. DE.) History of the Literature of the South of Europe. Translated, with Notes, &c., by Thomas Roscoe. 2d edn. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 78.

(Bohn's Standard Library.)

London, 1846

BERINGTON, (J.) Literary History of the Middle Ages, from the close of the Reign of
Augustus to its revival in the Fifteenth Century. sm. 8vo, 3s. 6d.

(Bogue's European Library.)

London, 1846

sm. 8vo, 3s. 6d.

London, 1847

BOUTERWEK, (F.) History of Spanish Literature.
(Bogue's European Library.)
WARTON, (T.) The History of English Poetry, from the close of the Eleventh Century
to the commencement of the Eighteenth Century. To which is prefixed, Three Disserta-
tions-1. of the Origin of Romantic Fiction in England; 2. On the Introduction of
Learning into England; 3. On the Gesta Romanorum. Printed from the Edition of 1824,
superintended by the late Richard Price, including the Notes of Mr. Ritson, D. Ashby,
Mr. Douce, and Mr. Park; now further improved by the corrections and additions of
several eminent Antiquaries. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s.

London, 1840
CRAIK, (G. L.) Sketches of the History of Literature and Learning in England, with
Specimens of the Principal Writers. 6 vols. 18mo, 98.
London, 1845
SCHULZ, (A.) An Essay on the Influence of Welsh Tradition upon the Literature of
Germany, France, and Scandinavia, translated from the German. 12mo, 68.

London, 1841

ROBERTS, (W.) History of Letter Writing, from the Earliest Period to the Fifth Century. 8vo, 188.

D'ISRAELI, (I.) Curiosities of Literature. 8vo, 16s.

Miscellanies of Literature. 8vo, 14s.

- Amenities of Literature. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s.
-Calamities of Authors. 2 vols. 12mo, 16s.

London, 1843
London, 1840

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Illustrations of the Literary Character. 12mo, 58.
BOUTERWEK, (F.) Geschichte der Poesie und Beredsamkeit, seit dem Ende des XIII.
Jahrhunderts. 12 vols. 8vo.
Gott., 1801-19
GRÄSSE, (J. G. T.) Lehrbuch einer allgemeinen Literärgeschichte aller Völker d. Welt.
vols. 1-2.
Dresden, 1837-42

Dresden, 1842

der grosse Sagenkreis des Mittelalters, historisch-kritisch. beleuchtet. 8vo, 11s. ROSENKRANZ, (DR. K.) Handbuch einer allgemeinen Geschichte der Poesie. 3 vols.

EICHORN, (J. G.) Literaturgeschichte. 2 vols. 8vo.

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Geschichte der Literatur, von ihrem Anfange bis auf die neuesten Zeiten. 6 vols. 8vo.
Gott., 1807-12

Geschichte der Cultur und Literatur der neueren Europa. 3 vols, 8vo.

modernes. folio.

Gott., 1796-1813

WACHLER, (L.) Handbuch der Geschichte der Literatur, 3te Umarbeitung, 4 vols. 8vo.
Leipzig, 1833
Atlas historique et chronologique des littératures anciennes et
Paris, 1831
LE FRANC, (E.) Histoire élémentaire et critique de la litterature, renfermant, outre des
details biographiques et des considérations générales sur les auteurs, etc.-Litteratur du
Midi (Italie, Espagne et Portugal). 8vo, ƒ.5.
Paris, 1843
MORHOFIUS, (D. G.) Polyhistor litterarius, philosophicus et practibus, etc. 2 vols. 4to.
Lubeca, 1747
Paris, 1836
Paris, 1840-43

DUQUESNEL, (A.) Histoire des lettres avant Christianism. 2 vols. 8vo.
Hist. des lettres aux cinq premiers siècles du Christianisme. Vols. 1-5.
DE LA LITTÉRATURE aux onze premiers siècles de l'ere chretienne. Lettres à M.
C. Balbe à M. A. Peyron, ouvrage traduit de l'italien: aug. par l'abbé J. A. Martigny.
Paris, 1819
CHARPENTIER, (J. P.) Histoire de la renaissance des lettres en Europe, au 15e siècle,
2 vols. 8vo.
Paris, 1843

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HULMANDEL, (C.) A Manual of Lithography; clearly explaining the whole Art, etc. 8vo, 68.

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London, 1832

London, 1835

The Art of Drawing on Stone. New edn., 8vo, plates, 78. 6d.

FIELDING, (T. H.) The Art of Engraving. roy. 8vo, plates, 108.

London, 1840 Paris, 1819 1824 Mulhouse et Paris, 1839

SÉNEFELDER. L'Art de la Lithographie. 4to.
ENGELMANN, (G.) Manuel du dessinateur lithographe. 2e édn., 8vo.

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Traité theorique et pratique de lithographie. 4to.
THÉNOT, (P.) Cours complet de lithographie. 4to.
CHEVALLIER ET LANGLUMÉ. Traité complet de lithographie, ou manuel du litho-
graph, avec des notes par MM. Mantoux et Joumard. 8vo.



Paris, 1838

WHATELY, (R.) Elements of Logic. 7th edn., 12s.. London, 1840 MILL, (J. S.) A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive; being a connected View of the Principles of Evidence, and the Methods of Scientific Investigation. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo, 308. London, 1846

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(Reprinted, New-York, H. Bro's.) BOSANQUET, (S. R.) A new System of Logic, and development of the principles of Truth and Reasoning; applicable to moral subjects and the conduct of human life. 8vo. London, 1839

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Paris, 1839 Berol., 1845

ARISTOTLE. Logique d'Aristote, traduit en français pour la première fois et accompag-
née des notes perpetuelles, par B. Saint Hiliare. 8vo, f,7 50
TRENDELENBURG, (F. A.) Elementa logices Aristotelem. 8 vo, 3s.
DESTUTT DE TRACY. Logique suive de plusiers ouvrages relatifs à l'instruction pub-
lique. 3e partie. 2 vols. 18mo, f.6.
CONDILLAC. Logique compléte, suive de cette de Dumarsais. 18mo, f.1 50.

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FRANCK, (A.) Esquisse d'une histoire de la logique, précédée d'une analyse de l'orga-
num d'Aristote. 8vo.
HEGEL, (G. T. W.) Werke. Vols. 3, 4, 5. Wissenchaft der Logik. 8vo, 22s.

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Paris, 1838

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KNIGHT, (C.) London (Pictorial). 6 vols. 8vo, numerous woodcuts. 52s. 6d.

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CUNNINGHAM, (P.) Hand-Book of London, Past and Present. 12mo.
STOW'S Survey of London. Edited by W. J. Thoms. 8vo, 5s. 6d.

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

A Survay of London. 4to. MALCOLM, (J. P.) Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London, from the Roman Invasion, to the Year 1700. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1811 Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London, during the 18th Century. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1810 WILKINSON. Londina Illustrata, or Graphic Illustrations of the most interesting and curious Architectural Monuments of the City and Suburbs of London. 2 vols. 4to, 207 plates. £5. 58. London, 1819-25 1790

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PENNANT, (T.) Some Account of London. 4to.
BRAYLEY, (E. W.) & BRITTON, (JNO.) The History and Description of the Ancient
Palace and late Houses of Parliament at Westminster. 8vo.

London, 1836


MURRAY, (J. F.) The World of London. 2 vols. 12mo, 12s.

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London, 1839

GODWIN. (G.) & BRITTON, (J.) The Churches of London; a History and Description
of them. 2 vols. 8vo.
NEALE, (J. P.) The History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, West-
minster, etc., by E. W. Brayley. 2 vols. 4to.


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London, 1818-23

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THOMSON, (R. D.) The Chronicles of London-Bridge. 8vo.
DUGDALE, (SIR W.) The History of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, with a conti-
nuation, &c., by Henry Ellis. folio.
London, 1818
See BILLINGS' Temple Church. BRAYLEY'S Londiniana. ELMES's Survey of the
Port of London. HUGHSON'S Walk Through London. MATTHEWS' Hydraulia.
BAYLEY'S Tower of London.


BABBAGE, (C.) The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. 12mo, 2d edn.

London, 1847

WILLIS, (R.) Principles of Mechanism. 8vo, 250 illust., 158.

London, 1841 BARLOW, (P.) The Machinery and Manufactures of Great Britain. 4to, 66s. London, 1838 LANGSDORF, (K. C.) Ausführliches System der Maschinenkunde, mit speciellen Anwendungen bei mannichfachen Gegenständen der Industrie fur den Praktiker. 2 vols. 4to. Heidelb., 1826-28 LASTEYRIE, (F. DE.) Collection de machines, instrumens, ustensils, constructions, appareils, etc., employés dans l'économie rurale, domestique et industrielle, etc. 20 édn., 2 vols. 4to, 200 pl., ƒ.90. Paris, 1823 NAVIER. Résumé des leçons données à l'école des ponts et chaussés, sur l'application de la mecanique à l'établissement des constructions et des machines. 2 vols. 8vo, f.18. Paris.


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ELLIS, (REV. W.) History of Madagascar. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838
MADAGASCAR, Past and Present: with Considerations as to the Politi-
cal and Commercial Interests of Great Britain and France, and as to the
Progress of Christian Civilization. By a Resident. sm. 8vo, 98.

London, 1847
London, 1892

COPLAND, (S.) History of the Island of Madagascar. Evo.
ACKERMAN, (M.) Histoire des révolutions de Madagascar depuis 1642 jusqu'à nos jours.
Paris, 1833


GUILLAIN. Documents sur l'uistoire, la géographie et le commerce de la partie occiden-
tale de Madagascar. 8vo, map, . 8.
Paris, 1845
MACE-DESCARTES. Histoire et géographie de Madagascar, depuis la découverte de
l'Ile en 1596 jusqu'au récit des derniers événements de Tamatave. 8vo, f.8.

Paris, 1846

BOISDUVAL, ( ) Entomologie de Madagascar, Bourbon, et Maurice, Lépidoptères, avec des notes sur les métamorphoses, par M. Sganzin. 8vo, f.32.

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Madagascar, 1830-33

See OWEN'S Voyages in the 'Leven' and 'Barracouta.' DRURY's Captivity, etc.


RIMBAULT, (E. F.) Bibliotheca Madrigaliana, a Catalogue of Musical and Poetical Works, published in England in the 16th and 17th Centuries, under the titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzonets, &c. 12mo, 68. London, 1847 OLIPHANT, (T.) Musa Madrigalesca, or a Collection of Madrigals, Ballads, Roundelays, &c. sm. 8vo, 78. London, 1837


BREWSTER, (SIR D.) Letters on Natural Magic. 5th edn., 12mo, cuts, (Reprinted, New-York, H. Bro's.)



BREWSTER, (D.) A Treatise on Magnetism. 8vo, 68.

London, 1842

Edin., 1837 SCORESBY, (Rev. W.) Magnetical Investigations. Part 1, comprising Investigations on the Principles affecting the Capacity and Retentiveness of Steel for the Magnetic Con ditions, with the development of Processes for determining the Quality and Degree of Hardness of Steel. Part 2, comprising Investigations concerning the Laws or Principles affecting the Power of Magnetic Steel Plates or Bars in combination as well as singly, under various conditions as to mass, hardness, quality, form, &c., as also concerning the Comparative Powers of Cast Iron. 8vo, 15s. 6d. London, 1839-43 OBSERVATIONS made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Toronto, in Canada. Printed, by order of Her Majesty's Government, under the superintendence of Lieut.-Col. Edward Sabine. Vol. 1, 1840, 1841, 1842. 4to, numerous diagrams, 42s. London, 1845 HENRY, (J.) Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism in Trans. Am. Phil. Society. N. S., vols. 5 and 6. GAUSS, (C. F.) Atlas des Erdmagnetismus nach den Elementen der Theorie entworfen, etc. 4to.

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Leipzig, 1840 See LARDNER's Electricity, Magnetism, &c. Reports of the British Association. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. ENCYCLO. METROPOLITANA, Arts. Magnetism and Electro-Magnetism, by PETER BARLOW and Capt. KATER. MULLER'S Physics. PESCHELL'S Physics. Dr. RoGET's Treatises in Lib. Usef. Knowledge. Philosophical Transactions. TAYLOR's Scientific Memoirs.



BALLANTYNE, (J. R.) Grammar of the Mahratta Language. 4to,

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Edinburgh, 1839

10s. 6d.
GUNGADHUR SASTRI. Mahratta Grammar. 12mo, 58.

Bombay, 1838 MOLESWORTH, (J. T.) A Dictionary Maratha and English, compiled for the government of Bombay. 4to, 408. Bombay, 1831 KENNEDY, (VANS.) Dictionary of the Maratha and English, and English and Maratha. folio, 358.

CAREY. Dictionary of the Mahratta Language. 8vo, 30s.


Bombay, 1834

Serampore, 1810

DALRYMPLE, (A.) Atlas of the Coasts of Malabar, Coromandel and Ceylon. folio. London, 1806 TAHFAT-UL-MUJAHIDEEN; a history of the first settlement of the Mohammedans in Malabar, and of their subsequent struggles with the Portuguese. Translated from the Arabic by M. J. Rowlandson. 8vo, 58. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1833 RECHERCHES sur la Religion des Malabars; ouvrage extrait d'un manuscrit inédit de la bibliothèque royale, et publié par M. E. Jaquet. folio, f.25. Paris.


NEWBOLD, (T. J.) An Account of the British Settlements in the Straits of Malacca, including Penang, Malacca, and Singapore. 2 vols. 8vo, 268. London, 1839

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LEYDEN, (J.) Malay Annals. Translated from the Malay Language: with an Introduction, by Sir S. Raffles. 8vo.

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London, 1821

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