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instructors have had mill experience in their special line, and so are able to fit the students to meet mill requirements.

Constant additions to the equipment enable the students to become familiar with the latest improvements in textile machinery; while, on the other hand, friends of the college have placed in the museum specimens of the crude reel and hand loom of bygone days. A collection of samples of textiles from all parts of the world is being made for the use of the students and to render service to the mills of the estate by having readily accessible to them a consulting textile museum " for their designers.


Through the liberality of the Southern Railway and the Atlantic Coast Line, a fine passenger coach of the first named railroad was used for the extension work of the college the past season, and transported free over the greater part of the state. All departments of the college were represented. The textile department was thus enabled to render material aid to the schools of the state, and to emphasize to its citizens the magnitude and possibilities of the textile industry within her borders.


Department of Chemistry and Dyeing.

During the past year the department of Chemistry and Dyeing has occupied the new dyehouse recently erected for it. This was built as an addition to the main building by the school, and is adjacent to the chemical laboratory and the instructor's office. The dyehouse has a floor space of 2,000 square feet, which will accommodate the apparatus and appliances necessary for the work in experimental and practical dyeing. The facilities now afforded will make it possible for the students to dye, bleach or otherwise prepare all materials required by them in the execution of the various patterns designed and woven in the school; a certain number of which are finished by each student who takes the regular course. For a detailed statement of the courses offered by the Chemistry and Dyeing Department, see the Year Book for 1904.

During the past year there have been some changes in the force of instruction of the school. W. E. Winchester, Director of the School, 1903-1905, resigned to go into business. The place has been filled by the appointment of Wm. R. Meadows. H. D. Lord, Instructor in Carding and Spinning, 1904-1905, resigned to go into business. The place made vacant by A. E. Benson, in the Department of Power Weaving, has been filled by the appointment of Robert Gregory.

Additional equipment has been arranged for in all departments of the school, and the curriculum will be broadened in keeping therewith.


The Chemical and Dyeing Department of the Philadelphia Textile School has exhibited considerable growth during the past year. The complete course now embraces three years of study and includes advanced work in the theory and practise of the manufacture of dyestuffs. We believe this is the only school in America where work of this character is given. The branch of textile printing has also been considerably enlarged and developed.

The Chemical and Dyeing Department is now so organized that on satisfactorily completing the second year's work, the student receives a certificate; while on completion of the third year's work, he receives a full diploma in Chemistry and Dyeing.

During the present school year (1905-1906) there are seventeen full day students in the Department of Chemistry and Dyeing, and forty-three evening students. Besides these sixty students, who devote their time exclusively to studies in this department, there are seventy-six other day students in the various departments of the Textile School, together with nineteen day students of the Art School who also receive considerable instruction in the various branches of chemistry and dyeing.

One of the principal features of the instruction in dyeing as carried out in the Philadelphia School is the large amount of practical dye-house work required by the student.

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