Miscellaneous Notes DYEING BY SPRAYING DYESTUFFS. A variation on the ordinary method of spraying dyestuffs on to fabrics with a brush cylinder is patented by the Farbwerke vorm. Meister, Lucius & Bruening. Fig. 1 is a traverse section and Fig. 2 a part front elevation of the apparatus. A brush cylinder a is supplied with a dye solution by a distributing cylinder b from two color cylinders c d, each consisting of a number of small cylinders on the same shaft, so that each revolves in a separate compartment of a dye trough e, thus supplying the distributing cylinder with the same or different colors. The component cylinders of cylinder d revolve in sub-divisions of the trough f and are so mounted on their shaft that they alternate with the small cylinders, thus the whole surface of the distributing cylinder is supplied with color. In the instance shown in the drawing the wire bristles of the brush cylinder come in contact with a wire screen h held in a stretched condition by bars g at a short distance in front of the fabric k, which may travel over the guides j, and after having received the spray may pass through squeezing rollers. The speed at which the fabric and cylinders revolve may vary according to the effect desired; it is preferable, however, for the speed of the fabric to be less than that of the brush cylinder. If the separate dye compartments be supplied with dye solutions of successively greater strength the brush cylinder will receive these different solutions, and on the bristles leaving the screen, a fine spray of dye will fall evenly on the travelling fabric, which may thus assume a color uniformly darker from one side to the other according to the strength of the solutions. According to the condition and nature of the material to be dyed, the distance from the screen at which it is placed, the speed of its travel, and of the rotation of the brush cylinder, the pressure on the latter and the quantity of dyestuff applied to it, the dyeing of the fabric may be varied in strength. If, for instance, the machine is operated so that comparatively many colors are sprayed on to a feebly moistened piece of woolen fabric which is passed slowly before the brush, the separate drops run completely into each other. On the other hand, if the cylinder is supplied with relatively few colors and a dry paper fabric is passed quickly before it, the paper will be uniformly sprinkled with fine drops, which lie closely together but do not run into each other; the paper will thus receive a coloring which in Fig. 2 general aspect will be uniformly shaded. This apparatus may be modified, for instance, by substituting for the two color cylinders one cylinder made up of a number of parts close together. If the distributing cylinder is covered with an absorbent material, such as felt, the narrow strips of its periphery not touched by the color cylinders are nevertheless supplied with color, and no part of the fabric remains undyed, because the bristles distribute their spray laterally. The distributing cylinder is not essential, as the brush cylinder may receive the dye solution directly from the color cylinder. For the latter may be substituted, for instance, strips of felt, against which the brush cylinder revolves, and on which the dye solutions drop from the vessels, or the strips may dip at one end into the dye troughs, and at the lower end touch the brush cylinder, thus siphoning the dye solution to the brush cylinder.-Dyer and Calico Printer. DIASTAFOR. Under the designation "Diastafor," a product is brought into the market by the Deutsche Diamaltgesellschaft, which is intended for use in the textile industries. The commercial product is a fairly stiff paste of a light yellowish brown color, resembling malt extract.or commercial diastase in properties. The product is said to be capable of converting five to six times its own weight of starch into sugar, and on this property the various uses for which it is suggested are based. A suitable strength of the solution for bringing about this change is 2-3 lbs. to every 10 gallons water, while the temperature at which the conversion takes place most readily is 140°-150° F. Under these conditions it is pointed out that the starch is completely converted in 30-45 minutes. Being an extract free from acids and fats, absolutely without action on vegetable or animal fibres or on colors which are fast to washing, readily and completely soluble in water, it is claimed that with convenient manipulation Diastafor combines the possibility of economical application and the certain attainment of good results. Besides being recommended for the removal of size in the cleansing or bleaching of cotton piece goods, Diastafor may serve for the preparation of soluble sizes for cotton and woolen yarns. It is claimed that warps thus sized possess a good feel, are full, thick and smooth, run easily, and are not dusty. |