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ing lakes will be yellow in tone and greatly diminished in fastness. For this reason the color solution must not come in contact with acid reagents or bases as these prevent the proper lake formation.

This product can be mixed with Pigment Scarlet 3B for the production of intermediate shades.

It is recommended for the manufacture of colors for wall paper, oil colors, printing inks, etc. The following formula will give a perfectly satisfactory lake:

[blocks in formation]

Mix the solutions in the above order, bring to the boil, boil 2 minutes, cool, and then add the following base:

[blocks in formation]

Mix these solutions cold and wash three times by decantation.





The Lowell Textile School situated at Lowell, Mass., on the bank of the Merrimack River, has a location which is ideal for a school of the character. It is but a few miles from Boston, the hub of the educational influence of the country, and with the local atmosphere of textile manufacturing a student has exceptional advantages to pursue his chosen line of work. The school offers five regular day courses, namely: Cotton Manufacturing, Wool Manufacturing, Designing, Chemistry and Dyeing, and Textile Engineering. The latter course commenced with the opening of the present school year, and aims to include a thorough instruction in Mechanical Engineering with special reference to the construction and operation of machines and mills. It also embraces a study of the generation and transmission of power for textile manufacturing. It is intended to meet a demand of young men who wish to prepare themselves for positions as Mill Engineers, Master Mechanics and all positions connected with the power department of a textile industry.

The department of Chemistry and Dyeing has been greatly strengthened by additional equipment, including expensive laboratory apparatus and a large amount of machinery for the commercial dyeing department. This includes a raw stock dyer, skein dyer, a chain warp dyer, jig dyer, piece dyer, drying cans, raw stock dryer, etc.; also, a number of dye tubs for piece dyeing. Before the beginning of the next school year the color shop and industrial chemistry laboratory will be located in a separate room especially equipped for this line of work.

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