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The Finishing Department has received extensive additional machinery. This comprises a wet jig, steamer, crab, rolling machine, tenter and dryer, rotary napper, kicker mill, sanding machine, perch, measuring and burling tables, besides soap tanks and hydro extractor. With the machinery previously installed the equipment is sufficiently complete to finish all of the principal woolen and worsted cloths found on the market.

A back washer of special design has been placed in the Woolen and Worsted Department. The students in this department have this year been given greater opportunity for instruction and practice in wool sorting. The scouring plant has been in extensive operation and a variety of wool has been scoured. A complete plant of French spinning is expected to arrive within a month and should be in operation for instruction to the present senior class. As now equipped the school is able to give practical instruction in all processes from the fibre to the finished cloth.


This school was opened to students on March 7, 1904. This building, which was built expressly for the purpose, is thoroughly equipped with the latest and most improved cotton machinery of all kinds and has every provision for class rooms, lecture rooms and laboratories for conducting a successful school.

Its location in this great textile centre proves of the greatest advantage to the institution. Fall River now operates about three and one quarter millions spindles, making almost every variety of cotton goods from print cloths to the finest dress goods. In the manufacture of the finer goods large quantities of silk are also used.

There are located here forty-one corporations owning eightyseven mills, representing an investment of over fifty millions of


There are also other industries closely allied to the mills, includ

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ing bleacheries, dyehouses, and two of the largest printing works in the country.

The courses of instruction pursued in this school embody the most advanced and progressive features incident to a systematic and thorough study of the cotton textile industry. The organization of the various departments has been mcst complete and is designed to meet the needs of two distinct classes of students; one class being those who wish a preliminary training in the art of manufacturing before entering upon the practical work of the mil; ne other class being those already at work in the mill, who feel the necessity for a training in the principles of the art and a greater knowledge of all departments of their chosen vocation. The school has enjoyed a most successful season in the year which is now drawing to a close, several departments having been taxed to the limit of their capacity to care for the students coming for instruction.

The department of Chemistry and Dyeing will, during the coming summer, be moved into more spacious laboratories which are being fitted to accommodate the increasing number of students which come for instruction in the various courses of this department.

These courses cover a wide range of subjects and are designed to train students for various positions as textile chemists and textile colorists.

A special feature in this department is the practical dyehouse where are installed machinery and apparatus for bleaching, dyeing, steaming and drying of yarns in various forms and in large quantities. The student here has opportunity to increase his knowledge, obtained in the class room and in the experimental laboratory, by the handling of materials on a larger scale. The products are used in the other departments of the school and greatly stimulate the interest manifested by the students.

The textile student will find here every convenience and aid for successfully prosecuting to the greatest advantage his chosen study and work.


The chief item of interest in connection with the New Bedford Textile School is the building of the new addition, work on which was commenced in November, 1905. Owing to the open winter the work has progressed rapidly, and the building will no doubt be completed by the first of June.

The building will give to the school an additional floor space of approximately 17,000 sq. ft., thus allowing the school to add to its equipment very materially. A portion of the new equipment will consist of such dyeing machinery as will enable the school to do dyeing on a commercial scale.


Textile Department.

C. 8. DOGGETT, DIRECTOR, TEXTILE CHEMISTRY AND DYEING. The Textile Department of the Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina was the first textile school to be established in the Southern States, and the third in the United States, having been started in 1897. The regular course is of four, the special of two years duration. In addition, the post-graduate work is laid out to meet the individual needs of mature students. In the full course the student acquires a good general education as well as a special training in textiles. In the last two years of the course, half the time is given to the study of the principles underlying the various processes of textile manufacturing, and half to practical work. The special course is designed for young men who have had some mill experience, and who would avail themselves of evening courses had they the opportunity. A beginning has been made in establishing scholarships for the benefit of these special students, both by a mill for one of its employees, and by individuals, open to the employees of any mill.

The courses are being broadened gradually, keeping pace with the rapid development of the cotton industry of the State, and meeting every demand for better equipped graduates. All the

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