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would make appear that Austria wishes to scize Bavaria, and to disarm in a disgrace-Letter from the Emperor Francis to Marshal


DEAR FIELD-MARSHAL; Owing to the rapid movements of the army, and accumulated business, no Official Report has appeared for several days, I transmit you a concise extract of the Reports sent me, in order that you may publish them. Scharding, April 22, 1809. FRANCIS.

Seventh Official Report.

ful manner the brave soldiers of that country, had required these troops to make a fruitless defence. Here French artifice - succeeded in making foreign blood flow for their advantage, and in turning the arms of our German brethren against their deliverers. The first bridge was scarce formed by a few posts, when the advanced guard of the fifth corps hastened across the Iser and pursued the enemy until night. The troops are animated with an excellent After passing the Iser, his imperial spirit, and sing war songs under the thun- highness the Generalissimo, with the 3d, der of the cannon. The advanced guard 4th, and 5th corps of the army, and the of field marshal Jellachich entered Mu- 1st corps of the reserve, broke up against nich at eleven yesterday forenoon. The the Danube, in the direction to Kehlheim king and queen have fled under French and Ratisbon. The enemy were drawn up protection to Augsburgh. The fourth near Ratisbon. Agreeable to the declaraarmy-corps passed the Iser without opposition of prisoners of war, the emperor Nation at Dingalfingen. The first and second corps have, after some successful fighting, advanced to Amberg, Schavandorf, and Kirn near Ratisbon. General Bellegarde cannot sufficiently praise the gallant spirit and undaunted resolution of his troops.

Sixth Bulletin, duted Sacile, April 17.

poleon reached the army on the 19th instant. The Generalissimo has made a forced march from the Iser to beyond the Labar, and advanced on the 19th through Echmuhl, Rotenburgh, Cloisterrock. The enemy encountered him, and a very brisk action took place. The Generalissimo praises the bravery of the troops. Our loss is considerable: several regiments On the 10th and 11th his imperial highness have lost all their staff, officers; field-marthe archduke John, with the army, under shal lieutenant Lusignan the princes his command, entered the territory of Louis and Maurice, of Lichtenstein, are Frioule, by Pouteba, Cividale and Gortz, wounded. The Generalissimo kept the and after some opposition, advanced on army in order of battle the next day to the 13th to the Tagliamento. The enemy follow the movements of the enemy. retired across the river, in order to join We have no further details about this with the troops in the rear. This junction, affair.-The loss in killed, wounded, and which probably took place at Sacile, made prisoners, is not yet known, as the multithe hostile army five divisions strong.-Inplicity of business, prevented his imperial 'the night of the 14th his imperial high-highness for making circumstancial reports ness proceeded with the advanced guard towards Pordenone; the remainder of the army followed at day-break, The enemy's advanced guard was at Pordenone, and his army was posted between that place and Sacile, near Fontana. In this situation an action commenced, which, after, a sanguinary contest of two days, terminated entirely to our advantage.The-vice king of Italy commanded the French army. The result was so decisive, that the enemy could not maintain themselves behind the Livenza, but were obliged to retreat rapidly to the Piave. The prisoners amount already to 6,000, among whom are generals Paza and Bressen. More are constantly brought in. The Loss in killed and wounded greatly, exceeds this number, and we have taken 16 canon and three eagles,

on the field of battle (off Hansen) to his majesty. On the 26th Ratisbon capitu lated. On the same day the 5th corps of the army was also smartly attacked, near Seigenburgh, upon Abins. The archduke Lewis retreated, in common with field-marshal lieutenant Holler, against the 1ser, to cover Landshut both corps

are united. On the 21st marshal Davoast attacked the 4th corps of the army, near Eckmuhl; a very severe action took place which lasted for 12 hours. On the 22d the second corps of the army retreated by Ratisbon, and combined with the main army. The head-quarters of Generalisstmo the archduke Charles were on the 21st near Eglofsheim...

Eighth Oficial Report. Tranquillizing news has been received

from the 5th and 6th corps of the army | 24th of April, that he had caused the enemy's advanced guard to be attacked on the 23d by major generals Mesko and Nordman, with the Kiermayer and Lichtenstein hussars, and the frontier corps. On the 24th the lieutenant field marshal advanced with three columns, and the enemy waited the attack before Steten, where a very obstinate action, with fortunate consequences, took place. All reports concur in stating, that the divisions of Moliter and Boudet, were both in this battle, and that the Bavarian and Hessian troops amounted together to 18,000 men.

Eleventh Bulletin.

as well as the 2d. All the three corps stand united near Old Oeling. The defile near Landshut, where several waggons obstructed the road while the advancing enemy was bravely opposed, has rendered the loss of some artillery and several waggons unavoidable. By official reports, the loss of men is not considerable; only one division of the regiment of Benjaysk's infantry, which was obliged to pass the bridge of the Iser, already in flames, suffered severely. These three united corps will follow the movements of the main army, under the command of the Gene-Up to the 25th, no trace of an enemy had ralissimo. By the most recent accounts been observed on the Austrian frontiers. the Generalissimo's head-quarters still continued at Eglofsham, on the 22d, and the enemy in their position.-The second The information respecting the battle of corps had effected a junction on the Ra- the 22d, which has been received by his tisbon road with the 3d and 4th corps of majesty, has laid the foundation for the reserve, and a general attack on the ene- best hopes. The result of that sanguinary my was resolved on the 23d. On the 22d, contest was unexpected. In the evening, at noon, the cannon were roaring violent-as the couriers left the field, a great supely in that part, and probably the murderous riority of cavalry decided the action unfight continues. The combat is conducted favourably for our arms. The left wing with uncommon animosity. Every man feels the sublime cause for which he fights. We have not yet any definitive accounts. The Emperor's court is at Schaerding. While the main army kept advancing along the Danube, and the corps near Old Oeling, stands ready either for offensive operations, or to defend the river Inn, his majesty considering the probability of a corps of the enemy threatening the frontiers of the hereditary dominions, thought it proper to order out the Militia of Lower Austria, Saltzburgh, and that of Inner Austria. The Militia of Upper Austria has been under arms since the armies advanced, partly on the Inn, and partly to invest the fortress of Obu


N. B.-The Ninth Report is the same as has already been published from the Supplement Extraordinary to the Official Gazette of Prague.

Tenth Bulletin.

Lieutenant field-marshal Hiller has notified from St. Vert, under date of the

was compelled to give way. According to a report from his imperial highness the Generalissimo, dated on the 23d, from the heights of Ratisbon, the grand army has crossed the Danube, and taken the road to Waldmunchen. Thus terminated a most obstinate battle, which had continued for five days without interruption-Fortune often fluctuated. The loss on both sides is immense. This shews that the contest was carried on both with courage and animosity.-Every one must do justice to the behaviour of our troops. The Generalissimo bestows uncommon praises on the conduct of the army, which has been quite exhausted by continued fatigue. Lieutenant field-marshal baron Hiller is between the Iser and the Inn. We have for the present changed our operations from the offensive to the defensive.

Twelfth Bulletin, dated Warsaw, April 21.

His royal highness the archduke Ferdinand, with the army under his command, crossed the Petica at Nove Miasto on the 15th, and entered the duchy of Warsaw. 2 K


It is to be observed, that this sheet, which is the last of Volume XV., should not be cut open by the Reader, but should be left to the Book-binder, who will perceive that the first quarter, viz. p. 1025 to 1032, of which this page makes a part, comes at the end, and that the rest of the sheet, containing the Title Page and Table of Contents, is to be cut off, and placed at the beginning of the Volume.

SUPPLEMENT to No. 26. VOL. XV.-Price 1s.

On the 17th, our troops first met the enemy at Pietrikozoy and Konie, and immediately attacked them. On the 19th the enemy took a very advantageous position at Raszyn, and was reinforced with all the troops which were in Warsaw. But in spite of all the difficulties of the ground, the Austrians commenced the attack. The enemy made an obstinate resistance, and by the approach of night, retreated to his entrenchments in the front of Warsaw. Our loss is about 71 killed, and 255 wounded, and 72 missing. Among the dead we have to regret three brave officers; there are seven among the wounded. The imperial troops closely pursued the enemy, who entered Warsaw on the 20th. In order to spare the town the Archduke consented to enter into a negociation with the general commanding the enemy's troops, and a treaty was concluded by which the latter has bound himself to evacuate Warsaw on the 23d, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

Thirteenth Official Report, from the Imperial

Royal Army.

They write from the Court of his Majesty the Emperor, at Strengberg, under date of the 29th of April, as follows:The engagement which field marshal Hiller gave on the 24th ult. over Neumark, took place against the French marshal Bessieres, with three French and one Bavarian division, and was very obstinate and bloody. General Hiller cannot sufficiently praise the courage and resolution of the troops. The two regiments of infantry, Klebeck and Dueck, have particularly proved what resolute foot soldiers are able to do even against cavalry. His majesty after the action presented field marshal Hiller with the cross of commander of the order of Maria Theresa. The two corps united under the command of the said field marshal, retreated towards the Inn on the 25th April, with the second corps of reserve. In consequence of the advice, that the grand army near Ratisbon had gone on the left bank of the Danube, they drew up near Old Oetling. On the 25th these corps marched by Buckhausen and Brannau to Altheim, to be ready for the defence of the Upper and Lower Inn. Field marshal lieut. Jellachich is stationed near Rosenheim and Wasserberg, and keeps up the communication with the Tyrol, as well as, by intermediate posts, that with the corps of field marshal lieut Hiller-On the 26th in the af the enemy from Passau repuk ak posts the Inn at its

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entrance into the Danube: at the same time a detachment of the division of Le Grand appeared before Scharding, where the bridge had been removed, planted artillery, set fire to some houses in the town, and did not ask the replacing of the bridge before they had threatened to reduce the whole town to ashes. By the infantry stationed at Scharding, the restoration of the bridge was prevented till night by discharges of artillery and musquetry; but field marshal lieut. Dedovich, who led only a weak detachment of troops who had before that blockaded the fortress of Obuhaus, and three battalions of militia with him, having received advice of the enemy's advancing from Passau on the right bank of the Inn, he was obliged to leave Scharding and went towards Taufkirchen.-On the 27th the enemy's patroles appeared near Scharding. The enemy left the town occupied, but we have no advice of their being in great numbers on this side of the Inn. The enemy's adis not apprehended, as the corps under field vancing further on the road to Effenberg marshal lieut. Hiller, is advancing down the Inn. On the 27th, the advanced guard under major general count Reduky was in Obernberg, and went down farther towards Scharding. The second corps of reserve was near Altheim, and the rest of the army near Wing, all advancing in such a manner that a battle was expected. From the grand army intelligence has been received of the 26th April. On the 24th the army marched through Bruck and Cham, without being molested by the enemy. His imperial highness the archduke Generalissimo took an advantageous position behind the river Regen. Here the 1st and 2d corps of the army, who had not at all suffered, joined the rest. In this position his imperial highness intends to let the troops rest for some days, being tired by such long conflicts, then to counteract the enemy's movements in all directions, and avail himself of such opportunities as may offer for farther enterprize. When the reports came away, the army had been two days in the camp of Cham without any enemy's appearing. Money and ammunition has been sent to Tyrol. Field-marshal Chasteller has advanced from Inspruck to Trent, where, by certain advices, a small corps.of Frenchmen and Bavarians is hemmed in. The army in Italy has crossed the Piava; and field-marshal Chasteller was making movements from Trent against Italy.


Fourteenth Bulletin.

of patriotism, heroism, and contempt of danger which posterity will admire, and our descendants hold up as specimens of rare and great actions. It furnished the enemy, who had lately boasted of its annihilation, with bloody proofs of its existence. It has surpassed my great expectations, and I feel proud to be its leader. You are in the field of battle the first soldiers of the world; be so also in the spirit of discipline, in the love of order, and in respect to the property of the citizen; then would you be not only the first, but the only army, and your grateful country will bless your deeds. Our beloved monarch has confidence in you, and thanks you with paternal emotions for the security of his throne, and the welfare of your families.-I ex

The fourteenth official Report of the imperial royal army, contains advices respecting the earlier operation of the war from the 19th to the 25th of April, from the head-quarters of the archduke Charles at Katzenberg, near Cham, of the 25th April. This Report amongst other things, says On the 20th the archduke Charles advanced to the convent of Kobro, to prevent the junction of the marshal Davoust with the three Bavarian divisions. An engagement took place. Both parties fought with indescribable obstinacy till night, and the loss was great on both sides. Both officers and men behaved like heroes. The generals were always at the head of their troops.-Field mar-pect immediately from the commanders of shal lieutenant prince of Hohenzollern and general prince Louis of Lichtenstein in person seized the colours and rushed amidst a murderous fire into the wood. Night set in, and the fourth corps maintained the field of battle, without being able to gain the heights of Abach. The enemy profited by this advantage, and effected their Junction along the Danube with the Bavarian army. In the battle on the 23d the enemy broke up with sixteen regiments of cavalry at once through Scherling into the plain of Eckmuhl. It was not till five o'clock in the afternoon the enemy's horse succeeded in breaking through and routing by their superiority of number, three of our regiments of light horse who had held out bravely. His imperial highness immediately ordered four regiments of cuirassiers to hasten to reinforce them: but the enemy followed up their suddenly and in such superior numbers, that these too were obliged to give way, and were pursued as far as Traublerg, against Ratisbon. The infantry of the 3d corps were now forced to quit their position, as the enemy had already outwinged them. The passage of the Danube, near Ratisbon, happened at broad day on the 24th, in the face of the enemy, under the protection of our artillery and cavalry, that kept off the enemy's attacks for four hours.-On our part generals prince Rohan and Schiller are wounded. We have lost some batteries, their train and horses having been shot.'

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General Orders, of the 24th of May.

The days of the 21st and 22d of May will be eternally memorable in the history of the world. The army has given proofs

the different corps the most circumstantial
relation of what took place with their res-
pective divisions. The country and the
sovereign wish to be acquainted with the
supporters of their independence, glory,
and greatness; their names shall shine in
the annals of Austria; till then I can only
name and reward those whose distinguished
merit is either recognized by the whole
army, or whom accident brought nearer
to my personal observation.-Prince John
of Lichtenstein, general of cavalry, has
immortalized his name. This feeling, and
my ardent attachment to his person, are
pledges of the gratitude of our monarch.
I can reward him only by the public ex-
pression of my esteem. In the name of
his majesty, I nominate as commanders of
the order of Theresa, baron Wimpfen, col.
Smolla, &c.. The Archduke CHARLES,

Letter from his Majesty the Emperor and King,
to the Archduke Charles, Generalissimo.

"Dear brother Charles; I did, it is true, yesterday express to you in person, my warmest thanks for the glorious victory you have gained; but this is not sufficient for my heart. I say it now, and I shall repeat it on every occasion, because I, whom divine providence made the sovereign of a great monarchy, am utterly unable to reward you, my dear brother, your companions in arms, and my brave army, according to your deserts. It was reserved for you, the brother of my heart, the prime support of my throne, to interrupt, for the first time these fifteen years, the good fortune of the adversary. You are the saviour of the country, which, as well as the monarch, will eternally thank and bless you.

"With deep sensibility I yesterday observed the elevated courage and enthusiasm of the troops, and their manly resolution to assure by victory the independence of the monarchy. It was the sweetest moment of my life: a rare and heart-enlivening spectacle, and one which can never be eradicated from my mind. I beg you, dear brother, to declare this to my brave army, and to do every thing to preserve this rare spirit among them."

SPANISH REVOLUTION.-Letter to the VicePresident of the Supreme Central Junta, dated Merida, 12th April 1809. EXCELLENT SIGNOR.-The greater number of the provinces of Spain have sufficiently suffered from the horrible effects of war and conquest, and the rest are threatened with the same calamities. The melancholy events of the 27th and 28th of March, affecting the armies of generals Urbina and Cuesta, have filled with consternation and alarm those honourable Spaniards who cannot contemplate without the most poignant grief the utter desolation of our beloved country. These persons have implored the King to alleviate the distresses of such of the provinces as are occupied by French troops, and to avoid them in those which are not yet in their possession. His majesty has attended to their prayers, and in consequence has ordered me to repair to this city, to announce his compliance to your excellency, authorising me at the same time to consult the best means of fulfilling his wishes with such Deputy or Deputies as the Supreme Central Junta shall think fit to appoint. I cannot suppose that either your excellency or the Central Junta will refuse to take this step, on which the salvation of Andalusia and the happiness of the whole kingdom depends. The business is most important in its character, and most urgent in the present circumstances, and on that account it would be improper that it should be conducted in writing, which is

likely to occasion so many disputes, irregularities, and doubts, and which may be avoided completely by personal conference. On this ground I hope, from your honour and patriotism, and from that of the Junta, that you will name such person or persons to enter on the conference with me, with whom I will agree as to the place of interview. God preserve you, &c. JOAQUIM MARIA SOTELO.

Answer, addressed to General Cuesta. EXCELLENT SIGNOR.-On the receipt of the letter written by Don Joaquim Maria Sotelo to the Vice-President, and the insidious proposition on the part of the French government therein contained, the Supreme Central Junta has not forgotten the sacred character with which it is invested, and the solemn oaths it has taken in concurrence with the wishes of the whole Spanish nation. If Sotelo be the bearer of powers sufficiently extensive to treat for the restitution of our beloved King, and for the evacuation of our territory by the French troops instantly, let him publish them in the usual form adopted by states, and they will be announced to our allies. The Junta cannot neglect the employment of the powers conceded to it by the public will, but they have no authority to listen to any treaty, or terminate any transaction, which is not founded on the basis of eternal justice. Any other principle of negotiation, without benefiting the empire, would only tend to degrade the Junta, which has entered into the most awful engagement to bury itself beneath the ruins of the monarchy, rather than lend itself to any proposition which shall diminish the honour and independence of the Spanish people. His majesty desires that your excellency would state these sentiments to Sotelo, and by the royal order I communicate them to your excellency for your instruction and compliance. God preserve you.-(Signed)



LONDON :-Printed by T. C. HANSARD, Peterborough - Court, Fleet - Street ; Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent - Garden :-Sold also by J. BUDD, Pall-Mall.

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