Ounces, Troy, X 1.097 ounces of avoirdupois. Pounds, Troy, X 1.21527 = Radius of a circle 6.283185 × circumference. Square of the radius 3.1416 area. Square of the circumference of a circle X 0.07958 — area. Bale of cotton (in America): =400 pounds. Bag of Sea Island cotton = 300 pounds. In England, wool is sold by the sack, or boll, of 22 stones, which, at 14 pounds to the stone, is 308 pounds. A pack of wool is 17 stones and 2 pounds, which is rated as a pack load for a horse. It is 240 pounds. Sack of flour =280 pounds. A tod of wool is 2 stones of 14 pounds. A wey of wool is 6 tods. Two weys, a sack. A clove of wool is half a stone. |